Fic Talk > General Discussion

The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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Hehe, I love evil fanfic Justin.  I agree with the crossover thing, though; I probably wouldn't tag characters from other fandoms if they were just there to be villains or be made fun of.  I would be tempted with a story like 00Carter where some of them really are legit characters, but somehow I don't think the fans of other boybands would enjoy the way their members are portrayed LOL.

I technically could have tagged other fandoms besides BSB for my pandaskunk stories because there are a lot of Disney and Star Wars characters that make appearances, as well as real people like Lance Bass, Aaron Carter, and Melissa Schuman, but I don't feel like people looking for stories in that fandom would see mine as a legit crossover, so it just feels like a spammy thing to do.

I'm glad you're having fun writing today!


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---Yep, they do make perfect sense!  I know Star Trek fanfic published in fanzines was a major thing in the history of fanfic.  I'm not a Trekkie, but it's cool to see some of them archived online.

I do remember the name Carrie/Kikiduck.  I'm not sure I ever actually read any of her stories, but I know she was around in the early days.
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I think it's awesome that some of those writers are archiving their fanzine works online as well! What a fun nod to some of the earliest fanfics! At least in the sense of the modern definition of "fanfic," transformative works have been around probably about as long as stories themselves.

I wonder when she started putting them on AO3. Obviously they're backdated, but I wonder if it was more recently or a while ago. When did you all start putting your stuff on AO3?

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---I agree, the comfort part is important too.  I don't know if mine are always equally balanced, but my "whumpiest" stories are usually the ones with the earned happy endings.
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Despite being Team Dark, I think you have to. A story that goes from bad to worse to horrifying just makes me sad. I'd still read it, but I would need to go something really happy afterward like bury myself in a pile of puppies. It's easier when they end happy, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---Oh good!  It's nice to catch up with friends.  I don't always want to go be social (especially on a day when I was looking forward to writing), but I'm always glad I did.

It was absolutely perfect weather here today - sunny and upper 60s/lower 70s - so it was a good day to mow the lawn and hang outside.  I hate yard work, but it's most tolerable on days like this.

I was hoping the 21 word sentence I wrote in one minute would improve my 3 words per minute average on Nano, but alas, it did not.  Oh well.  At least the streak is alive, and my next chapter is technically started.  I probably won't continue it until morning when I am more clear-headed LOL.

I'm glad you found the quote you were looking for and can move on!  And hooray for Death by Snail!
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I didn't write as much as I wanted to yesterday, but it was a well-deserved break and a good day overall, so in the gran scheme of things, missing out on a productive writing day was fine. I still kept the streak alive, though, and that's what matters!

That is perfect whether for yard work, not too hot but still nice. And now you don't have to do it today and can have a perfect writing day instead!  ;D

How do you track your writing times? I'm pretty meticulous about tracking and will note when I start writing, then if I go a long time (ten minutes or more) without writing, I'll adjust my start time by that amount. Especially if what I was doing was not writing related. If it's research, I might let it go for fifteen minutes befor I decided to adjust my start time. Doing that might help get your word count up. But a 21 word sentence in a minute is impressive!

Yeah, it's always annoying because there's usually some options depending on exactly the emotion I want to play into with the remember quote. I tested out two of them for a little bit, then decided on one eventually.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---As someone who hates most romantic comedies and loves a good romantic tearjerker, I would argue that downer romances are way more fun!  But that's just me.  I do think stories with all the Boys are more fun than stories with just one of them, though, but that's harder with romance, where the focus usually is on one of them and a romantic partner.  That's the beauty of slash - you can focus on at least two of them that way.

Aww, good for you for putting up a fight, PBox Nick!  I don't think I've ever pardoned one of the Boys once I made the decision to kill him... I am merciless LOL.  Or maybe I'm just more uncompromising when it comes to changing my planned ending.
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I love a good romantic comedy, but I was deep into dark and brooding PBox territory, so I didn't think to come up with stories that would have happy endings, lol. Realistically, I should have just stuck with PBox. A downer story with a fluffy romance and all five Boys getting time to shine, lol. I feel like eventually we should all just move on to OT5s, then we can write romance and include all of them!

Yeah, he was adamant about living no matter what I threw at him. So I eventually said, "Fine, you get to live, but it is going to suck a lot for you." And indeed it did suck a lot, but he also insisted on keeping Kevin, so I let him have that concession... kind of. I figure it ended up better in the long run, so I've just let Nick drive the bus. He hasn't crashed it yet! Although right now he's upset I let him have his way as he slowly realizes that he changed his mind. Muahaha. Too bad the story is almost over now, Nick.

