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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 02, 2021, 02:45:14 PM ---I have been Team Dark my entire life LOL.  I have always had a love of horror and a morbid fascination with death, disease, and medical stuff.  Even as a little kid, my favorite Curious George book was "Curious George Goes to the Hospital."  I remember watching the old black and white Universal monster movies - Frankenstein, Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon, etc. - with my mom when I was like five years old.  That was my introduction to horror movies, and I loved them.  They gave me nightmares, but I never told my parents that because then they wouldn't let me watch those movies anymore.  Jurassic Park also gave me nightmares, but I loved it so much, I saw it two or three times in the theater when it came out.  I've always liked the things that scare me.

I hope you still have your Dracula detective story!

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I would call mine a fascination with "what happens when you die." That's probably why I like mythology so much, lol! Except for ghosts and zombies kind of freak me out too. I guess if the dead people go somewhere else and aren't actively bothering me when I'm alive, it's all good. Except for maybe Dia de los Muertos. I think that's fascinating and wouldn't mind being visited one day a year by deceased relatives. Graveyards aren't my favorite, but I think that's more in the vein of them being a "sacred space" that I don't really want to be traipsing around in. I felt the same way at Pompeii. Like this is all super interesting, but also a place where a bunch of people died horrifically. I'll call it "awed fear and reverence." And I guess there's this "removed" feeling from something that's thousands of years old versus "could have died yesterday."

Horror movies freak me out, but I don't mind the older ones as much. The newer ones, the special effects get me. My favorite game growing up was this "VHS game" called Doorways to Horror where you tried to collect monsters and money throughout the game and people tried to steal them from you, but you could protect them with magic spells. And the monsters up for grabs were determined by rolling a colored die and fast forwarding to the next "doorway" of that color on the VHS tape, then a monster movie clip would play and you had until the end of your clip to capture/protect the monsters up for grabs that round. They for sure gave me nightmares and that's probably why I'm Team Dark now, lol! I don't really like being scared (haunted houses make my skin crawl even though I know they're actors and they aren't supposed to touch you), but I find scary and macabre things fascinating. I don't know what it is. If the jump scares aren't there, it's better. It's probably that I don't like being scared and startled at the same time, lol.

You know, my mom gave me a box of my old school stuff recently, so it might be in there, I just wasn't ready to tackle it yet while I'm still tackling other "paper" type things and not sentimental things.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 02, 2021, 02:50:22 PM ---That's awesome!  Redwall would be a fun fandom to write for.  Fellow fanfic writers are probably more understanding than people who have never written or read fanfic.  If I found out someone I knew in real life wrote fanfic, I would probably admit that I "used to" write it too.  Maybe you can share the OF version of Pbox with him someday and not tell him it was a BSB fanfic.

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Who doesn't love rodents going on adventures! I was pleasantly surprised, and like you said, wanted to share that moment since I didn't think anyone I know away from fanfic ever wrote fanfic. You know, I might, but won't say it was BSB fanfic unless he asks. I feel like if one of my friends straight up asked "Did this start its life as a BSB fanfic?" I don't think I'd be able to lie. I'm finding out that a lot of my friends think demons are "interesting" here lately (or they just want to be overly supportive of the fact that I decided to write a book). This is how I find out who's Team Dark away from the fanfic world, apparently, lol!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 02, 2021, 03:39:17 PM ---I would call mine a fascination with "what happens when you die." That's probably why I like mythology so much, lol! Except for ghosts and zombies kind of freak me out too. I guess if the dead people go somewhere else and aren't actively bothering me when I'm alive, it's all good. Except for maybe Dia de los Muertos. I think that's fascinating and wouldn't mind being visited one day a year by deceased relatives. Graveyards aren't my favorite, but I think that's more in the vein of them being a "sacred space" that I don't really want to be traipsing around in. I felt the same way at Pompeii. Like this is all super interesting, but also a place where a bunch of people died horrifically. I'll call it "awed fear and reverence." And I guess there's this "removed" feeling from something that's thousands of years old versus "could have died yesterday."

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 02, 2021, 03:39:17 PM ---I don't really like being scared (haunted houses make my skin crawl even though I know they're actors and they aren't supposed to touch you), but I find scary and macabre things fascinating. I don't know what it is. If the jump scares aren't there, it's better. It's probably that I don't like being scared and startled at the same time, lol.

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That makes sense.  I am more of a skeptic when it comes to paranormal stuff like ghosts, which is maybe why I don't get scared easily by horror movies.  I prefer older horror movies to the newer ones that seem to rely more on cheap jump scares.  I don't like haunted houses either - they're too reliant on jump scares and darkness.  I would rather slow down and appreciate the details than be rushed through and only get a glimpse of everything because of the strobe lights flashing.

