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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2021, 09:52:40 PM ---Same. Having a goal and not just "keeping track to keep track" did push me to try a little better, though not quite to the extent of the beginning of the novel. I'm here to keep encouraging you! Hopefully we continue the streak.

The line is definitely what I missed when I was just keeping track on my own. There's something really satisfying about watching it ebb close to the par and then pass it. I missed it this past month; I think I aimed way to high, lol.

I have an idea of what I might write, but we'll see when the time comes. I think Snail is at the top of my list post-PNecklace since I kind of pushed it aside for a bit. I hope you double MBK by that time too! I'd be excited for you if you were able to finish it by the end of summer!  :biggrin:

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I mean, 50,000 words in a month sounds unachievable to me, and yours was 60,000!  But I understand wanting to finish the story.  I hope you'll be able to do it with this next goal!

Aww, I almost forgot about Snail, but you definitely need to write that when time and inspiration allows.

I don't think I will finish MBK by the end of summer unless it ends up being shorter than anticipated.  I don't feel like I'm at the halfway point in the story yet, although you never know.  Maybe I will surprise myself by being concise!  But if I keep going at this pace, I could probably finish it this year, which would be nice.

It did occur to me the other day that this story has definite sequel potential, which is a scary thought.  I vowed I would never write another sequel because BMS was the exception to my otherwise bad track record with sequels.  I probably won't write one because of that, but I'm just putting it out there that the thought did cross my mind.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2021, 09:52:40 PM ---That's why I have my little document where I copy and paste it over every day. I hand counted in November when I started and it was excruciating. Copy/pasting and then hitting the word count button was much easier.

I was also thinking of tracking my word count per session to see just how much I really get done rather than guessing the number of hours I wrote. I updated my writing for today and I'm at 576 so far and it says I'll be done in July. Not too bad, but a little later than anticipated, lol. You're starting very strong! I believe in you getting to 50,000, which is only 25,000 per month/a little more than you wrote this month and, like you said, you can make up in June if you need to. You've got this!

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Copying and pasting every change sounds like a lot, but it would definitely make it easier to keep track of the exact word count per day.  I don't count my hand, but highlight and use the word count button.

I think tracking the hours and how much I actually get written in those hours will be interesting.  Thank you Google Docs version history for tracking the exact times I make edits.

You're off to a great start!  I'm hoping to get a few more hundred words in before I head to bed for the night.  I've been off my routine today because I mowed my lawn this morning instead of staying in bed writing for hours like I have been doing on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and then I took a nap this afternoon, so it hasn't been a productive writing day.  But I'm back at it now and plan to stay in bed and write tomorrow morning.  I do think having the extra month will take the pressure off me in May, but hopefully I can stay on track and be in a good place by the beginning of June.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2021, 09:52:40 PM ---I'm very excited about that. Now I can dilly dally for a couple months if I need to, lol. I don't want to, but it's good knowing the option is there.

I did set it for this month, but then I remembered that I have some stuff to do tomorrow and only wrote for an hour so far today, so... Unless I churn out the rest of this chapter and another one today, I don't see it happening. I did some math and I would have to spend two days on each chapter and that just seems like too short of a turn around time, to be honest (especially knowing how long I usually let a non-Nick focused chapter sit and sit). I probably will switch it to June and then if I finish early, I finish early. There's no harm in that.

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Absolutely!  Two days per chapter sounds doable if all you were doing was writing, but when you're still working and getting out and doing other things, that does seem like a stretch.  On a productive weekend, I could write a chapter in two days, but definitely not during the work week.  No shame in making it a two-month goal.  It's more achievable that way.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2021, 09:52:40 PM ---I think PBox Nick considers it a Nick story, lol. I'd call it a "group story with Nick as the most frequent POV character." Or Minako, they switch off most of the time. But PNecklace has definitely shifted more to Nick because he's got more going on to react to or angst about. Couple that with the fact that he's a spotlight hog and a clear author favorite and... well, let's call it a toss up. I do try to switch it up, but Nick has the most to say and do all the time being the doer without regard for consequences that he is, lol.

