Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the Month for October 2007 - Hawk and a Handsaw by Julilly

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Spoiler alert!

Chapter 8

LMAO I loved the comedy in this one! And I totally see why you had to bring Valerie into the story. My favorite part was when she asked if Nick ever is quiet and Brian's answer to that. Gotta also love the Nick jabs at Leighanne and the Abbott and Costello reference.

I hope you'll be ready to make your next deadline because i'm getting closer to chapter 14!!


--- Quote from: mare on October 20, 2007, 08:27:54 AM ---Spoiler alert!

Chapter 8

LMAO I loved the comedy in this one! And I totally see why you had to bring Valerie into the story. My favorite part was when she asked if Nick ever is quiet and Brian's answer to that. Gotta also love the Nick jabs at Leighanne and the Abbott and Costello reference.

I hope you'll be ready to make your next deadline because i'm getting closer to chapter 14!!

--- End quote ---

I'm reeeaaally trying!! I have until midnight tonight lol


--- Quote from: mare on October 20, 2007, 08:27:54 AM ---Spoiler alert!

Chapter 8

LMAO I loved the comedy in this one! And I totally see why you had to bring Valerie into the story. My favorite part was when she asked if Nick ever is quiet and Brian's answer to that. Gotta also love the Nick jabs at Leighanne and the Abbott and Costello reference.

I hope you'll be ready to make your next deadline because i'm getting closer to chapter 14!!

--- End quote ---

haha yeah that was a great line, but I think my favorite was that whole bit about Brian having to kill himself if he had to explain how he loved Leighanne and Nick differently again. Nick's response almost made me fall out of my chair.  :D  But yeah, Valerie's cool and I can only imagine having to watch Brian and Nick in action. I'll bet it's entertaining.

Wooot.. I finally (re)read the whole thing tonight..
14 chapters in a row..
That only happens when I really really like a story, so feel good about yourself and your writing ;)
I really love this story.
It is a very serious subject, but you manage to have me laughing out loud, and still be on the edge of my seat.
In a lot of stories, I think authors don't manage to mix humor with horror/suspense/drama and not turn the story into a comedy or something.
So you really did a good job on that!

I love the Ghost-hommage by the way! Great movie which always makes me cry.

Now, maybe you already answered this question (I haven't read the whole thread yet because I didn't want to read any spoilers if they were there)..

But why did you decide to add a Valerie and not a 'Steve' to this story?
In other words, why choose a female to help Brian and Nick instead of a man?

And how did you come up with the title? < Never mind, I've skimmed the whole thread by now and already know the answer lol..

I love the "I only have a Coke" line by AJ by the way. It's such a 'dry' comment, as we say over here.

So for another question:

(And I'll make it a 'ciphered' one, for everyone who hasn't read the latest chapter yet)

- The thing Nick can do in the latest chapter, did you already have that planned out as well?
And why did you decide to make it go great from the start instead of him having difficulty doing it?

It is a great idea by the way! A bit macabre maybe, but still a great idea.


--- Quote from: Nijntje on October 20, 2007, 03:11:16 PM ---Wooot.. I finally (re)read the whole thing tonight..
14 chapters in a row..
That only happens when I really really like a story, so feel good about yourself and your writing ;)
I really love this story.
It is a very serious subject, but you manage to have me laughing out loud, and still be on the edge of my seat.
In a lot of stories, I think authors don't manage to mix humor with horror/suspense/drama and not turn the story into a comedy or something.
So you really did a good job on that!

I love the Ghost-hommage by the way! Great movie which always makes me cry.

Now, maybe you already answered this question (I haven't read the whole thread yet because I didn't want to read any spoilers if they were there)..

But why did you decide to add a Valerie and not a 'Steve' to this story?
In other words, why choose a female to help Brian and Nick instead of a man?

And how did you come up with the title? < Never mind, I've skimmed the whole thread by now and already know the answer lol..

I love the "I only have a Coke" line by AJ by the way. It's such a 'dry' comment, as we say over here.

So for another question:

(And I'll make it a 'ciphered' one, for everyone who hasn't read the latest chapter yet)

- The thing Nick can do in the latest chapter, did you already have that planned out as well?
And why did you decide to make it go great from the start instead of him having difficulty doing it?

It is a great idea by the way! A bit macabre maybe, but still a great idea.

--- End quote ---

I'm glad you liked it enough to (re)read the whole thing!! I missed my deadline for chapter 15, so hopefully I'll get it out this weekend.

Now, onto your ciphered question. Right from the very planning stages I had wanted Nick to do that. That's why certain things happened earlier in the story. I didn't want him to have a hard time because... and this will sound weird... I felt like it should be second nature. We have all of these things that as people we just know how to do, and despite how complex they may be we think they're simple every day tasks. I wanted him to have gained a different set of "second nature" type things since he doesn't do the regular ones anymore. So I felt that what he did was something more like 1+1=2 rather than complex algebra.


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