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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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I have started browsing the writing and fanfic boards on Reddit for ideas for new questions/topics.  Here's one, inspired by this thread:  Do you tend to overwrite or underwrite in a first draft?  In other words, when you go back and revise, do you find yourself adding more detail or taking out unnecessary details?

It's hard for me to say I underwrite because I tend to be wordy in the first place, but I am more likely to add more during revision than take out entire sentences/paragraphs... which definitely does not help with my wordiness LOL.  Like I've said before though, I don't usually make major revisions, more minor changes involving word choice, fixing typos, and so on.  In scenes with a lot of dialogue, I tend to focus on the dialogue itself first, and if the conversation is flowing well, I won't spend as much time on getting the dialogue tags, body language, and description just right the first time around.  I'll go back and beef up that stuff later.

In other news, I thought I was going to make it through the entire pandemic school year with perfect attendance, but alas, I finally came down with a cold - my first cold in over a year!  Since it's not a good year to drag myself to work sick like I normally would (and did not relish the idea of wearing a mask over a runny nose all day), I made myself take a sick day yesterday and today.  And it was glorious!  I basically stayed in bed all day both days and caught up on sleep and wrote for hours!  I hit over 1500 words yesterday and over 1200 so far today.  So my writing slump seems to be over.  Hooray!  Apparently this little sickation was just what I needed.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 19, 2021, 05:16:31 PM ---Hm, this one was harder because I don't think South Park has ever referenced him directly.  But in Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon fashion, I will say that Kevin Bacon was in the original Friday the 13th, and Jason was in the Imaginationlan d trilogy.

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Perfect! And excellent Six Degrees of South Park.

I will ponder on another one.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 19, 2021, 05:24:00 PM ---I have started browsing the writing and fanfic boards on Reddit for ideas for new questions/topics.  Here's one, inspired by this thread:  Do you tend to overwrite or underwrite in a first draft?  In other words, when you go back and revise, do you find yourself adding more detail or taking out unnecessary details?

It's hard for me to say I underwrite because I tend to be wordy in the first place, but I am more likely to add more during revision than take out entire sentences/paragraphs... which definitely does not help with my wordiness LOL.  Like I've said before though, I don't usually make major revisions, more minor changes involving word choice, fixing typos, and so on.  In scenes with a lot of dialogue, I tend to focus on the dialogue itself first, and if the conversation is flowing well, I won't spend as much time on getting the dialogue tags, body language, and description just right the first time around.  I'll go back and beef up that stuff later.

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I was doing the same, but most of the ones I've seen pop up anywhere are all things we've discussed.

Team wordiness! Like you, I feel like I am wordy already. I don't think I make it through a whole chapter before I start editing it. If I stop writing in the middle of a chapter, I always go back and reread anything I'd written before continuing. As far as major revisions... It's a little bit of both. Sometimes I add and sometimes I hack. I think which one I do varies based on how I'm feeling about the chapter when I go to edit it. Being able to let the chapters sit for... what... five months for this week's update? I feel like it helps take away some of the freshness and gives me a different feeling for it. The earlier ones I posted were a lot less removed, but the removal has only grown over time.

This doesn't mean that my hacks don't turn into hacking and replacing, because they do that also. I'd say in general, my chapters do get slightly longer after an edit, but usually in the 50-200 word range more than major additions after the fact.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 19, 2021, 05:50:11 PM ---In other news, I thought I was going to make it through the entire pandemic school year with perfect attendance, but alas, I finally came down with a cold - my first cold in over a year!  Since it's not a good year to drag myself to work sick like I normally would (and did not relish the idea of wearing a mask over a runny nose all day), I made myself take a sick day yesterday and today.  And it was glorious!  I basically stayed in bed all day both days and caught up on sleep and wrote for hours!  I hit over 1500 words yesterday and over 1200 so far today.  So my writing slump seems to be over.  Hooray!  Apparently this little sickation was just what I needed.

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Sorry you got sick! But I'm glad it wasn't majorly sick that you could still write and catch up on sleep! That's awesome that you're inching toward 3000 words for the two days! I always consider that a productive weekend. And now you get a whole other potentially productive weekend ahead of you. Congrats!

But... did you pass your slump on to me? haha I wrote about 400 words on Monday, which isn't too bad, but lower than the average Monday. And then only three words yesterday. I wrote a little this morning (about 62 words), so the streak lives, but I'm hoping to be semi-productive either now or after the Masked Singer tonight. However, as you all know, I'm pretty useless on update day. On the plus side, my writing speed is now eight words per minute, lol. And I'm just shy of two weeks ahead of myself, so... baby steps. Nano says I'll be done on June 8th, but I doubt that's true. I see this chapter taking a little longer, so at best, I'll be finished around June 20th or so. Which is still good.


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