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LOL From the way you talk, Nick definitely seems to consider it his story.  That's okay though.  It even makes sense because Nick tends to steal the spotlight in real life too LOL.  I'm a Brian girl, and even I have a hard time taking my eyes off Nick at concerts.  And when he notices people in the audience not watching him, he tries even harder to get them to look at him LOL.  He's an attention whore.  Not that it matters, but he's also good for ratings LOL.  You're more likely to get readers when the most of the focus is on Nick.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2021, 09:52:40 PM ---lol Poor Howie. I still feel for Howie, but like you said, he does end up being "just kind of there" more often than not. I am glad that you're giving Kevin time to suf... (ahem) shine in this new novel. It's good to test that out at some point in your fanfic career. ;) And, as always, I'm delighted it's going well when Kevin's usually not the focus of your storylines.

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I have learned I can write about any of them with the right storyline.  I enjoyed writing Howie in SAMS because his storyline was so dramatic and compelling, but unless I can come up with another great storyline for him, I'm not sure I have another Howie novel in me.  It's the same way with Kevin.  I'm having an easier time writing him than I thought I would, but a lot of that has to do with the situation I've put him in.  This is me being more plot-driven than character-driven LOL.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 01, 2021, 10:35:30 PM ---I mean, 50,000 words in a month sounds unachievable to me, and yours was 60,000!  But I understand wanting to finish the story.  I hope you'll be able to do it with this next goal!

Aww, I almost forgot about Snail, but you definitely need to write that when time and inspiration allows.

I don't think I will finish MBK by the end of summer unless it ends up being shorter than anticipated.  I don't feel like I'm at the halfway point in the story yet, although you never know.  Maybe I will surprise myself by being concise!  But if I keep going at this pace, I could probably finish it this year, which would be nice.
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I just really thought I was so excited to get to the end, but then I realized that the little middle arc was not done and there were a couple of things I had to get to before the end drew near. I probably aimed too high with 60,000 especially with none of my other months being close to that except for maybe PBox editing January. But, I figured, if it can't be dreamed, it can't be done, so I dreamed. And since it was a personal deadline/goal and not a "if I don't finish this, I have nothing to post," it was all good.

You may have forgotten Snail, but as you know, the snails never forget. ;)

I'll rephrase then, because if you don't feel at the halfway point, then no need to rush it. But, I do hope it's a very productive summer! Whatever that means.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 01, 2021, 10:35:30 PM ---It did occur to me the other day that this story has definite sequel potential, which is a scary thought.  I vowed I would never write another sequel because BMS was the exception to my otherwise bad track record with sequels.  I probably won't write one because of that, but I'm just putting it out there that the thought did cross my mind.
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I see your use of "probably" and not "never." I say, consider it if it has sequel potential. If you feel yourself nearing the end of whatever arc this story is meant to tell and you know there's so much more to say, then it deserves a sequel. That or you realize that there's this end that the characters won't be ready to reach without a whole separate arc added that is connected, but not so connected that it's the same novel.

But you know me, I'm a big believer in a sequel or a series if the story and the characters warrant it. That's a lot of why I'm back here a decade later after all. (Thanks PBox Nick.)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 01, 2021, 10:35:30 PM ---Copying and pasting every change sounds like a lot, but it would definitely make it easier to keep track of the exact word count per day.  I don't count my hand, but highlight and use the word count button.

I think tracking the hours and how much I actually get written in those hours will be interesting.  Thank you Google Docs version history for tracking the exact times I make edits.
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It's not too bad when they're large or at least decent sized chunks, though you're right, the one word changes are a little tedious. I counted by hand when it was ten words or less and highlighted and hit word count if it was more, then added it up on a calculator. It was a lot. Copying/pasting is much faster and now it's just part of my routine, so if I change one word, I just pop over and type it in the document then.

