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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 11:29:10 PM ---They have a new stemless one on their site now:  The one I have is from last year; it has a stem and white writing, but is the same design otherwise.
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I'm usually team stemless wine glass anyway, so this is perfect! In a few weeks, a bunch of BSB kitchen stuff will appear on our doorstep and hubs will be concerned, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 11:29:10 PM ---I'm not a tea drinker either.  Only once in awhile when I'm sick will I drink tea.

I have a mug warmer, but I don't use it very often - just one more thing I have to find a place to plug in.  I should get a USB or battery-powered one.  But on the weekend, I just make a bigger cup of coffee and put it in an insulated tumbler so it stays warm for hours.  I like the ones with straws for iced coffee.
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Same. Tea is for sick.

That's what I was thinking, the plug would be a deterrent if you wanted to move around the house. I wish I could be a coffee sipper if it stayed warm the whole time, but I usually end up gulping it down because my brain says, "Ooh, this is delicious! Must drink as much of this as possible at one time!" lol I'm not a big iced coffee drinker, the warmth is one of coffee's key characteristic s for me.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 11:29:10 PM ---Absolutely!  Days like this where I'm too tired to write much, I can still think about it as I'm lying in bed, and sometimes that helps me wake up with new ideas and inspiration.

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That's about where I'm at. Ready to sit in bed and ponder tomorrow's last scene for this chapter or start channeling AJ and Howie for the start of the next chapter.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 16, 2021, 11:31:33 PM ---Wow, the Kevin & Nick story trend is going strong!  Three out of the four stories on the Most Recent page have Kevin and Nick on the banner.  (One of the banners is also ginormous - not sure if that's something you still care to moderate or not, Mare.)

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I wonder what that fourth story is that decided not to be trendy... lol. I'm kidding, I know it's me. PNecklace probably needs its own banner at some point instead of just keeping PBox's banner...

lmao. I told Mare that when it first got posted, plus the very long summary. I think of all the rules to go slightly lax on in slow times, the banner/summaries length one is it.

Good news y'all, I've actually caught up on my daily word count a bit and have almost written an entire chapter today. I'm just finishing it up! It's not the one I thought I would write, but at least it's something.

How'd everyone else's writing day go?

Yay, good for you!!

I have not had a good writing day.  I only wrote about a paragraph this morning, and then I went to my parents' house this evening, so I'm just now trying to get back at it.  I've written a couple more paragraphs, but I don't see it being a productive evening.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  I just started a new chapter, so I think once I get into the scene I'm writing, it will go faster.  I'm just not quite to that point where the words are flowing yet.

Thanks! I'm probably a scene from being done with the chapter and I've hit a sleepy wall. So, something to start up tomorrow I guess.

I'm glad you've gotten a few paragraphs in though, the streak is alive! Starting a new chapter is always hard, it either comes really easily to me or I stall on the same chapter many times before finally finishing it.

I say, take a break and look at it with fresh eyes. Catch up on sleep instead. ;D That's what I'm telling myself, lol.

Hope everyone had a productive Sunday! Mine was not quite as productive as I was hoping, but I finished the chapter I had been working on and went back to finish the little bridge part of two chapters ago, plus started the last little scene of the previous chapter (then hit a wall) and started my editing for this week's update. I still got about 2,300 words in, but it wasn't the monster weekend I was hoping for to catch up on my daily word count.

All in all, I have almost 27,000 words for the month so far though. I don't think I'll finish PNecklace this month like I was hoping, but I do have three chapters mostly finished so far and still two weeks/one weekend left. Maybe I'll get halfway done. :) Or maybe I will be majorly inspired and finish it all up. :) There's a myriad of possibilities.

I did have a question for Julie or anyone else who has written something similar, I just know she had it for Bethlehem off the top of my head. Anyone who has had a portion of the story where certain characters are doing one thing and other characters are doing some other thing for an extended amount of time, how did you write that? Did you plan ahead of time the order the chapters would switch up POV? Did you write one whole arc, then the next arc, and so on and splice them together after the fact? Something different? Just looking for opinions and methods here.

I'd use my previous PBox method from when I wrote in order, but that was really "I want y'all to think Nick/Brian/Minako died when they fell in the hole, so I'm ignoring them for several chapters. This flows nicely into still focusing on AJ/Kevin/Howie, so I will give them each a POV chapter. Look, they fell in another hole. We haven't checked in on Renee/NSYNC in a while. I guess it's time to let you know that Nick/Brian/Minako didn't die, but I want them to disappear for a little while after that still... And I guess Renee/NSYNC have to physically get through some of the castle so we'll focus on them for a bit. And now we can worry about Nick again. And then everybody's together until the end." lol "Fell into a hole" seems to be a recurring inciting incident for me for some reason...

I'm not really sure yet what the more interesting cliff hangers will be. Do I just treat this like post-story WADD and write a little of part A and a little of part B, then decide which one is flowing better and finish up that bit before moving on? Or see if I miss the other one a little while writing and start splicing them that way?

Tell me your methods, basically, lol.


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