Started running grammar check on Curtain Call today. Oh Google...
1. This one cracked me up. The sentence is "He was asking me for real." As in, he wasn't kidding about what he just asked. Google suggested I change "real" to "directions." LMAO. No, Google. He was not asking for directions.
2. This one made me cringe. The sentence is "It's even better live," talking about the song 10,000 Promises. Google thought it should be "It's even better to live." Well sure, Google, living is great, but maybe we shouldn't say that to someone with stage IV cancer.

3. Google usually gets mad at me for using slang and incorrect grammar in my dialogue (you know, the way real people talk), but then it suggested I replace "out of" to "outta" in a sentence that is not dialogue. WTF, Google?
“’Morning, Dad!” I answered cheerfully, making myself sound way more chipper than I felt. Google thinks "chipper" should be "cheaper." LMAO
5. While Nick is puking:
I sat down on the rim of the bathtub next to him and put my hand on his back, rubbing it as soothingly as I could until the heaves subsided, too. Google thinks "heaves" should be "heavens." LMAO No, Google. No.
I heard the high-pitched screams for Justin Bieber... Google thinks "for" should be "of." I'm laughing at "the high-pitched screams of Justin Bieber."