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Author Topic: The return of the five questions...minus three  (Read 6662 times)


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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2007, 01:37:09 AM »

1.When did you first start reading fanfics? 1999 when I first discovered the internet and BSBBLVD... It's been a long time, hasn't it? LMAO.

2.What is the name of the very first fanfic you ever read? I used to be able to read so many at once, I really have no idea... :D One of my friends wrote it though... Or she became my friend after I read the fic, but she doesn't write anymore. :(

3.Do you write? If so, when did you start? I started writing in like Kindergarden, and like Rose I also got a typewriter. :D *highfive* I started writing BSB fiction in 2000, shortly after I started reading it. :)

4.What's your favorite genre to read or write? Fantasy or AU, hands down. And yes, Fantasy is different from AU.

5.What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? It was called "The Orlando Story" and was a poor take off on Romeo and Juliet.... You can actually find it on my profile on AC. LMAO. Not surprisingly, it's one of the more popular ones. :D

6.What was the weirdest fanfic you've ever read? And why? Nick and Justin were the same person. I don't remember what it was called, but it ran into that humerous/weird category. :D

7.If you had to a pick a fanfic, not your own, to be a movie, what would it be and why? I would die laughing if "5 Backstreet Boys in Search of a Plot" was an animated cartoon. Am I allowed to say 00Carter? I've thought it would make an excellent TV show from the beginning... And.... I think Whitmore Lake would make a cute Romantic Comedy, props if you can get Leonardo Dicaprio and Matt Damon to play Nick and Brian. ;)

8.Which boy do you enjoy written portrayals of most, and which author do you think does him best? I love the Nick Laura and Mel made for Sexcapades. But I think Mare and Rose also have a great Nick. :)

9.If you were Howie which story do you think would he be the most excited to read and why? Something where he was in it for more than three chapters? :D I'm going to say Honey's "Not Your Average Cinderella." Not that I've read it myself (sorry, the language was way harsh all at once and I was so unprepared for it from Honey... and a female lead), but he is the love interest.

10.The same if you were Kevin? I think he might like Mare's stories... I can't really think of a good action one off the top of my head... But I think he'd like the brotherhood in Mare's stories. :)

11.Which story do you think Brian would be scared to read? Any story where he was in a relationship with Nick or Kevin. :) Triple points on his reaction if he's paired with both. LMAO.
12.Which fic would probably make A.J. a horn dog? I'm going with when isn't AJ a horndog? LMAO. I can't pinpoint a specific one here either....

13.Which BSB fic that you have read had the most unique plot and why? *thinks* *thinks* I like Purapura's "Wulf's Bane," that was an interesting one. :)

14.If the Boys were forced to write one short BSB related fan fic each, what do you think each one would write about? Well judging from their tastes in movies, I feel like AJ would write a B-horror moivesque fanfic, Brian would write some Sci-fi/Star Wars fanfic, Nick would write something with superheroes, Kevin would write an action/suspense, and Howie would write a romance where he was the lead male (LMAO, sorry Howie).

15.Which genre is your least favourite? Slash. Slash or Visual.

16.If you could, would you ever show your stories to BSB? I actually considered sending PBox to Nick once. I think he'd like it. :) If I polish it before BSB comes to Colorado, I still will, I think. :)

17. Have you ever written fan fiction for a non BSB fandom? Yuugiou a long time ago... I write some one shots for a Club I Co-Admin on dA... But not really, mostly original and BSB. :)

18. Do you find yourself more interested in the BSB fiction fandom rather than just the BSB fandom? Well, I think the BSB fandom is the music and I write the fanfic because I like the music, so no.

19. How often do you read other writers work and what catches your attention? Well, since I'm judging the awards, I read a lot more now. LMAO. But... I usually have my life taken over by school, so to be honest, I don't really even write anymore.... But the stories I usually read are by my friends here. I'm not a big fan of cliche, and I know that my friends here won't give me that. :)

20. In your eyes what makes a good writer? Hmm... Well, one of my professors told me "A good reader is someone who is well read. They take everything they like from other authors they've read and mix it all into a blender to create their own writing style. And then they tell their story in their own voice with their own words." That's my answer.

21. Do you dabble in original fiction or just fan fiction and would you read any original fiction written by your favorite fan fic writers? I do like original fiction, it gives me more freedom than fanfiction does, certainly. I would read it, of course, as long as it's something I'm interested in, I'll always give it a chance. :)

22. Do you ever get inspired to write after reading someone else's story? Hmm... Not necessariy starting something new, but I get inspired to write after I've read a really good story. :)

New Questions

23. What would you say has been your bigest inspiration in writing?

24. What was one story you always wished you could find, but never could?
« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 01:40:11 AM by nicksgal »

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2008, 05:03:41 PM »

1.When did you first start reading fanfics? Summer of '99

2.What is the name of the very first fanfic you ever read? "Blind Love" by JJ.  I printed it out, and I still have it saved in a binder!

3.Do you write? If so, when did you start?   Yep!  I have enjoyed writing stories since elementary school, when I used to write for Young Authors at school.  I started writing fanfic as a hobby in late 1999/early 2000.

4.What's your favorite genre to read or write?   Drama/angst with a hint of romance

5.What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?   The very first was a story called "Years of Grace," which I never finished but later rewrote.  The first story I finished and put online was "Heartache."

6.What was the weirdest fanfic you've ever read? And why?   I've come across some pretty weird ones, but I have one bookmarked that pretty much takes the cake.  It's called "Baby Trouble," and a Nick/Howie slash in which Nick is pregnant with Howie's baby.  No joke.  :D  http://www.boybandfic.org/BabyTrouble1.html

7.If you had to a pick a fanfic, not your own, to be a movie, what would it be and why?  Wow, tough call... I'm thinking a suspense because whenever I read those fics, I can picture them playing out like a movie, all action-packed and stuff.  I'm gonna go with "Nowhere to Run" by Whitney Richter because it's short and simple enough to be made into a 2-hour movie, but it has a great, suspenseful plot and characters that you really care about.

8.Which boy do you enjoy written portrayals of most, and which author do you think does him best?  Used to be Brian, but in the last few years, I've really enjoyed reading Nick fics the best.  I love how Mare writes him, especially in stories like "The Importance of Fly Fishing," and I think my absolute favorite portrayal of him would have to be by Heidi in "Cover Me With Dreams."

