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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 14, 2021, 07:39:49 PM ---My college library was awesome because it had like eight floors, so if I needed to go there, I could always find some empty area to work where no one would bother me.
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That's huge! I feel like ours was taller than I think, but it was very squat and wide more than tall. Many nooks and crannies. The "library" in my sorority house, less so. I did most of my writing in my room.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 14, 2021, 07:39:49 PM ---That's probably true, but I'm never going to be the first to bring it up LOL.
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I'd say I would, but I also won't even tell my husband or anyone who asks specifically what I'm writing about. I just say "demons" when they ask what it's about. Then I always get "You can't say 'demons' with zero context" as a response, lol. But you asked what it's about and it's about demons! ::) I've clearly answered the question!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 14, 2021, 07:39:49 PM ---LOL I used to read fanfic at my mom's work!  My mom's a computer teacher at the middle school I went to, which is basically right across the street from where my parents still live.  The summer I discovered fanfic (1999), she got mad at me for tying up the phone line all the time by getting on the dial-up and wasting printer paper and ink printing out fanfics to read offline, so she let me come over to the school computer lab where the internet was faster and read while she worked.  I found out what visuals were while I was on one of the school computers - whoops LOL.  I wasn't writing fanfic yet then though.
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She just hated me being home alone if she had to work on the weekends, so she dragged me with her. Which worked out, because I could use one of the computers at her work for BSB to my heart's content! LMAO, I also found a visual at her work and clicked right out of there so fast! 11-year-old me was not prepared for that at the time, lol. At least your mom is pragmatic, if you tied up the phone line and wasted precious printer ink, at least you could do it at her work where it didn't do those things (as much). I once printed one of my fanfics that I wrote at my middle school and it wasted so much paper and ink! I'm not even sure how I got into the computer lab to do it, but I did. My BFF watched the door for me, lmao. I'm not usually that bold.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 14, 2021, 07:39:49 PM ---Haha, great points!  As far as actually outlining chapter by chapter, I'm like you - I don't usually do that all in advance, but more as I go if I do it at all.  My outlines are typically more timelines of events and when they happen, character info, and research notes.  If the timeline doesn't matter as much or if the story takes place in a short window of time, it's more just a synopsis of all the major events in the order they happen that I add to as I figure out more.  That's what Bethlehem's outline was, whereas My Brother's Keeper has the timeline-style outline because it takes place in a specific period of BSB history.
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As usual, just trying to justify our bad habits, haha.

Yeah, same. I'd call mine more of a chapter-by-chapter synopsis for going back and looking up things I reference or to keep track of what characters are doing. I know in the beginning I used to have a handwritten one, that I can't find, but I specifically remember writing down what Nick was doing in green pen, Howie in purple, Brian in aquamarine, Kevin in blue, and AJ in yellow (written over with orange because I couldn't read it). I want to get back to that again, actually, because it would help me keep character arcs straight.

Always impressed with y'all's timelines. I'd keep it accurate if I did it, but I just have no interest in actual timelines, haha.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 14, 2021, 07:39:49 PM ---No, no he does not.  But at least he's always resurrected for a new story.  He's like the Jason Vorhees of BSB fanfic LOL.
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lmao We have a Samara!Brian, Jason!Nick, is AJ Willy Wonka? lol

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 14, 2021, 07:39:49 PM ---I haven't heard of the GOT one, but that sounds interesting too.  Fangirl was a really fun and relatable read!

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I'll have to check it out. I have a pile of "want to read this books" that hasn't gotten any smaller since I've been busy writing again.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 14, 2021, 08:09:50 PM ---I once printed one of my fanfics that I wrote at my middle school and it wasted so much paper and ink! I'm not even sure how I got into the computer lab to do it, but I did. My BFF watched the door for me, lmao. I'm not usually that bold.

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LOL I'm sure you were not the first to do that, but I'm glad your friend stood guard so you didn't get caught.  Stories are always so much longer on actual paper than they seem online!  I actually only printed one of them, the first fanfic I ever read, and that was like 50 pages, which seems like nothing now, but was a lot of paper to print.  That's the one I got in trouble for, so I never did it again (except for when I printed out all of Broken so I could see what it looked like - but I specifically bought my own ream of paper and ink for that and did it on my own printer.)  Nostalgic hoarder me still has both that first story and Broken in binders though, so at least it didn't go to waste LOL.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 14, 2021, 08:09:50 PM ---Always impressed with y'all's timelines. I'd keep it accurate if I did it, but I just have no interest in actual timelines, haha.

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Thanks!  I'm loving this one so far.  I realized last week I have never actually written about Nick in his hot mess phase.  When he was in it in real life, I was writing Broken and BMS, in which he was not that much of a mess.
 Then I wrote a bunch of AUs in the mid-2000s, and by the time I got to Curtain Call, Nick had gotten his shit together.  So it's kinda fun writing him at the tail end of his hot mess phase at the beginning of 2008 - not that I would ever want to see him go back to his old ways in real life, but it's a different side of him as a character that I haven't ever really explored before.

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 14, 2021, 08:09:50 PM ---I'll have to check it out. I have a pile of "want to read this books" that hasn't gotten any smaller since I've been busy writing again.

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Ugh, same!  I haven't been reading anything except fanfic (and forum posts LOL) lately because I've been writing so much.  Here it is Sunday night, and I haven't even watched any of my shows because I would rather write while the inspiration is there.  Sunday is my favorite TV night, so you know I'm inspired when I choose writing over watching Walking Dead and 90 Day Fiance LOL.