I think it's probably harder to pardon with a full outline, even if it's fluid. The stuff in between where Nick decided to live and the planned ending was kind of fuzzy anyway, so I decided to try out his way and ended up enjoying it. It may have gone differently if I'd had a clear vision for that portion of the story outside of "they go to Rubiihoppou to find AJ and eventually end up in this horrifying castle," lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---I do think that's a big part of it.  I never did feel very connected to it.  It was a story I started posting on a whim after a really productive writing weekend and then struggled to update consistently for over three years until I finally forced myself to finish it.  I really do like the story and am happy with the finished product, but it's not one I particularly enjoyed writing.  It was always more of a side project until I made it be my main project for one summer and finished it.  The downer ending was planned all along; I had the whole thing outlined chapter by chapter from the beginning and didn't stay from my outline except to condense it a little.  The fact that I forced myself to finish it does give me some hope that the same thing could happen with Guilty Roads someday.
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That's always frustrating when you have a really productive writing session (or a few) and get something started, but then none of the rest of it is fun or easy. I think that's a lot of my unfinished things. They started out well and then didn't. I think it's great that you did reach an ending even if you had to slough your way there! That's true dedication to your craft!

I have hope for Guilty Roads too! Really, I'm just trying to keep it in the back of your mind while you work, haha.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---Yes, I agree.  I'm glad social media wasn't a big thing yet during most of that time in his life, so most of the bad behavior he's since copped to wasn't caught on video or widely publicized.  There was enough to know he was not in the best place in his life, but so much more came out after the fact when he did that People interview and then wrote his memoir.  I'm glad I did not know all those details at the time LOL.
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YES! Exactly all of this. It's nice having more access to them now, but I think it would have been harder seeing everything in real time back then. We may not have lovingly dubbed him Hot Mess Nick, we may have just given up on him. Glad we didn't!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---I looked it up, and yep, it was May 2001.  The Bauhaus is still online, just no longer being updated.  So it must have been a different site.  I read my first fanfic in the summer of 1999 and started writing it sometime in the winter... either the end of 99 or very beginning of 2000.  I had finished my first "novel" (all 9,106 words of it LMAO) by February 2000 when I got it hosted on a site called Escape from Reality, which is also still online but no longer being updated.  God bless Angelfire LOL.  This damn site stopped updating partway through posting my story, so it's not complete on the site.  That kind of crap was a big motivator for me to figure out how to make my own site so I could be in control.
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I was about the same. The Orlando Story was one of my first pieces and I'm laughing that it's 13 chapters available, but only about 4500 words. They clearly felt like different enough scenes to be new chapters, but that's like a chapter of work for me now, lol.

I miss Angelfire. I'm pretty sure I had an Angelfire site of some sort at some point, but I couldn't tell you what it was now. I'm surprised that the site stopped updating in 2000! That was BSB heyday!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---My story was not written for the challenge.  I had already started it before Mare issued the challenge and knew it was going to be more than one chapter and have a banner, so I didn't even bother submitting it for that.  But yeah - this is why I don't do most challenges; I hate having rules to follow LOL.

Funny story - I flew out to Vegas to go to an IAWLT show with Rose and another friend in 2013, and we made shirts with the pandaskunk on the front.  We did VIP, and the Boys liked our shirts.  We had a nice little conversation with them about that video and asked if Nick was the one who came up with the pandaskunk or overall concept.  They said no, it was just designed by whatever animation company did the video.  We were disappointed there was no good back story behind it, but oh well.  At least we got a fun interaction out of it.  We wore those same shirts on one of the cruises, and Brian noticed us in the crowd (because they are bright red), so now it's become our thing.  We make new pandaskunk shirts in different colors for every tour.
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You're such a rebel! But great minds think alike I suppose.