9. If you were Howie which story do you think would he be the most excited to read and why?  00Carter because he gets to be the head villain, intent on taking over the world!  And he has a pet ferret minion named Dr. Twitches!  Who wouldn't be excited about that? :D

10.The same if you were Kevin?  I think Kevin would enjoy "The Importance of Fly Fishing."  It's about him (and Nick), and it's both funny and touching at the same time.  I think he'd get a kick out of it and also enjoy the sentimental aspect of it, cause he's just that kind of a sensitive guy.  ;D

11.Which story do you think Brian would be scared to read?  Gonna agree with Dee and say any slash LOL.  And also, if I were him, a story like "Cardio" (about him dying from his heart problem) would freak me out.

12.Which fic would probably make A.J. a horn dog? A visual... which one, I have no idea; I don't read enough of them to know LOL.

13.Which BSB fic that you have read had the most unique plot and why?   I host a story called "Human Alien" that is pretty out there... literally.  For a Bsb fic, it's got a very unique plot (at least compared to what I usually read LOL).  It's an AU where the guys are some kind of space pilots in the future, and Brian's ship crash lands onto a different planet, and he ends up living with an alien race called the Kindorians.  It's actually a pretty deep, interesting story; I wish Kaz would have finished it.

14. If the Boys were forced to write one short BSB related fan fic each, what do you think each one would write about?  Brian would write a sweet little songfic about Leighanne and Baylee.  Howie, something cute about the whole group and their bond.  Nick, something sci-fi or suspenseful with a lot of action and Bsb kicking ass.  AJ, something dark about his addictions or a sleazy visual about his girlfriend.  Kevin, maybe something on the theme of fatherhood... connecting being a dad to Mason to his own father.

15.Which genre is your least favourite? Slash or sci-fi/fantasy.

16.If you could, would you ever show your stories to BSB? Maybe 00Carter.  Otherwise, no way LOL.

17. Have you ever written fan fiction for a non BSB fandom? I started a Harry Potter fic once, but didn't really happen.  I'm not into fanfics for any other fandom, writing or reading.

18. Do you find yourself more interested in the BSB fiction fandom rather than just the BSB fandom?  That's an interesting question.  I would say no.  I love Bsb first and foremost - the music, the guys, everything.  If I lost interest in them, I think I would lose interest in fanfic too and move on to original fiction.  That said, I usually find it more interesting to discuss Bsb fanfic on these forums than to discuss just Bsb.

19. How often do you read other writers work and what catches your attention? Definitely not as often as I used to.  Part of the problem is that my favorite authors never update, so even though I have quite a list of stories I will drop everything to read, I don't read often because they don't get updated often.  I definitely need to get excited about some new writers.  Which brings us to the question of what catches my attention.  Mysterious summaries draw me in... or stories that seem unique without being completely "out there" weird.  A medical drama will always attract my attention, but I only read them if they're good.

20. In your eyes what makes a good writer?  Someone whose writing is readable and coherent, flows easily, shows voice, brings characters and stories to life, and, above all, is interesting.  You can have great ideas but be terrible at getting them down coherently on paper, or you can write impeccably but bore your readers to tears with a dull, unoriginal story.  The best writers can write appealing stories and write them well.

21. Do you dabble in original fiction or just fan fiction and would you read any original fiction written by your favorite fan fic writers? Dabbling is a bit of a stretch, but I would one day like to do more than just dabble in original fiction.  I'm just not quite fanficced out yet. :D  And yes, I would read original fiction written by my favorite fanfic authors, if it appealed to me.

22. Do you ever get inspired to write after reading someone else's story?   Definitely!!

23. What would you say has been your bigest inspiration in writing?   Probably the Boys themselves.  I never used to write for fun as a hobby and might never have started, if it hadn't been for them and Bsb fanfic.  Writing is such a huge part of my life now that I can't imagine what that would be like!  Even so, I still only write Bsb fanfic.

24. What was one story you always wished you could find, but never could?
This reminds me of the "greatest story never told" thread.  I always wanted to read a story about Brian that progressed through his life, from when he was a little kid, to when he joined Bsb, to the present.  I never found an actual story like that, so I wrote "Years of Grace."  That's actually the idea that got me started writing fanfic!

New Questions:

25.  Choose 3 of your stories (or less, if you don't have 3) and tell us how you came up with the idea for them.

26.  If a reader were to compare your writing style to that of a famous/published author, who would they say you write most like, and why?

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2008, 05:33:47 PM »

25.  Choose 3 of your stories (or less, if you don't have 3) and tell us how you came up with the idea for them. Let's see.... PBox was from a dream. Gobosei is based on the little Burger King toys. :D And... *thinks* I can't think of another one I've written?

26.  If a reader were to compare your writing style to that of a famous/published author, who would they say you write most like, and why? I've been told Tolkein, I'm assuming because he writes fantasy and people are just looking for a comparison. But honestly, that man could write circles around me with his pinky.

New Questions

27. If for some bizarre reason, you had to stop writing fanfic, who would you want to finish your stories? Or would you just leave them unfinished forever? Why?

28. When do you feel the most inspiration strikes you?

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2008, 05:45:46 PM »

8.Which boy do you enjoy written portrayals of most, and which author do you think does him best? Ya know? I really really love Rose's Nick. But I love seeing different portrayals of Brian as well

Awww you're too good to me  :-*
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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2008, 06:02:14 PM »

hehe yay to this being brought back to the top again. Since I have answered the first 8 questions already i'm starting with number 9 lol

9. If you were Howie which story do you think would he be the most excited to read and why?  
Even though I haven't read it, I have a feeling that he'd enjoy Not Another Cinderella Story because let's face it, he would love to see a story centered on him as the main BSB just judging by how he acts when he has a solo in a song lol

10.The same if you were Kevin?  
I think Kevin would love Maria's Yesterday's Blue Skies because he is made out to be such a hero in that one and he is a captain of a big spaceship lol

11.Which story do you think Brian would be scared to read?  
Truthfully I think the idea of fanfiction in general probably scares Brian lol

12.Which fic would probably make A.J. a horn dog?
No clue because I haven't read one, but i'd say if he just trolls through some of the visuals he'd be a happy camper

13.Which BSB fic that you have read had the most unique plot and why?  
I still say Finding Brotherhood was probably the most unique storyline I have come across. I love how it is a little bit of everything and of course how everything manages to come together in the end.

