Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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^ lol yay!! I won't tell your boss, I promise. ;)

You're in luck because he is on Thanksgiving vacation until Wednesday! lol

yay to you updating and just in case you mised it, I gave you another due date of October 15th :) lol

okay now reading part two of chapter 3...

I love hos the second half starts with Nick reading all about his own death and the fact that Brian kept all the articles. You can tell how tormented Brian really is by the death of his friend and lmao I SO knew that Ghostbusters was going to be there!

Aww I can only imagine what the fans would do if something like this happened. The way they try to butt into all things BSB single related I thnink you hit the nail on the head with the fact that they would have the police going in ten thousand different directions.

Great job! I love how original this storyline is so far! I can't wait to see what happens with AJ. I have a feeling it's going to be funny.

Yay, I just read chapter 2 and again thoroughly enjoyed myself. I left you a review and think I wil just wait to talk about this one until I'm caught up because I wouldn't want to spoil it for everyone. Just know that even though I'm only 2 chapters in, I'm really enjoying htis one and you all might want to give it a chance if you haven't already. Awesome job so far Julilly! I knew there was a reason I have been meaning to check out your fics.   ;D

ok, so I know I said I was going to wait until I finished before I talked about this story again, but I can't because I'm totally falling in love with it and now feel the need to gossip about it with you and Mare and anybody else who may be reading along!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Julilly's sense of humor! Just read chapter three and I have to tell you, I love Nick's attitude about the whole being dead thing. He's so carefree and sort of naive about it all. It's sort of a big deal and he's just having fun making jokes and messing with Brian. And LMAO at Brian getting a kick out of the dog barking at him!

I like that you've chosen to keep Nick's character lighthearted because the story's subject matter has the potential to be all doom and gloom but I think this story will be so much better for not going that route. Hopefully it will keep if from getting too depressing.

OH! And seriously awesome use of dialog in this story as well! Don't want to forget to mention that. I love me some good dialog. (if only I could write me some good dialog, I'd be set.  ;))


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