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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 12:43:16 AM ---I have no idea.  Even having a links page seems obsolete at this point because there aren't many sites outside of the archive site that update anymore.  But there are still plenty of preserved websites with good, albeit old stories on them.  It would be hard to look for a specific story on one of the archives if you didn't know the title or author.  But then, I guess that would be hard to look for anyway.

Have you ever thought about making a website for the Pbox series and your other stories?  There's a fanfic project idea for you LOL.  It's not necessary, but it might be fun to have a place of your own to post not only the stories, but all the behind the scenes kind of stuff you talk about in your update posts here.
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Does your links page have descriptions of the stories too or just titles and authors? If there are descriptions, I'm sure it would be a good resource if anyone was looking for a specific story from way back when. At least on AO3, you might be able to find it if you knew what the author might tag it as. Although, we all seem less specific on those, so there's probably some genre combing involved.

You know, I haven't. It would be fun to have all the behind the scenes stuff with it, but it's probably not something I want to tackle just yet until I decide for sure if I want to try and market it as OF or not. If I commit to trying to publish it, the less places it needs to be removed from, the better, probably. At this point, I think it's only here and AO3. I assume any lingering hint of it on BSBBLVD is long gone if they still archive old threads (or if the site even exists, haven't looked into it much) and I think it was maybe two other places which could be gone with the geocities purge. I haven't looked into it much at this point, but probably need to eventually.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 12:43:16 AM ---Yeah, I do think we're hard to keep up with, and people that aren't writing or reading anymore probably don't care about most of what we discuss LOL.  Tracy does work a lot of night shifts, but she's more active on Twitter anyway.  We are way too long-winded to have discussions on Twitter! LOL
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Hey, lately I've given people a couple of days here and there to catch up, lol! I can't imagine having these conversations on Twitter, it would take days to finish them... more days than it already does. And twitter just isn't built for walls of text, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 12:43:16 AM ---If you like survival kind of horror, definitely check out The Ruins.  It's a pretty quick read because it's such a page-turner.  It's about a group of college kids who go off the beaten track to visit some ancient Mayan ruins while they're on vacation in Mexico, and things go horribly wrong.  I reread it last summer for inspiration while I was writing Bethlehem because I got one of my ideas from that book, but it's much darker than Bethlehem.  There's also a movie version that I actually saw before I knew it was a book, and that is good too.  The author of the book actually wrote the screenplay, so the basic plot is the same, but he purposely switched things up to keep you guessing.

I haven't read any of SK's super recent books, but if you haven't read 11/22/63, that is one of my favorites!  I recommend it to everyone because it's not even a horror story, so I think even people who don't like King's usual books would like it.  Do you have a favorite of his older books?
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I remember you mentioning that about the Ruins when we were talking about adaptations a while ago, actually. I think I'll check it out at some point.

I haven't read that one! I'll add it to the list. Carrie was definitely one of my favorites. And The Shining. I always meant to read The Dark Tower and never did.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 12:43:16 AM ---I have noticed that too.  I wonder if that's a generational difference.  There's so much more talk about mental health and trauma and "triggers" these days than there was when we were growing up, so teens today are probably more conscious of that stuff.  I get it to some extent, but at the same time, it's just fiction.  And it does take away from the experience if everything gets an advance warning.  I live for those shocking moments, both as a reader experiencing them for the first time and a writer creating them.  But it seems like the majority of readers these days prefer dark stuff, whether it's kink or angst or full-on horror.  Like I've said, I have posted stuff that made me squirm, and my readers seemed to enjoy it.  If it was ever too much for any of them, they never mentioned it.
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It may be. I wonder if it's also more frowned upon depending on how anything potentially triggering is handled. Like if it's in there just for shock value, I could see how it would be more upsetting than things that are handled from a place of realism and care. That and it's not like traditionally published works include any warnings or ratings for that matter.

Speaking of kinks, I'm almost to the point of posting my sex scene and I am very concerned about what kind of fetishes people will assume I have personally, lol.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 12:43:16 AM ---LOL I am much more artistic on the computer than I'm capable of being on paper, so it's a trade off.  If you have something specific in mind, definitely go Google image hunt!  Otherwise, a description of the aesthetic you want will work.  If you have a preference of what kind of color scheme, font style, etc. you want, let me know.
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Valid point! I'll go painting googling again. Otherwise some sort of broody Nick circa 2003-2006 that would look good blue-scaled; I can look for that too, but if you have any ideas off hand, I trust your judgement. I always liked the one I went with for PBox (I feel like a few different people gave me options originally), but couldn't tell you what the font is. Here's the PBox one: I will need to ponder on a snappy tagline that fits in a 200 x 200 square, lol. My hope is to put them in a little line on the series descriptor, so it's probably good if they're the same size.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 12:43:16 AM ---I hope there will be more cruise years!  I haven't been able to go on one since 2014, and I miss them.

It seems like new albums tend to re-inspire people and bring them back, so maybe the Christmas album will help.
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Let's keep our fingers crossed!

Or at least it will inspire a slew of holiday stories!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 12:43:16 AM ---LOL What are the chances?  Yeah, the whole thing was so convoluted!  It only took like four days without meds for him to die, which I'm not sure is the most realistic.  This was before I did any serious research; I just took whatever tidbits I did know and ran with them LOL.

I'm impressed you didn't use NSYNC for the battle of the bands!  I included them in quite a few of my old stories too, always as villains or being made fun of.

