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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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I was browsing Reddit and came across this thread where a fanfic writer was talking about writing "The Scene (TM)" (that's how they put it LOL). It made me wonder, does everyone have that one certain scene or moment in the story they look forward to writing?  And is there one for every story you write or just certain stories?

I looked on TV Tropes to see if the "The Scene" is an actual trope there, and they have one called Signature Scene, which would be the one iconic scene everyone knows from a certain work.  Which could also be "The Scene" for the writer, but not necessarily.  I thought of the "MINE" scene from Mare's "It Stays With You" as being a Signature Scene, but I'm curious to know if that was also "The Scene" for Mare as she was writing it or not.  Sometimes what becomes iconic to readers or communities may not necessarily have seemed like such a big thing to the writer, and likewise, what may have been a big moment to the writer may not become a well-known, iconic moment to the larger community of writers.

So I guess some questions to discuss here would be:
1. What have been some of Those Scenes for you in your own stories?
2. What are some other Signature Scenes in other people's stories?

Edited to add: I am slightly disturbed by the one poster in that Reddit thread I linked who said, "And once when I was a substitute teacher (again, trying to meet a challenge deadline) I hand-wrote a shower sex scene in a notebook while I was on cafeteria monitor duty."  Dude... that is inappropriate and weird.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 08, 2021, 11:52:28 PM ---LOL That is exactly why I never/rarely take an actual vacation during winter or spring break, because then I wouldn't have time to relax and write at home and catch up on life before I have to go back to work.  But it would be nice to have more breaks during the year to travel when it's not scorching hot and peak tourist time.
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If we take a vacation during winter break, it's usually traveling to visit family... which is not a vacation at all! Spring break we do travel sometimes, it depends. Fall break, we usually stay home; that one's my favorite. Yes, I would love to have breaks when everyone else is busy, but everyone else is busy because we're working, so... Maybe some day.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 08, 2021, 11:52:28 PM ---Yeah, it's been a long time coming LOL.  The writing streak is still alive, and I think once I get past this chapter (or even into this chapter), I will get back on track with my word count.  I knew this would happen when I hit this point in the story; it's why I wish I could make a video montage instead and move on LOL.  It was nice to just take a break and watch a movie.
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You've got this! I believe in you! Or, just put a link to the Unbreakable Tour show and wipe your hands of it, lol. That's what I told my self today too, it's okay to do other stuff and not always stare at the screen and type away.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 08, 2021, 11:52:28 PM ---On one of his Twitch live videos last weekend, he changed Saoirse's diaper, threw the dirty diaper away, and went right back to cutting strawberries for breakfast WITHOUT WASHING HIS HANDS!  No wonder both his kids had stomach bugs last week!  That's probably how they got it LOL.  I thought maybe the pandemic had taught him to be more hygienic, but apparently not.  The whole chat was like, "Nick!  Wash your hands!"  He's gross LOL.
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HORF! I thought for sure Mare would have had a barfing smiling on here. I'm going to mail Nick one of the CDC fliers we have at school about the spread of disease. It clearly says to wash your hands after toileting (along with several other times, one of which is before eating/preparing food). And that's very clearly your own toileting. You should 1000% wash your hands after assisting someone else with toileting. Nick! You're getting your children sick! Stop! Ugh... My husband is the same way (not with poop, thank goodness). But we've had many conversations that go something like "Yes, I know it's been in your pants. You were still in a bathroom where other people have flushed the toilet. You still flushed the toilet." I don't want to lump all guys together, but... why are guys so gross? Blegh. At least the chat was demanding he wash his hands; we remain, smart well-balanced individuals.

Maybe this is the solution to my problem. I just need to wait until the next time I laugh at hubs doing something mundane and that's my idea as long as it seems like something Nick would do too.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 08, 2021, 11:52:28 PM ---Wow, good for you with the outline!  And for being ahead of your word count goal!