14. If the Boys were forced to write one short BSB related fan fic each, what do you think each one would write about?  
Kevin ~ would probably write something politically minded or out there. I can picture it being one of those really out there stories where at the end you have to say WTF was that all about? lol Howie ~ would write something based on himself and would probably surprise us by making it very funny. Brian ~ probably something short and true about his family. AJ ~ I can see him trying to write some heavy duy powerful drama. Nick ~ I see him trying something suspenseful or full of action.

15.Which genre is your least favourite?

16.If you could, would you ever show your stories to BSB?
I have given them my book which I guess would technically be a fanfic lol I might let them see 5 Backstreet Boys in Search of a Plot but that's about it lol

17. Have you ever written fan fiction for a non BSB fandom?

18. Do you find yourself more interested in the BSB fiction fandom rather than just the BSB fandom?  I love this question because I sometimes wonder this about myself. I know i'm much more interested in the boys then stories about them but what I wonder about myself is if I'm more interested in their relationship to one another than their actual music. Sometimes I think the answer is yes to that one.

19. How often do you read other writers work and what catches your attention?
Honestly, I rarely read anything anymore in fanficland. I find that most of the authors I love to read don't write as frequently anymore and the stories that are out there now just don't appeal to me. It's kind of like what happened with me and music in the early 90's when Grunge was all the rage. I rarely turned on the radio lol that's me now with reading BSB fanfics.
Things that do catch my attention are the summaries without banners and without a female name in there at all that maybe have suspense, drama or action with no romance in the genre and I also find i'm more eager to read a short story than a novel.

20. In your eyes what makes a good writer?  
Someone who can take a very overused plot and make it their own so much so that you don't find yourself bored. I think it's important that they have their own voice so much so that vyou can read a little bit of the story and be able to tell it's this author or that author. Most importantly, I think you have to be a good storyteller and I know there should almost be a 'duh' after that but there are a lot of writers out there that aren't good at story telling.

21. Do you dabble in original fiction or just fan fiction and would you read any original fiction written by your favorite fan fic writers?
I tend to write more orginal fiction than fanfiction nowadays and yes I would and have.

22. Do you ever get inspired to write after reading someone else's story?  
Not really lol

23. What would you say has been your bigest inspiration in writing?  
I would have to agree with Julie on this one. It's the boys themselves that have been my biggest inspiration to write. Sometimes all it takes is for me to watch some of their old interviews or VHS specials to get me in the mood to write about them. Reading other people's stuff doesn't work but revisiting the actual boys themselves does. Since Kevin has left, it's been harder for me to write though, in all honesty.

24. What was one story you always wished you could find, but never could?
LOL I don't really know because the stories I have really wanted to find but haven't i've just written myself. I guess i'd love to read a Nick and Kevin fic. Just the two of them or a Numb3rs BSB crossover or something like that.

New Questions:

25.  Choose 3 of your stories (or less, if you don't have 3) and tell us how you came up with the idea for them.
Wow this is a great question Julie and a hard one lol

Importance of Fly Fishing ~ I knew I wanted to write a story about just Nick and Kevin because to me they always had a special bond. When I first came up with the idea though they were going on a camping trip lol i'm not sure when I changed my mind and had them just fish instead. I remember being all annoyed with myself because I knew nothing about fly fishing so I had to actually go online and do research for it. lol In the end i'm glad I went this route because the other one would have been more suspenseful and would have taken away from their relationship.

Shadow Woods ~ So after ditching the camping idea for Fishing, I decided to have all five of them go camping in this one. lol When I first started writing it I wasn't sure where I was going until I randomly came up with the name grim for the guy who worked at the camp ground. Yes in this case, the name came before the actual idea! lol weird, I know, but then after that it all just started to fall into place.

Protect and Serve ~ That one just came about because of my obsession with the show Numb3rs lol Anyone who watches Numb3rs would have been able to pick that up immediately and I wanted to write another AU but make it a suspense/action and I thought the world of the FBI would be a good place to do that.

26.  If a reader were to compare your writing style to that of a famous/published author, who would they say you write most like, and why?
Another great question lol I can tell you who I hope people think I write like and that's Wally Lamb. He is the one that inspired me to write in the first place and he writes so flawlessly in a female POV I can only hope I do as good of a job in a boys POV.

AHH Dee beat me to this so here we go revised lol

27. If for some bizarre reason, you had to stop writing fanfic, who would you want to finish your stories? Or would you just leave them unfinished forever? Why?
Mersey because she is my doppleganger. lol we have actually had this discussion already.

28. When do you feel the most inspiration strikes you?
Usually when i'm laying in bed lol

New Questions

29. Tell us one big change you have made to one of your stories that might surprise us? For instance was one a comedy that suddenly turned into a drama?

30. Name a fanfic author you wish was still writing now and why?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 06:04:32 PM by mare »
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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2008, 06:27:23 PM »

I forgot to answer my own questions. :D And what can I say, I'm speedy, Mare. ;)

23. What would you say has been your bigest inspiration in writing? I think it was my love of the story. :D That sounds silly. But for BSB fanfic it's probably BSB, since if I didn't want to write about BSB, I wouldn't.

24. What was one story you always wished you could find, but never could? A story based on the Backstreet Project comic book. I made up my own and tweaked it away from it... But I'd kind of like to read one with Nick's original ideas... That and the Webisodes focused on Zannel and made me cringe. And their voices suck.....

See previous post for 25 and 26.

27. If for some bizarre reason, you had to stop writing fanfic, who would you want to finish your stories? Or would you just leave them unfinished forever? Why? I'd say Purapura, but I doubt she would do it for me. So I'd just be cruel and leave them hanging.

28. When do you feel the most inspiration strikes you? Lately it's never, but I've gotten a lot of my ideas from dreams. :D

29. Tell us one big change you have made to one of your stories that might surprise us? For instance was one a comedy that suddenly turned into a drama? It's old news by now, but the only one I can think of is that Nick was originally supposed to die in PBox, but then he got a big head and told me he didn't plan on dying, so I'd have to think harder.

30. Name a fanfic author you wish was still writing now and why? There's a group of girls I used to write fanfics with and I kind of wish they were all still around so we could write together again.

New Questions

31. What would you say is your biggest quirk when it comes to writing?

32. Do your characters ever take over your story? And do you take their opinion into account?

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2008, 07:56:13 PM »

1.When did you first start reading fanfics?
Hmm… probably around ‘00.

2.What is the name of the very first fanfic you ever read?
Gosh, I can’t remember… I think it was called “Cardio” (had this talk with Julie) and not only was that the first fanfic I read, but that was the first fanfic ever to make me cry (and it was centered around Brian)

3.Do you write? If so, when did you start?
Yes, I LOVE to write. I started… not too long after I discovered fan fiction and what it was all about.

