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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 03:53:12 PM ---Yeah, that's my issue with those kinds of tags too.  I hate spoilers.  This is why we just need to enjoy writing for ourselves, and if anyone else wants to read our stuff, bonus!

I've been there with the regular updates in the beginning, followed by months of no updates when life gets too busy.  Writing ahead and hoarding chapters has really helped me too.

That's probably the way to go if I want to try it - start with normal tags and then add on later and see if it makes a difference.
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I think the BSB fandom for the most part is used to there not being tags other than maybe genres and characters, so maybe it's not as big of a deal for us as opposed to fandoms where AO3 already existed when it began. Or maybe I'm wrong and people really love the tags. Does Wattpad do the tags too? What about now? Or fiction press? I suppose I could google these things, but if any of y'all know, lol.

I think I'm going to get to November with just a regular weekly update. Totally crazy. It's weird looking at how I used to write and post and then look at now. I wonder if I would have been better off if when I switched PBox to AC I didn't just throw up every chapter I had at the time and did a weekly update instead. A quick calendar search says I would have had updates through the end of June with just what I had at the time and then through September with what I'd written by June. I probably still would have had those long writers' blocks at the end, but lesson learned. The weekly update and hoard really does make everything go much smoother. And to think I only did it this time because I looked back at those long writers' blocks and was worried about coming back and getting so burned out again, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 03:53:12 PM ---Yeah, I'm guessing most of the slash writers don't feel the need to actually include the slash tag because they already have the character tag that implies it's a slash, like Nick Carter/Brian Littrell.  The anal sex tag is also a giveaway LOL.
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One way shipping culture has prevailed! lol It's nice to see slash as a genre or just a relationship designation now and not a warning though. I think that's definitely an improvement. I always thought slash as a warning was kind of alienating to the LGBTQ+ community. I mean, I'm sure there's lots of non-homosexual couples and/or people who enjoy anal sex, but yes, "Nick/Brian" and "anal sex" would imply it's slash, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 03:53:12 PM ---Yes, same.  We may not agree politically, but I still love him as a person.  I just don't love everything about him.

INAOYA = "I'm not afraid of you anymore!"  I was just trying to think of what else Nick says in that scene LOL.
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I think that's true of everyone anyone knows. Some of my closest friends do have flaws or traits that I'm not a fan of, and I'm sure the same is true for me to them. However, doesn't mean I like them any less. Maybe if they were a serial killer, lol.

Thank you! Tired me just could not remember that yesterday, lol! Now we just need an acronym for the MJ analogy and we're golden.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 03:53:12 PM ---Outlines should be flexible!  I change and add stuff in mine too.
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How much would you say your outline changes from start to finish once you have the "bones" in?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 03:53:12 PM ---Yeah... you'd have to read the story to see how he did it, because that was a big part of the story.
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Some day. Curiosity will probably get the better of me eventually, lol. Ten years of fanfic culture is a lot to catch up on, though.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 03:53:12 PM ---Yeah, absolutely.  I have evolved to writing more in complete sentences, but when I look back at that BMS outline, I can still make sense of most of that stuff and remember what part of the story it refers to, so it definitely still worked for me.  It's fine for an outline to be a rambling mess because no one sees it except you.
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Most of my weird rambles are usually complete sentences for the most part. That's the nice part of story notes, you can share them or keep them to yourself. Could be fun, could be your secret.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 03:53:12 PM ---Agreed, those are the best kind of sick days!  Sometimes it is nice to be a little bit sick because it gives you an excuse to stay home and do nothing except what you feel like.  I'm usually not super productive when I'm sick, but every once in a while it seems to help.  I wrote my first pandaskunk story in 2012 over the course of a couple sick days and a weekend when I had the flu and was in some sort of delirious fever- or drug-induced state of heightened creativity.
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I'm useless when I have the flu, lol. I'm glad it gave you fever- or drug-induced creativity. Would you say Pandaskunk is better for it?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 03:53:12 PM ---Ugh, I do the same thing, and it usually derails me too.  Last night I was going to try to get started on my next chapter, but I watched SNL and went to bed instead.

