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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 15, 2021, 07:13:37 PM ---Here is today's Camp Nano Care Package:

"'I write every day at the same time! I write ten pages everyday! I set myself deadlines and stick to them! I only ever write in the bathtub!' — said no one ever, and yet, somehow, every writer.

When we read about other writer’s practices, we often forget that they are that writer’s practice, and not universals. There is no one way to write a novel, and for the novel that you are writing now, the way you are doing it is just fine, thank you very much."

I know we've already talked about writing routines and rituals on here, but are you consistent with the practices you follow every day that you write, or do you change it up open?  What are the more rigid requirements you have for a successful writing session, and what can you be flexible with?

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I laughed at this one. "I only ever write in the bathtub!"

I think more successful days are the ones where I start in the morning. If I can get something good going first thing in the morning, I am more likely to write more during a day. It only works at night these days if I've been thinking about something off and on all day, but can't physically write it down. And that doesn't happen a lot. If I don't write early, I may get up to 500 words for a day, but it's typically closer to 20-100 words.

Things that are always consistent... Well, I open the computer with the intent to write every day. I actually don't close my works-in-progress ever. So right now, my Chrome window for writing is the current PNecklace chapter I'm writing, the current PBox as OF chapter I'm writing, "blep2" (the document with the scenes I've written ahead of where I'm currently at chronologicall y in the story) and "pboxnchx" (the same type of document for OF PBox, but organized slightly differently since it's more of a draft # whatever than a new story even though a lot is changing), plus the untitled document I use to keep track of what I specifically write each day to record it. That one has been the greatest choice I ever made, because before I was just counting and manually adding the words together each time and it was a process. If I'm editing the chapter for my weekly update, I will also have that open until I have posted it and then I close it until I'm ready to edit the next chapter in that chunk.

I tend to be more successful if I'm sitting in a chair at some sort of flat surface, rather than on my lap desk somewhere comfortable. Unless something comes to me first thing in the morning and I worry that getting up will diminish that information, then I stay in bed and write on my phone. Though there's sometimes that I'm like "this is all too much, I must get up and type to fully do it justice." I do keep some of my writing open on my phone though, because I just never know when inspiration will strike.

On a sillier note, any time I'm able to drink my coffee at home and write, I use my little Backstreet Boys mug and every Wednesday, I wear a Backstreet Boys mask and take my crocodile to-go coffee mug to work. These are my little traditions that I am adamant about keeping, though I don't know that they are integral to my writing process, lol.

Otherwise? I usually reread a chapter in progress (at least from the start of the scene) before I write anything new and will often green line it as I go along. That's pretty much it. I promise myself that I won't check here until I've tried to write for at least an hour, though I may or may not quickly refresh it on my phone in the morning to see if anyone posted since I last saw on Saturday/Sunday mornings, lol.

I think that's it. The big thing for me has been just keeping stuff open. It reminds me that it's waiting, but not in an oppressive kind of way. Thankfully, I haven't yet run into a day this go around where I can't find something to write about something and thankfully it's usually in the PBox&Co universe somewhere.

Although, I did move it into its own window today because I needed several tabs open to do administrative paperwork type things today and it's definitely felt more "out of sight, out of mind," so maybe that's why I can't get into the groove today. Hmm...


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 15, 2021, 09:26:09 PM ---Tomorrow's a late start for me, so I'm hoping! That or waking up and feeling immensely inspired to write with my morning.

Glad you're done even though it was six paragraphs longer than you expected! lol Just saying, if the new chapter's not coming, could be a good time to write a scene out of order for the good of the streak. ;) I'm sending you good vibes.

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I hope you took advantage of your late start to either get some extra sleep or some extra writing time in!

I started my chapter as I was getting ready this morning, so the pressure's off.  I at least have a paragraph written already today, and so the streak continues.

I know it works out fine for you, but I just can't bring myself to write scenes out of order.  There are definitely future scenes that I can picture clearly in my head and am looking forward to writing, but for me, having those parts to look forward to is part of my motivation to keep plugging away at the story so I can get to them.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 15, 2021, 09:26:09 PM ---I think it's the feeling of being "done." I did today's thing, so now I don't have to do things anymore today. Which is a bummer, because sometimes I'm really into the writing earlier in the day.

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Yes, that's exactly it.  It's the same reason I rarely start a new chapter on the same day I finish a chapter.  Which, as you said, is a bummer if I finish a chapter early in the morning and then don't feel like writing the rest of the day.  That's why I loved that advice of leaving yourself a cliffhanger when you can.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 15, 2021, 09:26:09 PM ---I do write my author chats in advance 95% of the time. The funnier, more eloquent, and elaborate that they are, I wrote them ahead of time. If they're kind of rambly and/or shorter, then I wrote them after (or just prior to) updating.