I don't do a novel without an outline these days, but there are definitely some stories where I rely on my outline more than others.  They come in most handy when there's a lot to keep track of (characters, events, dates, whatever) or when it's a story I don't work on frequently and need to refresh my memory when I come back to it months or years later.
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And it is not a lame outline either. It is an 800 word outline! That means it's semi-useful... I hope. I'm pretty excited to have three chapters done. ;D

That makes sense that you'd rely on an outline more when there's lots of different moving parts or specific details you have to hit. That's probably why I'm happier plantsing. I just say "the characters are here when we start and here when we end; stuff happens in between... let's find out!" I wish I had an outline for some of my old stuff, then maybe I'd consider finishing more of it, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 08, 2021, 11:52:28 PM ---OMG, the first one is SO you with the PBox series LOL.
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Exactly! If you get me talking about the fanfic version, I will talk and talk and talk and talk for days. But if anyone's unfamiliar with the fanfic version they get "It's about demons... but they're the heroes." Which sells it short a little bit.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 08, 2021, 11:52:28 PM ---#7 was me this morning - spending more time revising the chapter I was about to post than writing the chapter I'm actually on.

All the ones about daydreaming/brainstorming vs. actually writing... so true! It always seems so much better in my head LOL.

I think #17 is all of us LOL.  Our poor characters... and it's even worse because they're real people.  Sorry, Boys.

Normalize writing things that make your friends go "jesus christ, dude”  <- Hahaha, yes!

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I think it depends on the chapter for me whether I do a lot of revising or not. The one I posted this week had minimal revising, a few weeks before had a lot. But the more revising it requires, the more useless I am after updating.

I think it's because in our heads its more like a movie than prose and translating that to written words can be difficult at times.

#17 is all of us! But it's true, we just love them so much! I'd carry PBox Nick around in my purse like a small pet if I could! Possibly the real Nick too, but I'd for sure make him wash his hands before getting my purse all grimy.

At least we're normalizing them together. I would never say that to any of you, lol.

Edited to add: I like these discussion questions, but I am very tired. I will ponder them and get back to you tomorrow.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 09, 2021, 12:26:04 AM ---You've got this! I believe in you! Or, just put a link to the Unbreakable Tour show and wipe your hands of it, lol. That's what I told my self today too, it's okay to do other stuff and not always stare at the screen and type away.

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LOL!  That's totally what I should do.  Chapter 16... Nick: "Then I went on tour for a month.  Here's what happened every night of the tour." [Insert video of the Unbreakable Tour]

I have learned not to force it.  I will force myself to open the story and write enough to keep the streak alive (at least a word, but usually I can get at least a sentence or paragraph out of it), but beyond that, there's no point in forcing myself to sit and stare at a blank page if the words aren't flowing.  That's the nice thing about hoarding chapters; there's no immediate pressure to write to a certain point in a day.  And sometimes it's better to wait - maybe I'll come up with a better idea to liven the chapter up.  (Or maybe I'll think about what class I would make each of the Backstreet Boys if I wrote a "BSB on the Titanic" fanfic LOL.)

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 09, 2021, 12:26:04 AM ---HORF! I thought for sure Mare would have had a barfing smiling on here. I'm going to mail Nick one of the CDC fliers we have at school about the spread of disease. It clearly says to wash your hands after toileting (along with several other times, one of which is before eating/preparing food). And that's very clearly your own toileting. You should 1000% wash your hands after assisting someone else with toileting. Nick! You're getting your children sick! Stop! Ugh... My husband is the same way (not with poop, thank goodness). But we've had many conversations that go something like "Yes, I know it's been in your pants. You were still in a bathroom where other people have flushed the toilet. You still flushed the toilet." I don't want to lump all guys together, but... why are guys so gross? Blegh. At least the chat was demanding he wash his hands; we remain, smart well-balanced individuals.

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Yeah, we need the barfing emoji here!  He is super gross.  I hope it was just a wet diaper and not a poopy one.  He did the actual diaper-changing off camera, thankfully, so I'm not sure, but we definitely saw him throw the dirty one away and go straight back to the cutting board with the strawberries on it.

