Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Pick One

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I picked #2 as well.. And I managed to make Nick suffer again.. lol..

Hoooohoooo... finally i'm done with this one and i guess, #2 is a popular pick as i'm writing on that one too!

Title : Dude, You Got Served
Link :

hope everyone enjoys reading it and your comments are highly appreciated! wheeeee.....

Ooh, this sounds like a fun challenge.  I wonder how many I could do.  Since others have done #2, I'll attempt at least one of the others.  Drunk Brian sounds intriguing.  And Pirates!!  Ooo the possibilities.

--- Quote from: backstreetblade on May 25, 2007, 04:15:14 PM ---1-Write a fic about Brian getting Drunk.
2-Write a scene that takes place in the span of 1 minute.
3-Make a story with the bsb as pirates
4-Write a story in which one of the guys ends up wearing a dog collar.

--- End quote ---

Well, my original choice was to attempt #1, Brian drunk.  But yesterday (was it yesterday or Friday? eh) while I was online inspiration came for #4 where one of the boys has to wear a dog collar.  It's called "Day of the Dog Collar" found at and I realized tonight that it only took me an hour or so to write.  Nothing takes me that short of time to write.  Not even a letter to my grandparents or friends.  I'm still going to try to plan a story about Brian getting drunk. (The possibilities. ..)  I wasn't sure how to post the pictures I wanted to use, so they're not up.


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