I have been the total opposite. I can’t seem to read fast enough, but that’s all I seem to be able to do lol not much else.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 14, 2021, 09:43:00 PM ---LOL I'm sure you were not the first to do that, but I'm glad your friend stood guard so you didn't get caught.  Stories are always so much longer on actual paper than they seem online!  I actually only printed one of them, the first fanfic I ever read, and that was like 50 pages, which seems like nothing now, but was a lot of paper to print.  That's the one I got in trouble for, so I never did it again (except for when I printed out all of Broken so I could see what it looked like - but I specifically bought my own ream of paper and ink for that and did it on my own printer.)  Nostalgic hoarder me still has both that first story and Broken in binders though, so at least it didn't go to waste LOL.
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They really don't seem as long online! I think it's because there's no page breaks and its just continuous scrolling. 50 pages seems like nothing! I guess even when typing in google docs, I don't really notice the length until it gets to the end of the document and starts being ridiculously slow. And then I say, "Oh, this is 100 pages long." And then I split it and the next part becomes 100 pages long, and so on. PBox on its own is easily 500-600 pages long if I printed it out. When it's online, I tend to think of them more in "Oh this is x words? That will take me about x minutes to read" than "x words is x pages of writing." Glad you saved both of them. And printing that first one taught you to be more stealthy in your fanfic reading, lol. I also have the printed version of that fanfic. Thanks [redacted] for letting me print it rather shadily! Our education system at work!

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 14, 2021, 09:43:00 PM ---Thanks!  I'm loving this one so far.  I realized last week I have never actually written about Nick in his hot mess phase.  When he was in it in real life, I was writing Broken and BMS, in which he was not that much of a mess.
 Then I wrote a bunch of AUs in the mid-2000s, and by the time I got to Curtain Call, Nick had gotten his shit together.  So it's kinda fun writing him at the tail end of his hot mess phase at the beginning of 2008 - not that I would ever want to see him go back to his old ways in real life, but it's a different side of him as a character that I haven't ever really explored before.
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Yay! Glad you're loving it! I think it's good to try it if you've never written hot mess Nick! He's definitely a wild card! And fun to dabble with, sometimes... I realize I say this and any present-day story I started during that time never got finished and PBox Nick is an emotional wreck, but not as much of a hot mess. Beta Sigma Beta Nick was probably the closest I got to successfully and sustainably writing hot mess Nick, but that was only in the AU parts -- Nick in the "canon" parts was very much 90's Nick. It's probably easier writing hot mess Nick knowing that it's a moment in time and not forever. Whereas back then, we spent a lot of time going "Oh Nick, I love you, but..." Or maybe that was just me. At least I hit 22 and ended up saying "Still not sorry for worrying about you, Nick, but sorry for judging your decisions."

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 14, 2021, 09:43:00 PM ---Ugh, same!  I haven't been reading anything except fanfic (and forum posts LOL) lately because I've been writing so much.  Here it is Sunday night, and I haven't even watched any of my shows because I would rather write while the inspiration is there.  Sunday is my favorite TV night, so you know I'm inspired when I choose writing over watching Walking Dead and 90 Day Fiance LOL.

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Same, or writing forum posts, lol. Woah, that is inspiration! You skipped your favorite tv night to write! Good for you!

I had the most unproductive weekend. I wrote a sentence on Friday. I did nothing on Saturday... Well, I wrote 1,000s of words here, but nothing novel-wise. Yesterday, I was feeling pretty inspired and got 543 words of PNecklace written, was still thinking about it during weekly meal prep and feeling pretty inspired, then found out we had a snow day today at like 3pm when we finished cooking. And my motivation drained. So I wrote a few notes for myself on the things I had been thinking about while chopping potatoes and cauliflower, then watched the NCAA tournament bracket announcement show and played on my phone or checked here. I got a second wind of inspiration as I went to bed and wrote another 169 words on my phone. Today feels like a solid inspiration day, so I think I can be a little more productive, especially since refreshing the forum constantly would be silly since 9-5 weekdays are slower here, haha. Wish me luck, basically!

--- Quote from: mare on March 15, 2021, 09:23:26 AM ---I have been the total opposite. I can’t seem to read fast enough, but that’s all I seem to be able to do lol not much else.

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What are you reading right now, Mare?


--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 15, 2021, 01:18:38 PM ---Today feels like a solid inspiration day, so I think I can be a little more productive, especially since refreshing the forum constantly would be silly since 9-5 weekdays are slower here, haha. Wish me luck, basically!

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In the spirit of being totally useless and not productive, I decided to see what my word counts were like around this time (14th of the month) for all the other months that I've been keeping track (since November).

* November: 20,412 words
* December: 10,370 words
* January: 20,891 words
* February: 11,027 words
* March: 7,900 words
I broke the pattern, oh noes! lol I'm going to call this fairly consistent. Anyway, all this being said, I think I'm going to do the Camp NaNo in April if anyone wants to join me. It's a little less of a commitment than November's event since you get to set your own word count goal for writing or editing, rather than the 50,000 words of writing November requires for completion. Not sure what my word count goal will be yet, but my plan is to have PNecklace finished by the end of the month; about six months of committed writing, that would be pretty good work! I have about 60,000 words left to go (based on chapters left and my typical chapter length goals); I think I can do it! :)

Now I'll stop stalling, take advantage of this Monday snow day, and go write, lol. :)


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