LMAO! That is a funny story, but I am disappointed that they had nothing to do with the video. Also, I did not care for the pajama things' love story. I wanted more shots of the Boys ice skating and falling over instead, lol. Or the Boys riding the pandaskunks! Do you have any shirts like that? Because I would totally offer my services, lol. It would be like riding Falcor in the Neverending Story.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---That's good to know.  I do think Broken would have worked well with Nick as a high schooler, but the older and further removed from high school I get, the harder it seems to write that character and setting realistically.  Which is funny because when I was writing Broken, I was in high school and constantly questioning if my Nick seemed too immature because I was only 18 and didn't know what it was like to be 23 LOL.
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I love this dichotomy of feeling like you were too young to write older Nick and now too old to write a high school Nick. I do feel like people our age write YA novels all the time, so I don't think it matters if you're far removed from high school. I do think the bigger roadblock for you might be that you've moved on from Broken at this moment and have other things to focus on and that is okay! Maybe someday you'll want to go back to high school basketball playing Nick or something completely different for OF.

Also, I've said it before, but I always felt like PBox Nick read 18 anyway. I don't know if it matters unless we were trying to write 40-year-old Nick when we were 15; we would have likely failed at that.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---It feels good!  I did some research on this last year and discovered there is a sleep disorder called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome.  It's where your natural circadian rhythm is off by at least two hours beyond what is considered "normal" sleeping and waking times, which makes it hard to fall asleep and wake up at normal times.  I think I may have a mild case of it.  It doesn't affect my day to day life because I don't let it - I drug myself with melatonin or Benadryl so I can sleep at night and wake up in the morning with multiple alarms - but it would explain why I fall into this nocturnal sleep pattern whenever I have an extended break from my normal work schedule.  I have done this every summer since I started teaching and no longer had a summer job, but never on purpose - it just gradually happens.  I also think it probably has a lot to do with my introverted personality and writing.  I like being up at night because it's quiet and no one bugs me, so there are fewer distractions.  I can focus better and be more productive.  There's no pressure to run errands or be social or do yard work in the middle of the night, so I can write or do whatever I want guilt-free.
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Interesting! This reminds me of when I learned that sleeping through the night didn't really used to be a thing until the advent of electric lighting, especially in winter. People would go to bed when it got dark, wake up in the middle of the night and do some things, go back to sleep, then wake up with the sun in the morning.

I'm not really sure what mine is. Probably somewhere in the 11pm to 1am and wake up closer to 9am or 10am range. Unfortunately, gotta be places in the morning. I can usually function pretty well with alarm wakeups as long as I try to fall asleep by 11/11:30. It gets dicey after that. Thank goodness for coffee!

I think writing in the wee hours of the night is way less suspicious to other people than doing yard work in the wee hours of the night, lol!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 01:04:26 AM ---Another good point about the "Chapter One" vs. "Chapter 1."  AC is definitely better.

Yeah, I started out just posting the prologue as "Chapter 1" and the actual Chapter 1 as "Chapter 2," but I realized I would probably get confused by that down the road and leave out a chapter or something.  So I just posted the prologue and Chapter 1 together and am now back on track.

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I guess AC does have the "1. Chapter One: Chapter Title," but that just feels way less annoying compared to AO3's "Chapter 1: Chapter One: Chapter Title." It's barely noticeable on AC too, because it goes into the little drop-down box, but AO3's is at the top of every chapter.

I would hate that if I left out a chapter because the numbering was off. Glad you got it back on track for yourself.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on May 31, 2021, 03:18:59 PM ---Hehe, I love evil fanfic Justin.  I agree with the crossover thing, though; I probably wouldn't tag characters from other fandoms if they were just there to be villains or be made fun of.  I would be tempted with a story like 00Carter where some of them really are legit characters, but somehow I don't think the fans of other boybands would enjoy the way their members are portrayed LOL.

I technically could have tagged other fandoms besides BSB for my pandaskunk stories because there are a lot of Disney and Star Wars characters that make appearances, as well as real people like Lance Bass, Aaron Carter, and Melissa Schuman, but I don't feel like people looking for stories in that fandom would see mine as a legit crossover, so it just feels like a spammy thing to do.

I'm glad you're having fun writing today!

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I think he makes a great villain in BSB fanfic even if it is a little cliche. Even 00Carter, I don't know... Like we all love LancyBassy, but I just don't feel like NSYNC fans would love LancyBassy. But maybe they would;  LancyBassy is pretty great! And then Justin is a real character alongside Dr. Rough, who we do love, but I feel like the difference between them is that Dr. Rough is clearly a loving parody whereas Justin has some shades of "annoyance at his arrogance" to his character. I don't know though, maybe there are people out there who would be upset that we made Howie the villain, lol.

