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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 02, 2021, 11:28:36 PM ---I haven't read Redwall in a long time, but those books had such a vivid world and history, it seems like perfect source material for fanfic.
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I haven't either, but I feel like that one and Watership Down (the rabbit one) are both so vivid that they would make great source material.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 02, 2021, 11:28:36 PM ---I'm glad your friends are interested and supportive!  I'm sure mine would be too (supportive, not necessarily interested LOL), but I have never even been tempted to tell them.  That's a big no for me LOL.  It is nice to have friends in the fandom who are genuinely interested and understanding though.  I guess that's why I've never felt the need to talk about my writing in real life.

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I am too, albeit a little surprised. And now I get to find out about everyone's writing related history or aspirations, it's been fascinating. You know, other than the two I recruited as gamma readers? delta readers? (I guess the old version of PBox was pretty much just written and posted with minimal editing from me, then AC got to read it, then I edited it, and now AC gets to read it again, now I'm editing it again, and they read it... so whatever that is... third version? Sixth if you count all the editing?), it mostly comes up when people start talking about all the bread and puzzles they did during quarantine/stay-at-home recommendation s, lol. I didn't bake any bread or do any puzzles, but I did start writing a book.

We're here for you! (I assume this is another case where I can speak for everyone.)

So NaNoFinMo is more like NaOhnoFinMo for me... I wrote my six words on Thursday and then have had no inspiration whatsoever on it, but I did have some major inspiration on OFPBox, so I did about 2100 words of that instead yesterday. NaNo won't let you have multiple projects associated with official events, but I figure if it's all PBox universe related, it all counts, so I counted it. I have this sneaking suspicion that this chapter may stick me for a while and I'll just have to find some other part of the story to start writing ahead. I'm just trying to decide which section would be more immediately interesting for me. I thought it would be the more Nick focused portion (for obvious reasons), but the other one is where little bits and pieces have been popping up lately, so...  :shrug:

Also, just wanted to let everyone know that this:

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 21, 2021, 10:49:34 PM ---How did you come up with the idea to have demon hearts become gemstones?  Is Pandora's Necklace like the [Nick's] Heart of the Ocean? LOL
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--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 22, 2021, 06:39:45 PM ---You know... It was mostly leaning into the gemstone aesthetic with the countries in the story. That and they needed to be something tangible for the end of PBox/beginning of PNecklace. I never intended it to be anything deep and poetic necessarily. Please tell the children that I “just liked green,” lmao
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apparently did have a reason that I just found again while researching the "additional things that would be interesting" that came up last week, although what I said ("just leaning into the gemstone aesthetic") is still true. But I don't know that I can say "why gemstones" without giving something big away that has yet to be revealed. I have really got to stop thinking I'll remember things and actually write them down! I'm pretty good about remembering that things are important for PBox et al., but not where the inspiration came from, lol! At this point, I should just assume that any tiny thing is "all mythology somewhere," probably...

Julie, how's Camp Nano going for you? It seems that on a whole MBK is going great! Also how was your April Fool's joke? I forgot to check.

Anyone else writing who wants to challenge themselves to NaNo with us? Or has writing they want to talk about without necessarily taking on a challenge?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 11:56:14 AM ---I totally believe ghosts are real, but I also absolutely do not want to meet one. I did a lantern tour at Cave of the Winds (there's another thing that's really fascinating: caves) and I didn't feel anything paranormal. I know that the tour guides specifically pick on people who seem like they'll have big reactions, so I purposefully went with the persona of "externally cool as a cucumber, internally screaming" to the point that when they volunteered me and and another friend (who was one of my bridesmaids) to do the 'Lover's Lane" walk, I said "We're not even that close. Business associates really." Then I let her volunteer someone else, lol.

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The part of me that likes creepy stuff would like to believe in ghosts, but I've never had a paranormal experience that has convinced me they're real.  The only thing that even came close was once when I was in college, a group of friends and I drove to this supposedly haunted bridge in another town.  In typical urban legend fashion, the story went that a school bus crashed off the bridge, and if you stopped your car in the center and put it in neutral, the ghosts of the dead children would push the car to safety.  We tried it in the middle of the night - stopped the car just past the center of the bridge and put it in neutral.  And sure enough... the car started rolling slowly backwards, going slightly UPHILL back over the bridge.  It was freaky.  We didn't see anything, but we couldn't explain how it could have rolled up an incline.  We ended up going back the next night in a different car and put baby powder on the hood and bumper to try to get finger prints, but nothing happened, and there were no obvious prints.  So who knows.

Cave of the Winds makes me think of South Park too LOL.  Did you see Manbearpig there?  Someday I will have to make it out to Colorado and do a tour of places referenced in South Park - Casa Bonita and Cave of the Winds for sure.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 11:56:14 AM ---I love history too, which is why it probably gets easier for me the more removed it is from modern. Of the ancient preserved sites we went too, I liked Akrotiri (in Santorini) better, but they were both really interesting (this might be my predisposition to all things Greek over Roman, but who knows). In Akrotiri, there's a theory that everyone escaped the town before the eruption since they've found things preserved in the layers of ash but never any remains. They also built a structure around the ruins to keep them from deteriorating as they excavated, which was also fascinating. I would go again to either in a heartbeat. It had been unbearably hot the week we went to Pompeii and that day it started pouring rain (but wasn't cold), so most of the tour groups left and ours didn't, so we basically had all of Pompeii to ourselves. It was amazing.

