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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 10, 2021, 11:13:24 PM ---He was in his early twenties. All guys in their early twenties think they are "bad boys," lol. I love our bad boy with a heart of gold.

Does this make Brian a "bad boy next door"?  :o lol

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This is why I love A-Rok.  AJ and Brian are such opposites in so many ways, but they have such a great relationship.  They're like yin and yang.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 11:17:00 PM ---Oh, absolutely.  I have read plenty of stories that I found depressing, but those usually end up being the ones I love and remember the most because they made me feel something.  I look back at some of the old stuff on my favorites list and think, "This is really not as well-written as I remember it," but I could never remove them when I have such vivid memories of sobbing in front of my computer as I read them for the first time.

So what's the most dark/depressing story everyone has read?  Written?

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That's the goal right? To make readers feel something. There's several published novels out there that I would call "not that great" that clearly meant a lot to so many people. I think what you get out of it is probably better than how well or not well it was written.

I can't think of a fanfic off the top of my head at the moment, but Night comes to mind right away.

Written goes without saying.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 10, 2021, 11:20:20 PM ---LOL!

This is why I love A-Rok.  AJ and Brian are such opposites in so many ways, but they have such a great relationship.  They're like yin and yang.

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And with their powers combined, they are Captain Planet! lol

They're the odd couple. It works when there's enough balance to off-set the differences. :) And when they're characters, it's a nice built in juxtaposition.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 10, 2021, 11:19:36 PM ---"I can't see myself" is the cop out version of leaving the door slightly ajar on the way to "never," lol. Maybe you should! They're pretty fun, albeit all consuming. Maybe you can write an epic fantasy Nick cancer story... somehow, lol.

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LOL Absolutely.  Because I have learned that when I say I will "never" do something, I end up doing it down the road.  So maybe I will write a 200-chapter Nick cancer fantasy epic.  It would probably be better as a sci-fi.  Maybe something like "Fantastic Voyage" (or that Rugrats episode where Chuckie eats the watermelon seed) with the other Boys shrinking themselves and going on an adventure inside Nick's brain to destroy the tumor.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 10, 2021, 11:19:36 PM ---Same. I am only caught up on Masked Singer. Our tv is usually on because of hubs, but today, I ate breakfast and then sat in our office all day until dinner. I didn't even turn on any music, which is atypical for me. I was in the zone! (As I mentioned, we seem to be having the same two conversations across several posts, lol.)

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I haven't even watched Masked Singer from last week!  I didn't watch any of my shows until days later because I was so off schedule with my days of the week LOL.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 10, 2021, 11:24:12 PM ---That's the goal right? To make readers feel something. There's several published novels out there that I would call "not that great" that clearly meant a lot to so many people. I think what you get out of it is probably better than how well or not well it was written.

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 10, 2021, 11:24:12 PM ---I can't think of a fanfic off the top of my head at the moment, but Night comes to mind right away.

Written goes without saying.

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Ooh yeah, anything about the Holocaust is bound to be dark and depressing.

I think the last published novel that destroyed me was actually "The One and Only Ivan" LOL.  I loved it, but it's one I will never be able to read aloud to my class because of a certain part in the middle that made me ugly cry.  I can't handle sad animal stuff.

As far as fanfics go, Swollen Issues III wins for the most depressing one I've read.  That story was like torture porn for medical drama lovers.  In terms of darkest, though, I think I would have to go with a suspense story like Signal to Noise or Mind Games or one of Mare's, maybe It Stays With You.  Something where the boys literally do get tortured, whether physically or emotionally.

From a writing standpoint, the most depressing novel I've written is probably Sick as My Secrets, and the darkest is definitely A Heart That Isn't Mine.  I'm separating "depressing" and "dark" because although they go together, I define them differently.  A depressing story is sad and angsty, but a dark story is also twisted or scary in some way.


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