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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 07:34:02 PM ---LMFAO!!! That's a lot of nevers. Makes sense why you don't say it anymore.

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LOL I have learned!  Once I say I'm NEVER doing something, I will inevitably do it at some point down the road.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 07:34:02 PM ---Special shout out to this one. The heart wants what the heart wants. Follow your muse where it leads.

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LOL I have just embraced that this is my hobby, and it's what I enjoy, so I will continue to do it as long as I'm still enjoying it.  It helps to know I'm not the only one in my thirties who's still writing fanfic.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 07:34:02 PM ---It's good to draw lines for yourself. I can't see you writing this either and this may be a thing where I would say it's okay to say never. Except for maybe the Nickleback lyrics. Maybe it's time for that so it doesn't end up in this hypothetical "never" story.

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The killing real BSB children is the only line I've ever drawn for myself that I haven't crossed.  Well, that and apparently pedophilia LOL.  I can't see myself writing that either.

The Nickelback thing is something I have done and vowed never to do again.  One of my favorite chapters I've ever written, BMS 196, was almost ruined by Nickelback lyrics.  I removed them on my site, but the original Nickelback version is still on AC LOL.  It's so cringey.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 02, 2021, 07:34:02 PM ---Aww! I love little blasts from the pasts like this where you can look back and see ideas forming. It's why I always liked that thread we hijacked and planned 00Carter in. :)

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Yes!  The 00Carter thread is one of my favorites for many reasons.  Our original Refresh/Tanja/Dougie conversation is fun to read, too!

I also came across this random post that I completely forgot about:

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 13, 2008, 10:10:52 PM ---Once I almost got T-boned by a Butternut Bread truck (well, I would have, if I had gone when my light turned green, but thankfully I looked and saw that the Butternut Bread truck was going to fly on through the blatantly red light), and then a few months later, there was a Butternut Bread truck sticking out in the middle of the road that I could have hit if I wasn't paying much attention.  So now whenever I see a Butternut Bread truck, I freak out a little.  It's kind of like a little inside joke I have with myself, but my stomach seriously does clench up when I see one LOL.

I hope Death isn't stalking you, Mare! :P

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I had forgotten all about my fear of Butternut Bread trucks, but now I remember!  I guess I eventually got over that when I never did die getting hit by one.  I hope resurrecting that post will not reset some sort of Final Destination scenario in which I am stalked by Death behind the wheel of a Butternut Bread truck.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 08:06:57 PM ---Yes, yes, and yes!  All this!  I don't write ahead, but I always have a clear idea of what's coming (maybe not in the next chapter, but over the course of the story).  It does help.  I actually got some outlining done this morning for the next few chapters of this section that I would like to be a montage, just based on what thinking about what I needed to happen for the next section of the story that I'm looking forward to to make sense.  And yes, I think we all like watching our characters suffer LOL.  We are sadists!
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I do about halfway usually and then I get another clear idea about halfway through. I've learned that for PBox Nick especially, it's better to just start writing and see what happens with my early plans because he'll inevitably have something else to say down the line and whatever that happens to be is usually much better than whatever I planned on originally. Like I have a vague idea of what I'd originally had planned in PNecklace way back when and I can guarantee it's not what I ended up writing now and this is better.

I'm glad looking forward is helping you through the montage too! That's great!

Okay, but how long would we realistically allow them to just carry on happily? They react better when they have suffering and drama. lol I want that for a coffee mug: secretly a sadist.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 08:06:57 PM ---Wise words!  I do think that would be depressing to be the only one writing for a fandom, especially if there wasn't anyone reading in that fandom.  I don't think we did research NKOTB or NSYNC, but I bet there are still people writing for those fandoms... especially NKOTB, since they've actually gotten back together and done stuff more recently.  But that's when you know it's truly a labor of love, when you write for a fandom no one's reading.
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Curiosity got the better of me. There are 212 NKOTB fanfics and 1491 NSYNC fanfics -- they have more than we do, that's a little surprising to me (by 4 stories, so we all need to get 5 more BSB stories on AO3, basically, lol). But most of the NSYNC ones on the front page are crossovers with other musicians whereas most of ours are BSB only. Also we update more frequently. Everything on our front page is from the past three weeks, but the NSYNC one goes from yesterday back to February (NKOTB goes from March back to July 2019 if anyone was curious and they mostly use NKOTB as characters, though the slashiness of the works tag for NKOTBSB Tour is worth a mention).

I wonder if ARok is doing well. Haven't seen their Kevin and Nick story on the most recent page here in a while. I was happy to see Tracy posting again too.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 08:06:57 PM ---That's my thought as well.  I've always put a different spin on the same or similar premise and made it darker and more mature, which is no different than being inspired by someone else's idea and making it your own.

Thanks!  That was part of a string of stories with a suicide theme I wrote during my emo phase in 2000-2001 LOL.  If I were ever going to straight out rewrite an old story, I think that would be the one worth rewriting because I could do those characters more justice now.
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I think if they're your ideas, you're always allowed to rewrite them if you want. It's your idea after all.

Oh your emo phase, so dark, so edgy. I think you could too. You've learned and grown since then! :) And could write it even darker and edgier, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 08:06:57 PM ---LMAO I love the mental image of that!  Only I just see him singing, "Nicky shark, doo doo doo-doo-doo-doo..."

Brian & Nick is the best combo!  Do it!!

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That's exactly what he was singing quieter than the Jaws them, lol. What are the hand motions for a Nick shark? That song needs a new verse since that version is much less dark than the camp version I learned.