I do like the version history for that. Keeps me on my toes. I feel like this next session will be a lot less productive than that first hour today, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 01, 2021, 10:35:30 PM ---You're off to a great start!  I'm hoping to get a few more hundred words in before I head to bed for the night.  I've been off my routine today because I mowed my lawn this morning instead of staying in bed writing for hours like I have been doing on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and then I took a nap this afternoon, so it hasn't been a productive writing day.  But I'm back at it now and plan to stay in bed and write tomorrow morning.  I do think having the extra month will take the pressure off me in May, but hopefully I can stay on track and be in a good place by the beginning of June.
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I've gotten 329 more since I sat back down, so it's going.

Good for you! Mowing the lawn is tough and deserves a post-mowing nap! I was also not as productive as I wanted to be today. I slept in after last night, then we went and picked out a new washer and dryer at Home Depot, then I wrote for an hour, then it was the Derby, and then I got back home at 8ish and here we are. Not sure how tomorrow will go either, so maybe having May to be nice to ourselves will be good for us.

I think you've got tomorrow! You know your lawn is nice and mowed, so you can just relax and write dramatic montage scenes, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 01, 2021, 10:35:30 PM ---Absolutely!  Two days per chapter sounds doable if all you were doing was writing, but when you're still working and getting out and doing other things, that does seem like a stretch.  On a productive weekend, I could write a chapter in two days, but definitely not during the work week.  No shame in making it a two-month goal.  It's more achievable that way.
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Especially when it's May. May's always kind of a hard month work-wise. I changed it and now it says I have four days to finish each chapter. I think that will be easier.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 01, 2021, 10:35:30 PM ---LOL From the way you talk, Nick definitely seems to consider it his story.  That's okay though.  It even makes sense because Nick tends to steal the spotlight in real life too LOL.  I'm a Brian girl, and even I have a hard time taking my eyes off Nick at concerts.  And when he notices people in the audience not watching him, he tries even harder to get them to look at him LOL.  He's an attention whore.  Not that it matters, but he's also good for ratings LOL.  You're more likely to get readers when the most of the focus is on Nick.
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He sure does! And he's stoked since he gets his way all the time. Though at the moment, he is sad and saying, "I changed my mind, I did not want this at all." It's his own fault. But we get a nice Nick and Kevin moment out of it.

He does do that, the greedy spotlight hog, lol! Clearly he is not paying attention to me always watching him no matter what extravagant antics he gets up to. I admit, I watch the others too, but you can bet I will pay attention to Nick, lol. I do wonder if my read count is people going "A story with Nick on the banner that updates every week?" Then they see it's fantasy and weigh their options on if that matters to them. :shrug: I base my reader reaction off Tracy and my one kudos, lol. I miss reviews and a lack of spam bots.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 01, 2021, 10:35:30 PM ---I have learned I can write about any of them with the right storyline.  I enjoyed writing Howie in SAMS because his storyline was so dramatic and compelling, but unless I can come up with another great storyline for him, I'm not sure I have another Howie novel in me.  It's the same way with Kevin.  I'm having an easier time writing him than I thought I would, but a lot of that has to do with the situation I've put him in.  This is me being more plot-driven than character-driven LOL.

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I bet there's another Howie story in you! I think we've talked about it before though, Nick is definitely more adaptable to more stories, then AJ or Brian, and I'd say Howie and Kevin least. Or maybe that's just us. People who wrote Howie and Kevin focused stories need to come back and weigh in, lol. I think when the right stories come along for the right Boys, you'll have an easy time writing them again. :)


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2021, 11:26:36 PM ---I just really thought I was so excited to get to the end, but then I realized that the little middle arc was not done and there were a couple of things I had to get to before the end drew near. I probably aimed too high with 60,000 especially with none of my other months being close to that except for maybe PBox editing January. But, I figured, if it can't be dreamed, it can't be done, so I dreamed. And since it was a personal deadline/goal and not a "if I don't finish this, I have nothing to post," it was all good.

