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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 07:23:42 PM ---I could relate to most of those!
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Your thoughts were pretty much on par with my thoughts; everything you've said is spot on. Especially the investment back in the day. It was so easy to get invested in a BSB fanfic because the investment for the Boys and more of them and new things happening to them was so much of my dedication. (I am also guilty of rewatching the same four tv shows over and over again.)

I love that you got email feedback! That's awesome! And commitment rather than just being able to comment on the story itself.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 07:23:42 PM ---This one cracked me up because... orbs.  Let's call them face balls!
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I laughed so hard at this too! Because my first thought was "I wonder what Mare thinks about 'face balls'." And then, "I have to share this list over at AC because Julie will also laugh really hard at 'orbs' followed by 'face balls.'" lmao So, yes, let's start calling them "face balls" unless Mare disapproves.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 07:23:42 PM ---I don't think I've ever read a "my parents sold me to the Backstreet Boys" story either.  That sounds like a sex trafficking situation.

I had to look up what salt fics are.  For anyone else wondering, it's when the author doesn't like something about the canon (or in our case, the Boys in real life) and writes a story that fixes it, reworks it, or bashes certain characters.  I do think you could make a case for Leighanne bashing being a form of salt fic in our fandom.  I also thought of Hot Mess Nick and how so many of us wrote Nick romance in which he was not a hot mess during that time - trying to fix canon LOL.  There may be a bit of that going on with Brian stories right now.  Seems like the Brian stories being written are either set in the past or put him with Nick instead of Leighanne (or both).  90s Brian was better.

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That's what I thought; it sounded squicky. Also, why would someone's parents sell them to the Backstreet Boys when they could be a backup dancer or an opening act instead?! More drama. More exposure. More fun.

I have to stop using fandom type terms I come across without defining them, my bad!

Poor Hot Mess Nick. I would call those a retcon more than salt, since we all enjoy Nick, just when he's less of a hot mess. Thank goodness he had all of us around to give him some great potential ladies that encouraged him to do things other than being a hot mess. lol

You're right, Brian stories may be intentionally avoiding his current political shennaniganery . What are we going to call "blatantly conservative Brian" so we can reference this time later. It needs a good ring to it like Hot Mess Nick. Internet Troll Brian? Trump Troll Brian? lol #Team90'sBrian


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 07:43:16 PM ---If you could "order up" the ideal fanfic to read, what would yours include?
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Just our Boys True Companioning in any setting/plot. I'm not super picky. Preferences for none of their actual wives or children being involved; fictional wives and children are fine.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 07:29:32 PM ---Definitely stay inspired on MBK! Always sending you and everyone good vibes for whatever compelling thing is currently being written!

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Thanks!  I plan to.  Although it's still early in the plot, I think I'm past the point of wondering whether MBK is a story I will stick with or not.  I've gotten into it, and it's going well enough that I'm not worried about it.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 07:29:32 PM ---It definitely does! And then yet again today, I had a stroke of genius because of the 300 words I wrote yesterday, but still not for PNecklace. I'm apparently just sitting here writing an entire epic out of order and not caring about being structured or focused at all, lol. I wonder how PBox would have gone if I hadn't written in strict order back then. Would I still be writing the first version? I hope not.

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Yay for your stroke of genius!  Sorry it wasn't for PNecklace, but if it helps you write another piece of the epic, that's still progress.  Eventually everything will connect.  As long as you're okay with writing out of order, go for it!  Whatever works for you.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 07:29:32 PM ---Only two takes! Impressive! Yes, the Psycho music got me too; the way it just zoomed in on the tweet with the Psycho music in the background, I laughed so hard.

People on radio? I think that's all. You'd have to if you were listening to yourself all the time. The Boys? Do the Boys or any actor, singer, etcetera mind the sound of their own voice? Maybe the more your job involves hearing your voice recorded and/or blared over speakers, the less it bothers you.

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Yay!  Thanks!

Yeah, I'm sure people who record themselves for a living (radio personalities, voice actors, singers, audiobook readers, etc.) do get used to the sound of their own voice.  I thought about the Boys too.  I bet even they cringe sometimes when they hear themselves, especially on older songs.  The AIHTG Conversation Mix comes to mind... LOL.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:01:21 PM ---Thanks!  I plan to.  Although it's still early in the plot, I think I'm past the point of wondering whether MBK is a story I will stick with or not.  I've gotten into it, and it's going well enough that I'm not worried about it.
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How does it feel to get to the point of not worrying? I bet it's a relief knowing that you'll keep going even if you get stuck a little.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:01:21 PM ---Yay for your stroke of genius!  Sorry it wasn't for PNecklace, but if it helps you write another piece of the epic, that's still progress.  Eventually everything will connect.  As long as you're okay with writing out of order, go for it!  Whatever works for you.
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It felt good to write something down on the big mystery even if it's still a long way off, since, like you said, eventually everything will connect. You know, I don't mind it. I thought it would bother me, but it gets the exciting things out. :) Then there's more space for the things I get stuck on to grow in the "garden."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 04, 2021, 08:01:21 PM ---Yeah, I'm sure people who record themselves for a living (radio personalities, voice actors, singers, audiobook readers, etc.) do get used to the sound of their own voice.  I thought about the Boys too.  I bet even they cringe sometimes when they hear themselves, especially on older songs.  The AIHTG Conversation Mix comes to mind... LOL.

