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Author Topic: Just a general pop in thread  (Read 36769 times)


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #30 on: May 05, 2024, 10:17:20 AM »

Hopefully!  People can be so pushy.  I don't mind people throwing out suggestions as long as they can accept the fact that I may not use them.  It bothers me when people I've never heard from otherwise do that, though.  Like, have you even read my work??  How come you've never left a comment before?  So rude.

I enjoy your occasional tweet thread about the importance of giving feedback, btw.  The lack of comments on AO3 is really pathetic.  I feel like I can't complain because, if you sort stories by number of comments within the BSB fandom, many of my novels show up on the first page... and yet, I get very few comments there compared to what I used to get on AC.  And most of the ones I do get are from the same few people.  (Thanks, Steph!)  I always reply, too, which then doubles the total number of comments.  I don't like that replies count because that is also misleading.  I don't know why people there - even fellow writers - are so reluctant to comment.  You don't even have to be registered or signed in to do it!

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2024, 11:01:56 AM »

I know! I hate that about the replies to comments too!

Thanks! It's a rant that needs to be ranted every once in a while. lol I read a girl's short story last night and left a comment and saw I was the only one who did. Then I looked at her kudos and noticed all these names of people who actually write stories in the fandom and for some reason it made me really angry! It's like, they all know how important feedback is and they are too lazy to leave just a good job! Or something like that? I get it, a little with people who don't write. They may not understand how time-consuming writing tends to be, but writers get it.

The lack of feedback is crazy on AO3. I wish that stupid kudos button didn't exist. People hit that thing and think okay there ya go! We all did a lot better giving feedback on AC. I wish I could go back and see how many reviews I had and read the ones I got. I think we were spoiled there. I know I had way over 100 reviews typically on most of my more popular stories, and that didn't include our author responses which as you know is another pet peeve of mine. People who don't respond to their reviews.

At least the girl who randomly requested something, actually has left a couple reviews. But yes, don't make a request after not saying anything or like I said in my rant, don't let your very first comment be "How come this hasn't been updated?" lmao *smack!*
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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2024, 07:11:27 PM »

Yes, I kinda get it for people who don't write.  They may not realize how much it means to most of us or may not know what to say.  But writers can't make that excuse.  That being said, I also see so many posts pop up on the Fanfiction subreddit complaining about receiving "hateful" comments just because someone said something that was less than a 100% positive, gushing, glowing review, and I can see how that would be a deterrent to people who already feel awkward about commenting.  I guess you never know how the other person is going to react to what you say.  The younger generation seems a lot more worried about triggering or offending people than we ever were.

You can still read your reviews on AC!  When you're logged in, go to Account Info and Reviews Received.  They're all still there.  We were definitely spoiled, but we also established a culture of reader-writer interaction and set the expectation that people leave reviews and reply to reviews through our many discussions on this forum.  There's not really a way to do that on AO3, other than modeling the behavior you want to see from others.  (This is a very teacher response LOL.)  I could definitely be better about stepping outside my comfort zone and reading other people's stories, but unless the summary sounds interesting, I don't read much fanfic anymore aside from what I'm writing.

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2024, 09:16:53 AM »

Oh, I'll have to try that, thanks! I remember in my head thinking, as long as I have at least one review per chapter posted, I'll feel like the fic is on the right track. now it's like as long as I have at least 10 comments on the entire thing, maybe it's not that bad.

Yes, this younger generation is very sensitive. That's why I read the room nowadays. Luckily the few fanfics I have read have been incredibly well written, but even if they weren't, I would just go for the standard, great job! I enjoyed this, type reply. I know I've seen people complain about reviews where the person has told them they wished they didn't ship so and so because it's not believable. If you don't want to read about so and so, then why read this? I don't really venture onto the fanfiction subreddit. They never really talk about anything I feel like I understand.

I still wish AO3 had a forum. They would benefit from one. I miss the old days!

