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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 09, 2021, 11:44:04 PM ---Brian, starting arguments. For shame. I'm proud of Hot Mess Nick for for not screaming stfu/dbadlekya too! (It's just a long quote. It's high time we acronymed it, lol.) Maybe he's ready to stop being a hot mess in MBK, lol.

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LOL I love that acronym!  It sounds Russian or something when you read it like a real word:  "Bad-lekya!"  (I made the D silent like in "Django.")

He's not quite ready to stop being a hot mess yet, but he's getting there.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 09, 2021, 11:44:04 PM ---I just wanted to finish the story and knew it would take about that much; I don't know that I was really prepared to get to 60,000 words in a month. You know, of all the times I did NaNo, this last time was the only time I did it and it wasn't a new story, it was a percolating vaguely dreamed up thing with snippets. I'm always impressed with the people who are like "November 1st, my novel begins" and then finish it. I say July's Camp is your time to challenge yourself! 50,000 words, just to see how close you get in the one month.

I think I'm probably better off if I go back to looking at it the way I did in November, which was "If I get to 50,000 words, great! But I'm really just trying to commit to writing every day." Maybe what's getting me was saying "I'm going to finish this story this month."

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Writing every day is a great goal in itself and will help you on your way to other accomplishment s, like finishing the story.  It usually takes me longer to finish a story than I think it will, too.  Even when I'm on a roll and getting close, I almost always end up taking longer or writing more chapters than I expected.

I could try for 50,000 words in July and see how close I can come.  If there's any month I could write that much, it would be July.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 09, 2021, 11:44:04 PM ---Woo! Keep going at this pace and you'll be done halfway through the month! I believe!

I love when they just have a discussion (or a "discussion"/screaming match) for that same reason. No research, little planning, it just flows. On the topic of looking up things, right before I popped back over here, I spent so much longer than necessary looking up a political term that I couldn't remember, just to have the right word. Oh suzerainty (I'll define it in an effort to not have people look up things I can already explain: one state, typically stronger, controls the foreign policy and relations of a tributary state, but allows the tributary state to have internal autonomy), why did I need you? Epic fantasies are so complicated.

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Yeah, dialogue is my favorite thing to write when it flows, especially when it involves either funny banter or fighting.

Suzerainty?  I have literally never heard of that before, but I will take your word for it.  Always impressed with your knowledge and the varied topics you research for your stories!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 09, 2021, 11:44:04 PM ---I like when it tells me that you earned the little badges in the writing group. It makes me smile. Yay! Team The Absolutely Chaotic Backstreet Project! I hope other people join us, because it is fun updating a daily word count (that's why I kept doing it post-November). :)

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Yeah, the little badges are fun!  Will Nano let you keep updating your word count for your project past the end of the month, or do you just keep track on your own?

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 09, 2021, 11:44:04 PM ---And possibly keeping us more on track? It takes more effort to come here, sign in, and type than it did to pop the little button, twirl your finger around the metaphorical phone cord, and say "what are you doing now?" lol

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Yeah, it gives me a reason to get on the computer later in the day and at least open my story while I'm catching up on the forum.  Some days that's half the battle - just making myself open my Chromebook or sit down at my desktop.  I've been pretty good at doing a morning writing session every day of break, even if it's only for an hour, and then hopping back on later in the day or at night.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 09, 2021, 11:34:05 PM ---This was today's Camp Care Package on Nano.  I thought it could make a good discussion topic.

"Sometimes choosing a story idea is easy, others times it’s like having a rose to give only to one potential suitor. Sometimes you have to give the story a tryout period before finding out it’s the one. Also, never be afraid to put a story aside when you realize it’s not working out the way you like."

Today's Writing Challenge:

Before you begin your writing session for the day, take a minute to jot down the things you absolutely love about the story you're writing right now. What about it makes you feel excited and invested? (If you can't think of anything, or if another story keeps popping into your head, maybe that's a sign to try something different for a little while.)

Do you usually focus on one project, or do you get distracted by lots of new plot bunnies?

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That's a good one! I need to catch up on my Camp Care Packages (I've ignored them in favor of writing).

I think my answer is complicated? Because I haven't even looked at anything that isn't PBox, PNecklace, or PDemons since the end of February. And in that time, I've written three chapters and four out of order scenes in addition to the pre-posting edits of four chapters for PNecklace, written 2 scenes from PDemons, and heavily edited or completely re-wrote the first almost six chapters of PBox as OF. And I can write an entire novel about all the things I love about this complete story (in fact, I'm up to 1 and 3/5 novels so far, lol), but in the month of April I've done maybe 3,000 words on PNecklace? And a good chunk of them were definitely edits more than new out of order scenes or current chapter writing. So it's up in the air? Am I focusing on one project? Am I getting distracted? I don't know.

Off the top of my head without actually sitting and reflecting:

Things I love about the entirety of PBox/PNecklace/PDemons:

* The characters
* The mythology (both internally and external inspiration)
* PBox Nick and his journey specifically (my loudest, pickiest, most prodding muse)
* The Boys true companioning on an epic adventure
* putting all my little juggling balls out there for people to pick up on
* that it begged to be written twice
* all my world building work
* talking about it with all y'all
Things about PNecklace specifically:

* Finally letting some of the secrets and plans I've held onto go out into the world (Like I knew Nick's powers since 2006. I finally told you all 15 years and an entire second book later, you're welcome?)
* putting out my final set of juggling balls in preparation for the final installment
* The characters
* the mythology
* Still PBox Nick in particular (though this week, Brian has been at the top of my list for being hilarious)
* the Boys true companioning on an epic adventure
* that it begged to be written after a decade away
* all my world building work
* talking about it with all y'all
* my cute, fluffy beast & beauty romance makes me smile more as time goes on
* Still PBox Nick (so much so that he deserved to be on the list twice)
I guess my list is mostly the same. It's hard for me to separate it out at this point, since PNecklace can't exist at all if PBox hadn't been written and it's not the full story without PDemons rounding it out. :shrug: So I guess that goes back to my first questions. Am I focusing on one project or am I getting distracted?