You may have forgotten Snail, but as you know, the snails never forget. ;)

I'll rephrase then, because if you don't feel at the halfway point, then no need to rush it. But, I do hope it's a very productive summer! Whatever that means.

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I get that feeling.  That was me with AHTIM, thinking it was going to be 40 chapters until I got to about Chapter 38 and thought, "Yeah, there's no way I'm going to wrap this up in two more chapters."  It ended up being 50 chapters and taking like two months longer than I thought it would, but better that than rushing the ending.

As good as it feels to finish a story, it's also nice to savor one that you're enjoying writing.  Once it's done, you're back to that uncertain feeling of "What now??"  So take your time and enjoy the next couple of months with this part of the PBox saga.  And then write the snail story!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2021, 11:26:36 PM ---I see your use of "probably" and not "never." I say, consider it if it has sequel potential. If you feel yourself nearing the end of whatever arc this story is meant to tell and you know there's so much more to say, then it deserves a sequel. That or you realize that there's this end that the characters won't be ready to reach without a whole separate arc added that is connected, but not so connected that it's the same novel.

But you know me, I'm a big believer in a sequel or a series if the story and the characters warrant it. That's a lot of why I'm back here a decade later after all. (Thanks PBox Nick.)

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LOL I know better than to say never because then I'll have to eat my words later when I inevitably end up starting a sequel!  I'm not ruling out the possibility.  I know exactly where the story arc of MBK will end, but I can see the potential for another story arc set a few years in the future.  I guess it will just depend on whether or not it's something I'll feel like writing after finishing this one.  Right now I'm leaning towards "probably not," but we'll see.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2021, 11:26:36 PM ---I've gotten 329 more since I sat back down, so it's going.

Good for you! Mowing the lawn is tough and deserves a post-mowing nap! I was also not as productive as I wanted to be today. I slept in after last night, then we went and picked out a new washer and dryer at Home Depot, then I wrote for an hour, then it was the Derby, and then I got back home at 8ish and here we are. Not sure how tomorrow will go either, so maybe having May to be nice to ourselves will be good for us.

I think you've got tomorrow! You know your lawn is nice and mowed, so you can just relax and write dramatic montage scenes, lol.

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Good for you!  And ooh, a new washer and dryer - exciting!

Yes, that's what I'm hoping, that tomorrow will be more productive.  I probably need to get groceries at some point, but otherwise there's nothing I absolutely have to do.  And knowing me, if I am productive, I will end up putting off grocery shopping until Monday so I don't have to leave the house tomorrow LOL.

I did get almost 500 more words written tonight, and now Nano says my writing speed is 3 words per minute and I will finish my goal on July 22, 2021.  At least I'm in the right year now!  Progress! LOL

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2021, 11:26:36 PM ---I do wonder if my read count is people going "A story with Nick on the banner that updates every week?" Then they see it's fantasy and weigh their options on if that matters to them. :shrug: I base my reader reaction off Tracy and my one kudos, lol. I miss reviews and a lack of spam bots.

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LOL I could see that happening.  I honestly don't think there are many people who still read on AC.  I don't; I read on AO3 so I can leave a comment at the bottom without having to go to a different site.  I miss reviews too.  I could be wrong, but I bet most of the read count on AC is from bots.

I'm still trying to figure out the reader culture on AO3, but it seems like people there prefer short stories to novels and are less likely to read a long story that's updated daily than a shorter novel that's updated weekly.  I got way more kudos and comments on Heroic Measures and The Road to Bethlehem, both shorter novels/novellas that I posted there as I was writing them, than Curtain Call or Song for the Undead, long novels that I posted a chapter per day.  But that also could be because most of the comments I do get on there are from the few people who were already reading my stories here or on my site and followed me over there.  Why would they comment on an old story they've already read?  I like the kudo feature there because at least I can see who else clicked on my story and liked it enough to leave a kudo, even if they never leave a comment - and most of them don't.

