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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 25, 2021, 11:54:34 PM ---I honestly don't know if I get weird social media ads because I don't check mine often enough to notice, but you're right, looking up medical stuff would probably give you some pretty weird facebook ads, lol. I hope I have facebook ads about camels. I would actually love that, lol.

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LOL I would love ads about camels, too!  I looked something up on my phone once a couple years ago and started getting Facebook ads for nurse t-shirts, and I was like, "Nope."  I'm pretty sure Google assumes I'm either a healthcare worker, a hypochondriac, or the unhealthiest/unluckiest person ever LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 25, 2021, 11:54:34 PM ---I agree with you, quality over quantity for sure. I was still super happy with it all and ended up eventually finishing the chapter (and getting more of the word count I was expecting for the work, lol) and starting the next one. I'm glad you've gotten into a good flowing place. Have you hit the montage yet or is this all still pre-montage stuff?

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Yay for finishing your chapter and starting the next one!  You're on a roll!

I'm at the start of the montage section.  I don't really have specific scenes planned for the next few chapters, more just, "I should mention this and that and find a way to skip through the next two months in story time..." LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 25, 2021, 11:54:34 PM ---I'm kind of a mixed bag. Sometimes I edit as I go. Sometimes I finish a scene and then reread over it and edit it. Sometimes I call it good and let it sit until I'm getting ready to post and then edit it. Sometimes when it takes me several days to write one chapter, I'll reread it several times and edit it each time. Regardless, I always let them percolate and edit before I post. I don't know if this is having a first draft or not, lol.

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I am the same way as far as letting it sit and then coming back to it for a final read-through and edit before I post.  Since I've started hoarding chapters, I tend to read each one through more times in between drafting and posting than I used to.  I change little things here and there almost every time, but I'm not sure if that counts as writing a second draft, or if that's just editing.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 25, 2021, 11:54:34 PM ---That's so true! Congrats on day 44! I apparently skipped two days in March and wrote two words on one day to not skip a third, so I was at 19 days on April 1st and 43 today. I might add a May goal to my Nano project to encourage me to add words each day and finish this story up.

I've given up on reaching 60,000, especially because not all of my words are new PNecklace chapter words anyway (and there's no way I could finish 16 chapters in five days unless I had a week off, and probably not even then, lol). I decided my new goal for the next five days is to finish the last two chapters I have before the divergent bit, which is about 4500 words (give or take) and would put me around 40,000 words for the month. I think I can do that, though I think it will be easier in this chapter I started today since I want to give each Boy a scene and it's pretty easy to have a quick goal of "once I write about 500 words for you, your scene can be finished if it's ready to be finished." The other chapter I'm a little stuck on, so we'll see what happens, lol.

If only the last day of April was a Saturday or Sunday. Then I think we'd be able to get in one last really solid writing day. But, I believe in you!

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Wow, we are within a day of each other!  Go us!

That's a good idea about adding another goal for May.  I may do the same.  I've come to look forward to updating my word count every day; it's motivating and fun to keep track of my progress that way.

Ugh, I know - if I had one more weekend, I could definitely make it.  We'll see how productive I can be after school this week.  I wrote 150 words this morning, so that was a good start!  Have not opened the story yet this evening, but I also haven't taken a nap yet, so I'm already doing better than last week LOL.

Good luck finishing your last two chapters!  I hope the next five days are productive for us both!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 25, 2021, 11:54:34 PM ---I feel you. Remember last month when I was like "I feel like this is the end!"? This is when that record scratch sound effect happens and a voice over says "But it wasn't the end. Oh no, it wasn't the end at all." lol

At least you were super inspired for four months though and didn't get derailed when your ten chapters to go turned into twenty chapters to go. I say that's a good run of inspiration! Hopefully MBK ends up that way too. :)

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LOL That is so true.  That's exactly what happened to me too.  I didn't mind it going an extra ten chapters because I was so inspired, and 50 is a better number than 40 anyway.  Now that I've gotten into a groove with MBK, it definitely has those AHTIM/Curtain Call/Broken inspiration vibes.  I'm enjoying it.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 25, 2021, 11:54:34 PM ---Apparently Brian's dramatic speech was "Nivekllik" running dramatically down the shower wall, lol. Remember that? I agree, if I need to remember something that I feel like I can be inspired on later I may write myself a tiny note on a sticky note. It makes it feel important.

