Fic Talk > General Discussion

Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)

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Mine definitely didn't involve any of those lol it involved Nick being in a coma.

BTW I'm back finally :p

Welcome back, Tracy!  Was Nick in a coma because he was running late and speeding? LOL

I did use that in one of the stories of the Nick and Amanda series, that he had a car accident t because he was speeding but in Incomplete he was in a coma because of a accident on stage during one of the shows

LOL Poor Nick.  Speaking of stage accidents, funny moment from the Vegas show I went to with Rose and Dee a couple weeks ago:  There's a pole they put onstage to clip the Boys' safety harnesses to before the front of the stage rises for Breathe, DWLYN, and INBYH.  I never noticed it in 2019, but it's nice to know they are attached to something so they couldn't fall off the stage when it's that high.  The only reason I noticed it this time is that Nick almost ran into it or tripped over it or something, and one of the other guys (I think AJ) was like, "Jeez, don't impale yourself on that pole."  I laughed and looked at Rose because 1) that sounds like something one of us would write in "1000 Ways to Kill Nick Carter," and 2) I have actually read a story that starts with Nick falling off the stage and getting impaled on a pole.  If only he knew... LMAO

Just wanted to share that I spent the past hour reading one of our old fanfic question threads (part 10) that I found linked in one of my author's notes, and I miss you all and our fanfic discussions!  That is all.  I don't have anything to ask, and I'm not sure there's anyone else still around to answer it if I did, but if there is, I still check this forum fairly often, usually a few times a week if not daily.


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