Are you aware of Nick Plague?  That is something else you may have missed during your hiatus.  Nick Plague is what we call the virus everyone seems to get sick with after interacting with Nick at BSB concerts/events.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 09, 2021, 12:26:04 AM ---Exactly! If you get me talking about the fanfic version, I will talk and talk and talk and talk for days. But if anyone's unfamiliar with the fanfic version they get "It's about demons... but they're the heroes." Which sells it short a little bit.

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LOL That's me too.  I am usually pretty vague when talking about my plots with people who haven't read the story.  But I'm happy to discuss it in detail with anyone who's actually read it.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 09, 2021, 12:26:04 AM ---At least we're normalizing them together. I would never say that to any of you, lol.

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I say it to myself sometimes LOL, but I would never say that to any of you either.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 09, 2021, 01:02:09 AM ---LOL!  That's totally what I should do.  Chapter 16... Nick: "Then I went on tour for a month.  Here's what happened every night of the tour." [Insert video of the Unbreakable Tour]
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Perfect! You don't have to write a tour scene and everybody gets to spend a chapter watching the show, lol. I'm glad this worked out. ;)

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 09, 2021, 01:02:09 AM ---I have learned not to force it.  I will force myself to open the story and write enough to keep the streak alive (at least a word, but usually I can get at least a sentence or paragraph out of it), but beyond that, there's no point in forcing myself to sit and stare at a blank page if the words aren't flowing.  That's the nice thing about hoarding chapters; there's no immediate pressure to write to a certain point in a day.  And sometimes it's better to wait - maybe I'll come up with a better idea to liven the chapter up.  (Or maybe I'll think about what class I would make each of the Backstreet Boys if I wrote a "BSB on the Titanic" fanfic LOL.)
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Same. That's why I like have multiple places to go, then if one's not feeling right, I can go to some other point in the story and hopefully come up with something.

Okay, but what class is each Boy when they sail the Titanic? Who gets the love story? Are any of them fighting over the same woman? Or man? Is Nick the "Rose-type" character? Does Kevin save the day historically like Molly? I would read this, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 09, 2021, 01:02:09 AM ---Yeah, we need the barfing emoji here!  He is super gross.  I hope it was just a wet diaper and not a poopy one.  He did the actual diaper-changing off camera, thankfully, so I'm not sure, but we definitely saw him throw the dirty one away and go straight back to the cutting board with the strawberries on it.

Are you aware of Nick Plague?  That is something else you may have missed during your hiatus.  Nick Plague is what we call the virus everyone seems to get sick with after interacting with Nick at BSB concerts/events.
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Oh Nick. Stop being so gross. Just... just wash your hands. Keep your kids healthy. And your fans.

lmao! I am not, but you must have been reading my mind while I was posting last night. I didn't type it, but I definitely thought "It might be a good idea to have some hand sanitizer handy when the day finally comes to meet them. Just in case."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 09, 2021, 01:02:09 AM ---LOL That's me too.  I am usually pretty vague when talking about my plots with people who haven't read the story.  But I'm happy to discuss it in detail with anyone who's actually read it.

I say it to myself sometimes LOL, but I would never say that to any of you either.

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Statute of limitations on age. I'll talk about any minute detail of PBox or anything else pre-hiatus with anyone as long as it doesn't spoil something that's still a mystery now. PNecklace, I'm much quieter about... for now.