Today is my posting day for one of my stories. We'll see how it goes. This one tends to be pretty popular; we'll see if the requester comes back. LOL

« Last Edit: May 06, 2024, 09:18:45 AM by mare »
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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2024, 05:38:09 PM »

LOL I know what you mean.  I pay a lot more attention to hits on AO3 than I ever did on AC.  I figure as long as the hits are going up, I'm doing something right.  One of the few things I do like better about AO3 than AC is the way it records hits.  It's based on IP address, so one user clicking on a story counts as one hit, no matter how many chapters they read, and it doesn't record a hit when you click on your own story.  If I remember correctly with AC, every click counted as a hit, which inflated the number and made it less accurate.

The fanfiction subreddit tends to be geared more toward shipping and fanfic based on fictional media than what I write, so I also feel like the discussions can be hard to relate to and chime in on.  I tried to be a regular on the RPF subreddit when it was created because it was smaller and less overwhelming, but even there, a lot of the posts revolve around ships, which I'm not into.  I'm not opposed to writing another slash at some point if inspiration strikes, but I don't "ship" any of the Boys together sexually or romantically.  I much prefer bromance to romance.  Most of my romances are between one of them and an original female character, but I think I'm in the minority there.  AO3 does have its own subreddit, which I guess is the closest thing to its own forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/AO3/  Definitely not like AC, though.

Happy update day!  I hope you're getting some good comments on the chapter you posted.

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2024, 05:47:25 PM »

We haven't done any Q&As here in a while, but I thought of a question.  This is for you, Mare, but if any other writers pop in and see it and want to weigh in, please do!

I was just wondering if any of your writing habits have changed since you came back from your hiatus.  If I remember correctly, you used to be more of a panster or plantser than a planner - as in, you would just write and see where the story took you instead of planning everything out in advance.  That always impressed me because I probably would have written myself into a corner or plot hole trying to write suspense without a plan.  Do you still write that way, or have you become more of a planner?  Feel free to comment on anything else that has changed or stayed the same for you!

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #36 on: May 07, 2024, 09:39:46 AM »

Oh, I had no idea hits went based on IP addresses there. I knew it wasn't counting when I clicked on it, because I frequently had to do that to remember names of my original characters and I liked that the hit count didn't move when I did that. So, does that mean that, like Kudos, only one hit per address which means all the hits are all new people? Or possible same people who just aren't logged on? If it is, then that is kind of encouraging. I didn't even pay attention in the slightest to hits on AC. isn't that funny? But, on AO3, I feel like that's really the only way to know if people are actually reading. But then again, are they just clicking in then clicking out? People just need to leave friggin' comments! Problem solved!

I got two comments on this new chapter. One from my steady reviewer. Thankfully this story has one of those and one from an occasional one. No newbies yet. Although I have to say with this story, I do tend to get a lot of random comments from people I haven't heard from before which makes me feel good too. That it's not always just the same one person leaving all the reviews. This one already has more hits in the 9 chapters I posted as opposed to my MINE serial killer story that it just surpassed, even though that one only has one more chapter to go and is at 24 chapters total. The only difference between the two Roman gets abducted stories is that the first one I mentioned has him paired with Gerri. Annoying lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2024, 09:56:16 AM »

Planster lol I like that! Yes, I am still very much a planster. I never fully know where my stories are going until I get there. Same as before, I have a general idea and most times I have a vague ending in mind, but how I actually get there is anyone's guess. I guess the closest I get to planning is just making sure I'm always at least one full chapter ahead of myself, just in case I don't like the direction I'm going, I'll have time to change something. I don't know why it works for me, especially in suspense, but it just does. I had no idea the serial killer was going to be the MINE killer until I was about three chapters in and decided to have that be one of the things the police didn't report on the news. It's also a little exciting to write that way, for instance, I currently do not have the slightest idea how I'm going to resolve this hostage situation I have Roman in now. LOL Like not one iota, I'm just going to let my characters get out of it themselves.