I agree, it does feel spammy. I think for it to really be a crossover where you'd tag the other fandoms or the characters, then each fandom needs to be fairly equal and in character. If the other fandom are in character, but are bit players, then it's not really a crossover. Alternatively, if they're major players, but super OOC, then it's unlikely the other fandom would want to read it. I'm certainly not clicking on any NSYNC fanfics where the Boys are characters when there are perfectly good Backstreet Boys fanfics I could read instead, you know?

It was fun! I didn't know I was missing Justin as a villain until this moment because Nick's drama was pretty interesting to me, but I think that's more about how Nick's been coping with it rather than his past being stirred up by other characters. I guess technically Justin was still the villain, but his absence was more distressing to our crew than his presence in this case. I don't know!

I did get almost 3,000 words written today and finished my next chapter! So five left to go! They feel like they could vary in length, so I'm honestly not sure what to do on them chapter split-wise. I'm thinking maybe just write the two arcs without thinking of them as chapters unless I clearly reach a point where I think "this is the end of a chapter" and then figure out how much space they take up?  :shrug: I think I can just pick up where I left off today, but it's nice having two spots I could go back and forth between if I wanted to again. :) And I got both arcs to their climax, so I'm pretty excited about that! And, thankfully, I'm pretty excited about continuing on so I'm nearly certain I won't be having an end-of-PBox style melt down, hooray!

Edited to Add: I had to up my word count goal again since it wasn't enough for five more chapters... sigh. I've gotta stop being so wordy, lol. Still at 9 words per minute. Still projected to finish around June 12th. June 20th feels more accurate, but who knows! Maybe NaNo is right and senses my inspiration!

Not edited to add (just wanted to separate it, lol): How'd writing go for you and everyone else out there that wants to join this discussion today?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:30:36 PM ---I wonder when she started putting them on AO3. Obviously they're backdated, but I wonder if it was more recently or a while ago. When did you all start putting your stuff on AO3?

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I have no idea.  I've technically had an account on AO3 since 2015, but I never really went there until last year.  I started putting my stuff up last spring during quarantine and suggested others do the same as a backup because AC had gotten so glitchy, so Mare and Steph followed suit.  Tracy, Rose, and others from AC had already been posting there.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:30:36 PM ---Despite being Team Dark, I think you have to. A story that goes from bad to worse to horrifying just makes me sad. I'd still read it, but I would need to go something really happy afterward like bury myself in a pile of puppies. It's easier when they end happy, lol.

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Yeah, agreed.  If it's not going to have a happy ending, it should at least have a happy beginning or a happy middle LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:30:36 PM ---How do you track your writing times? I'm pretty meticulous about tracking and will note when I start writing, then if I go a long time (ten minutes or more) without writing, I'll adjust my start time by that amount. Especially if what I was doing was not writing related. If it's research, I might let it go for fifteen minutes befor I decided to adjust my start time. Doing that might help get your word count up. But a 21 word sentence in a minute is impressive!

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I only track according to my Docs revision history, so it's not accurate as far as actual time spent writing vs. time spent researching or getting distracted.  I spend a lot of my writing time not-writing, which is why my average speed is so low.  I'm sure it would be higher if I only counted the time I was actually writing, but I focus fail so often, it would just waste even more time to track it that accurately LOL.  I spent almost three hours writing this morning, and my total came out to less than 300 words.  But I probably spent at least half that time researching and watching YouTube LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:30:36 PM ---That's always frustrating when you have a really productive writing session (or a few) and get something started, but then none of the rest of it is fun or easy. I think that's a lot of my unfinished things. They started out well and then didn't. I think it's great that you did reach an ending even if you had to slough your way there! That's true dedication to your craft!

I have hope for Guilty Roads too! Really, I'm just trying to keep it in the back of your mind while you work, haha.

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Yeah, it really is frustrating.  I'm sure that's why there are so many unfinished fanfics online, because it happens to the best of us, and forcing ourselves to finish it is easier said than done.  Thankfully, this one was short for my novels, only 25 chapters, so I wrote the majority of it over one summer and was able to finish it.  I hate leaving things unfinished, especially when they have the potential to be great stories.  I won't forget about Guilty Roads because I still feel guilty about that one LOL.  I also have an unfinished Harry Potter crossover to try to finish at some point.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:30:36 PM ---I was about the same. The Orlando Story was one of my first pieces and I'm laughing that it's 13 chapters available, but only about 4500 words. They clearly felt like different enough scenes to be new chapters, but that's like a chapter of work for me now, lol.

I miss Angelfire. I'm pretty sure I had an Angelfire site of some sort at some point, but I couldn't tell you what it was now. I'm surprised that the site stopped updating in 2000! That was BSB heyday!

