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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 24, 2021, 05:55:27 PM ---That was my thought. If it still feels motivating, then it's probably easier to tackle now then to wander off and come back. But I'm saying this now as I'm excited to be finishing. I might change my mind after actually finishing, lol. My plan was to make a decision one way or another by July. Unless these next seven chapters take me the entire month to write; we'll see.

Your WADD was pretty short this time too, wasn't it?

So really, it all depends on if people still use the emails they have linked to here and were excited to see me posting again, haha.

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Yeah, you never really know until you're finished.  I thought I would be more in the mood to write that Brian horror story than MBK after Bethlehem, but here I am.  But yes, my WADD only lasted a week.  I started Fallen Angel one weekend, then went back to MBK the next and have only been working on that one since.  It would have been worse if neither one of them had gone well.

And if they actually got the update email, or if it went to their spam folder.  We had such a problem with spam reviews before they were turned off, a lot of AC email ended up in spam.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 24, 2021, 05:55:27 PM ---It's pretty exciting. I thought these next couple of chapters were going to go a little slower inspiration-wise, but I already have almost 900 words written on the next one. I may just spend all of my free time this next week glued to my keyboard, lol. I did spend half an hour researching deserts again today though. Who knew that deserts would take up so much of my time, ha.

I am glad I listened to you and made mine a two month goal. I'm impressed with my progress, but there's no way I would have finished 14 chapters in a month.

You knew that May could be more up and down anyway, you planned for it, and you still wrote a lot and more than you typically write during the school year, it sounds like. I call all of those things pluses. :) I think you're right, once you get school out of your brain and get to the part you've been looking forward to, it'll all be smooth sailing and productive.

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I love weekends spent glued to the keyboard!  I don't think I could write 14 chapters in a month either, even in the summer.  Giving yourself more time takes off some of the pressure.

I'm just looking forward to having more time and more energy.  I have the most energy in the morning, but no time.  I have time in the evening, but no energy.  I'm sitting here yawning so much, my eyes are watering, which is not conducive to writing.  Can't wait to be able to write on my own schedule!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 24, 2021, 05:55:27 PM ---An interesting thought! I wonder what AO3's policy is on linking off-site. Something to look into...

Edited to Add: I see no policies on linking to elsewhere, but I ended up in a rabbit hole of "fannish next-of-kin" policies... I didn't know that was a thing, lol.

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I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure I have linked to stuff on my site on there and never had an issue.

What are fannish next-of-kin policies?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 20, 2021, 06:13:23 PM ---I think hacking doesn't bother me as much because if I truly want to hack, then I feel like it's unnecessary. I probably do more hack and replace than true hacking, but I'll let you all know after I edit next week's chapter. I'll keep track of what I got rid of too, just to experiment.
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So I did this. I wrote 146 new words, I cut 64 words and replaced them with something, I cut 20 words and replaced them with nothing, and I kept 55 words, but moved them elsewhere in the paragraph. The net difference is 62 new words.

I didn't change a lot in this chapter, so it's not a very exciting example, lol.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 24, 2021, 09:03:50 PM ---Yeah, you never really know until you're finished.  I thought I would be more in the mood to write that Brian horror story than MBK after Bethlehem, but here I am.  But yes, my WADD only lasted a week.  I started Fallen Angel one weekend, then went back to MBK the next and have only been working on that one since.  It would have been worse if neither one of them had gone well.

And if they actually got the update email, or if it went to their spam folder.  We had such a problem with spam reviews before they were turned off, a lot of AC email ended up in spam.
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You were pretty gungho about that Brian horror story until you WADDed, but I'm glad it all worked out for the best. :) It was the right time to pick MBK back up again. And I'm glad it was a short WADD with a satisfying ending. It's good to see so many of us keeping the most recent page going. I think I'd be sad if there was no one on it at all.

So many factors! But, aw, poor spammy AC. I still enjoy you.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 24, 2021, 09:03:50 PM ---I love weekends spent glued to the keyboard!  I don't think I could write 14 chapters in a month either, even in the summer.  Giving yourself more time takes off some of the pressure.

