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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 07, 2021, 09:33:48 PM ---It's a good question, and feel free to answer it here, but I laughed at the second post in the thread, which is about the word "orbs" LOL.
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Okay, but I noticed that no one complained about "face balls," just "orbs" and "pools," so "face balls" it is! lmao

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 07, 2021, 09:33:48 PM ---"Does anyone else have certain words that make you oddly uncomfortable when reading a fic?"
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I can't think of any that necessarily bother me in anyone else's writing, just mine when I go "oh, I wrote x again," but I need some clarity on this chuckling discussion. Isn't it just a quiet laugh? And not the "goofy laugh" or "cackle" people picture it as? What else are you supposed to say when a character laughs quietly? It's a Brian thing to do in general, but any time I've pictured Nick doing it, nine times out of ten it's more "Heh." than a full-blown laugh. Is it better to just right "heh" at that point and save all the chuckles for Brian? These are the things I wonder?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 07, 2021, 09:33:48 PM ---I was browsing Reddit, and someone on the Fanfiction subreddit posted the question, "Does anyone else have certain words that make you oddly uncomfortable when reading a fic?"  It's a good question, and feel free to answer it here, but I laughed at the second post in the thread, which is about the word "orbs" LOL.

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Orbs will always continue to be annoying! For whatever reason, my brain cannot properly absorb the word sidled. I can’t ever hear that word when I am reading it. It’s like my brain refuses to comprehend it. Odd

Sorry I’ve been gone. I know I said I’d answer those questions and then disappeared. lol now I have no idea where they even are.

I didn’t get my vaccine yet. Not happening until end of April. Yes, I did drop my cheesecake and burnt my right hand as a result. Luckily I’m left handed and the cheesecake tasted (tastes) pretty good. I made whipped cream to cover up the huge portion that ended up in the garbage.

I’m on both twitter and Facebook more than I’d like to admit. I’m far more vocal on Facebook as opposed to twitter. I just kind of use twitter as my lifeline to bsb. That’s how I find out what’s going on and any gossip. I have taken a vacation from many of my facebook friends who were Magats but for some reason I can’t bring myself to unfriend anyone on there. I do have an Instagram but I rarely use it. I tend to get lost for long periods of time scrolling through my good reads app.

I never listen to podcasts. They don’t seem to hold my attention. There’s no way I’d pay to listen to one or pay to read a fanfic. I would imagine once people are paid for fanfics, copyright infringement becomes a thing.

I’m sure there’s a lot more I missed but that’s what I got for now


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 07, 2021, 11:42:57 PM ---Okay, but I noticed that no one complained about "face balls," just "orbs" and "pools," so "face balls" it is! lmao

I can't think of any that necessarily bother me in anyone else's writing, just mine when I go "oh, I wrote x again," but I need some clarity on this chuckling discussion. Isn't it just a quiet laugh? And not the "goofy laugh" or "cackle" people picture it as? What else are you supposed to say when a character laughs quietly? It's a Brian thing to do in general, but any time I've pictured Nick doing it, nine times out of ten it's more "Heh." than a full-blown laugh. Is it better to just right "heh" at that point and save all the chuckles for Brian? These are the things I wonder?

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As long as it's face balls and not "black balls of sight," like someone said on Reddit LOL.

I don't get the hate for "chuckle" either.  I think of it as a quiet laugh too, not a full-blown belly laugh, but more of a "heh heh" like you said.  It's more of a masculine word than "giggle," which sounds more feminine to me.  I like the word "snicker" better, but I think "snicker" has a slightly different connotation - I tend to use it more when characters are reacting to a dirty joke or making fun of each other.

There was also a lot of hate for "smirk" on that thread, but that may just be because it's overused in fanfic.  I remember that video we discussed a while back about things fanfic writers do that don't fly in published writing talking about characters who smirk too much.  I'm guilty as charged with that one because my Nick smirks all the time... but that's because real Nick does that smirky half-smile all the time too!

Besides "orbs," the only one I really agreed with on that thread was the various awkward synonyms for "penis."  I know we've already discussed that here.  I don't read a lot of smut, so it probably bothers me more in my own stories when I'm trying to come up with a word that doesn't sound too vulgar or too technical/medical.

Back in the Broken/BMS era, the word "stump" used to make me cringe.  Even when it was completely out of context, like on a sign for "tree stump removal, it would automatically make me think of poor Broken Nick, and I would feel this surge of guilt.  I have gotten over that the further removed I've become from those stories, but it lasted for a few years.


--- Quote from: mare on April 08, 2021, 01:48:18 AM ---Orbs will always continue to be annoying! For whatever reason, my brain cannot properly absorb the word sidled. I can’t ever hear that word when I am reading it. It’s like my brain refuses to comprehend it. Odd

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That is interesting.  I don't mind the word sidled.

I have maybe a similar thing with the word/color "mauve."  Since I was a kid, I have always pronounced it how it looks, like "mahv."  Then I found out as an adult that it's apparently pronounced with a long O sound, like "mohv"?  But in my head, I continue to pronounce it with a "ah" sound because it just sounds better to me that way. LOL


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