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Author Topic: Just a general pop in thread  (Read 37093 times)


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #255 on: October 20, 2024, 09:23:44 AM »

Can I just say, I don't know if I'm going to last through the end of this election cycle! I need Zanax! I don't know about you, but I wake up angry and stay angry all day long. I don't know if that's what it's like for you in Wales, Steph. Hopefully you don't have a megalomaniac trying to take over your country.  LOL Thank GOD for the Mets. They've been a great distraction, but I'm afraid their run will be ending today and then all I'll have to look forward to is some press tour stuff from Kieran before he disappears again. I need him to host SNL is what I need! Help me manifest this into existence! And his movie is coming out November 1st so there's that. He's been a private person ever since he was a kid. He said seeing what his big brother went through and how it destroyed him was enough for him to stay the hell away from being out in public.

Also, Congrats on hitting your 1,000 day hitting streak mark! Maybe you'll make it to 2,000!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #256 on: October 20, 2024, 11:39:25 AM »

I hear you.  I can't wait for the election to be over... and hopefully go the way we want it to!  Two more weeks...

I forgot to say it in my last post, but I've actually been following postseason baseball for the past week or so.  I'm rooting for your Mets to hang in there!  I hate the Dodgers.  I was also rooting for poor Cleveland, but the damn Yankees got the best of them last night.   A subway World Series would be fun for New York!

I would love to see Kieran host SNL!  They've had some good hosts and musical guests so far this season.

Thanks!  At the rate I'm going with this story, I may well make it to 2,000 and still be writing this series LOL.

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #257 on: October 21, 2024, 09:11:14 AM »

It makes me happy when people root for the Mets. Thanks! They had a great season. I belong to a few Mets FB pages, and it amazed me the amount of people who came on to say what a great job the Mets did this year and that after their teams were out of it they were all in on the Mets. Even Dodgers fans came in to say how great they were. The only people who didn't were Phillies fans, because they are the worst!  ::)

Now I have to rely on my emotional support Kieran to stay out in public and give me a few late night interviews and of course SNL. It wouldn't hurt if he was on another awards circuit run. He's getting rave reviews for A Real Pain so you never know!  ;)

It might very well be the same series. Who knows? It might even be the same story! LOL
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #258 on: October 23, 2024, 03:05:17 AM »

Here in Wales we are governed by the same as the rest of the UK, and he's not doing a very good job of it so far!  I don't think our prime minister will last the full four years.

I hope you don't end up with Orange Hitler again :(

Mare, I do remember your Duran Duran story, you got trampled while waiting for hours to meet them and then didn't get to see them.  How awful that must've been.  I would've cried I think, especially after all that :(

Julie, the whales and dolphins were amazing.  It was worth putting up with the roasting hot weather for them lol.  And how lucky you got to spend time in Scotland and Ireland, such lovely places.  I've only been to Edinburgh, so looking forward to exploring further.  I've been to Belfast and parts of southern Ireland and they were lovely places too.


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #259 on: October 24, 2024, 10:28:46 AM »

I did cry at the time, but now it's just a funny story that I do plan on sharing with Duran Duran if I ever get to meet them. (which I won't) *sigh*

I truly hope we don't get orange Hitler again, but next week is the last peaceful week this country is going to have in a long time. After election day, nothing is going to be the same. He's going to insist he won, and his followers are going to riot. I'm kind of scared about what might actually happen. One of his unhinged followers commented on a FB post I made a few days ago about Trump mocking a handicapped person and he went off on this long incoherent rant and ended by claiming I lost my intelligence and shouldn't be teaching children lol This is a guy who was smart and now he sounds like a lunatic. It's so odd. Still not sure if I'm going to respond. I hate giving jerks the last word but sometimes no response is maddening to people like him.  :crazy: :shrug: We shall see.

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #260 on: October 25, 2024, 02:20:53 AM »

I agree that sometimes ignoring people like that is better than responding.  They like to think they've got to you if you're interacting.  He sounds like a brainwashed idiot anyway.  Better off just blocking people like that.

I hope you don't end up with riots after the election.  If Trump loses he should just accept it like any normal person would (although he's not just a normal person is he).

You never know about Duran Duran, you may meet them one day, or one of them in some random place.


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #261 on: October 25, 2024, 07:19:25 AM »

He's definitely not going to accept. He's already said as much since the start of his campaign. If he doesn't win, it's obviously rigged. He's had his followers ready for it too. Shit show!

I think it will be funny if I randomly run into them at the grocery store or something lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #262 on: October 26, 2024, 12:23:13 PM »

I'm bummed that the Mets didn't make it into the World Series!  They had a great run.  I almost always root for the underdogs, and I can see why they had so many people jumping on the bandwagon to root for them.  Dodgers vs. Yankees is the most boring, cliched World Series ever.  Yawn.  I'm no longer watching baseball, but at this point, I guess I want the Yankees to win because they have Anthony Rizzo, former Cubs first baseman, who is an amazing human being.  I would love to see him win another ring.  That is the only reason I would ever root for the Yankees.