4.What's your favorite genre to read or write?
I LOVE suspense and horror. Love writing it, and love reading it. I also enjoy some comedy, drama, angst and a little fantasy.

5.What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Um, can’t remember the name of it, but I do remember it was about AJ’s stint in rehab.

6.What was the weirdest fanfic you've ever read? And why?
Um, it was probably this slash story (it was around the time I first started reading fanfic, lol.) and I didn’t know what slash was and what it contained, all I knew was that it was suppose to be a suspenseful story, which is why I chose to read it, but as soon as it came to the… sex scene, I closed it out, lol. Not into slash.

7.If you had to a pick a fanfic, not your own, to be a movie, what would it be and why?
Hmm… I would probably chose Jamelet’s (I think that’s how you spell her name, lol.) “Troubling Gifts” because I like movies where people possess supernatural powers, or Mare’s “Why I’d Do It All Again” because that story was just plain good and emotional, it played out a movie in my head, lol.

8.Which boy do you enjoy written portrayals of most, and which author do you think does him best?
I enjoy it when people portray AJ, because if you ask me he is the most HARDEST to portray out of the five of them. AJ is so spontaneous, and we already know that he has alter egos and it’s just… it’s a challenge to touch up on the different sides of AJ. I would have to say that Mare portrays him best because whenever I read AJ in her stories, I can actually picture it all and she always has me laughing when she writes him in her stories.

9. If you were Howie which story do you think would he be the most excited to read and why?
Hmm… that’s a tough one. I’d say… Mare’s “Thirteenth Step” because I remember reading her review for this story from “Howie” saying how much he liked it and was asking when he’d enter the story, lol.

10.The same if you were Kevin?
Ahh… another one of these hard questions, lol. I think I’m gonna skip this question, lol.

11.Which story do you think Brian would be scared to read?
Any type of slash stories.

12.Which fic would probably make A.J. a horn dog?
Visuals, slash… but it’s hard to tell which exact fic would make him that because he is known as the flirt and he loves sex, lol.

13.Which BSB fic that you have read had the most unique plot and why?
Um… honestly, too much to mention.

14. If the Boys were forced to write one short BSB related fan fic each, what do you think each one would write about?
Nick: He has a wild imagination, so I see him writing an action story with all of them, and he’d probably make himself the hero and portray himself to be the smartest one, lol.

Howie: He’d probably write about any type of fond memories with the guys, a convo they might’ve had that struck him, a special performance they did, etc.

Brian: I could totally see him embellishing “The Backstreet Project”, or totally doing a story similar to Nick’s (they don’t call them Frick & Frack for nothing, lol.)

AJ: The turning point in his life as well as the rest of the boys’ lives.

Kevin: I see him writing a short fic of them when they’re old, looking back on the memories they had together and just reminiscing.

15.Which genre is your least favourite?

16.If you could, would you ever show your stories to BSB?
Um, probably not, lol.

17. Have you ever written fan fiction for a non BSB fandom?
Um, nope. I write stories, but not fan fiction of any other fandom, just BSB.

18. Do you find yourself more interested in the BSB fiction fandom rather than just the BSB fandom?
I’m equal with both.

19. How often do you read other writers work and what catches your attention?
Hehe, I prefer reading rather than writing, because it’s always fun to read someone else’s work rather than your own. I read other people’s work any chance I get and what catches my attention is the genre, plot and portrayal.

20. In your eyes what makes a good writer?
I don‘t think there should be requirements of what makes a good writer. Of course you have the obvious like grammar, spelling, punctuations and all that, but when it comes to writing, it’s your world, whatever you say goes. It’s an opportunity to step out of your life for a while and jump into a place where words paint a picture and anything can happen. If you have a passion for writing then you’re a good writer, period.

21. Do you dabble in original fiction or just fan fiction and would you read any original fiction written by your favorite fan fic writers?
I dabble in both fan fiction and original fiction, but I tend to pull more towards fan fiction. As for reading any original fiction written by my favorite fanfic authors, I would.

22. Do you ever get inspired to write after reading someone else's story?
Yes, I do. Sometimes it helps to break my writers block and other times it just gives me new ideas.

23. What would you say has been your bigest inspiration in writing?
Um… my biggest inspiration. Well, I started writing poetry first before anything, and my cousin inspired me to do that. After my writing skills grew and matured, I noticed that a lot of people were astounded by my new found talent and I was praised for it whenever people were given the chance to read my work. Of course I thrived on the praises and that has inspired me to write.

24. What was one story you always wished you could find, but never could?
OoO… um… probably a story my friend Sel is looking for (where AJ, Nick and Brian go out to a club or something, Howie and Kevin are back at the hotel because Howie’s sick, but Nick goes missing and both AJ and Brian are trying to find him or something like that). She said it’s a suspenseful story, I’ve never read it but would love to because it’s suspenseful, lol.

25. Choose 3 of your stories (or less, if you don't have 3) and tell us how you came up with the idea for them.
Satan’s Playground - I was just reminiscing, and had remembered the show “Fear” they used to do on MTV and I had always wondered what it would be like if celebrities were to do something like this, thus “Satan’s Playground” was born.

Beautiful Woman - I’ve always wanted to write a comedy about the boys (since I so prone to writing stories pertaining to my fav. genre) and I’ve read stories of the boys’ turning into girls for some reason and I always thought that was funny.

The Rest Is Still Unwritten - This story came about after I watched the movie with Will Farrell where an author is writing a story and he’s unwillingly the character in her story. I just thought the whole idea of a person being able to control someone else’s life just by writing was pretty twisted, lol.

26. If a reader were to compare your writing style to that of a famous/published author, who would they say you write most like, and why?
Um, I really don’t know… I don’t aim to write like another author or whatever, it’s just whatever comes out and I don’t really bother to try and compare my works with others. Writing is a unique talent where you can use words in many different ways, and I think we’re all entitled to our own work.

27. If for some bizarre reason, you had to stop writing fanfic, who would you want to finish your stories? Or would you just leave them unfinished forever? Why?
I don’t have anyone specific in mind, just whoever would want to finish my unfinished stories could take it over, lol.

28. When do you feel the most inspiration strikes you?
When people continue to ask you when you’ll be updating your work and when I’m able to break away from writing for awhile and just be able to read.