I don't really think all that much has changed for me. When I first started up, I had a hard time keeping a flow. I sometimes didn't feel like writing, but now I feel more comfortable with it again and like you, try to write a little every day. I have it scheduled into my daily routine, After I shower, I come in here and write for at least an hour. Even if part of that is coming on here and responding to you. I generally only check this forum during my writing time. Sometimes I have a double writing day, usually when I update because it takes me almost an hour to html everything, so I tend to come back in the afternoon to write write.

Oh, I guess the thing that has changed is my willingness to write female characters now. I kind of enjoy writing Gerri, even though she's not always attached to a partner, but before I never even considered it. I still have difficulty writing Shiv for some reason. I even had an original female character in my first story, which I agree with you, people don't tend to like. I seem to pop in at least a handful or original characters in everything I write now.

I guess a question I have for you and anyone else, now that the boys are older and really have established their family lives, do you tend to write them as they are now? Like this age? And if you do, do you incorporate their real families? Or do you find yourself writing them when they were still younger? I think I'd only ever be able to write old school BSB before the wives and kids.

I know you tend to give them an original female character over their real wives, but do you have them as middle-aged men? and do they have children? etc...
« Last Edit: May 07, 2024, 10:01:13 AM by mare »
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #38 on: May 07, 2024, 09:22:30 PM »

So, does that mean that, like Kudos, only one hit per address which means all the hits are all new people? Or possible same people who just aren't logged on?

This is how AO3 describes hits in their FAQ section:

"A hit is registered every time a visitor navigates to a work's page, with the following exceptions:

- If two visits in a row come from the same IP address, only the first one is registered.
- Moving between chapters in a work will only register one hit in total, not one hit per chapter.
- If you're logged in, hits are not counted when you visit your own works.

Note that hits only log the number of visits to a work, not the duration of the visit. "

So some of them are repeat readers coming back different times, but it's not logging multiple hits per person per reading session like AC does.  Unfortunately, you can't tell how many of them are actually reading full chapters and how many of them are just clicking on and clicking out again.

Congrats on already getting two comments!  It's nice that you're hearing from a variety of people, not just the same ones every chapter.  That seems like new people are discovering your work.  Awesome!  Do you think the pairing with Gerri increases readership?

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #39 on: May 07, 2024, 10:01:08 PM »

Planster lol I like that! Yes, I am still very much a planster. I never fully know where my stories are going until I get there. Same as before, I have a general idea and most times I have a vague ending in mind, but how I actually get there is anyone's guess. I guess the closest I get to planning is just making sure I'm always at least one full chapter ahead of myself, just in case I don't like the direction I'm going, I'll have time to change something. I don't know why it works for me, especially in suspense, but it just does. I had no idea the serial killer was going to be the MINE killer until I was about three chapters in and decided to have that be one of the things the police didn't report on the news. It's also a little exciting to write that way, for instance, I currently do not have the slightest idea how I'm going to resolve this hostage situation I have Roman in now. LOL Like not one iota, I'm just going to let my characters get out of it themselves. 

I like the term plantser too! LOL  That makes sense and does sound similar to how you used to write.  It's impressive that you don't seem to write yourself into corners and plot holes with your suspense stories - or, if you do, you figure out a way out of them, which I guess is what makes it exciting for you!  I would probably just get writer's block and give up, which I have done with suspense stories in the past LOL.  Suspense is not my forte, but the last one I completed was pretty intricately planned out ahead of time.  I can't imagine doing it any other way nowadays.

