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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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Yes I just got out of work and saw the email, it's funny because I was coming here to ask is there really not many examples of Brian being a dick in fanfic lol. I feel like he is always pegged as the nice one but I just was writing that chapter the other day and I was also pissed off at the time so angry Brian hopped out and just kind of went. I thought it was good so I kept it.

Yeah, I can't think of many examples of Brian being a dick in fanfic either.  It's funny because I also just wrote a scene with angry Brian arguing with the others yesterday.  He wasn't being a dick though, just disagreeing with the rest of the group.

I love when those fanfic fights happen spontaneously, whether it's because you're in a bad mood yourself or just because that's where the characters go with it.  AJ has come across as the angry one in my current story.  He has said some pretty mean stuff to Nick, which I take to be tough love, but it's weird for me to write him that way because AJ is usually the one to ease the tension in my stories, not cause it.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 03:43:37 PM ---I had a 10-year-old leave a comment on my site, saying she loved BSB and had gotten into fanfic and loved my story.  The fangirl side of me was excited to see such a young BSB fan (I told her she had great taste), but the adult/aunt/teacher side of me was weirded out by the thought of a 10-year-old reading my stories.  That's the same age as my students and my nephew - definitely not my target age group LOL.  There's a lot worse out there she could be reading, but still.  My stories may not have much smut, but I also don't shy away from adult content, like sex, swearing, violence, gore, and graphic details.  I'm trying to remind myself that I was only a few years older than her when I started reading fanfic, and although I came across plenty of inappropriate stuff, none of it scarred me for life.  But part of me is still cringing.

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--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on April 10, 2021, 05:31:24 PM ---I have a lot of younger readers on wattpad, I can usually tell by the slang they use. None that young though!!
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Woah! I both love the idea of young BSB fans getting into fanfic and hate the idea of young BSB fans reading our Team Dark stuff, especially anything where any of us might consider adding a trigger warning. But then we were all talking the other day that we were in that 8-10 range when we started writing dark things, so... Maybe you're right, it wouldn't be too scarring.

I love that you both have younger readers. That makes me happy. :)


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on April 10, 2021, 08:05:53 PM ---Yes I just got out of work and saw the email, it's funny because I was coming here to ask is there really not many examples of Brian being a dick in fanfic lol. I feel like he is always pegged as the nice one but I just was writing that chapter the other day and I was also pissed off at the time so angry Brian hopped out and just kind of went. I thought it was good so I kept it.

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 09:09:03 PM ---Yeah, I can't think of many examples of Brian being a dick in fanfic either.  It's funny because I also just wrote a scene with angry Brian arguing with the others yesterday.  He wasn't being a dick though, just disagreeing with the rest of the group.

I love when those fanfic fights happen spontaneously, whether it's because you're in a bad mood yourself or just because that's where the characters go with it.  AJ has come across as the angry one in my current story.  He has said some pretty mean stuff to Nick, which I take to be tough love, but it's weird for me to write him that way because AJ is usually the one to ease the tension in my stories, not cause it.

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I can't think of Brian being a dick either. Maybe it's happening more now because we feel like he's being kind of dickish in his real life or maybe it's happened less in the past because we want to shy away from Brian being a dick. I think this is another, "keep writing them so we have a variety of stories" moments.

I also love the spontaneous fights. I think they're a great way to get some anger out if needed. So I hope it helped you work through your bad mood, Tracy.

AJ's also been my tough love character this time around for sure, but only once he gets to a certain point. Brian was kind of the tough love character in the original PBox, but they never really had any in-group fighting going on then.