29. Tell us one big change you have made to one of your stories that might surprise us? For instance was one a comedy that suddenly turned into a drama?
I tend to alternate between feelings, like I have stories that are suspenseful overall, but also contain a light sense of comedy and drama and all that. In a way I like to keep the reader guessing, not being able to know what’s next.

30. Name a fanfic author you wish was still writing now and why?
Jamelet and Refuse because I liked their stories. Also wouldn’t mind seeing more from Mersey!! Lol. (Mers, I know you’re still out there writing, but I miss seeing updates from you.)

31. What would you say is your biggest quirk when it comes to writing?
I tend to think up all these ideas, get started on it before I forget it and just have a bunch of unfinished stories, lol.

32. Do your characters ever take over your story? And do you take their opinion into account?
Um, yes and no. This may sound weird, but when it comes to fan fiction, it’s my story but at the same time not my story to tell. I say that because it’s my original concept, it’s my idea and in the end I have the last say and should ultimately have control, but then I allow the characters I use to take over because then it’s their time to tell the story, does that make sense?! Lol. My characters are often my alter egos.

*New Questions*

33. If you were able to collab with any author on AC (whether they still write or not) who would you choose to write with and why?

34. Which boy do you think often has the biggest misconceptions in stories? Why?
"Stories are often the lives we wish we could live."


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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2008, 11:49:46 PM »

25. Choose 3 of your stories (or less, if you don't have 3) and tell us how you came up with the idea for them.

Heartache - This was actually my second fanfic, but the first one I finished and put online.  I got the idea from "Cardio," which is one of my old favorite stories but also one of the most depressing downer stories I've ever read LOL.  It's one of the "Brian heart problem" stories, and Brian dies at the end.  The ending works for the story because that's basically the whole point... it's about him going through the process of dying.  But it was SO sad, and I couldn't help but think, "Couldn't he have gotten a heart transplant instead and lived?"  So Heartache started out as basically a "what if...?" scenario to Cardio.

Identical - The idea for Identical was actually sparked by the synposis of a Lifetime movie that I read in the TV guide.  The movie is called "Echoes," and it's about a man whose twin brother kidnaps him and takes over his life.  I didn't actually watch the movie (I've seen it since), but just the synopsis of it immediately appealed to me; I thought it would make a really interesting story, and since I didn't actually watch the movie, I figured I could take the basic premise and make it my own without copying.

You'll Never Walk Alone - YNWA also came from someone else's idea LOL.  One of my favorite books is "Kissed By an Angel" by Elizabeth Chandler, in which a guy gets killed in a car accident and comes back as an angel.  I took the idea and came up with a sort of different storyline for it for a fanfic.  I wish I had thought of the whole idea myself, though.

26. If a reader were to compare your writing style to that of a famous/published author, who would they say you write most like, and why?
Lurlene McDaniel.  That's who I would say I wrote most like, anyway.  If you know her work and you know enough of mine, you will surely see the similarities LOL.  She was my favorite author as an adolescent and has been a HUGE inspiration to me in my writing, and I know you can see that show through certain elements of my stories.

27. If for some bizarre reason, you had to stop writing fanfic, who would you want to finish your stories? Or would you just leave them unfinished forever? Why?
My friend Bianca, the author of "Happenstance."  She's an amazing writer, so I know she would do a wonderful job with my stuff, and she's always on the same page as me with ideas about stuff.  It used to be that she always knew most of my ideas before I wrote them.  The only problem with handing my stories off to her would be that she never updates.  :P  LOL  But maybe she would with mine.  I would definitely like to see them go on, especially with a story I was really committed to, and I would absolutely trust her to finish them in a way I'd be proud of.

28. When do you feel the most inspiration strikes you?
Usually late at night, particularly when I'm hyped up on caffeine, and often in the shower too.

29. Tell us one big change you have made to one of your stories that might surprise us? For instance was one a comedy that suddenly turned into a drama?
My story "The Terror Chronicles" started out as a suspense and became more of a comedy/suspense.  It also started out as one story, which I then wrote two sequels to, and then I combined the three of them into one story and started a prequel and then a sequel, both of which were discontinued.  I had "can't let go" syndrome on that one LOL.

30. Name a fanfic author you wish was still writing now and why?
Susan because she had some really unique ideas, and I loved the quirky way she told her stories.  Also, she left some great stories unfinished!  She stopped writing because she had a baby, and she always talked about coming back, but it's been a few years, and I kinda doubt she will.  Who knows though!

31. What would you say is your biggest quirk when it comes to writing?
LOL I was just talking about this with Amy the other day, kind of.  Apparantly I like to use the word "retch" a lot.  And I've also noticed lately that I tend to have characters remember major things that other characters have said to them, and put them in italics.  Like a flashback, but not a whole scene, just a line.  For dramatic effect or something LOL.  I've been going through Broken lately, and I use it a LOT in that one.
I also can't write a novel without there being at least one hospital scene.  Someone ALWAYS gets hurt or sick in my stories LOL.

32. Do your characters ever take over your story? And do you take their opinion into account?
Sometimes my characters say "I suck, and I'm boring, and I don't want to be written aobut anymore, so please write me out."  LOL  Nah... I dunno...  I guess they do sometimes.  Like in BMS... I was actually going to have Claire's dad die of a heart attack towards the end of the story, and it was going to end up contributing to her decision to leave Jamie, but I just felt REALLY BAD about doing that and couldn't bring myself to do it, so I changed my mind.

Oh, I thought of a better example!  Laureen... the character of Laureen in BMS started out as more of a cameo... and then developed into an actual character... and then I thought she'd be cute with Nick for awhile, so I decided to have them hook up.  That was definitely never planned when I first wrote her in.  So there's a character who kinda took over!

33. If you were able to collab with any author on AC (whether they still write or not) who would you choose to write with and why?
I think Jenna and I would mesh well together.  We have similar preferences when it comes to stories, and we would make a kickass team for any kind of medical drama.  Can't promise Nick or Brian would fare well in such a collaboration though. :D

34. Which boy do you think often has the biggest misconceptions in stories? Why?
I'm gonna say Kevin.  He's usually portrayed as the anal hardass and the strong, fatherly type, especially in a story where he's more of a supporting character and not the lead.  I admit, I'm guilty of writing him that way too cause I like the dynamic it adds to the group, but certainly he's not always like that.

New Questions:

35.  Have you ever turned an original story of yours into a fanfic, or vice versa?  Or written a fic for a certain fandom and then changed it to fit a different fandom?