I hope Kieran gets nominated for some awards and/or continues to make appearances.  As a Leonardo DiCaprio fan, I can commiserate.  He is very private, too, and typically only uses social media as a platform for his environmental work.  He actually posted a video endorsing Kamala Harris yesterday.  I had no doubt that he would vote for Kamala as I know he's super liberal, but it was nice to actually see his face on his Instagram LOL.  He usually only makes appearances when he's promoting a movie, which happens once every few years.  I still haven't seen his most recent movie because it's only streaming on Apple TV, which I don't have.  I think you can buy it on Amazon, but it's expensive because Apple has the rights to it.  Add that to the list of reasons why I hate Apple.

I'm ready for the election to be over.  I know Trump won't concede or back down without a fight if/when he loses, but at least he's not currently in the White House.  That gives him much less power than he had last time.  I could see him and his crazy cult still trying something violent, but this time the Dems will be ready for it and will hopefully shut that shit down.  I just pray he goes to prison when this is all said and done!

I know we've talked about it before, but political posts on social media have really harmed my opinion of so many people I used to respect or consider friends.  I've unfollowed or muted so many people in the last 8 years so that I can scroll through Facebook or Twitter without feeling angry.  I know that puts me in an echo chamber, and I don't care.  There is nothing that people on the right could say that would change my mind about Trump or make me understand why any decent person would continue to support him, and at this point, I don't believe anything I say will change their minds either, so I'm done discussing it.  It is just really sad how many people are going to be on the wrong side of history and don't even realize it.  The last decade has definitely helped me understand how Hitler and the Nazis were able to rise to power in Germany.  It's terrifying to see history repeating itself.

Steph, Belfast is on my list of places I'd love to visit someday!  Ireland was absolutely beautiful, but we never made it up to Northern Ireland.  I would love to go back to the UK and see more of England and Wales, too.

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #263 on: October 27, 2024, 07:50:21 AM »

Yeah, I'm pretty bummed about that too. I really do believe that if we had gotten there, we would've easily taken the whole thing this year. I like Anthony Rizzo as well. He's my favorite Yankee by far. But I adore Freddie Freeman. Neither have been Mets and both are Met killers in general (especially Freddie), but they are both the sweetest people. I am so happy for Freddie to have that kind of moment in the WS. I don't dislike any of the teams, but Yankee fans are overly obnoxious and always think they're better than the Mets. Even the former Yankees. Derek Jeter and A Rod who do the pre-game are the worst. I'm sure Jeter predicted the yanks would take the whole series in one game or something. They are so biased it's disgusting. They live in a world of delusion where they think they are the best baseball team in the universe even when they aren't doing well. They have been so super cocky insisting they are better than the dodgers or any other team so for that reason, I really want the Dodgers to win the whole thing! In 4 games just so we can say we at least won 2 versus them. lol

Aww yes, I just saw Leo endorsing Kamala and talking about climate change. I've been spoiled with Kieran. I've been so used to seeing him every week on Succession and since it's been so popular he was also a regular on talk shows etc...so now what he's just gone back to movies I'm going through major withdrawals. I really do think he'll be nominated for the movie. He's getting a lot or praise and Oscar buzz from everyone. These next two weeks, he should be pretty active promoting the movie since it's out in theaters on Friday. I'm hoping for a Colbert or at least one of the nighttime talk shows. He and Jesse (Eisenberg) have done a lot of Q and A's after the screenings, but I haven't seen much more than that. We need our men to be a little more extroverted. He's such a homebody, he only decided to do Broadway so he could still bring his kids to school every morning. They also reworked the schedule so he would have Sundays off and work Monday instead because he cooks Sunday dinner every night for his family and didn't want to stop that. They are freaking changing the schedule just for him. All shows are blacked out every Monday as a general rule, except for his now. That's pretty amazing! He's like my warm hug. I have needed him really badly these last few months and especially this month leading up to the election.

I know I should block all these people. It would probably make my life easier, but I just won't do it. For whatever reason, it just makes me feel better or proactive in some kind of way. Posting that stuff. Even though minds might not be changed, at least I know they are seeing and reading it, especially when they are angered enough to reply. That means I have triggered them in some way. My conscience is clear. I know we're on the right side of history on this. It has been hard and disappointing to see all the people I do know, who are going to vote for him for mainly selfish reasons. It's all about money. I'm not sure why they think things were so much better 4 years ago. 4 years ago, we were in the middle of a deadly pandemic and quarantining.

I have been doing double doses of writing this week because I decided to post a Halloween scary short this Thursday. It was originally going to be a one shot, but shocker, it's longer than I thought. Now it's going to be maybe two or three parts.

Going back to Leo for a second. I do have Apple TV. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but if you want, I'd be more than happy to give you my info. Because it's apple it might not be the same as regular streaming but let me know and I'd be happy to share. I wasn't even aware he had a new movie. I never did watch the other one he was in that was four hours long. The Flower Moon one.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #264 on: October 27, 2024, 10:42:07 AM »

Yes, I agree about the Yankees and their fans. I'm sure they seem even more obnoxious when you're a fan of the other New York team. To me, the Yankees are the equivalent of the New England Patriots in football. I tend not to root for any team that wins too much (unless it's a Chicago team LOL, which is usually not a problem).  It looks like you might get your wish with a Dodgers win!