I still skew toward the planning end of the spectrum, but I'd consider myself more of a plantser on my current novel too.  Like you, I have an idea of where it's going and some plot points planned out, but I figure out how I'm getting from point to point as I go.  I'm trying to be more character-driven and let my characters take the reins instead of forcing them to go in a certain direction.  Usually they still end up going where I want them to go, but every once in a while, they surprise me.  A few chapters ago, there was a spark of something between my main character, Kevin, and another character who was never meant to have anything more than a platonic relationship with him.  I was like, "Whoa, where did that come from?" but I was kind of intrigued by it, so I just kept writing the scene the way it wanted to play out, which was not at all the way I had planned it.  And now I find myself questioning whether it's something I want to pursue further, which would change my plan for the rest of the story, or whether I should keep the relationship purely platonic, which I respect.  I usually don't change my mind on big plot points like this so late in a story, so this is new territory for me, and it's a little bit scary... but, like you said, also kind of exciting?  Anyway, it was on my mind last night, and that's what sparked that question.

I don't really think all that much has changed for me. When I first started up, I had a hard time keeping a flow. I sometimes didn't feel like writing, but now I feel more comfortable with it again and like you, try to write a little every day. I have it scheduled into my daily routine, After I shower, I come in here and write for at least an hour. Even if part of that is coming on here and responding to you. I generally only check this forum during my writing time. Sometimes I have a double writing day, usually when I update because it takes me almost an hour to html everything, so I tend to come back in the afternoon to write write.

Oh, I guess the thing that has changed is my willingness to write female characters now. I kind of enjoy writing Gerri, even though she's not always attached to a partner, but before I never even considered it. I still have difficulty writing Shiv for some reason. I even had an original female character in my first story, which I agree with you, people don't tend to like. I seem to pop in at least a handful or original characters in everything I write now.

It's nice you've gotten into a daily writing routine!  That has definitely helped me be more consistent.  I'm the same way as you; I usually shower first, then make a cup of coffee and write before I get too distracted by anything else.  If I wait until later in the day, it's usually harder to get started.

It's nice that you're more willing to write female characters now!  That makes sense with the change in fandom, though.  The BSB fandom doesn't have any female "characters" except for the guys' wives, and it feels weird to write about them in anything other than minor roles because they're not celebrities.  I like creating original characters, but like you said, not everyone wants to read or write about them.  I'm glad you have some good female characters to work with!

I guess a question I have for you and anyone else, now that the boys are older and really have established their family lives, do you tend to write them as they are now? Like this age? And if you do, do you incorporate their real families? Or do you find yourself writing them when they were still younger? I think I'd only ever be able to write old school BSB before the wives and kids.

I know you tend to give them an original female character over their real wives, but do you have them as middle-aged men? and do they have children? etc...

I've written both ways, but most of my recent stories have either taken place in roughly present day with the guys as middle-aged men or specific time periods in the past where most of them were still with their current partners.  My current story takes place during the IAWLT era, so most of the guys have kids and are married, and Nick is soon to be engaged to Lauren.  The only difference is that I killed Kristin in first story in the series, so Kevin is widowed and dating an original character.  Mason exists, but Max does not.  I don't write much about the other guys' wives or kids because the focus is on Kevin, but Mason gets a fair amount of story time.  I don't usually like writing about their real kids, but I'm enjoying Kevin and Mason's father-son relationship in this story.  Mason feels almost like an original character because I don't know much about the real Mason, so I just make up most of the details.  He's only 5 in this story and was a baby in the first one, so I just try to make him act like a typical little boy that age.

That being said, I still try to find ways to avoid writing about their families as much as is possible/realistic.  In 2020, I finished my ER crossover, which took place in 1995, so there are no wives/girlfriends and kids in that one.  I also wrote a survival story that year called The Road to Bethlehem that was about the five of them quarantining in a cabin together to work on the Christmas album during the pandemic, which worked well for leaving their families out.

I still don't like denying the existence of their families or creating fictional families for them, unless it's an AU, so it's either include them as necessary, find creative ways to write around them, or set everything in the 90s.  And as much as I love 90s BSB and dynamics of their relationships in those early days, I do enjoy writing them as adults.  It's easier now than it was when I was a teenager, and they were in their twenties LOL.  I figure forties and fifties can't be that different from late thirties.