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I figured you must.  That would be a lot to come up with on the spot!  When I was blogging on my site last year, I wrote all those in advance too because some of them took me as long as writing a scene in a story.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 15, 2021, 09:26:09 PM ---Same. A Backstreet Boy as a contestant on some show? I am there. It's why I watched DWTS twice, after all, lol. I think if you relate to or recognize the celebrity, it's easier to get sucked in, whether it's the Boys or a crooked governor. I ebb in and out of watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette just depending on how likeable or horrendous the contestants were the season before.

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Absolutely.  The first time I watched DWTS was when Aaron Carter was on, and I found it so cheesy.  It has gotten better over the years, especially since it went from two nights a week with the separate results show to just one night.  I've actually come to enjoy that show and watch it even when there's not a Backstreet Boy (or BSB sibling) on.  Celebrity Apprentice was the same way; I liked it for the celebrities and the challenges.  Never Trump.  He was always obnoxious to me, but the format of the show itself was interesting.

I've never been able to get into The Bachelor/Bachelorette.  I've tried to see what all the fuss was about, and I just can't.  The only guilty pleasure dating show I watch is 90 Day Fiance and its various spinoffs.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 15, 2021, 09:48:47 PM ---I think more successful days are the ones where I start in the morning. If I can get something good going first thing in the morning, I am more likely to write more during a day. It only works at night these days if I've been thinking about something off and on all day, but can't physically write it down. And that doesn't happen a lot. If I don't write early, I may get up to 500 words for a day, but it's typically closer to 20-100 words.

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Same.  If I don't get started first thing in the morning, it will take me forever to get going.  I have learned to make coffee and at least try to write before I turn on the TV.  Sometimes I still have success writing into the wee hours of the morning, but that happens more in the summer when I stay up that late anyway.

Along the same lines, I am more likely to write after school if I get on the computer before I turn on the TV or eat dinner.  Once that damn TV is on, I will waste hours in front of it and lose my motivation to write.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 15, 2021, 09:48:47 PM ---Things that are always consistent... Well, I open the computer with the intent to write every day. I actually don't close my works-in-progress ever.

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I think I used to do this, but when I was writing A Heart That Isn't Mine, I started getting paranoid about leaving it open when I left the house or went to bed.  I had this fear that something would happen to me, like I would get into a car accident or die in my sleep, and my parents would find it open on my computer and want to read their daughter's last words and be like, "WTF??" LOL  So now I close my work in progress if I'm going somewhere or going to be away from it for more than a few hours.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 15, 2021, 09:48:47 PM ---I tend to be more successful if I'm sitting in a chair at some sort of flat surface, rather than on my lap desk somewhere comfortable. Unless something comes to me first thing in the morning and I worry that getting up will diminish that information, then I stay in bed and write on my phone. Though there's sometimes that I'm like "this is all too much, I must get up and type to fully do it justice." I do keep some of my writing open on my phone though, because I just never know when inspiration will strike.

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This varies for me.  I tend to sit at my desk on my PC when I'm updating my site or doing anything that requires a lot of copying and pasting, which is easier with a mouse than a touchpad.  But for just writing, I move around a lot.  I usually start out in bed on my Chromebook and will stay there until I'm ready to shower.  Then I'll either go upstairs to my writing room, where I alternate between sitting at a desk and reclining on the little chaise/futon thing I have up there.  If I stay downstairs, I'll either write on my Chromebook on the couch or at the kitchen table, or I write at my desk in my den.  Sometimes a change of setting helps.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 15, 2021, 09:48:47 PM ---On a sillier note, any time I'm able to drink my coffee at home and write, I use my little Backstreet Boys mug and every Wednesday, I wear a Backstreet Boys mask and take my crocodile to-go coffee mug to work. These are my little traditions that I am adamant about keeping, though I don't know that they are integral to my writing process, lol.

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Aww, I love those little traditions!  I actually don't have a BSB mug, which is weird considering how many mugs I have.  I do have a BSB wine glass and the blue BSB cup from Vegas, which I drink soda out of all the time.  I usually use a Tervis for my weekend coffee so it stays hot or cold longer... I should see if there's a BSB cup like that on Etsy.  I'm sure there is.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 15, 2021, 09:48:47 PM ---Otherwise? I usually reread a chapter in progress (at least from the start of the scene) before I write anything new and will often green line it as I go along. That's pretty much it. I promise myself that I won't check here until I've tried to write for at least an hour, though I may or may not quickly refresh it on my phone in the morning to see if anyone posted since I last saw on Saturday/Sunday mornings, lol.