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lol! Yes! Oh the Conversation Mix...

I wonder how Howie feels about suggesting his ideal lady cooks all his meals and he just eats them.

Meanwhile, Nick's probably like "Yup, kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her. Good job 17-year-old me." I did feel glad for him that in that "I hate watching myself" youtube thing that they did not play the "resign" interview. I'm sure he would have hated that, but for nothing that was related to the sound of his voice.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 07:47:42 PM ---Your thoughts were pretty much on par with my thoughts; everything you've said is spot on. Especially the investment back in the day. It was so easy to get invested in a BSB fanfic because the investment for the Boys and more of them and new things happening to them was so much of my dedication. (I am also guilty of rewatching the same four tv shows over and over again.)

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Exactly.  It's easier to read stories where you already love the characters than try something totally new and different.  That's why so many people (kids especially) seem to prefer series to standalone stories.  There's a familiarity there.  My mom used to get on my case as a kid for only wanting to read books from my favorite series - Babysitter's Club, Goosebumps, etc. - instead of branching out, but I loved those books because they were comfortable and entertaining without being overly challenging.  Goosebumps had different characters from book to book, but with BSC, it was nice to read about the same characters from book to book and not have to get to know all new ones.

I am terrible about that with TV shows.  I was told to watch Queen's Gambit on Netflix.  I watched the first episode a few weeks ago.  It was good, but long, so I didn't feel like watching the second one immediately after.  Then I started rewatching Friday Night Lights from the beginning and am now on the second season, but still haven't watched the second episode of Queen's Gambit.  But damn, I almost forgot just how good FNL was, especially that first season.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 07:47:42 PM ---I laughed so hard at this too! Because my first thought was "I wonder what Mare thinks about 'face balls'." And then, "I have to share this list over at AC because Julie will also laugh really hard at 'orbs' followed by 'face balls.'" lmao So, yes, let's start calling them "face balls" unless Mare disapproves.

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Face balls sounds exactly like a funny Mare description LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 07:47:42 PM ---That's what I thought; it sounded squicky. Also, why would someone's parents sell them to the Backstreet Boys when they could be a backup dancer or an opening act instead?! More drama. More exposure. More fun.

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Yeah.  I know squicky stuff has always existed in our fandom to some extent, but AO3 seems to have brought it into the mainstream.  I noticed a new story on there yesterday that was written in Chinese, which I thought was cool.  It was clearly tagged "Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot," but just for kicks, I clicked on it and let Chrome translate it so I could see what it looked like in English.  From what I understood in my skimming, the Boys (or at least Brian and Kevin) were bunnies?  Literally rabbits, with long ears and puffball tails.  And, as you might imagine, they were doing what rabbits are stereotypicall y known for doing.  That was something I'd never seen in our fandom LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 07:47:42 PM ---I have to stop using fandom type terms I come across without defining them, my bad!

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It doesn't seem like our fandom uses as many of those terms as other fandoms do.  Obviously we've adopted some, like "slash" and "visuals/vizzies," but most of the other ones I know, I've picked up from pages about fanfic in general, not specifically BSB fic.  Since I don't read or write in any other fandoms, there are a lot I don't know.  But it's always nice to learn some new terminology.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 04, 2021, 07:47:42 PM ---Poor Hot Mess Nick. I would call those a retcon more than salt, since we all enjoy Nick, just when he's less of a hot mess. Thank goodness he had all of us around to give him some great potential ladies that encouraged him to do things other than being a hot mess. lol

You're right, Brian stories may be intentionally avoiding his current political shennaniganery . What are we going to call "blatantly conservative Brian" so we can reference this time later. It needs a good ring to it like Hot Mess Nick. Internet Troll Brian? Trump Troll Brian? lol #Team90'sBrian

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Yes, you're probably right about Nick, since we weren't really bashing him, just making his life different.

LOL Oh jeez... Brian probably does need a nickname to reflect this era.  I bet Mare will come up with something better than me.  Blatantly Conservative Brian and Trump Troll Brian both have a nice ring, though I would rather not have to type Trump's name when discussing this 10+ years in the future.  Damn it Brian.


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