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Author Topic: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!  (Read 50328 times)


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NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« on: October 07, 2007, 03:44:50 PM »

I was reading through old threads earlier (just because I haven't been here in a while and I checked back to old posts I'd made) and I found this thread on chapter summaries (http://absolutechaos.net/fictalk/index.php?topic=512.0), which ended up discussing NC-17 rated stories.  It's come to my attention, especially lately, that there is a certain negative stigma in the fan fiction community associated with NC-17.  A stigma that I see as unjustified and frankly unfair.

As a writer of a few NC-17 stories, I feel that people have an unfair view of what they are really all about.  They HAVE plot.  They're not just smut that contain sex scene upon sex scene.  (Some of them, I'm sure, are, but definitely not the ones that I've read.)  There are a number of examples of GREAT stories that are extremely well-written and thought out that have the NC-17 rating attached, but because of that, they're unrecognized by many.  I think this is extremely unfortunate for the authors that write them.

The reason I rate my stories NC-17 is because I know that when I was younger, I didn't like reading stories with a lot of sex in them.  I thought it would only be courteous to rate my stories with a rating that reflected that fact that there ARE a number of sex scenes throughout the story and a person that's sensitive to that may not wish to read it.  I didn't know, however, that certain readers wouldn't even approach the story if it was rated NC-17.

I think it's very important to show the physical/sexual relationship that characters have right alongside the mental/emotional relationship.  To me, it's just more honest and more realistic.  In real life, sex happens.  It doesn't make people "bad" to have sex.  It's natural.  And in order to show the true chemistry between characters, I believe sex is necessary.  (I don't think it needs to dominate a relationship, but anyone that's read NC-17 stories that have plots understands that.) 

A lot of times in my stories, the sex that the characters are having is reflective on their relationship.  And sometimes, sex has even become an issue (as in What the Heart Wants when Katrina is dealing with the loss of her mother and is grieving through sex) that spawns off into a bigger issue in the characters' lives.  And anyone that's taken the time to read my stories (which I've linked below my post) knows that my characters are not sleeping around with everyone - the main female character has only ever been with one man in her life.  It's not like I'm writing smut.  I just recognize the importance of a physical relationship along with a mental/emotional one. 

One of my favorite shows is Sex & the City and it has a complex and well-thought out plot along with sex.  And for those of you that have seen the show, you know how important BOTH aspects are.  That's what I'm trying to convey here. 

I understand that the sex scenes DO bother some people, so I'm not saying that everyone should love every single story out there.  People have various opinions and I understand that.  But what I am saying is that I think that people that haven't actually taken the time to read certain stories just because of their rating are really missing out because of a preconceived idea they may have.  Also, I think it's unfair that the stories that seem to be recognized, even on this site, are never NC-17 rated stories.  Shouldn't all genres and all ratings be recognized if they happen to be quality literature? 

So, please, next time you see a story with an NC-17 rating, don't look it over just because you're judging it by your own limited perception of what it contains.  Check it out and then judge for yourself!

Links to my stories are found in my signature.  If you'd like to see what I mean, check them out and see for yourself!  (This is NOT a shameless plug, I'm just trying to get readers to realize that stories have plots regardless of the NC-17 rating.)

Are there any other NC-17 writers that feel the same way I do?  That your stories aren't as recognized as others just because of the rating?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2007, 04:01:53 PM by Tri »


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2007, 03:52:53 PM »

I think your stories are more than just great! i like them no I love them... because it isn't all about sex, like you said they have a plot! and thats what makes a story great!
Great plot what the story is all about,great sex which makes the story hot lol and a great writer like you to come with lots of ideas.!


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2007, 03:59:08 PM »

I feel exactly the same way. A fellow author and dear friend who will remain nameless told me that I'll never get recognized no matter how good my Series is because it's NC-17 and really that's discouraging to an author and disheartening that there are such narrowminded people when we're supposed to be a community of authors.

It's annoying to think that just because I happen to put sex in my stories as an important aspect means that the real story will never get recognized or even read by some people because they don't like graphic sexual content.

When I first started posting on this site, I didn't know what to expect, but now I have two stories on the favorite stories list and am #2 on the favorite authors list. So it makes me wonder why more writers (not necessarily myself) aren't getting recognized for NC17 writing?

