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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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So I wrote a little, then refreshed my stats to see if anyone has read my updates. AO3 is kind of stagnant (I did post three chapters within a week, so that may be on me) and I thought about how we were discussing tag traffic. So I thought about what I might tag PBox&Co that I wouldn't consider spoilers and thought "well 'demons' seems like an obvious one," so I searched for it out of curiosity and there are a lot of stories on AO3 about demons, about 40,000. And then I found out both "demon/human relationships" and "demon sex" are tags. So, where do I go from here? lol

Did you ever add more tags to SAMS, Julie? Did it increase your reaership?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 10, 2021, 08:55:45 PM ---OMG! I nearly died laughing; I had completely forgotten this. I was laughing at the different ways to describe green eyes and then the author's note in the middle of the chapter, but I lost it at "sea grass destroyer" and it only got better from there. Thanks, I needed that today, lol.

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Glad you enjoyed it!  I got a laugh out of it too; it's been a long time since I've looked at that story!  Imagine all the new ones we could come up with now LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 10, 2021, 08:55:45 PM ---You're right. He would get appropriate mourning for his death to satiate his need for attention. And if he becomes Brian's guardian angel, then he can savor that attention, lol.

Yeah, I think if it was 1000 stories about how he died of cancer, it would be very sad.

What if he reads it and thinks it's poetic and nuanced? If it's poetic and nuanced, it's not worthy of murder, lol.

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Guardian angel would be a perfect gig, other than the fact that (I assume) only Brian can see him?

Not even I would want to read or write 1000 Nick cancer deaths LOL.

Haha, I can't wait to see Nick's tweets about how poetic and nuanced the death by snail story is!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 10, 2021, 08:55:45 PM ---You took a 9pm nap and still woke up at midnight ready to function! Witchcraft! Sitting in the heat and sun all day definitely wipes me out, so I would probably be ready for bed even if I only woke up nine hours before. What time did you wake up today? How'd writing go last night? Was today an unbooked day?

Editing is important! That's how I got 26 words out yesterday! The streak is alive... barely. I woke up wide awake at 6am or so and was thinking "maybe I should write this morning," but then hubs cuddled me and I feel back asleep. :( But when I woke up, I was very inspired to write!... a 400 word scene from the next book. ::) So still three chapters to go over here, lol. Going to try to write again this evening.

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LOL I tried; I didn't get much done last night, but I did read a lot of Reddit threads.  I can't say I really got anything useful out of them, though, so I probably should have just stayed in bed.  Today I woke up at about quarter til noon and "wrote" for a couple hours.  I still haven't really hit my groove for this chapter yet.  I can't even blame Nick this time because he's back from tour and reunited with Kevin, which was what I was looking forward to.  I think I'm just in one of those "blah" phases, maybe from doing this 90 days in a row.  I'm tired of all my writing music, too.  But no worries, the streak is still alive, and I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon.  I have been doing little edits here and there in addition to working on the new chapter, so there's that too.

It's been nice to get some other stuff done too.  Today I finished the memoir I've been reading off and on for a while, caught up on some shows that have been saved on my DVR for a while, cleaned my house, made dinner, and folded a bunch of laundry.  That's the kind of stuff that doesn't get done when I spend all my time writing.

Aww, well, at least you got something written this morning, and now you have part of a scene for the next story!  How's the writing going tonight?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 10, 2021, 09:38:45 PM ---So I wrote a little, then refreshed my stats to see if anyone has read my updates. AO3 is kind of stagnant (I did post three chapters within a week, so that may be on me) and I thought about how we were discussing tag traffic. So I thought about what I might tag PBox&Co that I wouldn't consider spoilers and thought "well 'demons' seems like an obvious one," so I searched for it out of curiosity and there are a lot of stories on AO3 about demons, about 40,000. And then I found out both "demon/human relationships" and "demon sex" are tags. So, where do I go from here? lol

Did you ever add more tags to SAMS, Julie? Did it increase your reaership?

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I haven't gotten much on AO3 the last week or so either.  I did get a guest kudo for MBK today, but no comments on the last chapter I posted.  And the one person who was reading SAMS on AO3 left a comment the other day saying she went to my site and read the rest, so which makes me happy in one sense that she was sucked in enough to finish it in a few days, but then also disappointed I won't be getting any more comments from her LOL.  That is my own fault though because I did say in the story notes that the story is already finished and can be read in its entirety on my site.  I did not end up adding any more tags to it.  I just felt cheap using the Anal Sex tag, and the other thing I could have tagged it was too spoilery and would have ruined one of those big reveal moments.

Demons seems like a good tag!  So does Demon/Human Relationships.  Not sure about Demon Sex if it's just the one scene; that ventures into kink territory, but you might attract people who are into demons that way LOL.  Do you ever feel like you're writing for the wrong fandom?  As in, readers from other fandoms might be more interested reading fantasy and stories about demons?  Did you look at what other fandoms were represented in those 40,000 stories tagged Demons?  I'm not suggesting you switch fandoms or anything.  It just seems like fantasy is a super popular genre in other fandoms, but not BSB.  Maybe it's a RPF thing.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 10, 2021, 09:43:26 PM ---Glad you enjoyed it!  I got a laugh out of it too; it's been a long time since I've looked at that story!  Imagine all the new ones we could come up with now LOL.
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It would be like a mini BSB history lesson, lol!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 10, 2021, 09:43:26 PM ---Guardian angel would be a perfect gig, other than the fact that (I assume) only Brian can see him?

