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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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Interesting conversation last night ladies. It’s nice to see you both into your zones. When I wrote it was always first thing in the morning and when I say morning, I mean morning. I’m always awake by 5. Most times earlier. I never slept past my alarm in all the years I taught. In fact, I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I actually woke up to my alarm. I always beat it. I’m not sure why I even set one. How often was it that we’d end up posting on here or LD at the same time as you were all still awake and I had just woken up? lol

Fanfics rarely made me cry but I’m with you with Swollen Issues 3, Julie. It made me cry and then made me mad. Your scene with Nick sitting on the beach trying to decide if he wants his leg chopped off in Broken also choked me up. I can’t think of any others. I agree about the sad versus dark thing. There’s a lot of fanfics that made me uncomfortably squirm, but not cry.

Many books have done it to me. I absolutely refuse to read books about animals. Especially damn dogs because no matter what, they end up dead. Dead kids? Fine. Dead pets? No! The latest book that made me weepy was the end of A Man Called Ove. I also always ugly cry during The Five People You Meet in Heaven and when Beth dies in Little Women.

Masked Singer has been eh this season, although after last season with Nick, I knew it wouldn’t be the same. I always watch it on Fridays. Ever since dvr, I don’t watch any shows in real time anymore lol New Amsterdam has been great this season and I also enjoyed this season of Snow Piercer.

I’ve only watched the BSB doc twice I believe, although I do own it. That fight disturbed me but I hate watching real life confrontations . I do think it was brave of Nick to bring up the vocal issue. I’m not surprised that behind the scenes Brian is a jerk. I’ve always said that and blurry Brian was the proof I needed. I do think at one point or another each one of them has played the one with his shit together and also the one who was a complete mess. That’s how life goes.

I don’t think I ever written Kevin, Nick or Howie too far out of their perceived stereotypes. I was never a huge fan of boy next door Brian and I guess I never really wrote AJ as a bad boy either.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 11, 2021, 12:29:28 AM ---This is my writing update to say that I have now finished my tricky Kevin chapter (minus one bridge scene that I skipped to get to writing the interesting part) and have the next chapter ready to go in my head, but I have hit that post-chapter wall and figured 11pm was a good time to stop writing non-stop for the day, lol.

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Good for you!  I hope your silence so far today means you're having another good writing day.

I had one of those days today.  I never could get started on my next chapter yesterday and finally gave up and went to bed, hoping I would come up with a good first line in the morning.  I'm glad I waited instead of trying to force something out last night because I figured out a much better beginning this morning than I would have last night.  I wrote from 11 to 5 with only a half-hour break to shower at 3:30 LOL.  I also hit page 100, which always feels like a milestone, even if I'm used to writing much longer stories.


--- Quote from: mare on April 11, 2021, 05:15:27 AM ---Interesting conversation last night ladies. It’s nice to see you both into your zones. When I wrote it was always first thing in the morning and when I say morning, I mean morning. I’m always awake by 5. Most times earlier. I never slept past my alarm in all the years I taught. In fact, I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I actually woke up to my alarm. I always beat it. I’m not sure why I even set one. How often was it that we’d end up posting on here or LD at the same time as you were all still awake and I had just woken up? lol

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I am always amazed by morning people like you!  Waking up without an alarm??  What is this sorcery?  I have multiple alarms set on my phone at full volume in case I sleep through the first or shut it off and accidentally fall back asleep, which I have been known to do.  I also have an alarm clock called the Sonic Bomb that buzzes super loud and has flashing lights and a vibrator thing that goes under the mattress to shake it.  It's ridiculous, but being a heavy sleeper and not having anyone around to wake me up I oversleep makes me paranoid.  My parents are like you, though - they never need to set an alarm.  They also go to bed at like 8 o'clock, which I have tried and cannot do.  If I go to bed early, it's usually at like 5, and I take a nap for two hours and then get up again.  I have terrible sleep habits LOL.  I wish I could be a teacher on a second shift schedule because my summer schedule, where I stay up all night and sleep until early afternoon, is my natural circadian rhythm.

--- Quote from: mare on April 11, 2021, 05:15:27 AM ---Fanfics rarely made me cry but I’m with you with Swollen Issues 3, Julie. It made me cry and then made me mad. Your scene with Nick sitting on the beach trying to decide if he wants his leg chopped off in Broken also choked me up. I can’t think of any others. I agree about the sad versus dark thing. There’s a lot of fanfics that made me uncomfortably squirm, but not cry.