That's so cute about Kieran's Sunday dinners and that his show changed the whole schedule to accommodate his!  That would be fun to see him and Jesse Eisenberg do the late night talk show circuit together.  I'm sure the two of them doing interviews together is all kinds of cute quirkiness.

I love when you post political stuff and trigger the MAGA crowd!  The main reason I no longer post political stuff on FB is that I don't want to get in arguments with coworkers, who I then have to collaborate with at work.  It makes things awkward when it gets tense online.  In a normal election cycle with normal candidates, it wouldn't be a big deal, but ever since Trump came around, I feel like it's not just a difference in political opinions but a difference in morals.  I struggle to understand how fellow educators, who belong to a union and teach children of color, children of immigrants, and children of families who have more kids than they can afford, can hold some of the beliefs these people do.  It's beyond disappointing.  It's disgusting and frightening.  It just makes me angry, so I've built myself a bubble to avoid it in certain spaces.  But you're right - I think it does come down to selfishness and caring more about your own personal well-being, financial or otherwise, than anyone else's.  I don't understand how anyone could think we were better off four years ago either.  Before the pandemic, maybe, but of course it's going to take the economy and country as a whole a few years to recover from that.  Biden was handed a hot mess and has done his best to fix it in one term.  Not sure why these people seem to think that the president is single-handedly in charge of setting price... or that the vice president has any actual power to change policies.  Some of them need to go back to elementary school social studies and learn about the branches of government and our system of checks and balances.

Ooh, a Halloween story sounds fun!  Is that a Succession story too?  I had a decent writing day yesterday.  I'm still working on the damn ski trip chapter, but I made some good progress on it.  It's probably gonna be a long one by the time it's done.  I may have to break it into two chapters, but I'm hoping to keep it as one.  This story is long enough as it is with no end in sight yet.

I would take you up on your Apple TV offer.  Thanks!  Killers of the Flower Moon is the one I'm talking about.  Last I checked, the only other place it was available was Amazon, but only if you pay for it.  I've been on a horror movie kick, so I'm in no hurry to watch it now but would love to see it at some point.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2024, 12:18:31 PM by RokofAges75 »

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #265 on: October 27, 2024, 11:39:56 AM »

I know, Kieran is the cutest when it comes to his family. All he wants to be is a stay at home dad, which is what I don't want him to be lol Jesse and Kieran are the best little duo. It's fun watching their interactions because they are so polar opposite. I have loved their chemistry. it plays extremely well on screen. They were meant to make a buddy movie. I've always liked Jesse, so I was excited to see that it was his movies Kieran was in. I am hopeful it'll move to streaming shortly after release.

Speaking of streaming, I'll DM you the info over on twitter as soon as I'm done posting here. There isn't a username and password like other streaming stuff, but I'll give you my apple ID info. I think that's probably what they use. It might not work, but it's worth a try. Aww you've really been waiting awhile then. I thought maybe he had released another movie since then.

It makes sense when it comes to your co-workers. I don't have that problem anymore. It's still weird to see people of color or anyone in the LGBTQ community that want to vote for Trump. It boggles my mind. That guy I was arguing with has a gay daughter. It's like he doesn't realize he is voting to take away her rights. Crazy! Same with women. Stupid!

Yes, this story is Succession. And it's clearly going to be a three parter. I'm almost done with the second part now. My plan is to post part one on Wednesday, part two on Halloween and then part three on Friday. I've also been reading a ton of suspense novels this month. I'm about to start my 8th book of this month. That's a lot even for me. They are just such fast paced reads. The last one I read, "We Used to Live Here." Took me a day and a half to finish. All of them have been really good. Incidents Around the House was legitimately scary. September House was funny and also jump scare scary. Those are the three new ones that everyone was talking about.
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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #266 on: October 30, 2024, 06:43:22 AM »

I can understand you not wanting to get into political arguments online when you have to work with these people.  But I don't understand why anyone would even vote for him, it's quite scary really that he seems to have this cult following.  I'd probably just ignore their posts, or can you mute them?


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #267 on: October 30, 2024, 07:15:03 AM »

I do ignore their posts. I scroll right passed them. Every so often when I make a political post, they come on and comment. What's funny is this guy never posts political stuff on his own page. You'd never know he was a MAGA. He even has a gay daughter. Why are you voting to take away your daughter's rights? it makes no sense! One more week!
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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #268 on: October 31, 2024, 05:47:21 AM »

Not long to go, hopefully the vote goes the right way


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #269 on: November 01, 2024, 04:13:05 AM »

We actually had loads of trick or treaters last night, the last couple of years we've had none.  Good job I'd bought a load of sweets and chocolates for them, but shame we didn't get to eat it all like usual lol
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