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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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Writing is going OK for me this weekend. I'm almost done with Chapter 19... I'm at 1,300 ish words so I should finish it by morning provided Nick doesn't butt in. He's been quiet so far, lol.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 06, 2021, 10:32:55 PM ---I usually only find important ways to bring them up again once I start to forget about them while writing. I'll be honest though, it's usually the tails I forget about. At least you can fly with wings, tails are just kind of there, lol.

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Do the demons use their tails like whips to hit each other with?  Cause I could see Nick and Brian doing that to each other a lot. LOL

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 06, 2021, 10:32:55 PM ---I think they're less prevalent in general, depending on the content of a story. If it's a Heaven and Hell type thing, they're usually there, but they're less present than other standard fantasy races, even less so than angels, unless there's conjuring stuff going on. But you're right, I can't think of any other BSB demon stories. Once again, I'm the AJ.

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It's cool to be the only one who's done something!  Angels have definitely been done in fanfic, but not so much demons.  Especially not lovable demons.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 06, 2021, 10:32:55 PM ---If he doesn't stay dead, I'd say that's very lucky, lol.

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It's both a blessing and a curse.  On one hand, how lucky that he can miraculously come back to life for the next installment... but on the other hand, how horrible to have to die over and over again in 1000 different painful and/or humiliating ways.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 06, 2021, 10:32:55 PM ---For once I was not verbose. I'd say maybe it's the outline, but that's clearly not true in the other arc, so I don't know what the difference is here. Think I can keep up this 6-8 chapter/month pace? I'd be very prolific if I did!

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With the right story, maybe!  You're on the end-of-story streak with this one, but if you continue on to the third installment, maybe you can keep that inspiration alive.  Or maybe you'll move on to something totally different, which can be equally inspiring.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 06, 2021, 10:32:55 PM ---I think 5,000 is my upper limit. Once they start nearing 6,000, I usually try to find some way to split it and add wherever I need to add to reach 3,000 words each. I think it would be harder to do that in a story with strict POV structure than in one without that, since coming up with something for the other character for them to sandwich could be harder than just keeping the chapter long, like you said.

I think it's okay if Nick doesn't have as many subplots. He would be very busy with touring and being a Hot Mess anyway. I feel like there's only so much you can say about Hot Mess Nick if his stuff isn't really the focus of the story, then it just feels like filler.

lmfao! Yes, you should just stab him. Have him get mugged in the next chapter or something.

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Yeah, I'm trying not to just come up with filler for Nick.  That's how BMS got to be so long - lots of filler to keep things balanced between Nick and Claire.  I learned my lesson.  But don't tempt me with the stabbing LOL.  I actually don't think I've ever stabbed Nick in a story before... Brian, yes.  Nick, no?  Not that I can remember offhand, anyway.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 06, 2021, 10:32:55 PM ---Aw fun, baseball game! But boo, leak fixing interrupting writing time! At least it will be fixed. If only you could write while you wait for your car to get fixed. Our dryer came, finally, but we apparently need another part no one told us we needed (some sort of stacking kit), so now I still can't wash my clothing. Things are about to get difficult; I am running out of underwear, lol.

I would love it if every week was a three day weekend. Then it would matter less if I was unproductive in general one day. I think I'd be less tired all the time too. Thanks! I hope so too! Hopefully this next Nick chapter goes smoothly for you!

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Oh no!  That's a long time you've been without a working washer.  That's so frustrating.  My washer broke last year right in the beginning of lockdown, and I didn't know what to do at first.  I didn't really want to go to a laundrymat or an appliance store or have a repairman come over.  So I did some googling and figured out it was just the belt that broke... and then I ordered a replacement belt for cheap and managed to fix it myself!  Thanks, YouTube!  I hope your part comes soon so you can get everything set up and working!

Yeah, for real - I feel like it takes me Friday night and most of Saturday to recover from the week, so I don't usually get into my writing groove until Sunday, and then the weekend's over before I know it.  We really should have Mondays off.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 06, 2021, 11:38:27 PM ---Done! One arc done! Only three chapters left! Can't believe it! I don't want to jinx it, but I'm about to finish a novel y'all! In only about 7 months! If it wasn't 10:30, I might just keep writing! I hate that I always feel most motivated to write when I finish a chapter, but should go to bed, lol.

On a side note, I worried I would struggle on those 900 words I needed (especially since I initially left myself a note that said [stuff happens]), but as usual, I had nothing to worry about because this chapter apparently needed about 1400 more words to be finished, lol. I had a couple missteps, but I hacked and slashed them until it was better. Now it's exciting and better paced.

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Yay!!  So proud of you!  I know the feeling; I am always most motivated on Sunday night when I need to go to bed.  Ugh.  I hope you wake up still inspired and are able to write before/after work tomorrow.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on June 07, 2021, 01:13:54 AM ---Writing is going OK for me this weekend. I'm almost done with Chapter 19... I'm at 1,300 ish words so I should finish it by morning provided Nick doesn't butt in. He's been quiet so far, lol.

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Yay!  You are also almost done!  So proud of you, too; you've written this one so quickly!

I had a productive afternoon, but have yet to start my Nick chapter tonight.  But I did do some rereading and editing on the last few chapters, so that was still productive in its own way.

I saw this thread on Reddit yesterday and thought it was a good question.  Is there something you did early in your fanfic writing that you don't do anymore?

The OP talked about writing vague summaries that were meant to be mysterious and intriguing, but probably just made prospective readers go, "Huh, what?" and scroll on by.  I was like, "Wow, that sounds like me!" LOL  I still don't like to give away too much in my summaries, but I think my last few have been better at revealing enough basic plot details to give people an idea of what the story's about without spoiling the surprises.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 07, 2021, 10:44:19 PM ---I saw this thread on Reddit yesterday and thought it was a good question.  Is there something you did early in your fanfic writing that you don't do anymore?

The OP talked about writing vague summaries that were meant to be mysterious and intriguing, but probably just made prospective readers go, "Huh, what?" and scroll on by.  I was like, "Wow, that sounds like me!" LOL  I still don't like to give away too much in my summaries, but I think my last few have been better at revealing enough basic plot details to give people an idea of what the story's about without spoiling the surprises.

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Good question!

I honestly feel like the summary for PBox is exactly that, vague intending to be mysterious and intriguing. So of course I made PNecklace mimic it, lol. I don't know that I have a better summary for either of them; I have a very hard time summarizing this tale. I will say though, that I feel like my holiday story summary is much better than any summaries I used to write. Give the basic idea without giving too much away. I made one tiny tweak to it after posting, which was to add "In December 1999" to the beginning, and then it got higher read counts.

Otherwise, things I used to do that I don't anymore... Weird dialogue tags is probably the biggest one. Post without editing or majorly proofreading? lmao Start writing and posting any old thing that came to my head?

I'm sure I probably still do a lot of things that are frowned upon, but I've really tried to be better about them. I can't think of any right now.


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