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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 15, 2021, 04:40:49 PM ---Wow, you were super productive in November and January!  Hopefully you're more productive for the rest of March, especially if you want to write 60,000 words between now and the end of April!

I've never tried keeping track of a monthly word count that way.  That is probably helpful for setting a goal for Camp NaNo.  I have never done that before either, but I'd be willing to give it a try.  I've always wanted to do NaNoWriMo, but November is never a good month for me.  April is more doable because at least it starts with my spring break.  It doesn't have to be a brand new story/project, right?  I can just set a word count goal for what I'm currently writing?  That would be good for me.

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Here's to hoping!

NaNo is fun, but an undertaking! This was the only year I've been successful and pretty much all I did was write nonstop, like Hamilton, lol.

They've gotten a lot more lax on the rules over the years, like they didn't use to allow fanfic and verified everyone's word count on their own servers. But even for the actual event in November, the idea is starting a brand new novel (just because they've found people are more successful getting it from start to finish rather than continuing an ongoing project), but they basically say "you do you" now. So rebels who continue old projects can still be winners! :) You just have to write 50,000 words.

But definitely for the April/July Camp Nanos, you can set whatever word count as a goal and have at it for any old or new project or projects, they don't even have to be "novels" in the traditional sense: poems, research papers, scripts, blogs, whatever are all fine as long as we're writing. And then we just cheer each other on and update our word counts as we work. :) Camp used to be a little more complicated set-up wise (like you could join pre-made writing groups based on what you were writing), but it's a lot simpler now that it's all the same site. Here's their little blurb:

And I already preemptively made our writing group back whenever we all discussed the July one, so it's ready to go whenever, it just needs a little visual love, lol.


--- Quote from: mare on March 15, 2021, 05:53:17 PM ---Answering your question, Dee. I just finished The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett. It was really great. I’m now reading Slaughterhouse Five. I promised myself I’d read at least one classic book a year that I’ve never read before. It’s really weird and funny and strange. Very Kurt Vonnegut lol

And I’m the same way too, Julie. Physically all I seem to be able to do is lay in bed or on my recliner so reading is the way to go for me. When I had the writing bug, I barely read anything except maybe a few fanfics I was following.

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For sure, Slaughterhouse Five is quintessential Kurt Vonnegut! I'm glad you're enjoying everything you're reading. What's next on the list, either general or a classic you haven't read?

I can't think of the last thing I read that wasn't a fanfic... Depending on how writing is going, I think I'm going to commit to reading something over spring break.

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 15, 2021, 04:23:01 PM ---I go through phases like that too.  It's usually either/or for me... either I write a lot, or I read a lot.  It's hard to find the time to do a lot of both, and although I love to read, I tend to choose writing when I have the time and motivation because I'm always like, "I can read any time, but I can't write any time, so I should write now."  And then I realize it's been a while since I've read an actual book.  I have a pile of half-finished, barely-started, or not-started-yet-but-someday books waiting on my night table.

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How do you feel about reading in public places? Like at work?

I have the same pile in our living room. It's bad.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 15, 2021, 06:17:44 PM ---Aww, cute! Thanks for only sharing the successful ones LOL. I can't handle sad animal videos.

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I'll share any weird video I look up, but I was laughing so hard that they just went for the jump, bounced, then carried on their merry way. I kept expecting to hear the ducks make that weird, surprised gasp/bump sound that kids make when they fall down ("Hnew" seems like a good approximation), but they did not. I also hate sad animal videos; I can't stand those SPCA videos.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 15, 2021, 09:27:02 PM ---I hope you've enjoyed your day off, Tracy!  Glad to hear you got some written over the weekend.  I also hope you'll finish that Nick death and post it at some point!  What has you undecided about the Brian romance?

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I had so many ideas for one shots over the weekend but also no motivation to write any of them lol.

I’m not sure what is making me hesitate on the Brian story. It could be a few reasons. I think it is a very interesting idea but I don’t think I have enough to make a whole story and commit to regular updates on it. I have not written any romance that is not slash in about two years, so I think that is why i am having trouble connecting to that story again. I find myself revisiting old ideas I’ve had and the stories on AC that I abandoned, like the storm chasing story that had AJ as the main character. I’d love to actually rework it and make another attempt on it one day. It’s just going to need a LOT of research and I just don’t have time to take  to do that with how my work is going. It’s been very hectic at my night job for the last month or so. I had to take over a job in my department that’s not my normal job, without being trained properly on said job. I was thrown into it and I winged it. So my stress level has been through the roof.


--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on March 15, 2021, 08:35:15 PM ---Sorry for not being so chatty in the last few days, I’ve had a really crazy weekend with work and today is my day off so I am here and there. I did manage to write a little bit over the weekend and almost have a new chapter of History written.
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We've missed you! (I did at least; it's always more fun when everyone's feeling chatty.) But I hope you're enjoying your well deserved day off after a crazy week and also glad that you're still getting some writing done despite being busy. :) Hope your neck is feeling better too!

--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on March 15, 2021, 08:35:15 PM ---I was going to answer questions but they are pretty buried so I am going to try to answer at least one lol
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Yay! Answers to questions! Always answer if you want to answer, no matter how buried!

If you wanted to keep answering, this is the post with those questions and the others (and/or the first post of this thread):

--- Quote from: nicksgal on March 09, 2021, 09:35:38 PM ---Stumbled on some fun questions to answer
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Julie asked:

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 11, 2021, 07:23:14 PM ---Are there any aspects of writing you seem to have trouble with?  I am generally pretty good with spelling and grammar, but one thing I've noticed about myself is I often want to make compound words out of terms that are really two separate words.
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And then Julie asked about breakout stories:

--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on March 13, 2021, 03:44:42 PM ---We were talking about breakout stories, the first story you wrote that was actually decent and wouldn't make you cringe to go back and read it now.

What was your breakout story?

When did you write it, and/or how old were you when you wrote it?

How did that story change you as a writer?

Why do you think the quality of your writing improved with that story?

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And then we had some discussions about keeping things balanced when switching POV and what genres are popular for popular boybands in fanfic and I did lots of math instead of anything writing related, lol. And here we are. Summarizing fast-moving long things is one of my talents. ;)

--- Quote from: FrickingKaos on March 15, 2021, 08:35:15 PM ---there’s nothing that I’ve ever written that I didn’t post, other than a death I started for 1000 Ways last year, I never finished it so I never posted it but it’s in my drafts on Google Docs somewhere. I also still have the beginnings of that Brian romance story that I was playing with too. Not sure if I want to post it or not, I’m undecided.

I’ve never regretted writing anything but looking back on my older stories recently, there’s things I would change or tweak to make them bettter. I don’t because it’s good to reread them and look back to see how I have grown as a writer. I used to use such short chapters and very little description so it’s nice to see how I have improved in that area.

As for my most popular story? If I had to guess I would say You Give Love A Bad Name only because I know it’s my most read story on Wattpad so it could very well be the same case on AC too. On Wattpad it has 10,400 hits on it.

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Julie asked already, but I'd love to hear your thought process on your Brian story too.

Those ideas for tweaks and changes can always be used for newer stories. I think I'm an outlier in the rewriting/major editing. I wonder if it's similar in other fandoms.

Dang! That's a lot of hits! A kudos for you! :)


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