I originally came on to see what time I started writing to update my NaNo for the day, then saw you were quoting and waited, lol. I think I will go to bed now. Happy last week of Camp NaNo! We've got our 3,000-5,000 words! I believe!

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Yeah, I stayed up too late writing that last post as usual and then made myself go to bed.  At least I have been sleeping better the last week or so.

Happy last week to you as well!  We've got this!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 06:23:44 PM ---LOL I would love ads about camels, too!  I looked something up on my phone once a couple years ago and started getting Facebook ads for nurse t-shirts, and I was like, "Nope."  I'm pretty sure Google assumes I'm either a healthcare worker, a hypochondriac, or the unhealthiest/unluckiest person ever LOL.
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I skimmed because curiosity got the better of me and Nick and I are facebook friends? Or his official fan page or something, not sure when I did that, but that was a fun surprise seeing his tweets on my facebook feed as facebook news. Otherwise, my ads are for fancy cups and soda streams. Nothing too weird. It might be that facebook sees my weird googling and goes "I don't know how to turn this into an ad and you're never here anyway," lol.

lol! At least it was sending you ads for nurse shirts and not black market organs or something. That's what I thought you were getting when you said the ads were weird, lol. Google probably makes a lot of weird assumptions about us, and also keeps track of us writing, so it might not think it's that weird. Or it has us on a list of "potential future serial killers," lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 06:23:44 PM ---Yay for finishing your chapter and starting the next one!  You're on a roll!

I'm at the start of the montage section.  I don't really have specific scenes planned for the next few chapters, more just, "I should mention this and that and find a way to skip through the next two months in story time..." LOL.
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And another 800 words so far! I might finish this one today! :) My first scene went longer than expected, so now I'm down to ~300 word check-ins with all the Boys. If only the other one I want to finish goes this well.

I hear that "September. October. November." is still a possibility, lol. What about a to-do list chapter?

* read Kevin's book
* Don't go to LA Don't go to LA Stay in Tennessee DAMNIT
* Buy pants
* Take up knitting
* call Kevin
* call Kevin
* Stop avoiding this, call Kevin
I don't know what your things to mention are, so I just made up things that made me laugh.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 06:23:44 PM ---I am the same way as far as letting it sit and then coming back to it for a final read-through and edit before I post.  Since I've started hoarding chapters, I tend to read each one through more times in between drafting and posting than I used to.  I change little things here and there almost every time, but I'm not sure if that counts as writing a second draft, or if that's just editing.
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I think it's semantics? If it's different from the first version, then it's a second version. So up to you if you consider it a second draft or just editing. If it's a one word change, I don't know that I would call that an entire new draft, but if a few lines change, you could reasonably call that a new draft.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 06:23:44 PM ---Wow, we are within a day of each other!  Go us!

That's a good idea about adding another goal for May.  I may do the same.  I've come to look forward to updating my word count every day; it's motivating and fun to keep track of my progress that way.

Ugh, I know - if I had one more weekend, I could definitely make it.  We'll see how productive I can be after school this week.  I wrote 150 words this morning, so that was a good start!  Have not opened the story yet this evening, but I also haven't taken a nap yet, so I'm already doing better than last week LOL.

Good luck finishing your last two chapters!  I hope the next five days are productive for us both!
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It's fun keeping track of the word count; I like have a written documentation of my words day-to-day instead of just a vague idea of chunks of work.

I believe in you! Open MBK! Write write write write write! These replies are basically just us cheering each other on from different sections, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 06:23:44 PM ---LOL That is so true.  That's exactly what happened to me too.  I didn't mind it going an extra ten chapters because I was so inspired, and 50 is a better number than 40 anyway.  Now that I've gotten into a groove with MBK, it definitely has those AHTIM/Curtain Call/Broken inspiration vibes.  I'm enjoying it.
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I agree. Fifty has a nice ring to it. :) I'm glad it's got inspiration vibes going already.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 06:23:44 PM ---LMAO!  REDRUM!

Yeah, I stayed up too late writing that last post as usual and then made myself go to bed.  At least I have been sleeping better the last week or so.

Happy last week to you as well!  We've got this!