I love graveyards, but that has to do with my love of history as well as my fascination with death.  I love finding really old tombstones.  I understand what you mean about Pompeii.  That's really cool that you've been there!  I haven't, but I imagine I would feel the same way.  Same goes for any historical site of mass death - concentration camps, battlegrounds, Ground Zero, etc.  It's interesting, but sad.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 02, 2021, 03:39:17 PM ---Horror movies freak me out, but I don't mind the older ones as much. The newer ones, the special effects get me. My favorite game growing up was this "VHS game" called Doorways to Horror where you tried to collect monsters and money throughout the game and people tried to steal them from you, but you could protect them with magic spells. And the monsters up for grabs were determined by rolling a colored die and fast forwarding to the next "doorway" of that color on the VHS tape, then a monster movie clip would play and you had until the end of your clip to capture/protect the monsters up for grabs that round. They for sure gave me nightmares and that's probably why I'm Team Dark now, lol!

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I don't know that game, but it sounds fun!  It reminded me of a horror-themed VHS game I had as a kid called Nightmare, which was a staple at all my slumber parties.  It was a board game set in a graveyard, and you had to finish it in under an hour to win.  You put in a tape that had a countdown clock, and this creepy Grim Reaper type guy would pop up and scare you and make threats about how you were running out of time throughout.  I loved it so much, I actually still have it.  I have no idea if the tape still works or not.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 02, 2021, 03:47:55 PM ---Who doesn't love rodents going on adventures! I was pleasantly surprised, and like you said, wanted to share that moment since I didn't think anyone I know away from fanfic ever wrote fanfic. You know, I might, but won't say it was BSB fanfic unless he asks. I feel like if one of my friends straight up asked "Did this start its life as a BSB fanfic?" I don't think I'd be able to lie. I'm finding out that a lot of my friends think demons are "interesting" here lately (or they just want to be overly supportive of the fact that I decided to write a book). This is how I find out who's Team Dark away from the fanfic world, apparently, lol!

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I haven't read Redwall in a long time, but those books had such a vivid world and history, it seems like perfect source material for fanfic.

I'm glad your friends are interested and supportive!  I'm sure mine would be too (supportive, not necessarily interested LOL), but I have never even been tempted to tell them.  That's a big no for me LOL.  It is nice to have friends in the fandom who are genuinely interested and understanding though.  I guess that's why I've never felt the need to talk about my writing in real life.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 02, 2021, 11:23:47 PM ---That makes sense.  I am more of a skeptic when it comes to paranormal stuff like ghosts, which is maybe why I don't get scared easily by horror movies.  I prefer older horror movies to the newer ones that seem to rely more on cheap jump scares.  I don't like haunted houses either - they're too reliant on jump scares and darkness.  I would rather slow down and appreciate the details than be rushed through and only get a glimpse of everything because of the strobe lights flashing.
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I totally believe ghosts are real, but I also absolutely do not want to meet one. I did a lantern tour at Cave of the Winds (there's another thing that's really fascinating: caves) and I didn't feel anything paranormal. I know that the tour guides specifically pick on people who seem like they'll have big reactions, so I purposefully went with the persona of "externally cool as a cucumber, internally screaming" to the point that when they volunteered me and and another friend (who was one of my bridesmaids) to do the 'Lover's Lane" walk, I said "We're not even that close. Business associates really." Then I let her volunteer someone else, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 02, 2021, 11:23:47 PM ---I love graveyards, but that has to do with my love of history as well as my fascination with death.  I love finding really old tombstones.  I understand what you mean about Pompeii.  That's really cool that you've been there!  I haven't, but I imagine I would feel the same way.  Same goes for any historical site of mass death - concentration camps, battlegrounds, Ground Zero, etc.  It's interesting, but sad.
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I love history too, which is why it probably gets easier for me the more removed it is from modern. Of the ancient preserved sites we went too, I liked Akrotiri (in Santorini) better, but they were both really interesting (this might be my predisposition to all things Greek over Roman, but who knows). In Akrotiri, there's a theory that everyone escaped the town before the eruption since they've found things preserved in the layers of ash but never any remains. They also built a structure around the ruins to keep them from deteriorating as they excavated, which was also fascinating. I would go again to either in a heartbeat. It had been unbearably hot the week we went to Pompeii and that day it started pouring rain (but wasn't cold), so most of the tour groups left and ours didn't, so we basically had all of Pompeii to ourselves. It was amazing.

I only went to Ground Zero after it became the memorial, but it was a huge gut punch since the original tower site is now this big water structure surrounded by the black name walls. I definitely stood there for a long time pondering existence and tragedy.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 02, 2021, 11:23:47 PM ---I don't know that game, but it sounds fun!  It reminded me of a horror-themed VHS game I had as a kid called Nightmare, which was a staple at all my slumber parties.  It was a board game set in a graveyard, and you had to finish it in under an hour to win.  You put in a tape that had a countdown clock, and this creepy Grim Reaper type guy would pop up and scare you and make threats about how you were running out of time throughout.  I loved it so much, I actually still have it.  I have no idea if the tape still works or not.

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It was super fun. I still have it as well, but also don't know if the tape even works! I'd love to get that and all my old BSB VHS tapes on to some other type of media so I could use them again.

Nightmare sounds fun! Like Jumanji crossed with an escape room!


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