I can site a million stories where there's TONS of sex but there's TONS of plot. I wanna be bad by Karah and Jenn is a PRIME example of NC-17 having extremely good quality. It wouldn't have been the most popular and awarded story on the net in 2002 if it wasn't good.

This narrowmindedne ss I've encountered is really just an elitest attitude and you know for a community fiction site you really can't be elitest, because if you are that just makes you unworthy of saying whose good and who isn't. Because honestly it's not fair to good writers who happen to write sex scenes to highlight both chemistry and any potential relationship issues.

I'm not asking you to check out my stories, just to keep an open mind when going to look for new fiction because really it's YOUR loss if you pass on a story just because it's NC-17 then maybe we don't want you reading our stories if you're going to be THAT judgemental and close-minded
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2007, 04:06:23 PM »

I think your stories are more than just great! i like them no I love them... because it isn't all about sex, like you said they have a plot! and thats what makes a story great!
Great plot what the story is all about,great sex which makes the story hot lol and a great writer like you to come with lots of ideas.!

Thank you for your opinions chaotic! I hope we are able to see more open minds like yours in the future!
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2007, 04:12:11 PM »

I think your stories are more than just great! i like them no I love them... because it isn't all about sex, like you said they have a plot! and thats what makes a story great!
Great plot what the story is all about,great sex which makes the story hot lol and a great writer like you to come with lots of ideas.!

Thanks, Doreen!  I'm glad you recognize that sex can be a part of plot.  :D  Thank you for your input.


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2007, 04:19:11 PM »

my friend and famous fan fiction writer (been recognized at least a dozen times) and is an NC17 writer wrote me this in an email.

"I've always had an issue with things like that...
people that pitch fits and everything gets changed
because of them... when it would be so much
easier/nicer for everyone else if they'd just skip the
stuff they don't like."

Honestly she's right, when I read slash if I'm not necessarily comfortable with a sex scene I'll skip the sex scene and focus on the other parts of the story. Pretty much what we're trying to say here is don't judge a book by it's cover.
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2007, 04:31:11 PM »

There are plenty of authors that don't get recognized merely because of what genre they write.

So don't feel like you're the only one who gets looked over, causing you to preach your validity. It happens; it's fanfic. Not everyone will like everything.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2007, 04:34:14 PM »

my friend and famous fan fiction writer (been recognized at least a dozen times) and is an NC17 writer wrote me this in an email.

"I've always had an issue with things like that...
people that pitch fits and everything gets changed
because of them... when it would be so much
easier/nicer for everyone else if they'd just skip the
stuff they don't like."

Honestly she's right, when I read slash if I'm not necessarily comfortable with a sex scene I'll skip the sex scene and focus on the other parts of the story. Pretty much what we're trying to say here is don't judge a book by it's cover.

I agree, too.  I don't personally like slash, but I'm not going to insult a story and judge it without reading it.  If I read it and it didn't make sense or if it was just poorly written, that's one thing.  But if it was a truly wonderful piece of literature, then it deserves praise and recognition, regardless of whether or not I personally liked it the content or subject matter.  I feel like that would be as petty as having a story recommended to me that's focused on Justin Timberlake instead of Nick Carter and me bashing it because it's about someone I don't particularly care for.  If it's a good story, it's a good story. 

For instance, I think that mine and Teri's stories are well-written grammatically, in accordance to the Boys' real lives, and in sync with our own time lines for the story.  In short, they flow.  You know how many stories I've read that don't make sense just in the subject of time order?  I've seen people skip full years.  That can definitely cause an author to lose credibility in their writing.  Not whether there's one sex scene in the whole story or ten!  That shouldn't diminish the storyline. 


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2007, 04:36:15 PM »

There are plenty of authors that don't get recognized merely because of what genre they write.

So don't feel like you're the only one who gets looked over, causing you to preach your validity. It happens; it's fanfic. Not everyone will like everything.