Not even I would want to read or write 1000 Nick cancer deaths LOL.

Haha, I can't wait to see Nick's tweets about how poetic and nuanced the death by snail story is!
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Sure, but every now and again, I bet Nick would say something like "Remind everyone how much you miss me." "Of course, I miss you, Frack." And Kevin is there and gives Brian a hug and says something like. "I miss him too." And Nick just basks in it. I'm not sure why I'm writing this down here, I'm pretty sure this is a story I've been holding on to, lol.

What's your upper limit on reading Nick cancer deaths? Since you're unsure of writing them anymore.

Not only tweets! He will be so moved by it that he will post instagram stories and live streams detailing all his emotions at death by snail, lol. Maybe I'm overselling this... Or maybe I'm not!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on June 10, 2021, 09:43:26 PM ---LOL I tried; I didn't get much done last night, but I did read a lot of Reddit threads.  I can't say I really got anything useful out of them, though, so I probably should have just stayed in bed.  Today I woke up at about quarter til noon and "wrote" for a couple hours.  I still haven't really hit my groove for this chapter yet.  I can't even blame Nick this time because he's back from tour and reunited with Kevin, which was what I was looking forward to.  I think I'm just in one of those "blah" phases, maybe from doing this 90 days in a row.  I'm tired of all my writing music, too.  But no worries, the streak is still alive, and I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon.  I have been doing little edits here and there in addition to working on the new chapter, so there's that too.

It's been nice to get some other stuff done too.  Today I finished the memoir I've been reading off and on for a while, caught up on some shows that have been saved on my DVR for a while, cleaned my house, made dinner, and folded a bunch of laundry.  That's the kind of stuff that doesn't get done when I spend all my time writing.

Aww, well, at least you got something written this morning, and now you have part of a scene for the next story!  How's the writing going tonight?

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Reddit is a time suck for sure. Aw, I feel you on  the "blah" phases, I've had several of those (as you know, because I've complained about all of them). It's unfortunate that your blah phase has come during something you were looking forward too, though. When I feel kind of blah, I like to edit too. Perhaps after June we've earned ourselves a little break. Or maybe you'll be out of your blah phase by then.

That sounds like a productive day! I think it's good to do those things too because it gives you a break from staring at the screen. :) How full is your DVR now that you've caught up a little?

I know, it's pretty good to still have some things pop up every now and again. It's happen twice so far in this stretch, so that gives me some confidence that I won't need a long break between the two. Maybe just a short one.

Well... I got about 50 words so far, lol. Then utterly distracted myself searching through AO3 tags, as I mentioned. They are a rabbit hole.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 10, 2021, 10:01:10 PM ---Sure, but every now and again, I bet Nick would say something like "Remind everyone how much you miss me." "Of course, I miss you, Frack." And Kevin is there and gives Brian a hug and says something like. "I miss him too." And Nick just basks in it. I'm not sure why I'm writing this down here, I'm pretty sure this is a story I've been holding on to, lol.

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LOL Yes!  I want to read this story!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 10, 2021, 10:01:10 PM ---What's your upper limit on reading Nick cancer deaths? Since you're unsure of writing them anymore.

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I'm willing to read way more than I would write, as long as they're well-written.  I think the last one I read was Swollen Issues in the early 2000s, so it's been a long time.  If anyone wants to write one (or a cancer story where Nick lives, or any kind of medical drama about any of the boys), I will read it!

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 10, 2021, 10:01:10 PM ---Not only tweets! He will be so moved by it that he will post instagram stories and live streams detailing all his emotions at death by snail, lol. Maybe I'm overselling this... Or maybe I'm not!

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I expect a live-reading on Twitch!  That would be much more entertaining than watching him play video games and bob his head to his own music LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 10, 2021, 10:01:10 PM ---Reddit is a time suck for sure. Aw, I feel you on  the "blah" phases, I've had several of those (as you know, because I've complained about all of them). It's unfortunate that your blah phase has come during something you were looking forward too, though. When I feel kind of blah, I like to edit too. Perhaps after June we've earned ourselves a little break. Or maybe you'll be out of your blah phase by then.

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But July is the next Camp Nano!  I'm determined to continue this streak until back to school craziness starts in August.  At least it hasn't felt like pulling teeth getting me to write.  It's not that bad; I can always get a few paragraphs written.  It's just not pages and pages at a time like I would like to be writing.  But I did think some more about that sequel idea I had, so the inspiration is still there... just not so much for the particular scene I'm in right now.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 10, 2021, 10:01:10 PM ---That sounds like a productive day! I think it's good to do those things too because it gives you a break from staring at the screen. :) How full is your DVR now that you've caught up a little?

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Yep, exactly!  I feel more like a well-rounded human when I can list other things I did in a day besides stare at a computer screen LOL.  My DVR was up to 90% full, and I think I got it close to 50%.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on June 10, 2021, 10:01:10 PM ---Well... I got about 50 words so far, lol. Then utterly distracted myself searching through AO3 tags, as I mentioned. They are a rabbit hole.

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LOL It happens.  I looked up the demons tag there too out of curiosity, and OMG, there are so many variations of "demon this" and "demon that."  Unsurprisingly, it looks like Supernatural is the most popular fandom for demon fanfics.


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