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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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The streak lives and I finished the scene I was working on! And boy does it tug at the heart strings (in an "aww" way, not a sad way). I'm calling this a win for me and Brian even though it was only about 600 more words, lol.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 21, 2021, 09:31:56 PM ---Woo! You beat your average with a few sentences! Hope you write more!

I've written thirty words, so the streak lives! This two-hour Masked Singer is great, but not for my writing, lol.

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LOL When I realized Masked Singer was two hours long, I brought my Chromebook out to the living room and wrote in between performances instead of fast forwarding.

I'm glad the streak stayed alive!  Mine has too.  I've been writing at least one sentence every morning while I dry my hair in case I don't get anything done in the evening.  While last week I was just in a state of chronic sleep deprivation fueled by caffeine, this week I have been getting more sleep by taking a 2-3 hour nap at 5 or 6 p.m. every evening, which has really cut into my writing productivity.  Tonight is the only night I didn't nap because I wanted to stay up and watch the ER reunion LOL.  I guess I need to go back to drinking soda in the afternoon next week so I can stay awake and write.

Today's Camp Nano Care Package:

"Read what's being published in the genre you're writing. Read old books and new. Get a good feel for what your genre is. This will help with your writing and it also might help you when pitching your book to agents/publishers."

Today's Writing Challenge:

If you're feeling stuck, jot down a list of a few of the tropes, characters, or situations that usually show up in the genre you're currently writing. Which ones do you love, and which ones do you find annoying? Use these as a jumping off point to write a scene featuring one of those things!

What genre is your current work in progress? Is it the genre you usually write in?


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 22, 2021, 09:25:54 PM ---LOL When I realized Masked Singer was two hours long, I brought my Chromebook out to the living room and wrote in between performances instead of fast forwarding.
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Same. I did get sidetracked listening to a friend tell a dramatic story about someone we both know being a dick and giving her advice, but after that, I went back to the grind.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 22, 2021, 09:25:54 PM ---I'm glad the streak stayed alive!  Mine has too.  I've been writing at least one sentence every morning while I dry my hair in case I don't get anything done in the evening.  While last week I was just in a state of chronic sleep deprivation fueled by caffeine, this week I have been getting more sleep by taking a 2-3 hour nap at 5 or 6 p.m. every evening, which has really cut into my writing productivity.  Tonight is the only night I didn't nap because I wanted to stay up and watch the ER reunion LOL.  I guess I need to go back to drinking soda in the afternoon next week so I can stay awake and write.

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I'm glad yours has too! Today I wrote two different little bits so far, the start of my next chapter this afternoon and the start of the next book this morning. As usual, I continue to be all over the place, lol. I think you passed your tiredness on to me because I have been exhausted this whole week. I don't know if it's the off and on snow or what, but so tired.

I thought about taking a nap today! But I had that Thursday training again, so I decided to write a little before it started. I'm hoping I can jump back in where I left off. :)

I hope the ER reunion was worth skipping the nap for.  ;D Just make sure that you don't sleep deprive yourself next week.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 22, 2021, 09:31:25 PM ---Today's Camp Nano Care Package:

"Read what's being published in the genre you're writing. Read old books and new. Get a good feel for what your genre is. This will help with your writing and it also might help you when pitching your book to agents/publishers."

Today's Writing Challenge:

If you're feeling stuck, jot down a list of a few of the tropes, characters, or situations that usually show up in the genre you're currently writing. Which ones do you love, and which ones do you find annoying? Use these as a jumping off point to write a scene featuring one of those things!
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I was looking through to see if I had something like this yet and I do have a couple of them planned, just haven't gotten around to it yet. I guess I did have a little of one in yesterday's scene, but I'm not here for spoilers, lol.

What genre is your current work in progress? Is it the genre you usually write in?

Fantasy, my old reliable. I was thinking the other day about how much I wanted nothing to do with fantasy after finishing PBox and I have no idea why that was... Like I couldn't even bring myself to write Gobosei back then. I think the time away was probably a good thing for PBox&Co (like whatever PNecklace or PDemons were going to be back then are not nearly as awesome as what they are now... I think only two or three things stuck all these years?), but it's still weird.

Anyone else ever feel that way? You write and write in one genre and then think "if I even look at x genre, I'm going to hurl"? Anyone know why? Psychology school me, basically, lol!


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