36.  If you were to publish a novel based on one of your Bsb fics, who would you thank first in your acknowledgment s, besides Bsb (if you would want to thank them)?

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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2008, 04:28:22 AM »

28. When do you feel the most inspiration strikes you?
Usually late at night, particularly when I'm hyped up on caffeine, and often in the shower too.

oddly enough, I get a lot of inspiration in the shower as well...
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2008, 05:20:17 AM »

7.If you had to a pick a fanfic, not your own, to be a movie, what would it be and why?
Um, probably Pbox, which Dee I SO need to catch up on and tell you just how much I love it lol. But I love the whole fantasy/demon stuff and it would make an amazing epic flick.

8.Which boy do you enjoy written portrayals of most, and which author do you think does him best?
I enjoy reading Nick, his portrayals can have so many layers, so yeah. As for who? Mare, her AJ and Nick are just too funny. But I also love Kelly's Brian hehe.

9. If you were Howie which story do you think would he be the most excited to read and why?
Uhhh...probabl y 5 Backstreet Boys In Search Of A Plot, cause even though he's made fun of, I bet Howie would laugh a lot at the cute humor in it.

10.The same if you were Kevin?
Uhhh...I think Fly Fishing, cause that's a cute of age Nick/Kevin story.

11.Which story do you think Brian would be scared to read?
KFC slash fics, cause ewww.

12.Which fic would probably make A.J. a horn dog?
lmao any story involving AJ and a girl

13.Which BSB fic that you have read had the most unique plot and why?
Finding Brotherhood, or Darla, which both are by Mersey, her stories are just lovely. Oh, and Hawk and a Handsaw, cause how many start off the story with Nick already dead and such? So um yeah...

14. If the Boys were forced to write one short BSB related fan fic each, what do you think each one would write about?
Nick: Something with aliens, definitely a sci-fi or something like the show Heroes.

Howie: Probably a sentimental one-shot type fic.

Brian: I see him doing a cute comedy.

AJ: I'll be honest, he'd do a visual.

Kevin: I see him writing a long novel of just how far they've come type of fic.

15.Which genre is your least favourite?

16.If you could, would you ever show your stories to BSB?
Hell no, lol. Mine would scare them.

17. Have you ever written fan fiction for a non BSB fandom?
I've done crossovers, and I've flirted with doing Buffy fanfic but never actually did the Buffy one. So no, no fanfic without BSB in it somewhere.

18. Do you find yourself more interested in the BSB fiction fandom rather than just the BSB fandom?
I enjoy both pretty equal

19. How often do you read other writers work and what catches your attention?
Not as often as I used to, it's more when I have time and not writing. Usually a story by an author I already know, or something like a sci-fi, fantasy, or supernatural. I tend to shy away from romances unless its from an author I already read/collab with/or talk to.

20. In your eyes what makes a good writer?
One who can come up with creative plots or creative ways to use old ideas as new. One who can get her image across in her story, and one who knows how to tell it.

21. Do you dabble in original fiction or just fan fiction and would you read any original fiction written by your favorite fan fic writers?
I do original fiction, and if the idea catches me I'll read others too.

22. Do you ever get inspired to write after reading someone else's story?
Yes, sometimes it helps me get new ideas.

23. What would you say has been your bigest inspiration in writing?
Um I actually couldn't tell you. I've been writing litterally since I was six/seven years old. It's always been natural to me. I'd say music helps inspire me quite a bit. Not to mention authors like Stephen King or Anne Rice.

24. What was one story you always wished you could find, but never could?
Six Degrees of Separation by Karah, she's reappeared in fiction world, but she told me that story was lost on an old computer. Which sucks cause I loved it, it was a great comedy.

25. Choose 3 of your stories (or less, if you don't have 3) and tell us how you came up with the idea for them.
Rehab - litterally the song "Rehab" by Rihanna came on, I listened to the lyrics and went "what if..." and it came from there.

00Carter - Man that was inspired from a bored 4am chat with Julie and Dee, all cause I wanted to see Nick order a coco...shaken, not stirred. Which STILL needs to be in the fic somehow, I demand it! lol. But yeah, and then the idea of him as an agent, well exploded to what it is now.

Divisions of Reality - is from years of being an addict of Star Wars movies LOL, I wanted to write a sci-fi, so had my former cowriter, so we went from there and many of my original ideas were inspired from those movies.

26. If a reader were to compare your writing style to that of a famous/published author, who would they say you write most like, and why?
Uhhh I couldn't tell you. I read so much with so many authors, I couldn't tell you which bit came from where.

27. If for some bizarre reason, you had to stop writing fanfic, who would you want to finish your stories? Or would you just leave them unfinished forever? Why?
Um, I'm not sure, cause I have a wide range of fic genres now, I'd divvy em up to who'd be best for it.

28. When do you feel the most inspiration strikes you?
Seeing a ton of feedback for a fic, or usually sometime after 10 pm, cause I'm a nightowl lol.

29. Tell us one big change you have made to one of your stories that might surprise us? For instance was one a comedy that suddenly turned into a drama?
Um... oh Rehab was going to be 3rd person except the prologue and it just did not happen lol.

30. Name a fanfic author you wish was still writing now and why?
Eboni, I adored her stuff like "The Answer Is Yes" I wish she'd never have quit.
(OH rebellious_one , Jamelet is still writing fyi, she just posts it elsewhere, her and I have a collab together still here on AC :) )

31. What would you say is your biggest quirk when it comes to writing?
The fact I tend to collab a ton lol.

32. Do your characters ever take over your story? And do you take their opinion into account?
Dear god yes, they change things a lot. And really it is "their" lives, and so their opinions count like it would in reality.

33. If you were able to collab with any author on AC (whether they still write or not) who would you choose to write with and why?
I collab with a lot here people LOL. But, Eboni, she was my fave writer, wish I had been better at fanfic then and had the guts to email and ask.

34. Which boy do you think often has the biggest misconceptions in stories? Why?
Nick is almost always the dumb one, and it gets annoying lol. I personally think he's smarter than he lets on.

