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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 09, 2021, 06:43:43 PM ---I think it's easier to stay inspired if it's a book or maybe a movie? I know a tv show would just suck me into the whole series.

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LOL Yes, TV shows tend to do that to me too, but thankfully this time I have kept writing.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 07:38:24 PM ---LOL Yes, TV shows tend to do that to me too, but thankfully this time I have kept writing.

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Good! You're really on a roll!

Meanwhile, I've hit peak meta and officially called myself out in my narrative. Anyone else do weird things like this to make themselves laugh?

“I love that you’re creative, but maybe it’s time to stop thinking about a weird dream you had in elementary school…” She pushed open the door to the locker room. “It’s not like demons are real or anything…”

LOL!  I love the call-out/self-reference.  I like to put in little things that make me laugh, too.

My writing has been slow the last couple days.  I finished the chapter I had been working on all of spring break up to that point, which I was really happy with, but then I was faced with the task of starting a new and less eventful chapter.  I've finally gotten into a groove with it, but it usually takes me awhile to get going, unless the chapter starts in the middle of the action.  This story is not exactly action-packed though LOL.

Here's another rant about the English language.  I hate how there are multiple acceptable ways to spell certain words.  Like "canceled/cancelled" - I never know whether to use one L or two.  I went with one because apparently that's the more acceptable way in American English, but British English uses two Ls.  I must be British because I always want to give it two Ls too, and then I second guess myself and look it up and change it to one L and then do a find/replace to make sure I'm being consistent throughout the story.  I'm the same way with "alright/all right."  Or how about "gray/grey?"


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 08:15:13 PM ---LOL!  I love the call-out/self-reference.  I like to put in little things that make me laugh, too.

My writing has been slow the last couple days.  I finished the chapter I had been working on all of spring break up to that point, which I was really happy with, but then I was faced with the task of starting a new and less eventful chapter.  I've finally gotten into a groove with it, but it usually takes me awhile to get going, unless the chapter starts in the middle of the action.  This story is not exactly action-packed though LOL.

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It's how this origin story ended up starting to make sense, since I couldn't use "fell in a magical hole at TRL" anymore, lol.

I feel like the less action-packed chapters are usually slower for me to start writing too, especially if you need it to get from one action-packed chapter to another. Unless I can so perfectly envision those non-action scenes, which happens some times and not others.

I've had that "slow" feeling about my editing lately. "This is painfully slow for me to edit." That either means that pacing is off in PNecklace (likely) or the chapters are out of order for what they should be (also likely) or maybe whatever is extraneous (also likely). But then I had a chapter like this week's where not a lot happened and I switched a bunch of things around before posting it, but I didn't hate it at all. So I feel you on the ups and downs of the writing process. Sometimes you need some less action-packed stuff, especially when the drama is in the interactions.

I feel like I've actually been writing a lot, but nothing for where I currently am in PNecklace, so... Who knows. I think some time this weekend, I'll just have to force myself to sit down and write something on the chapter I've been putting off, no matter what ends up on the page, especially when I'm not against a heavy overhaul before posting.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 08:19:56 PM ---Here's another rant about the English language.  I hate how there are multiple acceptable ways to spell certain words.  Like "canceled/cancelled" - I never know whether to use one L or two.  I went with one because apparently that's the more acceptable way in American English, but British English uses two Ls.  I must be British because I always want to give it two Ls too, and then I second guess myself and look it up and change it to one L and then do a find/replace to make sure I'm being consistent throughout the story.  I'm the same way with "alright/all right."  Or how about "gray/grey?"

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Okay, before we go any further... Not sure why you question alright/all right. As you know, it is "Backstreet's back alright!" and they are clearly paragons of English language accuracy.  :biggrin:

I do this too, all the time, except I am unapologetic about my preferences whichever way they trend. If someone tells me I spelled it incorrectly, my response is akin to "I most certainly did not." My big one is theatre/theater and it's made even more difficult by people trying to explain away that "theatre" is the art and "theater" is the building, but it's not, it's literally British versus American. All that being said, my preference is "theatre." Gray/grey used to get me too. As long as you're consistent throughout the work, I chalk it up to personal style. So give cancelled two Ls! I think it looks fine either way.


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