I'm with you on Saturdays vs. Sundays too.  Of course I like Saturdays better, but Sundays have been more productive for me.  Not so much today, but finishing a chapter is usually easier than starting a new one.  I did start my Nick chapter and wrote 700 some words before I took a break... hoping to add some more this afternoon.  I hope you're having a productive day!
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If I watch one half hour episode of whatever, I can usually get back to writing, but if I watch more than episode or something longer than a half hour, it's a lost cause. I took so long eating dinner last night that I knew I'd be doomed, but I was really hoping.

Saturdays used to be my more productive days in the winter, but yeah, now it's Sundays for the past month or so. Not sure why! I find that when I'm inspired and motivated, continuing a started chapter is easiest, then finishing, then starting from scratch. The forty five minutes I wrote this morning before cooking went pretty well because I picked up from where I left off and, like you, got about 700 words in. I think I've got at least the end of this scene in me, but not sure about the rest of the chapter. And then it might be about time to switch arcs and line up the timing. We'll see!

Hope your afternoon has been productive! Wish me luck!


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 04:56:48 PM ---I think the BSB fandom for the most part is used to there not being tags other than maybe genres and characters, so maybe it's not as big of a deal for us as opposed to fandoms where AO3 already existed when it began. Or maybe I'm wrong and people really love the tags. Does Wattpad do the tags too? What about now? Or fiction press? I suppose I could google these things, but if any of y'all know, lol.

I think I'm going to get to November with just a regular weekly update. Totally crazy. It's weird looking at how I used to write and post and then look at now. I wonder if I would have been better off if when I switched PBox to AC I didn't just throw up every chapter I had at the time and did a weekly update instead. A quick calendar search says I would have had updates through the end of June with just what I had at the time and then through September with what I'd written by June. I probably still would have had those long writers' blocks at the end, but lesson learned. The weekly update and hoard really does make everything go much smoother. And to think I only did it this time because I looked back at those long writers' blocks and was worried about coming back and getting so burned out again, lol.

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Yeah, tags are a newer thing for us.  I don't think uses tags.  I'm not sure about Wattpad.  I find the format of Wattpad confusing.

Sometimes you have to learn a lesson the hard way.  That's what happened to me, too.  Once you hit the wall of writer's block followed by a hiatus, you realize the importance of banking enough chapters in advance to get you through those rough patches so you're not leaving readers hanging forever.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 04:56:48 PM ---One way shipping culture has prevailed! lol It's nice to see slash as a genre or just a relationship designation now and not a warning though. I think that's definitely an improvement. I always thought slash as a warning was kind of alienating to the LGBTQ+ community. I mean, I'm sure there's lots of non-homosexual couples and/or people who enjoy anal sex, but yes, "Nick/Brian" and "anal sex" would imply it's slash, lol.

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Good points!  I agree about slash being its own genre or a subgenre of romance instead of a warning.  And yes, that's true about anal sex being something het couples do too; I didn't think about that.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 04:56:48 PM ---How much would you say your outline changes from start to finish once you have the "bones" in?

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It depends on the story.  It changes a lot for longer stories.  For MBK, I've added a lot since I originally outlined the idea like four years ago, and I'll continue to add to the chapter by chapter part of the outline as I progress through it.  Whereas with a shorter novel or novella like Bethlehem and Heroic Measures, the outline didn't change a lot once I got to the point of being ready to start posting the story.  Heroic Measures is one of the few stories where I went in with a clear, chapter-by-chapter plan and actually stuck to it, ending with the number of chapters I had planned:  10 chapters plus an epilogue.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 04:56:48 PM ---Some day. Curiosity will probably get the better of me eventually, lol. Ten years of fanfic culture is a lot to catch up on, though.

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No doubt!  Let us know if you find yourself with more free time to read and want some recommendation s.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 04:56:48 PM ---I'm useless when I have the flu, lol. I'm glad it gave you fever- or drug-induced creativity. Would you say Pandaskunk is better for it?