35.  Have you ever turned an original story of yours into a fanfic, or vice versa?  Or written a fic for a certain fandom and then changed it to fit a different fandom?
"Just Another Day" was at first Original Fiction

36.  If you were to publish a novel based on one of your Bsb fics, who would you thank first in your acknowledgment s, besides Bsb (if you would want to thank them)?
 The ones who supported me the most in writing the fic, and my family, and my best friend.

new questions:

37. Of all your stories which of your original characters included was your favorite to write and why?

38. If you had to pick one established published author to collaborate with, who would it be and why?
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2008, 01:59:29 PM »

17. Have you ever written fan fiction for a non BSB fandom?
I wrote a couple of Sailor Moon one shots, as well as some Gundam Wing one shots.  Nothing to the extent that I write for Backstreet Boys though... well, I did write one Aaron Carter story (to this day it's the only multi-chapter fic that I've actually finished) but I think that still sort of counts in this fandom

18. Do you find yourself more interested in the BSB fiction fandom rather than just the BSB fandom?
I enjoy both the same =)

19. How often do you read other writers work and what catches your attention?
Not as much as I did before.  Now I find that I have hardly any free time, so when I do have a couple of spare minutes I spend it writing.  There are a lot of stories I'd like to read eventually though.

20. In your eyes what makes a good writer?
Someone who can make the characters leap off the page and seem real.  If you're able to create more than just a one dimensional character, that's good writing in my eyes.

21. Do you dabble in original fiction or just fan fiction and would you read any original fiction written by your favorite fan fic writers?
I'm in the process of writing an original fiction, but I find myself somewhat unmotivated.    Right now, I don't have enough time to read all the BSB stories by my favourite authors, so until I'm able to do that I think I'd have to put reading original fiction on the backburner :P

22. Do you ever get inspired to write after reading someone else's story?
Of course.  If I read something that I enjoy, I'm inspired to go work on my own story and try to work up to how well that particular author wrote theirs.

23. What would you say has been your bigest inspiration in writing?
I have no idea.  My friends and I used to talk about what would happen if we ever met the Backstreet Boys.  That's sort of where "Not Like We Predicted" came from.  I get ideas for plots from all over the place.

24. What was one story you always wished you could find, but never could?
"I Need You Tonight" By Angie. When that story was still up, I read it many, many times over.  Now that the website's gone I haven't been able to find it anywhere.  It's a shame, it's still one of my favourites.

25. Choose 3 of your stories (or less, if you don't have 3) and tell us how you came up with the idea for them.
"Red Herring" came from my boyfriend saying I should write a House fan fic

"What Becomes of The Broken Hearted" & The sequel "Hearts are Wasted, Lives are Broken" came from.... actually, I have no idea where they came from.  I was probably day dreaming in class.  It was my frist attempt at an Aaron Carter fic, and back in the ff.net days, it was really well received.

"Not Like We Predicted" was a product of my friend and I talking about how cool it would be if we knew the backstreet boys.  I remember us talking about all kinds of crazy things that could happen, and eventually it turned into this.

26. If a reader were to compare your writing style to that of a famous/published author, who would they say you write most like, and why?
I have no idea, I don't read very often.

27. If for some bizarre reason, you had to stop writing fanfic, who would you want to finish your stories? Or would you just leave them unfinished forever? Why?
I think I'd just leave them unfinished.  It's not that I don't think someone else could write them well, I just have such a clear idea of what I want to happen with them in my head.  Especially NLWP, it's my baby.  I've been writing it off and on for eight years.  If someone else finished it, it wouldn't feel like mine anymore.

28. When do you feel the most inspiration strikes you?
Whenever I see a new review, especially if it comes from an author I really respect.

29. Tell us one big change you have made to one of your stories that might surprise us? For instance was one a comedy that suddenly turned into a drama?
What Becomes of the Broken Hearted became such a fluff story.  It wasn't intentional, it was supposed to be sad and angsty.... but Char adored it, and so I stretched out the relationship between her and Aaron to span almost half the story, when it was only supposed to last for a couple of chapters.  In the end I think it worked out okay, seeing more of their relationship I think helped readers feel more pain for the characters when they broke up.

30. Name a fanfic author you wish was still writing now and why?
Angie.  I want to know how I Need You Tonight ends, dammit!

31. What would you say is your biggest quirk when it comes to writing?
Nick.  Nick Nick Nick Nick.  He's always the main character, and if by chance he's not....well he gets a sequel devoted to him, lol.

32. Do your characters ever take over your story? And do you take their opinion into account?
Always.  I'm constantly changing my ideas around in my head.  I'll have an idea, and then the story will get to that point and I'll have to change it because the original idea doesn't fit the character anymore.

33. If you were able to collab with any author on AC (whether they still write or not) who would you choose to write with and why?
I don't know, everyone here writes so well. 

34. Which boy do you think often has the biggest misconceptions in stories? Why?
Howie is always giving advice and helping the others out.  I bet he gets irritated with them from time to time.

35.  Have you ever turned an original story of yours into a fanfic, or vice versa?  Or written a fic for a certain fandom and then changed it to fit a different fandom?
I haven't done this yet, but I'm thinking of turning my original fiction "Anime Club" into a bsb fan fic instead.  We'll see.... it'll probably turn out more boring as a fic though.

36.  If you were to publish a novel based on one of your Bsb fics, who would you thank first in your acknowledgment s, besides Bsb (if you would want to thank them)?
The girls that Sophie, Charline and Jocelyn are based off of.

37. Of all your stories which of your original characters included was your favorite to write and why?
I always enjoy writing Charline.  I think it's amusing that she's the youngest of the group and yet she's the only one that seems to act mature and responsible.

38. If you had to pick one established published author to collaborate with, who would it be and why?
I honestly don't know, I don't read very much hehe.

New questions!

39. Is there any unfinished story out there that you think would be fun to finish yourself?

40. Have you ever heard a song and your immediate thought is; "That would make a great fic!" ?
~Saka ♥

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- Rainbow Rowell


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Re: The return of the five questions...minus three
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2008, 12:52:01 AM »

Yes, me again-lol. Answering the ones I didn't answer already.  :D

13.Which BSB fic that you have read had the most unique plot and why?
For The Fans - 'cause who would ever write about a psycho killing off fellow fans??? *shudders* [wait, aren't I sorta doing that now in my one new fic? lmao!]

14. If the Boys were forced to write one short BSB related fan fic each, what do you think each one would write about?

A.J.: I see him writing a romance novel - mush & all. Lol.

Brian: Most definitely comedy or a children book.

Howie: Some Spanish romance novel or something about real estate.

Nick: Aliens, Monsters, Super Heroes, etc.

Kevin: Some really disturbing mystery/suspense novel, just to throw us all for a loop - lol.

15.Which genre is your least favourite?
Fantasy - depends on what the story summary is, though I don't think I've ever really read one - lol.