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LOL!  Seriously.  4,500 is one solid chapter or maybe two short ones.  My 9,106 word novel would maybe be three chapters now, but it was sixteen then!  It was probably still the longest thing I had ever written at that time.

Mine was on Geocities, but apparently Angelfire was the BSB of late 90s free website hosting sites because it's still around.  I wonder if your Angelfire site is still online?  Do you remember the name or anything about it?

I was curious so I googled and found this:  Is that your Orlando Story??

Yeah, but that shows how fickle most teenyboppers were back then.  No warning or explanation or anything; they just randomly stopped updating it.  Same with so many other sites from that era.  I always vowed I would at least let people know if I decided to stop writing or updating my site.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:30:36 PM ---LMAO! That is a funny story, but I am disappointed that they had nothing to do with the video. Also, I did not care for the pajama things' love story. I wanted more shots of the Boys ice skating and falling over instead, lol. Or the Boys riding the pandaskunks! Do you have any shirts like that? Because I would totally offer my services, lol. It would be like riding Falcor in the Neverending Story.

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I know!  I found it hard to follow the [I think they're] elves' love story at first because I was so distracted by all the other random, non-Christmas-related stuff, like the pandaskunks and the submarine and the rocket LOL.  That's the kind of stuff I wove into my story.

We haven't had the Boys actually riding on the pandaskunk's back yet on a shirt, although that would be amazing!  If you feel like drawing that, that would be awesome!  The best I could do was photoshop the pandaskunk pulling Santa's sleigh and the Boys riding in that.  It's on the banner for the second story.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:30:36 PM ---I love this dichotomy of feeling like you were too young to write older Nick and now too old to write a high school Nick. I do feel like people our age write YA novels all the time, so I don't think it matters if you're far removed from high school. I do think the bigger roadblock for you might be that you've moved on from Broken at this moment and have other things to focus on and that is okay! Maybe someday you'll want to go back to high school basketball playing Nick or something completely different for OF.

Also, I've said it before, but I always felt like PBox Nick read 18 anyway. I don't know if it matters unless we were trying to write 40-year-old Nick when we were 15; we would have likely failed at that.

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Very true.  I just feel like kids today are growing up in a totally different world from the one we grew up in.  But I'm sure high school drama is still high school drama.  Some things never change.  Or I could always set it in the 90s or early 2000s.  That's actually not a bad idea because it would save me some time researching.  Seeing as how Broken was written 18 years ago, I'm sure there have been medical advancements made with both cancer treatment and prosthetic legs.  Nick's top of the line C-leg is probably not considered top of the line anymore.  I'm just speaking hypothetically here because yes, I have moved on from Broken and don't have the desire to write OF or try to get a novel published at the moment.  But at least I know I have an idea if I ever get that itch again.

I don't think age makes as much of a difference now that we're all adults, but it does seem easier to write a character who's younger (especially when he's a real person you can go back and watch footage of at that age to remind yourself how he acted) than writing one who's significantly older than you.  Writing 41-year-old Nick as a 14-year-old would definitely have been a challenge LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:30:36 PM ---Interesting! This reminds me of when I learned that sleeping through the night didn't really used to be a thing until the advent of electric lighting, especially in winter. People would go to bed when it got dark, wake up in the middle of the night and do some things, go back to sleep, then wake up with the sun in the morning.

I'm not really sure what mine is. Probably somewhere in the 11pm to 1am and wake up closer to 9am or 10am range. Unfortunately, gotta be places in the morning. I can usually function pretty well with alarm wakeups as long as I try to fall asleep by 11/11:30. It gets dicey after that. Thank goodness for coffee!

I think writing in the wee hours of the night is way less suspicious to other people than doing yard work in the wee hours of the night, lol!

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That is interesting!  I had never heard the thing about people getting up in the middle of the night to do stuff in the dark and then going back to bed.  That sounds similar to the habit I got into toward the end of this school year with my evening naps, followed by 3 hours of doing stuff before I went back to bed for the night.  I actually like waking up in the middle of the night and realizing I can go back to sleep for a few hours before my alarm goes off.  I have a much easier time falling back to sleep than falling asleep in the first place.  Although I've gotten better at that ever since I started listening to podcasts or documentaries as I fall asleep.