I only went to Ground Zero after it became the memorial, but it was a huge gut punch since the original tower site is now this big water structure surrounded by the black name walls. I definitely stood there for a long time pondering existence and tragedy.

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Your trip to Greece sounds so cool!  I like ancient Greece better than Rome too, although I would happily visit either place.

I went on a high school choir trip to NYC nine months after 9/11, so I got to see Ground Zero when it was still a hole.  There was a temporary monument made of plywood there at the time, where people had written messages and put up pictures, flags, flowers, etc.  It was incredibly sad.  I haven't been back to that site since they built the new building and memorial, but I'd like to someday.  I take my class there via Google Maps street view every year when we do our 9/11 lesson, so I have seen what it looks like now, just not in person.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 12:31:27 PM ---So NaNoFinMo is more like NaOhnoFinMo for me... I wrote my six words on Thursday and then have had no inspiration whatsoever on it, but I did have some major inspiration on OFPBox, so I did about 2100 words of that instead yesterday. NaNo won't let you have multiple projects associated with official events, but I figure if it's all PBox universe related, it all counts, so I counted it. I have this sneaking suspicion that this chapter may stick me for a while and I'll just have to find some other part of the story to start writing ahead. I'm just trying to decide which section would be more immediately interesting for me. I thought it would be the more Nick focused portion (for obvious reasons), but the other one is where little bits and pieces have been popping up lately, so...  :shrug:

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Oh no!  Sorry to hear you're having a hard time so far.  Do you think the pressure of having a goal and a time limit is getting to you, or were you just due to hit a road block?  It happens to all of us.  I'm glad you were inspired to work on something.  I think it still counts, since it's all in the same universe.  Sending good vibes your way; hope you can keep making progress on one project or the other!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 03, 2021, 12:31:27 PM ---Julie, how's Camp Nano going for you? It seems that on a whole MBK is going great! Also how was your April Fool's joke? I forgot to check.

Anyone else writing who wants to challenge themselves to NaNo with us? Or has writing they want to talk about without necessarily taking on a challenge?

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So far so good!  I've written every day of April, and my streak is up to 22 consecutive days.  I didn't update my word count the first day and now wish I had when I saw there was a badge I could have earned for doing so.  Rookie mistake!

Three people acknowledged my April Fool's joke, which is better than some years, so I guess it was a success.  That is partly why I went ahead and posted MBK this week, since my new Brian story was obviously not real.

Yes, I hope more people come on here and share!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 03:00:19 PM ---The part of me that likes creepy stuff would like to believe in ghosts, but I've never had a paranormal experience that has convinced me they're real.  The only thing that even came close was once when I was in college, a group of friends and I drove to this supposedly haunted bridge in another town.
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The car went uphill?!!! I hate everything about that, lol. I bet they didn't help you the second time because they saw the baby powder and knew you weren't actually in trouble. That's like a definite "meant to be here, meant to test this" sign.

Have we talked about sleep paralysis here yet? Because that's the only thing that's ever happened to me that felt paranormal and I thought maybe I saw something, but could have just been spooky shadows while unable to move. It only happened once, but it was horrifying.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 03:00:19 PM ---Cave of the Winds makes me think of South Park too LOL.  Did you see Manbearpig there?  Someday I will have to make it out to Colorado and do a tour of places referenced in South Park - Casa Bonita and Cave of the Winds for sure.
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I'm sure that I could mention anything vaguely Coloradoan and it would remind you of South Park, lol. The waterpark episode, for instance, is based on our waterpark, but I'm betting they were not on board with them saying the water was 99% pee anyway. But the shot with the little "street sign" for the rides is all accurate.

lol! I did not see Manbearpig, but maybe that's the monster that pulls people into the pit, lol. I wonder if they have one of those that's already being run... There's not that I can find, which is surprising to me, but I found this little article that would be a start:

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 03, 2021, 03:00:19 PM ---Your trip to Greece sounds so cool!  I like ancient Greece better than Rome too, although I would happily visit either place.

I went on a high school choir trip to NYC nine months after 9/11, so I got to see Ground Zero when it was still a hole.  There was a temporary monument made of plywood there at the time, where people had written messages and put up pictures, flags, flowers, etc.  It was incredibly sad.  I haven't been back to that site since they built the new building and memorial, but I'd like to someday.  I take my class there via Google Maps street view every year when we do our 9/11 lesson, so I have seen what it looks like now, just not in person.

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It was super cool! I wish we'd had more time. There were a lot of things I wanted to see, but it was a lot of "____ or _____" things. And we didn't see Crete at all because we docked at like 7am and left at noon, so it just wasn't worth it to rush to any place only to rush back to the boat.

The temporary monument seems even more sad, the freshness probably. That's cool that you do a virtual tour for them. It's nice that we have access to stuff like that now.


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