I'm just looking forward to having more time and more energy.  I have the most energy in the morning, but no time.  I have time in the evening, but no energy.  I'm sitting here yawning so much, my eyes are watering, which is not conducive to writing.  Can't wait to be able to write on my own schedule!
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That was me this past weekend. I seem to have lost my motivation on the chapter I started today, but that's to be expected as it nears bed time, lol. I don't even think I fully wrote 21 chapters during NaNo, there were definitely pre-written chunks from all over the place. I think I wrote maybe... five or six full chapters and filled in pieces of the other 15 or 16, lol. That's what I spend my time WADDing over, writing elsewhere in the story I'm currently working on.

You really do need to teach vampire kids at night, lol. Then you can have time to write when you have energy. Although, if you spent all night teaching vampire kids, then would you have the opposite problem? Four days until you're the master of your schedule!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 24, 2021, 09:03:50 PM ---I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure I have linked to stuff on my site on there and never had an issue.

What are fannish next-of-kin policies?

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I wasn't sure if it was considered spam was what made me question it. But I guess as long as it's every now and again like "hey, more things here" in your own work after you've already posted a legitimate story, it's probably not spam. If chapters were only links to other places, that probably is spam.

So, you can designate someone in your fandom to decide what to do with your stories if you die and AO3 will give them full access to your account. If you don't designate anyone and die, then they're just left as is even if someone tries to gain access (like an estate executor). There were several FAQs about it, but that's essentially the gist.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 24, 2021, 10:31:28 PM ---You were pretty gungho about that Brian horror story until you WADDed, but I'm glad it all worked out for the best. :) It was the right time to pick MBK back up again. And I'm glad it was a short WADD with a satisfying ending. It's good to see so many of us keeping the most recent page going. I think I'd be sad if there was no one on it at all.

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I know!  I really thought the time was right for Fallen Angel and wrong for MBK, but apparently I was wrong.  I don't really care, as long as I'm writing and making progress on something.  That's the worst part of true WADD, when I hop around from story to story, writing a little bit here and there but never actually finishing anything worth posting.

It is nice to see a few of us on the Most Recent page at the same time.  I miss the days when it was multiple pages and we had to worry about people spamming by updating a ton of stories at once though.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 24, 2021, 10:31:28 PM ---That was me this past weekend. I seem to have lost my motivation on the chapter I started today, but that's to be expected as it nears bed time, lol. I don't even think I fully wrote 21 chapters during NaNo, there were definitely pre-written chunks from all over the place. I think I wrote maybe... five or six full chapters and filled in pieces of the other 15 or 16, lol. That's what I spend my time WADDing over, writing elsewhere in the story I'm currently working on.

You really do need to teach vampire kids at night, lol. Then you can have time to write when you have energy. Although, if you spent all night teaching vampire kids, then would you have the opposite problem? Four days until you're the master of your schedule!

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At least it's productive WADDing when you're working in a different place on the same story.

Ugh, I really do.  Here I sit again, after taking a two hour evening nap, yawning with my eyes watering.  I'm feeling that "There's no tired like end-of-year teacher tired" meme this week.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 24, 2021, 10:31:28 PM ---I wasn't sure if it was considered spam was what made me question it. But I guess as long as it's every now and again like "hey, more things here" in your own work after you've already posted a legitimate story, it's probably not spam. If chapters were only links to other places, that probably is spam.

So, you can designate someone in your fandom to decide what to do with your stories if you die and AO3 will give them full access to your account. If you don't designate anyone and die, then they're just left as is even if someone tries to gain access (like an estate executor). There were several FAQs about it, but that's essentially the gist.

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Yeah, that's a good point.  I think as long as you post actual stories, links to extra content are fine.  But yeah, just links would be spam.

I love the next of kin idea!  Is that something you can actually set on AO3 like you can Facebook, or would someone have to contact AO3 after your death?  Being morbid, I have thought about that before.  I would want my stories to stay online after my death, so they'd be fine on AO3, but my site would be the problem.  Eventually my webhost wouldn't be able to charge my credit card anymore, and it would go down.  I would want someone to at least be able to post an update and let people know before that happened.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 24, 2021, 10:11:37 PM ---So I did this. I wrote 146 new words, I cut 64 words and replaced them with something, I cut 20 words and replaced them with nothing, and I kept 55 words, but moved them elsewhere in the paragraph. The net difference is 62 new words.

I didn't change a lot in this chapter, so it's not a very exciting example, lol.

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You were right about replacing more than completely cutting and adding more than you take out!


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