A search of the fantasy tag within the BSB fandom on AO3 shows that unless the story is also a slash, it's not likely to get many kudos or comments.  Have you ever thought about including a romantic Frick/Frack storyline in the PBox series? LOL  It seems like that's the key to success over there.  And it has to be Frick/Frack - Nowie slash is not so popular, as I found out.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 01, 2021, 11:26:36 PM ---I bet there's another Howie story in you! I think we've talked about it before though, Nick is definitely more adaptable to more stories, then AJ or Brian, and I'd say Howie and Kevin least. Or maybe that's just us. People who wrote Howie and Kevin focused stories need to come back and weigh in, lol. I think when the right stories come along for the right Boys, you'll have an easy time writing them again. :)

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I think personal preference also comes into play to some extent, but not always, or I would have written more Brian stories than I have as an adult.  I definitely have a harder time thinking of good ideas for him than for Nick.  I don't try as hard to think of ideas for the other three, but when one comes to me that is perfect for AJ, Howie, or Kevin, I'm willing to write it.  If I got another great idea for a Howie story down the road, I would absolutely write it.  But like you said, it has to be the right idea.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 12:51:25 AM ---I get that feeling.  That was me with AHTIM, thinking it was going to be 40 chapters until I got to about Chapter 38 and thought, "Yeah, there's no way I'm going to wrap this up in two more chapters."  It ended up being 50 chapters and taking like two months longer than I thought it would, but better that than rushing the ending.
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That's the silly part. I knew I had still had twenty chapters to go at that point, lol. Back when I was writing what I'm posting now is when I figured out that I couldn't wrap this whole story up in this book though, so I get you on the realizing it needs a little more.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 12:51:25 AM ---As good as it feels to finish a story, it's also nice to savor one that you're enjoying writing.  Once it's done, you're back to that uncertain feeling of "What now??"  So take your time and enjoy the next couple of months with this part of the PBox saga.  And then write the snail story!
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I need this advice to remember to live in the moment in my writing since I love to jump around, lol. Closing my writing ahead document has curbed this desire a bit. I just checked and 145 words of Snail exist on paper and not in my head, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 12:51:25 AM ---LOL I know better than to say never because then I'll have to eat my words later when I inevitably end up starting a sequel!  I'm not ruling out the possibility.  I know exactly where the story arc of MBK will end, but I can see the potential for another story arc set a few years in the future.  I guess it will just depend on whether or not it's something I'll feel like writing after finishing this one.  Right now I'm leaning towards "probably not," but we'll see.
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I'm just trying it get you to say it one time. Just to see how it feels. ;) But that's probably about as likely as convincing you to write anything out of order, lol.

It sounds like you have some time until you need to think about your WADD, so I say focus on MBK now and worry about potential sequels or Brian horror stories when the time comes. :)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 12:51:25 AM ---Good for you!  And ooh, a new washer and dryer - exciting!

Yes, that's what I'm hoping, that tomorrow will be more productive.  I probably need to get groceries at some point, but otherwise there's nothing I absolutely have to do.  And knowing me, if I am productive, I will end up putting off grocery shopping until Monday so I don't have to leave the house tomorrow LOL.

I did get almost 500 more words written tonight, and now Nano says my writing speed is 3 words per minute and I will finish my goal on July 22, 2021.  At least I'm in the right year now!  Progress! LOL
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I ended up with 1,064 yesterday and 450 this morning. We finished our meal prep for the week and I'm about to pop back to the grind after a quick shower and see what happens. Right now, NaNo says I write about six words per minute with an average of 757 per day. At this rate, I will finish on June 22nd. But I'm also about 900 words away from finishing this chapter, so I think I can do that today. Wish me luck!

And yes, the new appliances were both exciting and slightly better than our washer catching on fire. It comes next week, but the dryer is back ordered.

Grocery shopping on Monday is the worst though. It's Monday and it requires a trip to the grocery store? Yuck. Hope that either the writing is going well or that you acquired food. I would call both a productive day!