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Well, I'd make my usual joke here, but I feel like the odds are much lower than the song, lol. I wonder how long it takes to reject an organ... Does it depend on the organ? I wonder if taking the medicine beforehand would make it longer? Do you ever get to a point where you don't need the medicine? I know nothing about health and medicine, basically, lol! I roped my bestie into being my "is this medically realistic consultant" as I OF PBox and the first thing I asked was, "can hand sanitizer be used to disinfect a cut in a pinch?" And she said, "not really, also it would hurt like hell, but a naive teenager might think it would, so you could probably still write that." And I thought it was needlessly complicated if it wouldn't actually work, so I scrapped that thought path.

You know, I wouldn't call the female lead of that story a self-insert, but it was dangerously close and I feel like I wanted nothing to do with being related to an NSYNC member, so I made up a band, lmao.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 01:00:51 AM ---Yeah, it was the 2008 April challenge here:,1036.0.html  We had to write something totally different from what we would normally write under a pen name and then try to guess who wrote what.  It was really fun!  That is hands down the worst story I have posted on AO3 though.  It is definitely the slash that gets people to click, not the sci-fi.

I'm not saying lie; I'm just saying maybe there's room for them to become more than friends in the end? I'm just kidding LOL.
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I thought it sounded familiar! I did think it was an older thing you wrote for sure. I mean, you did write it as a joke/challenge in a short amount of time, so I can see why you think it's the worst. But the fun and joy is all that matters! If only the sci-fi was what got people to click, lol.

I just don't think there's time to break a romance and build another one while arguing with PBox Nick about why it's a good idea to uproot his life, lol. One of those three things sounds really time consuming.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 01:00:51 AM ---I think it was finished, but taken down.  It's been reposted by other people, which is how I found it on  There's a Wikipedia page about it if you want to read the whole history.  I skimmed it earlier.  It's interesting because no one knows for sure who actually wrote it and what their intent was.  Some author who's writing a memoir took credit for it and said it was satire, but it's not confirmed that she was telling the truth - people have questioned some inconsistencie s.
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I don't know that I would want to take credit for that in a memoir whether it was satire or not, lol! It's this big part of fanfic lore, but why play up all the stigmatized parts of fanfic? I don't know if today is the day to deep dive back into that story, but I will probably do so at some point.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 01:00:51 AM ---I love baby name sites too!  I sometimes tried to go for meaningful names, and sometimes I just used them to find names I liked or that fit the character.

Very true about the 90s names!
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It's been a while since I did. I started doing it again with my name changes for the Boys and it is helping me pinpoint at least the ballpark of what I want their names to sound like for each one, but it has been a slow process.

I think what I did with them near the end of my initial fanfic career was looking at nationalities, regions, and popularity lists more than specific meanings.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 04, 2021, 01:00:51 AM ---LOL Yes!  That is one thing I don't think I ever got far enough to include in Not Another Teenybopper Story - a slash storyline!

I think Taylor just seemed like an overused teeny name to me at the time.  I guess that's when masculine names for girls were becoming really trendy.

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There's still time! lol

It's definitely one of the more popular masculine names from our era. I think in fanfic at the time, it was shorthand for "this is the tomboyish character" rather than "seemed like a good name for the character."

How's writing going the past couple days for everyone?

I woke up yesterday and all I wanted to do was write, but it was the literal end of the story and I promised myself that I wouldn't keep editing the end until I got there in the arcs, especially with five chapters left. I caved and wrote about 80 words of it and I'm glad I did because by the time I got home, I was too exhausted to write. What a waste of an inspiration day! I wonder if I would have chunked out this whole arc if I'd just stayed home and wrote, lol.

I've gotten a little over 1300 words so far today though, but kept focus failing an hour ago, so I decided to take a break and remind you all that I'm not dead, lol. I'm about 1,000 words from what could be the end of this chapter and it feels like I have the next chapter in me today too! (Or at least the start of it. I'm not quite as excited about the whole thing I was about it yesterday.) If I could get both chapters done (or even started), I would feel super productive! I'm happy that this ending is feeling more like "get it done" than "avoid and stare into the void."


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 05, 2021, 05:11:24 PM ---What a waste of an inspiration day! I wonder if I would have chunked out this whole arc if I'd just stayed home and wrote, lol.
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Apparently, it did carry over to today. I've written just over 3000 words and almost finished two chapters! I stopped on one with a little under a third left because it was starting to feel repetitive and I wanted to look at it with fresher eyes after I figured out what the hook was at the end of the chapter between two choices. I have about a third left on that second chapter as well after deciding on the previous chapter's hook, but I'm worried I've hit a wall. My two coffees aren't helping! :(

Edited to Add: Apparently my fanfic adjacent activity right now is fixing my outline. I want to write, I just feel tired. Think a third coffee will help? Someone stop me from drinking that much caffeine! lol


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 05, 2021, 09:29:37 PM ---Edited to Add: Apparently my fanfic adjacent activity right now is fixing my outline. I want to write, I just feel tired. Think a third coffee will help? Someone stop me from drinking that much caffeine! lol

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Did not have a third coffee. Managed about 700 more words, but very tired. Can't focus even though I know exactly what's supposed to happen for the rest of the chapter. Sigh. Hopefully sleep repairs my inspiration/focus and I can finish these two chapters tomorrow! About 900 words and 500 words to chapter length goals. Although the second chapter feels like it may need more than 500 words to finish, we'll see! It was a very productive day! If I can finish both of these tomorrow, I would be very excited! Then only three chapters left! I guess it's technically three full chapters, 1/3 of one chapter, and 1/6 of another chapter to go! Can't believe it's almost the end!


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