I'm not sure whether to post this in this thread, the reading thread, or the TV thread because it could fit in any of the above, but since it's writing-related, I'll stick it here. I watched an interesting documentary on Hulu called "Naughty Books." It was about erotic fiction writers. Although I've never really read or written that genre, I enjoyed the documentary. It interviewed several authors who had success with self-publishing. Some of them said they'd sold millions of books and made a ton of money! But just when I was thinking, "Wow, maybe self-publishing is the way to go," it turned and started exploring the downsides. The authors said the market had become so saturated with erotic fiction since the success of 50 Shades of Gray, they felt pressured to keep putting out books so their readers didn't forget about them. One writer, who had started out writing YA fiction before experimenting with erotica, complained about feeling like she had to follow a certain formula to find success in the genre. She said readers don't want an intricate plot with twists and turns that make them think; they just care about the sex scenes. But another writer managed to get herself a book deal with a real publisher based on her success with self-publishing, and she talked about the pros and cons of that. I would recommend the documentary for those interested in learning more about the experience of being a published author, even if erotic romance is not your thing.