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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #40 on: May 08, 2024, 09:18:33 AM »

This is how AO3 describes hits in their FAQ section:

"A hit is registered every time a visitor navigates to a work's page, with the following exceptions:

- If two visits in a row come from the same IP address, only the first one is registered.
- Moving between chapters in a work will only register one hit in total, not one hit per chapter.
- If you're logged in, hits are not counted when you visit your own works.

Note that hits only log the number of visits to a work, not the duration of the visit. "

So some of them are repeat readers coming back different times, but it's not logging multiple hits per person per reading session like AC does.  Unfortunately, you can't tell how many of them are actually reading full chapters and how many of them are just clicking on and clicking out again.

Congrats on already getting two comments!  It's nice that you're hearing from a variety of people, not just the same ones every chapter.  That seems like new people are discovering your work.  Awesome!  Do you think the pairing with Gerri increases readership?

Interesting. I need to read FAQs. I am admittedly very lazy when it comes to stuff like that, which you probably know about me lol I complain about not getting AO3 but I haven't done all that much to rectify that either.

I got a third comment yesterday. This one is pretty successful. And yes, I think that Gerri and Roman together make a huge difference. I am pretty sure most people do searches according to pairings, so they are more apt to click on this one than they were my other one. It's kind of funny though, because Roman has been alone this entire story except for the first chapter so besides being 'together' in name, that's all there is because part of the plot behind this is the fact that Gerri doesn't want anyone to know they're a couple. So, I've managed to totally Gypsy Rose Lee their relationship. LOL Which is fine by me because even though I've grown more comfortable writing female characters, I still don't enjoy making them couples.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2024, 09:25:38 AM »

I still skew toward the planning end of the spectrum, but I'd consider myself more of a plantser on my current novel too.  Like you, I have an idea of where it's going and some plot points planned out, but I figure out how I'm getting from point to point as I go.  I'm trying to be more character-driven and let my characters take the reins instead of forcing them to go in a certain direction.  Usually they still end up going where I want them to go, but every once in a while, they surprise me.  A few chapters ago, there was a spark of something between my main character, Kevin, and another character who was never meant to have anything more than a platonic relationship with him.  I was like, "Whoa, where did that come from?" but I was kind of intrigued by it, so I just kept writing the scene the way it wanted to play out, which was not at all the way I had planned it.  And now I find myself questioning whether it's something I want to pursue further, which would change my plan for the rest of the story, or whether I should keep the relationship purely platonic, which I respect.  I usually don't change my mind on big plot points like this so late in a story, so this is new territory for me, and it's a little bit scary... but, like you said, also kind of exciting?  Anyway, it was on my mind last night, and that's what sparked that question.

Considering how I write, surprisingly I don't really write myself into corners all that often. Most of my ideas for the next chapter comes to me during the night as I'm failing to go to sleep. So, I might feel stuck, but then a lightbulb pops up on top of my head and I'm able to move forward. I think one of the reasons the lack of readership or whatever it is concerning the MINE story is because of how intricate the plot was. Not that anyone would get how hard that is to write a complicated suspense storyline unless you've tried it yourself, but the fact that no one is reading what I consider to be some of my best work is annoying! LOL
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #42 on: May 08, 2024, 09:40:50 AM »

It's nice you've gotten into a daily writing routine!  That has definitely helped me be more consistent.  I'm the same way as you; I usually shower first, then make a cup of coffee and write before I get too distracted by anything else.  If I wait until later in the day, it's usually harder to get started.

I agree. If I wait until later, there's less incentive to write.

It's nice that you're more willing to write female characters now!  That makes sense with the change in fandom, though.  The BSB fandom doesn't have any female "characters" except for the guys' wives, and it feels weird to write about them in anything other than minor roles because they're not celebrities.  I like creating original characters, but like you said, not everyone wants to read or write about them.  I'm glad you have some good female characters to work with!

