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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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I stumbled on this little compilation of Tumblr posts about fanfics and it made me laugh:

Although not all of them apply to us, technically. My two main questions were, did we ever have "my parents sold me to the Backstreet Boys"? I don't think I've ever read something like that. And do we have salt fics? Are the "Everybody Hates Leighanne" fics our salt fics? I feel like those are the only ones, because we're fine with the Boys doing whatever.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 11:24:09 AM ---It definitely belongs in a horror story, haha. I look forward to this actual Brian horror story and not internet troll Brian horror story, lol!

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LOL Thanks!  Hopefully I'll get around to writing it someday.  I did write the first scene back in February and then moved on to MBK.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 11:24:09 AM ---It was mostly mundane things I didn't look up before and an attempt to smooth out the blatant fantasy Asia aspects by mixing them up with some fun fantasy Mediterranean stuff. I actually did end up writing about 300 words of two little scenes from PNecklace, so maybe it will happen!

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Mundane is okay; sometimes that's what is needed.  I'm glad you got something written!  Every little bit moves the story forward.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 11:24:09 AM ---I can tell! It's too funny not to enjoy while making it. I'm surprised you didn't just laugh hysterically take after take. Ugh, my voice is also too high-pitched, but we've talked about this. I don't think I would ever make anyone listen to it that didn't need to, lol.

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It actually only took me two takes to record it, and I made it through without laughing.  The part that kept cracking me up was the Psycho music playing as his tweet pops up.

I think everyone hates the sound of their own voice on a recording!  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  Anyone out there love to listen to themselves? LOL


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 11:28:14 AM ---I stumbled on this little compilation of Tumblr posts about fanfics and it made me laugh:

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I could relate to most of those!

“People are naturally lazy and will never do any kind of work for free.”

Fanfiction Writers:  Words: 1,066,979

LOL So true.  Writing fanfic definitely takes time and effort, but I don't think of it as "work."  It's a hobby, and we do it for the fun of it, not for money.  Sure, we're providing free reading material, but we also benefit from the free books provided by fellow fanfic writers.  Feedback is our form of compensation, which is why it's so important to give it after reading someone's work,

fanfiction is so wild cause im like…..ugh im not in the mood to read a book…..i’ll just read an 82k word fic instead……

I used to be like this at the height of my fanfic addiction.  I'm not really anymore, but I understand the feeling.  Fanfic is like the comfort food of reading.  Sometimes you just wanna read something that doesn't require a lot of thought - not that fanfic plots are simple, but because you're already familiar with the main characters, it doesn't take as much commitment to get into the world of the story.  It's like watching reruns of your favorite show instead of starting a new series.  The familiarity is comforting.

me externally: I write fanfic because I enjoy it! I write for myself!

me internally: validate me. drown me in kudos. i will sell my soul for comments and fic recs

Behind every writer on AO3 is actually a dragon that hoards kudos, comments and bookmarks.

Yep!  I do write fanfic because I enjoy it, and I write for myself to a certain extent, but obviously I want validation and feedback too, or I wouldn't post my work for the world to read.  I squeed with excitement when I opened my email and found two comments and an email about my new story.  An email is rare; I don't get many of those anymore.  I like how AO3 and AC save all your reviews in one place, but I miss the days of hoarding feedback emails.  I save every one I get, but I lost a bunch of the old ones that I used to have saved in my old Hotmail and Yahoo accounts that were deactivated after I switched to Gmail and stopped signing in.  So sad!

My coping mechanism is reading fanfiction from 9pm-3am every night and my therapist is not pleased.

Again, this was more me in my early days of reading fanfic than it is now, but if you replace reading with writing, it still applies.  If I had less self-control, I could easily stay up writing until 3 a.m. most nights and would be even more continually sleep-deprived than I am now LOL.  Although my new weekend routine has been writing from 9am-3pm instead.  I'm getting old!

Fanfiction is the literal embodiment of “if you want something done right, do it yourself

I just told the story of how I got started writing fanfic the other day, and yep, it was pretty much this.  My Brother's Keeper came about this way too.  Who else can relate?

i can read 100,000 words of fanfiction a day but if a professor assigns more than 30 pages of reading i just stare off into space while tears fill my eyes

100% accurate.

*me writing fic*

me to me: don’t use the word eyes, you just used it in the previous sentence. use something else

my inner me to me: no, don’t call eyes orbs, it’s cringey

my deeper inner me to me: call them face balls

This one cracked me up because... orbs.  Let's call them face balls!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 11:28:14 AM ---Although not all of them apply to us, technically. My two main questions were, did we ever have "my parents sold me to the Backstreet Boys"? I don't think I've ever read something like that. And do we have salt fics? Are the "Everybody Hates Leighanne" fics our salt fics? I feel like those are the only ones, because we're fine with the Boys doing whatever.

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I don't think I've ever read a "my parents sold me to the Backstreet Boys" story either.  That sounds like a sex trafficking situation.

I had to look up what salt fics are.  For anyone else wondering, it's when the author doesn't like something about the canon (or in our case, the Boys in real life) and writes a story that fixes it, reworks it, or bashes certain characters.  I do think you could make a case for Leighanne bashing being a form of salt fic in our fandom.  I also thought of Hot Mess Nick and how so many of us wrote Nick romance in which he was not a hot mess during that time - trying to fix canon LOL.  There may be a bit of that going on with Brian stories right now.  Seems like the Brian stories being written are either set in the past or put him with Nick instead of Leighanne (or both).  90s Brian was better.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 06:47:30 PM ---LOL Thanks!  Hopefully I'll get around to writing it someday.  I did write the first scene back in February and then moved on to MBK.
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Definitely stay inspired on MBK! Always sending you and everyone good vibes for whatever compelling thing is currently being written!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 06:47:30 PM ---Mundane is okay; sometimes that's what is needed.  I'm glad you got something written!  Every little bit moves the story forward.
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It definitely does! And then yet again today, I had a stroke of genius because of the 300 words I wrote yesterday, but still not for PNecklace. I'm apparently just sitting here writing an entire epic out of order and not caring about being structured or focused at all, lol. I wonder how PBox would have gone if I hadn't written in strict order back then. Would I still be writing the first version? I hope not.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 06:47:30 PM ---It actually only took me two takes to record it, and I made it through without laughing.  The part that kept cracking me up was the Psycho music playing as his tweet pops up.

I think everyone hates the sound of their own voice on a recording!  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  Anyone out there love to listen to themselves? LOL

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Only two takes! Impressive! Yes, the Psycho music got me too; the way it just zoomed in on the tweet with the Psycho music in the background, I laughed so hard.

People on radio? I think that's all. You'd have to if you were listening to yourself all the time. The Boys? Do the Boys or any actor, singer, etcetera mind the sound of their own voice? Maybe the more your job involves hearing your voice recorded and/or blared over speakers, the less it bothers you.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 11:28:14 AM ---I stumbled on this little compilation of Tumblr posts about fanfics and it made me laugh:

Although not all of them apply to us, technically. My two main questions were, did we ever have "my parents sold me to the Backstreet Boys"? I don't think I've ever read something like that. And do we have salt fics? Are the "Everybody Hates Leighanne" fics our salt fics? I feel like those are the only ones, because we're fine with the Boys doing whatever.

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Why aren’t there drive-throughs for fanfiction though?

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, I’d like a modern “pretend boyfriends” AU, no dub-con, add frottage, please.”

“Would you like a happy ending with that?”

“Yes, please.”

“And for length?”

“Oh, a 50k-er, please.”

“Will do, please pull around to the first window.”

If you could "order up" the ideal fanfic to read, what would yours include?


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