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I usually am too!  It was a weird experience.  I'm not sure I would have even come up with the idea for Pandaskunk, let alone actually written it, if I hadn't been home sick and doped up on drugs.  But I'm glad I was because that story and its sequels were a lot of fun to write, a nice departure from my usual angsty realistic fiction.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 04:56:48 PM ---Saturdays used to be my more productive days in the winter, but yeah, now it's Sundays for the past month or so. Not sure why! I find that when I'm inspired and motivated, continuing a started chapter is easiest, then finishing, then starting from scratch. The forty five minutes I wrote this morning before cooking went pretty well because I picked up from where I left off and, like you, got about 700 words in. I think I've got at least the end of this scene in me, but not sure about the rest of the chapter. And then it might be about time to switch arcs and line up the timing. We'll see!

Hope your afternoon has been productive! Wish me luck!

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For me, it usually takes me some time to get back into my story world after a week of work, unless I've been able to maintain my inspiration all week.  Saturday morning is my time to do that, and by Sunday, I'm usually back in the bubble and ready to keep writing.  That's why three day weekends are the best, because then I have Sunday AND Monday to be productive.

I came back and wrote a bit more this afternoon and still have the story open, so maybe I'll write some more before I spend the rest of my evening watching 90 Day Fiance LOL.

Good luck finishing the rest of your scene!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 06:31:53 PM ---Yeah, tags are a newer thing for us.  I don't think uses tags.  I'm not sure about Wattpad.  I find the format of Wattpad confusing.
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Same, but I think I've said that already.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 06:31:53 PM ---Sometimes you have to learn a lesson the hard way.  That's what happened to me, too.  Once you hit the wall of writer's block followed by a hiatus, you realize the importance of banking enough chapters in advance to get you through those rough patches so you're not leaving readers hanging forever.
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I think that's true of most "real world" lessons, but hopefully not school-based lessons, lol. I'm looking forward to having an entire rest of a story banked when I move on to my next project. That's never happened to me before. I could WADD until Thanksgiving and be completely fine if I wanted to! I don't feel like it will take that long though. I wonder how everyone reading along is feeling about my regular updating schedule? Do most of them even know how bad I used to be at this point? lol

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 06:31:53 PM ---It depends on the story.  It changes a lot for longer stories.  For MBK, I've added a lot since I originally outlined the idea like four years ago, and I'll continue to add to the chapter by chapter part of the outline as I progress through it.  Whereas with a shorter novel or novella like Bethlehem and Heroic Measures, the outline didn't change a lot once I got to the point of being ready to start posting the story.  Heroic Measures is one of the few stories where I went in with a clear, chapter-by-chapter plan and actually stuck to it, ending with the number of chapters I had planned:  10 chapters plus an epilogue.
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I can see why that would happen less for shorter stories, because you like to be about ten chapters ahead of where you're writing, right? So Bethlehem was half done and Heroic Measures would have been basically done by then. Do you think you stuck more with Heroic Measure's outline because it was that short or because it had a lot of medical stuff or because it was a crossover and you had to keep two fandoms straight?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 06:31:53 PM ---No doubt!  Let us know if you find yourself with more free time to read and want some recommendation s.
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Yes, I will resurrect The Reading Thread at that point, haha. I think my near future of fanfic reading is to catch up on History, read If I Knew Then (see I thought reading an in-progress one would help me stay on top of the updates and it did not because I am a failure at multi-tasking, lol), start MBK, and then reread Why I'd Do It All Again. Then go back to the initial suggestions y'all made.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 06:31:53 PM ---I usually am too!  It was a weird experience.  I'm not sure I would have even come up with the idea for Pandaskunk, let alone actually written it, if I hadn't been home sick and doped up on drugs.  But I'm glad I was because that story and its sequels were a lot of fun to write, a nice departure from my usual angsty realistic fiction.
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LOL! I'm glad the drugs worked out for you. Don't tell them that when you refill your stash. ;) I think we all need a break from Team Dark every now and again. It's why I was so gungho to churn out my holiday story as quick as I did, I needed something heartwarming about halfway through PNecklace.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 23, 2021, 06:31:53 PM ---For me, it usually takes me some time to get back into my story world after a week of work, unless I've been able to maintain my inspiration all week.  Saturday morning is my time to do that, and by Sunday, I'm usually back in the bubble and ready to keep writing.  That's why three day weekends are the best, because then I have Sunday AND Monday to be productive.

I came back and wrote a bit more this afternoon and still have the story open, so maybe I'll write some more before I spend the rest of my evening watching 90 Day Fiance LOL.

