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Author Topic: WTF, Google Docs?  (Read 36469 times)


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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #30 on: June 23, 2021, 03:27:28 AM »

LMAO!!!  That's a good one!  It would be a very different story with Kevin Spacey in it LOL.

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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #31 on: June 23, 2021, 11:35:03 PM »

WTF is Kevin Spacey doing in a BSB fanfic? It's not even the type of story he would normally be in! Maybe he's expanding his repertoire, lol.

I laughed so hard and needed to immediately share, of course.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2021, 05:30:18 AM »

I would just like to share that I tried typing the same sentence in my story, and Google made the same Kevin Spacey suggestion for me LOL.  Oh Google.

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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #33 on: June 24, 2021, 10:25:49 PM »

Google, why are you obsessed with Kevin Spacey? lol! I looked up his IMDB page and everything he's done recently is only okay.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2021, 01:08:53 AM »

He also had that whole sexual misconduct scandal, so please, Google, keep his name out of our stories!  Kevin Richardson is a much better human.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2021, 05:37:57 AM »

I wrote a line of dialogue where Kevin tells Nick, "There’s a dustbuster in the hall closet, off the kitchen.  Just grab me that."  Google thinks it should be, "Just grab me like that."  Between Kevin Spacey and now Mr. Grabby Hands, I think Google wants us writing something dirtier and slashier than what we're actually writing LOL.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2021, 04:57:13 PM »

He also had that whole sexual misconduct scandal, so please, Google, keep his name out of our stories!  Kevin Richardson is a much better human.

And that, you're right. Kevin Richardson is a much better human!

I wrote a line of dialogue where Kevin tells Nick, "There’s a dustbuster in the hall closet, off the kitchen.  Just grab me that."  Google thinks it should be, "Just grab me like that."  Between Kevin Spacey and now Mr. Grabby Hands, I think Google wants us writing something dirtier and slashier than what we're actually writing LOL.

LMAO! Forcefully and with a push? Yup, that does sound dirtier, lol.

Google heard you were briefly thinking about your short SAMS follow-up, lol.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2021, 08:51:23 PM »

This is less a "wtf google docs" for it doing it's thing, and more a "wtf google docs" for it not stopping me from doing my thing.

Google, where was your judgement yesterday when I typed this line? "A frown crossed Brian’s face as he frowned." For all the things you call me out for, that should have been at the top. Thank goodness meticulous editing is part of my process, lol.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #38 on: June 28, 2021, 09:25:14 PM »

LMAO!!  That's about as bad as my "'I love you,' she said lovingly."  It's funny what Google catches (or thinks it catches) and what it misses.

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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #39 on: June 28, 2021, 09:54:30 PM »

Worse, I think. Because you were trying to add additional emotion to a line and I was just... not paying attention to what I was writing I suppose. As long as we're all clear that Brian was indeed frowning, then I have done my job as an author, lol.

Right? I need an editing software that catches dumb things like that! I guess it's me after getting some rest; I'm the editing software.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #40 on: June 28, 2021, 11:42:44 PM »

I tend to end up with mistakes like that when I go back to edit a line, like change the way the sentence is structured ("A frown crossed his face" as opposed to "as he frowned"), and accidentally leave part of the original in there so it's redundant.  That's why it's still important to actually reread carefully and not just rely on Google to catch everything.  The text to voice trick is helpful with these kinds of mistakes too, as long as you're actually listening closely when it reads.

I caught a mistake the other day that I had missed so many times it got posted this way.  I made a reference to Sphynkter and meant to describe them as an eighties "hair band," but I wrote "hair hand" instead LOL.  I literally only caught it when I was looking for previous descriptions of a character's hands and did a Find & Replace for "hand."  Otherwise it would still be online like that. *face palm*

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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2021, 09:43:33 PM »

I think that was it. I'd tried to originally write "he frowned," hated it, and attempted to change it, lol.

LMAO! A hair hand! I can't think of anything I've done like that right now. I'm sure there are plenty, though. I'm editing this week's chapter tonight, so I'll let know if I come across something.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #42 on: August 02, 2021, 11:39:46 PM »

I hate how Docs randomly decides that a name you've already used multiple times in a story is now misspelled and should be changed to something else.  It flagged the name "Jenn," as in the Boys' manager, who has already appeared in the story, and suggested she should be called "Jenny."  No, Google, that's a bad Google.

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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #43 on: August 03, 2021, 08:50:48 PM »

My Google docs does that too. It's so fucking annoying. It keeps trying to correct the name Sienna. It's like um sir I've been using her name in 40 chapters now
I'm pretty sure it's correct.


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Re: WTF, Google Docs?
« Reply #44 on: August 03, 2021, 09:10:24 PM »

Yeah, I don't get it.  Sienna is even a real word, not just a name!

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling
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