I can see why your answer is complicated, since you have several interrelated projects you've been working on that are all part of the same series.  It makes sense to lump them together as one long story.  It's clear you have a lot of love for PBox and its sequels, or you wouldn't have come back to the series after so long, let alone done so much rewriting.  I'm impressed by that level of dedication.  I'm sure it's satisfying to finally get to share some of those secrets and plans with the world after holding on to them for so long.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 12:04:07 AM ---LOL I love that acronym!  It sounds Russian or something when you read it like a real word:  "Bad-lekya!"  (I made the D silent like in "Django.")

He's not quite ready to stop being a hot mess yet, but he's getting there.
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Bad-lekya with a silent D, lmao. I love that pronunciation. Now I wish I had more excuses to use this brand new acronym.

I believe in your character development MBK Hot Mess Nick!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 12:04:07 AM ---Writing every day is a great goal in itself and will help you on your way to other accomplishment s, like finishing the story.  It usually takes me longer to finish a story than I think it will, too.  Even when I'm on a roll and getting close, I almost always end up taking longer or writing more chapters than I expected.

I could try for 50,000 words in July and see how close I can come.  If there's any month I could write that much, it would be July.
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That's what I keep telling myself, one day at a time. And if I get that day by writing a little of something else, so be it. Realistically, I'm happy as long as I can be ten chapters ahead of whatever I'm posting, 15 is better, 20 would be amazing. I think there's some dread that comes with finishing a story and I don't know why that is... I think we've already talked about that though?

I challenge you! We'll do it together. :) I'm sure I'll have 50,000 words of something to try to write in July.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 12:04:07 AM ---Suzerainty?  I have literally never heard of that before, but I will take your word for it.  Always impressed with your knowledge and the varied topics you research for your stories!
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Imperial China in regards to the rest of Asia might be the best known example, that idea of "emperor at home, king abroad." More modern examples would be some countries controlled by the Axis Powers during World War 2 or British control of India. It's definitely not useful as a modern term since international law means that sovereignty either exits or doesn't exist without any caveats.

I'm the real definition of a Jack of All Trades. I know enough about just about anything to be dangerous! (Or research what I don't, lol.)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 12:04:07 AM ---Yeah, the little badges are fun!  Will Nano let you keep updating your word count for your project past the end of the month, or do you just keep track on your own?
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I've been doing it on my own since I didn't want to make PBox a project when I was editing it, though it would have been nice to keep track of my monthly progress on PNecklace specifically in hindsight. If you want to keep tracking it on NaNo, you just go to your "projects" section and any project you've added will have a little button that says "create new goal" and then a window pops up where you name the goal, add the number of words in your goal, and then set the timeline. If it has a goal already associated to it (e.g., "Camp NaNo April 2021"), you won't see the button until that goal timeline ends.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 12:04:07 AM ---Yeah, it gives me a reason to get on the computer later in the day and at least open my story while I'm catching up on the forum.  Some days that's half the battle - just making myself open my Chromebook or sit down at my desktop.  I've been pretty good at doing a morning writing session every day of break, even if it's only for an hour, and then hopping back on later in the day or at night.

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Since I've had a computer again, writing has been so much easier. I wonder if I would have gotten more into it in 2015 if I'd had an actual computer at the time and not just a tablet or my phone.

I want to be better about getting morning sessions in. I have gone back to my "I have nothing to do and no students are here yet, I will write until they show up" and it's been pretty productive the two days I did it so far. I think I need to convince myself to do some writing earlier on weekends or set times when I can check the forum (like "write from x time to x time, then check the forum) rather than "type type type type type refresh type type type type type refresh," lol.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 12:30:03 AM ---I can see why your answer is complicated, since you have several interrelated projects you've been working on that are all part of the same series.  It makes sense to lump them together as one long story.  It's clear you have a lot of love for PBox and its sequels, or you wouldn't have come back to the series after so long, let alone done so much rewriting.  I'm impressed by that level of dedication.  I'm sure it's satisfying to finally get to share some of those secrets and plans with the world after holding on to them for so long.

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At this point, it might even be more love than I had for it originally in that 2005-2008 time frame, and I loved PBox a great deal back then, lol. Aw thanks, appreciate the compliment.

I read a quote somewhere that was something to the effect of "We all have one story that we're dying to tell and everything we write is our best efforts to get that story out." And on an easy level, I could say, "sure that's PBox and company, apparently." But, realistically, looking at everything I've ever tried to write down, it's probably closer to some form of "you are more than your circumstances." It may just be that I finally decided that PBox&Co was the best way to get that out there.

It is nice finally letting go of some secrets, but in a long-retired/recently unretired with a minimal readership and reviewless world, I have no idea how anyone reading it feels, lol. So at this point, I'm just talking to myself like "That was great, Dee, we finally told everyone." "Good job, Dee, you worked hard on that. I loved it." "I loved it too, Dee." "THANKS FOR FINALLY TELLING MY STORY AGAIN!!!!!" "You're welcome, PBox Nick." And scene.


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