Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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oh yeah, and that crack about Nick touching Brian? SOOOOOO funny! And SOOOOO Nick!

Honey, thank you so much! I'm really glad you're enjoying it. I have kind of a dry sense of humour and quite often people don't really get it so I'm always worried about mimicking that in my fics, but I guess it worked out alright lol

It does get a little bit more serious, but I try to go back to it being light as much as possible. The next chapter you will read (4) is a little darker.

Okay I finally checked this story out and I'm impressed! I love it! And I have a question for ya Julilly. (Don't know if this was already asked) How'd you come up witht the name of the story?


--- Quote from: Teri on October 09, 2007, 03:50:30 PM ---Okay I finally checked this story out and I'm impressed! I love it! And I have a question for ya Julilly. (Don't know if this was already asked) How'd you come up witht the name of the story?

--- End quote ---

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. As for the title the question was part of Mare's initial questionnare but I certainly don't mind retelling!! :)

It's part of a quote from Hamlet. "I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw." What it's saying is that sometimes although he may seem crazy, he isn't, and that's how I went into this thinking of Brian. If he told anyone what was going on they would all think he was crazy even though he was telling the truth.

My thoughts on chapter 4 part one lol

First of all, what another clever idea you had with the library of memories. You have quite the creative mind! And I love your descriptions in the first part of this chapter. I wish there really was a place to put all your bad memories. Hide them away from the world. Wouldn't that be awesome? And I was able to see the bright light when Flora opened the door.

I agree with Kelly, your portayal of a fun loving Nick is a welcome sight in what could be a very dark story but at the same time, I really think you did need a chapter like this one to describe his anguish at being dead.

Great job! And you do rock at dialogue!


How did you come up with the idea for the library of memories?


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