Good luck finishing the rest of your scene!

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I feel that. That's part of why I've been trying to stay in my inspiration bubble as much as possible this past month or so. I know, I love three day weekends! Three more days to be really productive. Fingers crossed for next week! Although, you'll be in Summer break then, so you have months to remain in your inspiration bubble. ;D

Yay! More writing! I say write until you're hungry, then watch 90 Day Fiance!

I did finish it, or kind of. This scene that I started that I apparently didn't know I wanted was one that flowed into the next part and into the next part and so on... And now I'm about 400 words away from being able to call it a chapter. So... I'm taking a little break here, then hoping to finish it before I get hungry and potentially derail myself! lol I guess the nice thing is that it's about time to edit this week's update chapter, and I can usually get back into the groove of editing after derailing myself from writing.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 07:03:06 PM --- I could WADD until Thanksgiving and be completely fine if I wanted to! I don't feel like it will take that long though. I wonder how everyone reading along is feeling about my regular updating schedule? Do most of them even know how bad I used to be at this point? lol

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That's awesome!  What an accomplishment and a good feeling to know you can take it easy for the next few months if you want to.  Hopefully you'll finish PNecklace and have plenty of time to get your next project going so you'll have something new to post after November.

Yeah, I wonder how many people reading now were original readers back when you first posted PBox and know you back then.  I don't know.  People come and go.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 07:03:06 PM ---I can see why that would happen less for shorter stories, because you like to be about ten chapters ahead of where you're writing, right? So Bethlehem was half done and Heroic Measures would have been basically done by then. Do you think you stuck more with Heroic Measure's outline because it was that short or because it had a lot of medical stuff or because it was a crossover and you had to keep two fandoms straight?

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Yep, exactly.  I think the way I structured Heroic Measures forced me to stick with my outline.  Each of the ten chapters was written in third person limited from a different character's POV - each of the five Boys and five of the main characters from ER.  So I just let each chapter go as long as it took to write the scene I had planned for that person's POV.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 07:03:06 PM ---Yes, I will resurrect The Reading Thread at that point, haha. I think my near future of fanfic reading is to catch up on History, read If I Knew Then (see I thought reading an in-progress one would help me stay on top of the updates and it did not because I am a failure at multi-tasking, lol), start MBK, and then reread Why I'd Do It All Again. Then go back to the initial suggestions y'all made.

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Sounds like a good plan!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 07:03:06 PM ---LOL! I'm glad the drugs worked out for you. Don't tell them that when you refill your stash. ;) I think we all need a break from Team Dark every now and again. It's why I was so gungho to churn out my holiday story as quick as I did, I needed something heartwarming about halfway through PNecklace.

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Holiday stories are a great palate cleanser!  Mine still involve death and destruction, but it's definitely more tongue-in-cheek and not serious.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 23, 2021, 07:03:06 PM ---I feel that. That's part of why I've been trying to stay in my inspiration bubble as much as possible this past month or so. I know, I love three day weekends! Three more days to be really productive. Fingers crossed for next week! Although, you'll be in Summer break then, so you have months to remain in your inspiration bubble. ;D

Yay! More writing! I say write until you're hungry, then watch 90 Day Fiance!

I did finish it, or kind of. This scene that I started that I apparently didn't know I wanted was one that flowed into the next part and into the next part and so on... And now I'm about 400 words away from being able to call it a chapter. So... I'm taking a little break here, then hoping to finish it before I get hungry and potentially derail myself! lol I guess the nice thing is that it's about time to edit this week's update chapter, and I can usually get back into the groove of editing after derailing myself from writing.

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I totally get that.  One of the most frustrating things is to get derailed right at the end of a story. 

Good for you!  It's nice when one scene flows into the next so seamlessly.

I wrote another 600 words or so and then went to eat dinner and watch some of 90 Day Fiance.  Now I'm back.  I dunno if I'll get any more written tonight, but altogether I had a decent writing day.  Now I just have to keep the streak alive five more days, and then it will be summer!

Here is a Reddit thread on author's notes in fanfic, since we were just discussing them:  General consensus seems to be that most people like or at least don't mind author's notes, as long as they're not too long or distracting.


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