--- End quote ---

We gotta start going to bed at a reasonable time. I've been sleeping better as well, I think it's the weather being less weird.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 26, 2021, 07:00:13 PM ---I skimmed because curiosity got the better of me and Nick and I are facebook friends? Or his official fan page or something, not sure when I did that, but that was a fun surprise seeing his tweets on my facebook feed as facebook news. Otherwise, my ads are for fancy cups and soda streams. Nothing too weird. It might be that facebook sees my weird googling and goes "I don't know how to turn this into an ad and you're never here anyway," lol.

lol! At least it was sending you ads for nurse shirts and not black market organs or something. That's what I thought you were getting when you said the ads were weird, lol. Google probably makes a lot of weird assumptions about us, and also keeps track of us writing, so it might not think it's that weird. Or it has us on a list of "potential future serial killers," lol.

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LOL I probably would get ads for black market organs or medical equipment if I did the bulk of my research on my phone.  Nurse shirts aren't bad.  If Google can connect our writing content to our searches, it would all make so much more sense.  As long as the cops have no reason to confiscate my computer, I'm good.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 26, 2021, 07:00:13 PM ---And another 800 words so far! I might finish this one today! :) My first scene went longer than expected, so now I'm down to ~300 word check-ins with all the Boys. If only the other one I want to finish goes this well.

I hear that "September. October. November." is still a possibility, lol. What about a to-do list chapter?

* read Kevin's book
* Don't go to LA Don't go to LA Stay in Tennessee DAMNIT
* Buy pants
* Take up knitting
* call Kevin
* call Kevin
* Stop avoiding this, call Kevin
I don't know what your things to mention are, so I just made up things that made me laugh.

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Yay for your 800 words!!

LOL I wish I could just make Kevin's chapter say "February" and Nick's chapter say "March" and call it good, but I will not be Stephenie Meyer.   I do need to show some of what happened during those months, which is basically a tour and rehab.  But I don't like writing concert scenes and don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to writing therapy scenes, so I'm not looking forward to the next few chapters.  I love your to-do list! LOL  Maybe I should just have Nick take up knitting instead.  But I also don't know how to knit LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 26, 2021, 07:00:13 PM ---I think it's semantics? If it's different from the first version, then it's a second version. So up to you if you consider it a second draft or just editing. If it's a one word change, I don't know that I would call that an entire new draft, but if a few lines change, you could reasonably call that a new draft.

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I think you're right.  I guess I just compare my process to the serious writers I see talking about writing second and third drafts as if they throw the first draft in the trash and start over from scratch every time, and that is definitely not what I do.  But I'm also just writing fanfic and not trying to get a manuscript published, so there's a difference.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 26, 2021, 07:00:13 PM ---I believe in you! Open MBK! Write write write write write! These replies are basically just us cheering each other on from different sections, lol.

--- End quote ---

It's open!  I wrote a paragraph!  Hopefully more will follow.  Thanks for the encouragement!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 26, 2021, 07:00:13 PM ---We gotta start going to bed at a reasonable time. I've been sleeping better as well, I think it's the weather being less weird.

--- End quote ---

Ugh, I know.  But I'm only tired between the hours of 5 am and 6 pm, and even if I try to go to bed in that time frame, I will inevitably wake up at 8 pm with my second wind.  I wish I could teach vampire children at night.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 07:31:39 PM ---LOL I probably would get ads for black market organs or medical equipment if I did the bulk of my research on my phone.  Nurse shirts aren't bad.  If Google can connect our writing content to our searches, it would all make so much more sense.  As long as the cops have no reason to confiscate my computer, I'm good.
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Well what kinds of ads do you get on your computer? Unless computer ad-tracking is slightly less intuitive than phone ad-tracking, I imagine it would reflect your google searches in some manner. Maybe do your black market organ shopping in incognito mode just to be safe, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 07:31:39 PM ---LOL I wish I could just make Kevin's chapter say "February" and Nick's chapter say "March" and call it good, but I will not be Stephenie Meyer.   I do need to show some of what happened during those months, which is basically a tour and rehab.  But I don't like writing concert scenes and don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to writing therapy scenes, so I'm not looking forward to the next few chapters.  I love your to-do list! LOL  Maybe I should just have Nick take up knitting instead.  But I also don't know how to knit LOL.
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Obviously it's "February-Kevin is not on tour," lol.