Many books have done it to me. I absolutely refuse to read books about animals. Especially damn dogs because no matter what, they end up dead. Dead kids? Fine. Dead pets? No! The latest book that made me weepy was the end of A Man Called Ove. I also always ugly cry during The Five People You Meet in Heaven and when Beth dies in Little Women.

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Yeah, that story was devastating.  Thanks for the Broken mention!  I still remember writing that scene because it was the last thing I wrote before moving out for college, so I was in a pretty emotional headspace myself.

About depressing vs. dark - exactly.  That is a good way to differentiate it.  Does it make you cry and feel sad, or does it make you squirm and feel uncomfortable?

I totally agree about animals too.  I will cry over human characters dying if I care about them enough, but an animal dying always destroys me, even if it's just a small part of the story.  The most heartbreaking death in the whole Harry Potter series for me was Hedwig.  I shed a few tears over other characters' deaths, but I sobbed for that poor owl.  And don't even get me started on dog books.  I still remember reading Where the Red Fern Grows in my 7th grade literature class, where the teacher had us round-robin read it in class, and the day we read the end, she only called on boys to read aloud because all of us girls were crying.  Such a sad book, but a great bonding experience.

--- Quote from: mare on April 11, 2021, 05:15:27 AM ---Masked Singer has been eh this season, although after last season with Nick, I knew it wouldn’t be the same. I always watch it on Fridays. Ever since dvr, I don’t watch any shows in real time anymore lol New Amsterdam has been great this season and I also enjoyed this season of Snow Piercer.

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I'm a few episodes behind on New Amsterdam, but it's been okay.  I'm really glad they didn't kill Dr. Kapoor in the first couple episodes because I like him.

I am mad at myself because after how excited I was about getting caught up with Snowpiercer before this season started, I fell way behind on it!  I watched the first few episodes, and then I think I got distracted with my story and started writing on Monday nights instead and stopped watching it live.  I have all the episodes recorded, so I need to catch up.  I thought I was going to do that over spring break, but I haven't watched very much TV.


--- Quote from: mare on April 11, 2021, 05:15:27 AM ---Interesting conversation last night ladies. It’s nice to see you both into your zones. When I wrote it was always first thing in the morning and when I say morning, I mean morning. I’m always awake by 5. Most times earlier. I never slept past my alarm in all the years I taught. In fact, I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I actually woke up to my alarm. I always beat it. I’m not sure why I even set one. How often was it that we’d end up posting on here or LD at the same time as you were all still awake and I had just woken up? lol
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Were you always a morning person, Mare, or did you become one? Teach me your ways if it's the second one, lol. I need a million alarms to wake up or I'm asleep until some time between 8am and 11am and never know which one it will be.

I believe it was all the time and you were always surprised that we were all still up. At least for Rose and I, it was slightly earlier, closer to 2/3am and not Julie's 4am! Except for the few times when we were all up until it his 9am the next morning. Those were wild nights, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 11, 2021, 05:25:55 PM ---I am always amazed by morning people like you!  Waking up without an alarm??  What is this sorcery?  I have multiple alarms set on my phone at full volume in case I sleep through the first or shut it off and accidentally fall back asleep, which I have been known to do.  I also have an alarm clock called the Sonic Bomb that buzzes super loud and has flashing lights and a vibrator thing that goes under the mattress to shake it.  It's ridiculous, but being a heavy sleeper and not having anyone around to wake me up I oversleep makes me paranoid.  My parents are like you, though - they never need to set an alarm.  They also go to bed at like 8 o'clock, which I have tried and cannot do.  If I go to bed early, it's usually at like 5, and I take a nap for two hours and then get up again.  I have terrible sleep habits LOL.  I wish I could be a teacher on a second shift schedule because my summer schedule, where I stay up all night and sleep until early afternoon, is my natural circadian rhythm.
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This is all me except for that Sonic Bomb. My last effort alarm clock is my husband saying "your alarm went off again." And that doesn't always work. I can only fall asleep at 8pm if I'm absolutely dying. I don't even know what my natural circadian rhythm is because I inevitably end up thinking I'm tired, then lay awake in bed for hours.

--- Quote from: mare on April 11, 2021, 05:15:27 AM ---I agree about the sad versus dark thing. There’s a lot of fanfics that made me uncomfortably squirm, but not cry.
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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 11, 2021, 05:25:55 PM ---Thanks for the Broken mention!  I still remember writing that scene because it was the last thing I wrote before moving out for college, so I was in a pretty emotional headspace myself.