I think it's good that AJ's doing something a little different this time around for you, Julie. :)


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 01:41:54 AM ---LOL I know; it's a good one!  I totally had to go watch the clip of their fight.  The first time I ever saw it, I was horrified at how they were both shouting "Shut the fuck up!" at each other, but now I'm like Kevin laughing in between them - I just find it funny.  It shows that brotherly relationship they have, because the only person I could ever see myself screaming at like that in real life is my sister LOL.
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Same! So horrified that Frick & Frack would do that to each other, but Kevin laughing showed me that this was a normal thing for them. And now I find it funny because it's almost like Brian is stooping to Nick's "I win when I shout louder" level, except he's much calmer than Nick is. It's an interesting dynamic. I can't picture myself screaming like that at anyone, but I also have no siblings.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 01:41:54 AM ---Yeah, I think we have.  It's true, though.  I think it's because while you're excited to finish, you're already starting to worry about what you're going to write - or not write - next and if it will go as well as the story you've been working on and have gotten comfortable with.  It's fear of the unknown.
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That's probably exactly it, the fear of the unknown. I think I need a sticky note on my desk that says "the unknown is our next adventure" or something, so I stop worrying about it subconciously.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 01:41:54 AM ---Sounds good!  I will still be writing MBK LOL.  My early estimate is that this is going to be a medium-sized novel for me, not an 100+ chapter epic, but also not a 25-chapter short novel.  I'm guessing it will be around 50 chapters?  Which probably means it will end up being at least 60, although I have been more concise with my last few stories, so maybe not.  In any case, I'm only on Chapter 12, so it has quite a ways to go.
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I love how honest you are with yourself about your verboseness, lol. I am equally guilty.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 01:41:54 AM ---Awesome, thanks!  I may have to create a new goal when this month is over.
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Any time!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 01:41:54 AM ---This made a huge difference for me too!  My last laptop died right after I finished the first few chapters of MBK back in 2018, and that was a big part of what derailed my writing for the rest of that year.  I didn't buy a new laptop because I still had an old desktop computer, but I had gotten so spoiled by being able to write wherever I wanted that I didn't like sitting at a desk any more.  It wasn't as comfortable, so I just didn't do it as often.  First world problems.  I finally asked for a Chromebook for Christmas that year, and I was so much more productive after that.  This past year I got a new desk, desk chair, and desktop computer, which is what I'm on right now, but I still prefer my Chromebook for writing.  I know Tracy uses a tablet and has used her phone in the past, but I could never write that way regularly.
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My fingers get more tired and I feel like I hunch more when I'm on my tablet or phone. It's just more comfortable in general with the bigger device. When I really need to focus (or am in extreme focus mode), I sit at my desk, but I also enjoy the freedom to sit anywhere.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 01:41:54 AM ---Good for you, writing before/at work!  I've been on spring break, so it's been much easier to get morning writing sessions in, but I had been writing for a few minutes while drying my hair almost every work day.  I don't really count that as a morning writing session, but it still counts as writing - enough to keep my streak alive on days when I don't come home from work and write in the evening.  But I think doing that actually helps motivate me to come home and get writing again.  There's something about not having the time to write that makes me want to write more... whereas when I have all day to write, I will do it, but I also waste a lot more time.

I have gotten into a good routine on my days off where I wake up, make coffee, bring it back to bed with me, and write in bed for hours.  I usually don't even let myself check the forum or Twitter until I've gotten going on my writing, and then I will give myself a break.  It has worked out well for me, but it also requires that I have no plans until afternoon, which is not always the most practical.  One perk of the pandemic is that it gave me a lot more plan-free days, which I appreciated.

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That was my plan this morning, then I slept in, lol. It's nice to have a quiet time to sit and think "what to do" while I drink my coffee. I feel the same way, writing in the mornings has helped with my motivation to keep writing in the evenings. I found a nano care package, and I'm not sure if it was from this month or one of the other ones since they've had the new website (2019's NaNo), but the challenge was "leave yourself on a cliffhanger. Maybe that's a chapter, a scene, or even a sentence." And if I suddenly get stuck, I've been trying to do that, just leave it where I last wrote without agonizing to finish the sentence or scene. If it was going well and I go back, it usually helps me get back into it quickly.

I think the lesson I took from the pandemic was to give myself more plan-free days. I've enjoyed being able to wake up and think "today I can do anything I want." Probably will work less when "anything" involves seeing other people, but... it's been good for now.


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