16.If you could, would you ever show your stories to BSB?
Well, technically, Brian already has one of mine. So I've been told anyway. Someone I know was maknig him a Fan Book & she stuck my fic in there for me, & Brian told her he loves Fan Books & always reads them & stuff, so I'm guessing he's most likely read my fic, Gone Without Goodbye as well as the poem I'd written for him. I'm hoping so anyway - just wish the man had used my number to call me & tell me his thoughts on it - haha.

17. Have you ever written fan fiction for a non BSB fandom?
Yup. TMNT, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, X-men, Baywatch, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Start Trek: The Next Generation, Lizzie McGuire, Home Improvement, Clay Aiken/American Idol, etc.

18. Do you find yourself more interested in the BSB fiction fandom rather than just the BSB fandom?
I enjoy both, but I do read more fan fics than I do actual facts about what BSB is up too at the moment - I have someone who tells me all of that. By the way, apparently Everything But Mine is gonna be the 3rd single - lol.

19. How often do you read other writers work and what catches your attention?
I read their fics more than I write mine - haha. Though, I've re-read some of mine too - lol. Though, I've re-read nothing more than No Matter What.  :-[

20. In your eyes what makes a good writer?
Someone who comes up with a completely unique idea & knows how to sell it, & sells it well. Someone who can draw you into the story almost immediately, & makes you get so extremely attached to the characters you're not afraid to cuss the characters out as though they're real people.

21. Do you dabble in original fiction or just fan fiction and would you read any original fiction written by your favorite fan fic writers?
I've done a couple original fiction, I think. I know I've done one at least - lol. And I've read a couple original fics, I just can't remember who by.

22. Do you ever get inspired to write after reading someone else's story?
Well, if their story causes me to have a dream based on their story, then yeah. Otherwise, I'm not sure.

23. What would you say has been your biggest inspiration in writing?
I've been writing since as far back as I can remember. I write because it's fun & it's the only thing that has ever made any sense whatsoever to me. Everything else has me pretty much baffled.

24. What was one story you always wished you could find, but never could?
Time - it used to be on bsbblvd.com & is long since gone, but I miss it so. I've explained it in the section on here that you can ask if anyone's seen the fics - apparently, it's lost for good.  :'(

25. Choose 3 of your stories (or less, if you don't have 3) and tell us how you came up with the idea for them.

Car Ride: Dreamed about it after reading The Importance Of Fly Fishing by Mare. It was such a fun lil' dream. I'd plans to continue it, but stupidly never wrote the idea down.

Concrete Angel: Heard the song on the radio & bawled. I knew it would be perfect for an alternative Tesia/A.J. fic.  :D

Elliot's Girl: Was daydreaming about ideas while watching Law & Order: SVU. I kept coming up with all these crazy ideas, & suddenly Bam! I knew what I was gonna write - lol.

26. If a reader were to compare your writing style to that of a famous/published author, who would they say you write most like, and why?
My grade 8 teacher said I'd be another Danielle Steele back during my grade 8 graduation. Though, I think he was basically saying I was gonna be famous like her & such - I'm still working on it.  :-\

27. If for some bizarre reason, you had to stop writing fanfic, who would you want to finish your stories? Or would you just leave them unfinished forever? Why?
I'd be devastated if I couldn't write my fics. Writing is a huge part of who I am. I don't know if I'd be able to let anyone else invade my territory.

28. When do you feel the most inspiration strikes you?
Daydreaming, reviews, watching T.V. shows that kinda relate to what I'm currently writing, dreams, etc.

29. Tell us one big change you have made to one of your stories that might surprise us? For instance was one a comedy that suddenly turned into a drama?
Um....other than changing the ratings, I don't know. Prolly The Child. It started off as a normal TMNT fic, but then it got a bit more disturbing as I went on writing it. I still cringe when reading it sometimes, but won't change it.

30. Name a fanfic author you wish was still writing now and why?
Well, eventually it seems, it'll be Mare. But everyone else I like is still writing thus far, so no worries there. Phew!

31. What would you say is your biggest quirk when it comes to writing?
Daydreaming about the story relentlessly, trying to think up new ideas for it. And how I want to blab details, but refuse too. I like to toy with people some - it's fun! Lol.

32. Do your characters ever take over your story? And do you take their opinion into account?
Yes, they tend to take over sometimes. I usually just let them, as their ideas seem better. But when they do things sooner than I'd planned, well, then that forces me to change everything! Grr. Lol.

33. If you were able to collab with any author on AC (whether they still write or not) who would you choose to write with and why?
I'd love to do a collab with Honey! I'm already doing one with ForeverRebel & others with Daydream - lol.

34. Which boy do you think often has the biggest misconceptions in stories? Why?
Nick is always the immature idiotic goofball. Because for some reason us fans perceive him that way-lol. Though, I can't complain, I write him like that too sometimes - okay, more than sometimes - haha.

35.  Have you ever turned an original story of yours into a fanfic, or vice versa?  Or written a fic for a certain fandom and then changed it to fit a different fandom?
I usually turn my original fics into fan fics, so they're easier to write about - then I struggle to change them back alter - haha.

36.  If you were to publish a novel based on one of your Bsb fics, who would you thank first in your acknowledgment s, besides Bsb (if you would want to thank them)?
Mr. Buffam, my grade 8 teacher - I promised him I'd dedicate my first novel to him, & yes I still remember that. And after him, basically everyone else - lol.

37. Of all your stories which of your original characters included was your favorite to write and why? Tesia because she can be all sweet and innocent one moment, and a holy terror the next. Also, I love Ellie [No Matter What], when I do get to write her - for the same reasons really, & how no matter what, she always loves to snuggle with her Kevy.

38. If you had to pick one established published author to collaborate with, who would it be and why?
Mare because she knows how to write Amazing fics!

39. Is there any unfinished story out there that you think would be fun to finish yourself? Um.....no idea. I usually on read the finished ones. Heh.

40. Have you ever heard a song and your immediate thought is; "That would make a great fic!" ? Hello! Have you SEEN my list of song fics on here!?!?!?! Obviously, the answer is YES! Lol.


41. Do you have pet peeves about the people who review your stories???

42. Do you ever show anyone in your family your fan fics???
Concert Tickets: $270
3 BSB T-Shirts: $105
BSB Sweater: $85
Poster & Book: $30
Having Brian grab me & pull me close during sound check: PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Train Ticket: $14.95
Bus Fare: $3.50
Marilyn Denis Show Ticket: Free
Nick Carter singing to me on live television: PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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