I have to say thank you for your opinion but, that right there is the REASON why this has been allowed to go on for so long. We're not saying that everyone would like us. No b/c we're not mind readers but we would like people to make up there minds AFTER giving us a chance. And not pre-judging who we are and what we write about just because of a stupid notion that is completely overly generalized and discriminatory .
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2007, 04:39:23 PM »

I have to say thank you for your opinion but, that right there is the REASON why this has been allowed to go on for so long. We're not saying that everyone would like us. No b/c we're not mind readers but we would like people to make up there minds AFTER giving us a chance. And not pre-judging who we are and what we write about just because of a stupid notion that is completely overly generalized and discriminatory .

Well, I hate to say it, but this post probably won't result in the outcome you want.

Here's a post, of similar caliber, with a similar goal:


I'm sure the outcome you get will be very much the same.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2007, 04:40:11 PM »

There are plenty of authors that don't get recognized merely because of what genre they write.

So don't feel like you're the only one who gets looked over, causing you to preach your validity. It happens; it's fanfic. Not everyone will like everything.

I know that NC-17 stories aren't the only ones that get overlooked.  But I'm just trying to break down the stereotypes some stories have.  Are you really content with the fact that people are left out of the running in being recognized as good literature?  Don't you want to stand up for your writing or stories that you enjoy reading that don't necessarily get recognition?  That's all I'm really trying to do here.  If it changes a few people's minds, that's great.  I know not everyone is going to enjoy NC-17 stories and I'm not trying to make that happen.  I'm just trying to let the people know that enjoy R stories what most NC-17 stories are all about so they might become a little more open-minded to them.  :)


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2007, 04:43:36 PM »

As I pointed out above, its already been done for the genre I write and I already know the outcome of this post.

No, I agree, people should not be overlooked just because they don't write OOCly or Nick romances, but it happens.

Not everyone will like everything, and just explaining how your story has a plot or why the Boys are truly the Boys in your story won't make more people read it. Both of you alone have hundred more readers than I do, so stop. You are recognized.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2007, 04:44:20 PM »

Well, I hate to say it, but this post probably won't result in the outcome you want.

Here's a post, of similar caliber, with a similar goal:


I'm sure the outcome you get will be very much the same.

Yeah that's exactly what we're outraged about, that certain people won't even give us a chance because they're too elitest and judgemental to even try something that maybe out of their comfort zone. Honestly that's like saying "oh you've got the grades and the talent to go to harvard law school, but ohh you're not good enough." it's Ivory towerism and it's unfair and not right. There shouldn't be a featured story of the month or awards IF everyone can't be in the running because of a few select people with prejudices making the decisions.
Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2007, 04:51:53 PM »

You're compring fanfic to Ivy League Universities? I personally got rejected from an Ivy League University, Yale if you wanted to specific one... Applying to an Ivy League University is in another league than writing a fanfic.

I'm assuiming that the reason you started writing fanfic is because you enjoyed it, not for your future or if you wanted readers. If you started writing fanfic just to get readers, then you're lacking in what the essence of it is. If you started writing for yourself, then you should be appreciative that the number of people who read your work do in fact read it.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: NC-17 Stories Have Plots!
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2007, 04:52:57 PM »

As I pointed out above, its already been done for the genre I write and I already know the outcome of this post.

No, I agree, people should not be overlooked just because they don't write OOCly or Nick romances, but it happens.

Not everyone will like everything, and just explaining how your story has a plot or why the Boys are truly the Boys in your story won't make more people read it. Both of you alone have hundred more readers than I do, so stop. You are recognized.

I've read your stories (and i promise i'll review eventually) and normally i don't like fantasy fan fic but you know i gave it a chance and i was pleasantly surprised! And you know if I hadn't I would have missed out on some particularly good writing because i stepped out of my comfort zone and decided, you know what screw my comfort zone I need to try something new! And it's people's unwillingness to even give a story a chance is just what's pissin' us all off. I've read stories where Nick gets sick and normally no I don't like them but in the instance of BMS it works and is an amazing story and I found that out because I put my ascinine thoughts aside and made up my own mind by finding out for myself what the story is like instead of "OMG NICK GETS CANCER EWW!" or "omg there's sex in this story and it's in more than one chapter ew!" it's all about saying "okay i know how i feel about this genre but maybe this story will change my mind about that"

Spike: "Hey big guy I'm going to need some new wheels the other one ended up in the...drink..."
Angel: "Spike.... just walk away"
Spike: "You're a..."
Angel: "Don't say it!"
Spike: "You're a bleeding puppet!"
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