About depressing vs. dark - exactly.  That is a good way to differentiate it.  Does it make you cry and feel sad, or does it make you squirm and feel uncomfortable?
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These are all good points.

Also, what does everyone think, is it easier to write in an emotional headspace (sad, angry, whatever) when you're feeling that way yourself or more difficult?

--- Quote from: mare on April 11, 2021, 05:15:27 AM ---Many books have done it to me. I absolutely refuse to read books about animals. Especially damn dogs because no matter what, they end up dead. Dead kids? Fine. Dead pets? No! The latest book that made me weepy was the end of A Man Called Ove. I also always ugly cry during The Five People You Meet in Heaven and when Beth dies in Little Women.
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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 11, 2021, 05:25:55 PM ---I totally agree about animals too.  I will cry over human characters dying if I care about them enough, but an animal dying always destroys me, even if it's just a small part of the story.  The most heartbreaking death in the whole Harry Potter series for me was Hedwig.  I shed a few tears over other characters' deaths, but I sobbed for that poor owl.  And don't even get me started on dog books.  I still remember reading Where the Red Fern Grows in my 7th grade literature class, where the teacher had us round-robin read it in class, and the day we read the end, she only called on boys to read aloud because all of us girls were crying.  Such a sad book, but a great bonding experience.
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This is why I try to avoid dead animal books, I'm always sobbing. Where the Red Fern Grows destroyed me in fifth grade. I even cry at sad animal commercials, or happy animal commercials. Really, if there's an animal in it, I'm crying. Even if they're cute dogs wearing bow ties. It's ridiculous.

Also, yes, Beth dying gets me every time. Even though I know it's coming!

--- Quote from: mare on April 11, 2021, 05:15:27 AM ---Masked Singer has been eh this season, although after last season with Nick, I knew it wouldn’t be the same. I always watch it on Fridays. Ever since dvr, I don’t watch any shows in real time anymore lol
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But the Russian Doll being multiple people has given me hope that the Boys could all be on it together some day. They have some sort of costume, unmask them, and it's Nick in the crocodile suit, lol.

--- Quote from: mare on April 11, 2021, 05:15:27 AM ---I’ve only watched the BSB doc twice I believe, although I do own it. That fight disturbed me but I hate watching real life confrontations . I do think it was brave of Nick to bring up the vocal issue. I’m not surprised that behind the scenes Brian is a jerk. I’ve always said that and blurry Brian was the proof I needed. I do think at one point or another each one of them has played the one with his shit together and also the one who was a complete mess. That’s how life goes.

I don’t think I ever written Kevin, Nick or Howie too far out of their perceived stereotypes. I was never a huge fan of boy next door Brian and I guess I never really wrote AJ as a bad boy either.
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Being present for confrontations isn't my favorite either. Ugh, blurry Brian. I'd completely forgotten about that until it came up last time.

When was Kevin a complete mess? When he left? He's the only one I can't see being a complete hot mess.

How could you be a fan of boy next door Brian if you think he's a jerk? lol


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 11, 2021, 04:59:07 PM ---Good for you!  I hope your silence so far today means you're having another good writing day.
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You know, it's been pretty good. I woke up with this very vivid picture in my mind this morning and was jotting down some notes about it. And then I realized it wasn't Nick doing a thing, it was Nick looking at/reacting to a painting and then this whole group of little scenes sprung out of it and I got to put some of my new research in. It was fun. Then I started my next PNecklace chapter and decided to write a little flashback scene with the secret and it's been making me laugh so hard.

I've also enjoyed watching my little read counters go up. :) The later PNecklace chapters are getting some hits, so that makes me happy. Everyone's probably behind on their reading like I am as I furiously write for hours instead. And from what is my best guess, PBox has been read about 600 times, so it's an enjoyable day over here.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 11, 2021, 04:59:07 PM ---I had one of those days today.  I never could get started on my next chapter yesterday and finally gave up and went to bed, hoping I would come up with a good first line in the morning.  I'm glad I waited instead of trying to force something out last night because I figured out a much better beginning this morning than I would have last night.  I wrote from 11 to 5 with only a half-hour break to shower at 3:30 LOL.  I also hit page 100, which always feels like a milestone, even if I'm used to writing much longer stories.

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Woo! Good for you on a hard work writing day! The inspiration around here is infectious! :) When y'all are motivated, it makes me feel motivated too.

Glad you came up with something better and found time to shower, lol. Congrats on hitting page 100! Every time I hit 100, 200, etcetera, it always makes me happy too. It just means the story is coming along. I'm at about 345 pages right now or so... Getting closer to the end bit by bit.


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