I tried to do a "quick" search on the NaNo forums (hence why I've been writing this for half an hour), but wasn't quite sure what perspective you wanted in your therapy session or how specific. Most of the stuff I found was more about how characters would behave with certain mental health issues rather than the nitty gritty of how therapy goes, but could be helpful to peruse with an more exact query? I do have a friend with experience with therapy as a patient (not for substance abuse though) that I could reach out to with specific questions if you'd like, though I'd give them the "you can say no" caveat right off the bar, since it can be a pretty personal thing.

I hear Mare was crocheting, so... similar idea and a person to ask? lol

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 07:31:39 PM ---I think you're right.  I guess I just compare my process to the serious writers I see talking about writing second and third drafts as if they throw the first draft in the trash and start over from scratch every time, and that is definitely not what I do.  But I'm also just writing fanfic and not trying to get a manuscript published, so there's a difference.
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I think there's a certain level of hack and slash necessary sometimes, but I've never thrown away a whole chapter either, even if I ended up hacking and slashing a lot. Your process is what works for you the way you want to publish your work. :) If it's being read and people enjoy it, then you clearly don't need to throw your first draft away. Unless you hate it. Then feel free to throw it away immediately.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 07:31:39 PM ---It's open!  I wrote a paragraph!  Hopefully more will follow.  Thanks for the encouragement!
--- End quote ---

Woooo!!!! Now write another paragraph!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 26, 2021, 07:31:39 PM ---Ugh, I know.  But I'm only tired between the hours of 5 am and 6 pm, and even if I try to go to bed in that time frame, I will inevitably wake up at 8 pm with my second wind.  I wish I could teach vampire children at night.

--- End quote ---

What sort of job board do you think you could find open positions for the education of vampire children on? Would you need different specialization s that you have already? Do the same children stay in your class based on "age" or do they have vampire college? I have so many questions, lol.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 26, 2021, 09:09:50 PM ---Well what kinds of ads do you get on your computer? Unless computer ad-tracking is slightly less intuitive than phone ad-tracking, I imagine it would reflect your google searches in some manner. Maybe do your black market organ shopping in incognito mode just to be safe, lol.

--- End quote ---

I have an ad blocker on my computer, so none usually LOL.  I also don't use Facebook often on my computer anymore, and I use different Google accounts on my phone vs. computer.  I notice it more on the computer with the recommended videos that pop up on YouTube after I've been using it to research LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 26, 2021, 09:09:50 PM ---Obviously it's "February-Kevin is not on tour," lol.

I tried to do a "quick" search on the NaNo forums (hence why I've been writing this for half an hour), but wasn't quite sure what perspective you wanted in your therapy session or how specific. Most of the stuff I found was more about how characters would behave with certain mental health issues rather than the nitty gritty of how therapy goes, but could be helpful to peruse with an more exact query? I do have a friend with experience with therapy as a patient (not for substance abuse though) that I could reach out to with specific questions if you'd like, though I'd give them the "you can say no" caveat right off the bar, since it can be a pretty personal thing.

I hear Mare was crocheting, so... similar idea and a person to ask? lol

--- End quote ---

Thanks!  I haven't checked out the Nano forums before, but that sounds like a great resource.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 26, 2021, 09:09:50 PM ---I think there's a certain level of hack and slash necessary sometimes, but I've never thrown away a whole chapter either, even if I ended up hacking and slashing a lot. Your process is what works for you the way you want to publish your work. :) If it's being read and people enjoy it, then you clearly don't need to throw your first draft away. Unless you hate it. Then feel free to throw it away immediately.

--- End quote ---

Very true!  And yes, I have hacked and slashed and even deleted first drafts on occasion, but that's not how I normally operate.  The beauty of publishing it for free on the internet is that as long as I like it, it's fine... and hopefully someone else out there will like it, too.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 26, 2021, 09:09:50 PM ---Woooo!!!! Now write another paragraph!

--- End quote ---

I did!  Still didn't finish my chapter, but I wrote like 500 words today, which is not bad for a weeknight and is close to what I'm supposed to be writing each day to make my goal.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on April 26, 2021, 09:09:50 PM ---What sort of job board do you think you could find open positions for the education of vampire children on? Would you need different specialization s that you have already? Do the same children stay in your class based on "age" or do they have vampire college? I have so many questions, lol.

--- End quote ---

Hm... maybe somewhere in Transylvania or Forks, WA?  But yes, I could see that being problematic if the vampire children never age.  Would they just keep repeating the same classes for eternity, like Edward Cullen?  That would get boring.  Why even go to school?  This was not a very well thought out career change.


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