It is easier to write the females in this fandom because they are already established characters and with designated parts to already play. It's been a nice change writing a strong female lead all by herself though. I didn't think I'd enjoy that as much as I did. Not sure how people felt about her, but they did continue reading and no one said anything bad about it, so I take that as a good sign.

I've written both ways, but most of my recent stories have either taken place in roughly present day with the guys as middle-aged men or specific time periods in the past where most of them were still with their current partners.  My current story takes place during the IAWLT era, so most of the guys have kids and are married, and Nick is soon to be engaged to Lauren.  The only difference is that I killed Kristin in first story in the series, so Kevin is widowed and dating an original character.  Mason exists, but Max does not.  I don't write much about the other guys' wives or kids because the focus is on Kevin, but Mason gets a fair amount of story time.  I don't usually like writing about their real kids, but I'm enjoying Kevin and Mason's father-son relationship in this story.  Mason feels almost like an original character because I don't know much about the real Mason, so I just make up most of the details.  He's only 5 in this story and was a baby in the first one, so I just try to make him act like a typical little boy that age.

That being said, I still try to find ways to avoid writing about their families as much as is possible/realistic.  In 2020, I finished my ER crossover, which took place in 1995, so there are no wives/girlfriends and kids in that one.  I also wrote a survival story that year called The Road to Bethlehem that was about the five of them quarantining in a cabin together to work on the Christmas album during the pandemic, which worked well for leaving their families out.

I still don't like denying the existence of their families or creating fictional families for them, unless it's an AU, so it's either include them as necessary, find creative ways to write around them, or set everything in the 90s.  And as much as I love 90s BSB and dynamics of their relationships in those early days, I do enjoy writing them as adults.  It's easier now than it was when I was a teenager, and they were in their twenties LOL.  I figure forties and fifties can't be that different from late thirties.

Okay, interesting. I think writing them became increasingly difficult for me as they got older. At first people really enjoyed reading the bromances, but then I feel like as they settled, everyone became more about romance. It's weird you don't really hear Romance as a genre anymore. It seems like it's all about 'shipping' more so than calling it a romance.

I had forgotten you wrote and ER crossover. I was going to ask as a question, do you find people are asking for crossovers more? It might just be because this is a show, but I find that so many people are just taking shows or movies that already exist and plopping the Succession people in them.  Like Bridgerton, or The Bear, stuff like that. I don't think I'd ever really be successful at anything like that because unless I really knew the show, I would feel lost. I know you're a huge ER fan so I'm sure it was easy for you, but I had toyed with the idea to do a BSB Supernatural crossover back in the day, but I couldn't handle it.

I do think an Only Murders in the Building crossover might be fun, but again, not that comfortable with that show, but that might be a fun one to play around with. LOL
« Last Edit: May 08, 2024, 09:43:01 AM by mare »
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2024, 10:07:39 PM »

I got a third comment yesterday. This one is pretty successful. And yes, I think that Gerri and Roman together make a huge difference. I am pretty sure most people do searches according to pairings, so they are more apt to click on this one than they were my other one. It's kind of funny though, because Roman has been alone this entire story except for the first chapter so besides being 'together' in name, that's all there is because part of the plot behind this is the fact that Gerri doesn't want anyone to know they're a couple. So, I've managed to totally Gypsy Rose Lee their relationship. LOL Which is fine by me because even though I've grown more comfortable writing female characters, I still don't enjoy making them couples.

LOL Genius!  Great way to lure in people who ship them without actually having to write much about them together.

Considering how I write, surprisingly I don't really write myself into corners all that often. Most of my ideas for the next chapter comes to me during the night as I'm failing to go to sleep. So, I might feel stuck, but then a lightbulb pops up on top of my head and I'm able to move forward. I think one of the reasons the lack of readership or whatever it is concerning the MINE story is because of how intricate the plot was. Not that anyone would get how hard that is to write a complicated suspense storyline unless you've tried it yourself, but the fact that no one is reading what I consider to be some of my best work is annoying! LOL

That's good!  Lying in bed at night is a good place to get ideas.  So is the shower.  I'll also get them driving to and from work sometimes.  I always feel so inspired on my way home, and by the time I get home, I'm too tired and hungry to write anything.  Hence why mornings work better these days.