As I said, percolating.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 08:19:46 PM ---LOL I have learned!  Once I say I'm NEVER doing something, I will inevitably do it at some point down the road.
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Let's check back on this in a few years and see how many of your "I probably wonts" you ended up doing, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 08:19:46 PM ---LOL I have just embraced that this is my hobby, and it's what I enjoy, so I will continue to do it as long as I'm still enjoying it.  It helps to know I'm not the only one in my thirties who's still writing fanfic.
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Yes, I was happy to come back and see some of y'all still here. I guess I would have been more surprised if AC was still popping, but it was all people I didn't recognize rather than what it is. Whereas my less realistic hope was "still popping with literally all the same people."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 08:19:46 PM ---The killing real BSB children is the only line I've ever drawn for myself that I haven't crossed.  Well, that and apparently pedophilia LOL.  I can't see myself writing that either.

The Nickelback thing is something I have done and vowed never to do again.  One of my favorite chapters I've ever written, BMS 196, was almost ruined by Nickelback lyrics.  I removed them on my site, but the original Nickelback version is still on AC LOL.  It's so cringey.
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I'd say it's "involves children," but I know you'll kill off fake BSB children, so I'm not sure there's a blanket term for this line.

Aw, poor Nickleback. I think they get a bad rap and probably don't deserve it. I think a good rule of thumb in a fanfic is "avoid lyrics unless it's a character speaking."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 08:19:46 PM ---Yes!  The 00Carter thread is one of my favorites for many reasons.  Our original Refresh/Tanja/Dougie conversation is fun to read, too!
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"I like horses." "Dougie!!!" lmao

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 08:19:46 PM ---I also came across this random post that I completely forgot about:

I had forgotten all about my fear of Butternut Bread trucks, but now I remember!  I guess I eventually got over that when I never did die getting hit by one.  I hope resurrecting that post will not reset some sort of Final Destination scenario in which I am stalked by Death behind the wheel of a Butternut Bread truck.

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Not the Butternut Bread trucks!!! Didn't that thread start because of Mare's near death experiences? I've avoided so many car accidents just by not going when the light turned green because something off to the side was fishy, and thank goodness every time. Like there was one time some pedestrians were hoping on and off the edge of the sidewalk, so I paused for at least 30 seconds to a minute watching them to see if they were going to cross the street against the light and a car blew through the opposite red light at probably 40-50 mph. Thank goodness I hadn't moved yet; thanks crazy pedestrians! lol

I will reply to the last couple posts later (or tomorrow), but I just popped back on to share my Google Docs voice typing fail.  As per the usual on Sunday nights, I am suffering from a burst of inspiration and a lack of time before I need to go to bed, so I thought I'd try to keep writing while I cleaned up the kitchen via voice typing.  It usually works out pretty well, but maybe my washing dishes at the same time made it harder for it to hear me and understand what I was trying to say.  This is the paragraph it typed for me:

But you also want to make the most progress you can write  said how we. I'm sure your mom won't mind  dating out here longer if it mean go make more progress what the f*** are you doing Jerry when I got to come next

"How we" is how it insists on typing "Howie," which it doesn't think is a real name LMAO.  The mom is definitely not doing any dating out there, and I have no idea who Jerry is.  The "what the f*** are you doing" was me reacting to seeing what Google was typing LOL.  So much for that.  Not included is the repeated typing of "backspace backspace backspace" as I kept trying to correct it while cracking up.  Sometimes it will take out a word when I say "backspace," and sometimes it just puts the word "backspace. "  Oh Google Docs.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 02, 2021, 09:45:13 PM ---I will reply to the last couple posts later (or tomorrow), but I just popped back on to share my Google Docs voice typing fail.  As per the usual on Sunday nights, I am suffering from a burst of inspiration and a lack of time before I need to go to bed, so I thought I'd try to keep writing while I cleaned up the kitchen via voice typing.  It usually works out pretty well, but maybe my washing dishes at the same time made it harder for it to hear me and understand what I was trying to say.  This is the paragraph it typed for me:

But you also want to make the most progress you can write  said how we. I'm sure your mom won't mind  dating out here longer if it mean go make more progress what the f*** are you doing Jerry when I got to come next

"How we" is how it insists on typing "Howie," which it doesn't think is a real name LMAO.  The mom is definitely not doing any dating out there, and I have no idea who Jerry is.  The "what the f*** are you doing" was me reacting to seeing what Google was typing LOL.  So much for that.  Not included is the repeated typing of "backspace backspace backspace" as I kept trying to correct it while cracking up.  Sometimes it will take out a word when I say "backspace," and sometimes it just puts the word "backspace. "  Oh Google Docs.

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LMFAO!!!! I love everything about this, but this is why I don't use voice to text. However, it's good that you're using cleaning time to make the most progress you can, write? ;) It recording your reaction is the best part.

If I was suffering a burst of inspiration, I would probably just write and accept the coffee-fueled consequences tomorrow.

On my end, my chapter is now long enough to finish, I just need to add a little bit more to the second little bit of it post-Nick & Kevin conversation. NaNo already says I'll finish by June 6th, so I'm trying to get it to say the end of May while I have a chance to finish a chapter over two days, lol. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Edited to add: I misspoke, I guess the little Nick and Brian scene I started earlier is not the end of this chapter, but the beginning of the next chapter. So, onward! One chapter down, thirteen left to go!


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