Same, I have said something like that to myself many times, then I come here and say "well, we've reached a whole new level of dark and depressing here," lol.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 09, 2021, 12:11:42 AM ---I was browsing Reddit and came across this thread where a fanfic writer was talking about writing "The Scene (TM)" (that's how they put it LOL). It made me wonder, does everyone have that one certain scene or moment in the story they look forward to writing?  And is there one for every story you write or just certain stories?
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Interesting! I would say that I think so based on the fact that you've talked about your favorites, I've talked about my favorites, and there's a whole reddit thread where no one disagrees with the original poster. At least for every story the author is personally invested in.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 09, 2021, 12:11:42 AM ---I looked on TV Tropes to see if the "The Scene" is an actual trope there, and they have one called Signature Scene, which would be the one iconic scene everyone knows from a certain work.  Which could also be "The Scene" for the writer, but not necessarily.  I thought of the "MINE" scene from Mare's "It Stays With You" as being a Signature Scene, but I'm curious to know if that was also "The Scene" for Mare as she was writing it or not.  Sometimes what becomes iconic to readers or communities may not necessarily have seemed like such a big thing to the writer, and likewise, what may have been a big moment to the writer may not become a well-known, iconic moment to the larger community of writers.
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Ooh, I'm curious too! "MINE" came to mind right away when you brought up "signature scene."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 09, 2021, 12:11:42 AM ---Edited to add: I am slightly disturbed by the one poster in that Reddit thread I linked who said, "And once when I was a substitute teacher (again, trying to meet a challenge deadline) I hand-wrote a shower sex scene in a notebook while I was on cafeteria monitor duty."  Dude... that is inappropriate and weird.

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OMG, don't write sex scenes at school! You're supposed to be working! With children!

Speaking of sex scenes, though, lol. I ended up deep scrolling through that reddit page and was reading a post about sex scenes and had an epiphany, like "Ah yes, this is why my sex scene was not bad, but felt very porny instead of sweet and sentimental for the characters. Because the 'camera' was just too far out from their heads and feelings." So I spent part of today fixing that for longer than I should have so it still had some time to sit before I ultimately decided what to do with it come that update week, lol. There's more head hopping than I like, but it felt right? To be honest, even the porny version felt fine compared to how much I thought I hated it when I wrote it, so I'll probably just end up keeping this rewritten version in the story when the time comes.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 09, 2021, 12:11:42 AM ---So I guess some questions to discuss here would be:
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1. What have been some of Those Scenes for you in your own stories?

I've mentioned it many times, but PBox's "Chapter Forty-Four: Disciple" was my one true love and the scene I dreamed about for as long I was writing the story. I don't know if anyone else would call it a "signature scene," but it probably remains my favorite, for sure of PBox, but possibly in the whole series. Link included if you consider PBox non-spoiler at this point and are curious.

I'm sure I had a "The Scene" for most of my unfinished works, but I can't really remember what they are. Except for Gobosei's, but it's not written and posted yet, so I won't say what it is.

In PNecklace, I think I have two? It's hard to say for certain since I'll write whatever comes to mind when it comes to mind these days rather than waiting with anticipation for it.

I'd say the big reveal in Chapter Ten: Fear/Chapter Eleven: Truth, though I do think now that I've been writing, it would be better slightly later than I put it, but that would require rewriting (or at least shuffling around) several of the chapters after it and it is what it is at this point. What became those two chapters was definitely something I dreamed of writing since writing PBox, so it's absolutely up there. The other one would be near the end and is written down, but not a competed chapter and is not posted yet. No links, since I'm still posting, but I'm fond of this little tale, so I continue to encourage everyone to give it a chance.

Do we have a version of the opposite? One we didn't think was a The Scene, but we've come to love afterward? Because the second scene in Chapter Fourteen: Soul comes to mind as that. I love that one so much after having written it down. Again, no links, see above.

2. What are some other Signature Scenes in other people's stories?

MINE was something I immediately thought of as well. Nick's leg choppage. The sandwich? It's been so long since I've read some "oldies but goodies" (at this point) where I would have immediately been able to list more back then, but like Nick and AJ, my fanfic recollecting is fuzzy at best. I need to go back and read some of these, then comment on them on AO3 and make everyone who cross-posted smile for a day or twelve. After I finish PNecklace. Then I must finish some current reading. But after that, I will reread and come back and answer this better, lol.

It's much easier to answer my own "The Scenes." I am shameless.


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