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I usually do that too, especially if I'm having a hard time getting started.  It helps me get back into the story and remember where I left off.  I also try to hold off on checking the forum or Twitter until I've gotten far enough into a scene to leave myself hanging.  Then I can take a little internet browsing break and know I will come back to it.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 15, 2021, 07:13:37 PM ---I know we've already talked about writing routines and rituals on here, but are you consistent with the practices you follow every day that you write, or do you change it up open?  What are the more rigid requirements you have for a successful writing session, and what can you be flexible with?

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Wow, you can tell how sleep-deprived I was when I wrote this, LOL.  I have no idea where the random "open" came from.  I was in bed by ten last night, so I got a little more sleep than I did any other night this week.  I haven't reread Chapter 13 yet to see how many typos I made in it yet.  I will probably wait to do that until tomorrow when I have fresh eyes LOL.

The only rigid requirement I have for a successful writing session is privacy.  I can't concentrate in public or around other people.  Otherwise, I'm pretty flexible with where and how I write.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 05:30:05 PM ---I hope you took advantage of your late start to either get some extra sleep or some extra writing time in!
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Both! I spent longer than I had planned on laying in bed, but the hubs just got back from a work trip, so I'm always a bit of a cuddle bug when he returns. Then I managed to get 176 words written this morning (even though I only wrote for 20 minutes instead of the hour or so that I'd been planning for) and have some fairly clear ideas for the next few chapters (not to the point of exact words yet, unfortunately), so I feel like it may be a productive night and definitely a decently productive weekend. We'll see. I did stop in the middle of my current scene, so I think I'll be able to pick right back up where I left off.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 05:30:05 PM ---I started my chapter as I was getting ready this morning, so the pressure's off.  I at least have a paragraph written already today, and so the streak continues.

I know it works out fine for you, but I just can't bring myself to write scenes out of order.  There are definitely future scenes that I can picture clearly in my head and am looking forward to writing, but for me, having those parts to look forward to is part of my motivation to keep plugging away at the story so I can get to them.
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Yay! The streak continues! The pressure to keep the streak alive gets me every time. I think it almost makes it worse if I'm not quite sure what to write.

Just trying to encourage you to live dangerously, lol. If having them to look forward to is motivating, then keep them as motivation. :)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 05:30:05 PM ---Yes, that's exactly it.  It's the same reason I rarely start a new chapter on the same day I finish a chapter.  Which, as you said, is a bummer if I finish a chapter early in the morning and then don't feel like writing the rest of the day.  That's why I loved that advice of leaving yourself a cliffhanger when you can.
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I was going to say I didn't, but of the 32 chapters I have written (or mostly written in the case of chapter 32), I've done it five times. To be fair, at least three of those times started out as three ridiculously long chapters that I found good places to cut in half. The other ones I think hit the end of the chapter, but just kind of segued nicely into the next bit, so I just kept going. I think it depends on what time I finish the chapter if it segues. If it's before 9pm, I'm more likely to attempt getting started. If it's after 9pm, it's hit or miss and leans toward miss the later it gets unless I'm like "I have so much inspiration!" There were a few times in October/November where I would sit and write until 1am and then look at the clock and go "oops," lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 05:30:05 PM ---I figured you must.  That would be a lot to come up with on the spot!  When I was blogging on my site last year, I wrote all those in advance too because some of them took me as long as writing a scene in a story.
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I'm not that clever without some think time, lol. Definitely! I think the three that took me the longest were "Demon Powers and Plantsing" and "A History of PBox Parts One and Two." I think it really depends on just what you're sharing for the length and amount of time. And you had 20 years and multiple stories to reflect on! I can only imagine!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 05:30:05 PM ---Absolutely.  The first time I watched DWTS was when Aaron Carter was on, and I found it so cheesy.  It has gotten better over the years, especially since it went from two nights a week with the separate results show to just one night.  I've actually come to enjoy that show and watch it even when there's not a Backstreet Boy (or BSB sibling) on.  Celebrity Apprentice was the same way; I liked it for the celebrities and the challenges.  Never Trump.  He was always obnoxious to me, but the format of the show itself was interesting.

I've never been able to get into The Bachelor/Bachelorette.  I've tried to see what all the fuss was about, and I just can't.  The only guilty pleasure dating show I watch is 90 Day Fiance and its various spinoffs.
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I just can't stand the judges! I feel about the DWTS judges how y'all feel about the Masked Singer judges, lol. Bruno's about the only one I can stand of the ones I've seen. And the other British guy who wasn't on Nick or AJ's seasons. He's okay too, but largely absent?

Reality tv or competition shows are hit or miss for me. I'll get really into them sometimes and other times not even care at all. Undercover Boss was one I always really enjoyed and Bar Rescue in the beginning, but I got tired of it eventually.

Bachelor/Bachelorette is really all about the drama, so if the people on it aren't enjoyable, then it just gets annoying. These past couple of seasons, I've missed a week or so and then ultimately decided that I didn't care to catch up, lol


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