That is so frustrating when you put all that effort into writing a complicated plot, and it turns out well but gets little to no response from readers.  I've been there before, and it sucks.  But so much is dependent on readers' preferences.  For example, AU stories rarely do as well as canon stories, and gen fics are not as popular as romance.

Okay, interesting. I think writing them became increasingly difficult for me as they got older. At first people really enjoyed reading the bromances, but then I feel like as they settled, everyone became more about romance. It's weird you don't really hear Romance as a genre anymore. It seems like it's all about 'shipping' more so than calling it a romance.

Yes, we probably sound old-fashioned calling it "romance," but that's what it is.  In the BSB fandom on AO3, there seem to be more slash stories shipping the Boys together than platonic bromances.  Romance with original female characters is still pretty prevalent there too.  But slash has made a big comeback.  I don't mind slash as much as I used to because at least it's still centered on the guys, but I still prefer bromance.  It is definitely harder to come up with those bromantic storylines now that they're middle-aged men who don't really hang out with each other much outside of work.  That's where a little creative license and occasional killing of wives comes in handy LOL.

I had forgotten you wrote and ER crossover. I was going to ask as a question, do you find people are asking for crossovers more? It might just be because this is a show, but I find that so many people are just taking shows or movies that already exist and plopping the Succession people in them.  Like Bridgerton, or The Bear, stuff like that. I don't think I'd ever really be successful at anything like that because unless I really knew the show, I would feel lost. I know you're a huge ER fan so I'm sure it was easy for you, but I had toyed with the idea to do a BSB Supernatural crossover back in the day, but I couldn't handle it.

I do think an Only Murders in the Building crossover might be fun, but again, not that comfortable with that show, but that might be a fun one to play around with. LOL

Considering it took me like 8 years to write the ten-chapter ER crossover, I'm not surprised you forgot about it LOL.  I talked about it here way back when I was first planning the idea, but it was always a side project, so I didn't devote much time to it until 2020.  I had fun writing it, though, and I think it turned out pretty good.

No, I don't think anyone has ever asked me to do a crossover LOL.  It may just be due to differences in fandoms.  Most of the BSB crossovers are with other musicians.  I still see NSYNC and Eminem being paired with BSB in the tags.  I have mixed feelings on crossovers because they only really appeal to people who are familiar with both fandoms, but they are fun to write.  They're also a challenge, though, because you do have to be really familiar with both.  The ER one was a natural fit for me because I love ER, and so was the Harry Potter one I was writing until The Cursed Child ruined it for me.  But I'm not sure what other fandoms I could write that knowledgably.  Maybe The Walking Dead?  But I don't think I have another zombie apocalypse story in me LOL.  Only Murders in the Building would be fun and a great opportunity to write a mystery!  But that does sound like a challenge.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Just a general pop in thread
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2024, 08:48:02 AM »

I can't believe people actually ask you to write for them, especially if it's someone who you don't know and doesn't even comment on your stories!

I keep saying I'm going to get back into writing and then don't do anything about it lol.  I've had ideas, I just can't seem to motivate myself to write anything.  It's been so long.

The Cancun event sounds like only the actual concert would appeal.  I wouldn't be interested in watching Howie do shots, or Kevin DJ either.  Don't even think I'd be interested in Nick playing on the beach either, I'd rather be in the shade and cool somewhere :) I sound old lol

I would love to write a crossover fic, or read one if it was about something I love (like Walking Dead, Supernatural).  I did my own crossover one on here years ago with Supernatural.  I quite like the idea of setting them in a historical romance, like Pride & Prejudice meets BSB.
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