I knew you'd get in the correct year! Now get that writing speed up with a productive day! You've got this!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 12:51:25 AM ---LOL I could see that happening.  I honestly don't think there are many people who still read on AC.  I don't; I read on AO3 so I can leave a comment at the bottom without having to go to a different site.  I miss reviews too.  I could be wrong, but I bet most of the read count on AC is from bots.
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I read on here and then go over. Give y'alls stories all the little read counts they deserve. :) I'm choosing to believe that it's actual people because it makes me feel less sad about our dwindling fanfic fandom.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 12:51:25 AM ---I'm still trying to figure out the reader culture on AO3, but it seems like people there prefer short stories to novels and are less likely to read a long story that's updated daily than a shorter novel that's updated weekly.  I got way more kudos and comments on Heroic Measures and The Road to Bethlehem, both shorter novels/novellas that I posted there as I was writing them, than Curtain Call or Song for the Undead, long novels that I posted a chapter per day.  But that also could be because most of the comments I do get on there are from the few people who were already reading my stories here or on my site and followed me over there.  Why would they comment on an old story they've already read?  I like the kudo feature there because at least I can see who else clicked on my story and liked it enough to leave a kudo, even if they never leave a comment - and most of them don't.

A search of the fantasy tag within the BSB fandom on AO3 shows that unless the story is also a slash, it's not likely to get many kudos or comments.  Have you ever thought about including a romantic Frick/Frack storyline in the PBox series? LOL  It seems like that's the key to success over there.  And it has to be Frick/Frack - Nowie slash is not so popular, as I found out.
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That makes sense because most of what's there are one shots rather than even novellas. I think I looked into that once? When the stories started being more than one chapter. I think if it's been a while since you've read a story and decided to reread it, you might review again. I know I would. But I think you're right, it does take commitment to get through a novel that you're reading on both the author's pace and yours. Like with an entire novel that's there, you can read it on your own time as much as you want. But if an author is only posting once a week (or less or more), then you may not be available on their schedule. I do like the kudos feature as well. It's less commitment than a review, but you can still let the author know that you're looking at their stuff.

Only in the sense of Brian's jokes about sharing Nick without his express consent, lol. I'd call them Frick&Frack heterosexual life partners more than Frick/Frack power couple. I've also never catered to what's popular anyway, but I did care more about not getting as much feedback when I was younger. But now that most of us aren't getting any sort of substantial amount of feedback, it feels like the right scale for writing fantasy and leaving for a decade, lol. Like I said, it makes me less sad to think my read count here is people and not spam bots. Because then I can feel like people are reading at least.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 12:51:25 AM ---I think personal preference also comes into play to some extent, but not always, or I would have written more Brian stories than I have as an adult.  I definitely have a harder time thinking of good ideas for him than for Nick.  I don't try as hard to think of ideas for the other three, but when one comes to me that is perfect for AJ, Howie, or Kevin, I'm willing to write it.  If I got another great idea for a Howie story down the road, I would absolutely write it.  But like you said, it has to be the right idea.

--- End quote ---

All good points. It's either that or you've written several good ideas for Brian and don't want to repeat them too much. Is there a story that you wrote way back when that you ever thought "If only I just got the idea for that now?"

I feel like spotlight hog Nick comprises most of my ideas, so I don't know if that's personal preference or what, lol. I think most of my better ideas start out as group ideas and then Nick slowly comes in and monopolizes it. Picture it. I'm just writing away and hear the Jaws theme in the distance, it gets slowly closer/louder, then as it gets loudest, Nick taps on my brain and says "Hello, it's me again. This group story, it is now my story. Carry on." lol!

Maybe someday I'll have a Howie idea. That would be something.

In this week's edition of Dee's novel goes meta, spotlight hog Nick breaks the fourth wall:

Nick groaned and held his head in his hand. “This is frustrating. It feels like the more things we learn, the more problems we have. And things that don’t seem important at all end up being really important. I wish there was a way to know what was important and what wasn’t.”

Everything is important in your hero's journey, Nick. Hope you enjoy your new problems. ;)


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