Your ideal sleep times are what mine usually are during the school year.  I rarely make it past 1 a.m. on a weekend because I'm so tired, and I usually wake up around 7-8 a.m. (and then go back to bed and sleep until 9-10.)  It starts to creep later and later in the summer.

LOL The neighbors would probably assume I'm burying a body in the backyard and call the cops.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:30:36 PM ---I guess AC does have the "1. Chapter One: Chapter Title," but that just feels way less annoying compared to AO3's "Chapter 1: Chapter One: Chapter Title." It's barely noticeable on AC too, because it goes into the little drop-down box, but AO3's is at the top of every chapter.

I would hate that if I left out a chapter because the numbering was off. Glad you got it back on track for yourself.

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Yeah, it does, but you're right - that doesn't bother me as much as AO3 because it's not as noticeable.  I just need to not do prologues anymore, but sometimes they feel necessary.  Like in SAMS, the prologue is actually a flash-forward to a later scene in the story, so it makes more sense as a prologue than a first chapter.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:54:21 PM ---I think he makes a great villain in BSB fanfic even if it is a little cliche. Even 00Carter, I don't know... Like we all love LancyBassy, but I just don't feel like NSYNC fans would love LancyBassy. But maybe they would;  LancyBassy is pretty great! And then Justin is a real character alongside Dr. Rough, who we do love, but I feel like the difference between them is that Dr. Rough is clearly a loving parody whereas Justin has some shades of "annoyance at his arrogance" to his character. I don't know though, maybe there are people out there who would be upset that we made Howie the villain, lol.

I agree, it does feel spammy. I think for it to really be a crossover where you'd tag the other fandoms or the characters, then each fandom needs to be fairly equal and in character. If the other fandom are in character, but are bit players, then it's not really a crossover. Alternatively, if they're major players, but super OOC, then it's unlikely the other fandom would want to read it. I'm certainly not clicking on any NSYNC fanfics where the Boys are characters when there are perfectly good Backstreet Boys fanfics I could read instead, you know?

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Yep, totally agree.  I love Lancybassy and Drums, but I don't think NSYNC fans would.  And yeah, I'm with you on the definition of a true crossover.  I'm not a big fan of them in general, but the two I've written that I would tag as crossovers (ER and Harry Potter) had an equal balance between fandoms, and anyone reading them would be able to tell I'm a fan of both.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:54:21 PM ---It was fun! I didn't know I was missing Justin as a villain until this moment because Nick's drama was pretty interesting to me, but I think that's more about how Nick's been coping with it rather than his past being stirred up by other characters. I guess technically Justin was still the villain, but his absence was more distressing to our crew than his presence in this case. I don't know!

I did get almost 3,000 words written today and finished my next chapter! So five left to go! They feel like they could vary in length, so I'm honestly not sure what to do on them chapter split-wise. I'm thinking maybe just write the two arcs without thinking of them as chapters unless I clearly reach a point where I think "this is the end of a chapter" and then figure out how much space they take up?  :shrug: I think I can just pick up where I left off today, but it's nice having two spots I could go back and forth between if I wanted to again. :) And I got both arcs to their climax, so I'm pretty excited about that! And, thankfully, I'm pretty excited about continuing on so I'm nearly certain I won't be having an end-of-PBox style melt down, hooray!

Edited to Add: I had to up my word count goal again since it wasn't enough for five more chapters... sigh. I've gotta stop being so wordy, lol. Still at 9 words per minute. Still projected to finish around June 12th. June 20th feels more accurate, but who knows! Maybe NaNo is right and senses my inspiration!

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Wow, good for you!  Five more chapters to go!  You sound like me with upping the word count LOL.  I always underestimate how many chapters/words it's going to take me to finish.  I'm glad you're still on track to finish in June!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on May 31, 2021, 11:54:21 PM ---How'd writing go for you and everyone else out there that wants to join this discussion today?

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Mine went... better than yesterday?  I at least added on to the one sentence I wrote yesterday and got a little further into my Kevin chapter.  I did not write as much as I thought I would, but that's on me for letting myself get distracted.  I made a book cover for Bethlehem and Heroic Measures for when I convert them to ebook format for my site.  Then I got the bright idea to run grammar check on the stories I did not have it turned on for and see what crazy suggestions Google would come up with.  I spent at least an hour editing all the mistakes it found in AHTIM alone... and now that I've realized how many missing words and similar mistakes I still didn't catch in my many read-throughs of that one, I feel like I need to do it for all my stories.  So there is my new boredom project now that I'm done backdating LOL.


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