Yes, me again-lol. Answering the ones I didn't answer already.

13.Which BSB fic that you have read had the most unique plot and why?
For The Fans - 'cause who would ever write about a psycho killing off fellow fans??? *shudders* [wait, aren't I sorta doing that now in my one new fic? lmao!]
14. If the Boys were forced to write one short BSB related fan fic each, what do you think each one would write about?
A.J.: I see him writing a romance novel - mush & all. Lol.
Brian: Most definitely comedy or a children book.
Howie: Some Spanish romance novel or something about real estate.
Nick: Aliens, Monsters, Super Heroes, etc.
Kevin: Some really disturbing mystery/suspense novel, just to throw us all for a loop - lol.
15.Which genre is your least favourite?
Fantasy - depends on what the story summary is, though I don't think I've ever really read one - lol.
16.If you could, would you ever show your stories to BSB?
Well, technically, Brian already has one of mine. So I've been told anyway. Someone I know was maknig him a Fan Book & she stuck my fic in there for me, & Brian told her he loves Fan Books & always reads them & stuff, so I'm guessing he's most likely read my fic,
Gone Without Goodbye as well as the poem I'd written for him. I'm hoping so anyway - just wish the man had used my number to call me & tell me his thoughts on it - haha.
17. Have you ever written fan fiction for a non BSB fandom?
Yup. TMNT, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, X-men, Baywatch, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Start Trek: The Next Generation, Lizzie McGuire, Home Improvement, Clay Aiken/American Idol, etc.
18. Do you find yourself more interested in the BSB fiction fandom rather than just the BSB fandom?
I enjoy both, but I do read more fan fics than I do actual facts about what BSB is up too at the moment - I have someone who tells me all of that. By the way, apparently Everything But Mine is gonna be the 3rd single - lol.
19. How often do you read other writers work and what catches your attention?
I read their fics more than I write mine - haha. Though, I've re-read some of mine too - lol. Though, I've re-read nothing more than No Matter What.

20. In your eyes what makes a good writer?
Someone who comes up with a completely unique idea & knows how to sell it, & sells it well. Someone who can draw you into the story almost immediately, & makes you get so extremely attached to the characters you're not afraid to cuss the characters out as though they're real people.
21. Do you dabble in original fiction or just fan fiction and would you read any original fiction written by your favorite fan fic writers?
I've done a couple original fiction, I think. I know I've done one at least - lol. And I've read a couple original fics, I just can't remember who by.
22. Do you ever get inspired to write after reading someone else's story?
Well, if their story causes me to have a dream based on their story, then yeah. Otherwise, I'm not sure.
23. What would you say has been your biggest inspiration in writing?
I've been writing since as far back as I can remember. I write because it's fun & it's the only thing that has ever made any sense whatsoever to me. Everything else has me pretty much baffled.
24. What was one story you always wished you could find, but never could?
Time - it used to be on & is long since gone, but I miss it so. I've explained it in the section on here that you can ask if anyone's seen the fics - apparently, it's lost for good. :'(
25. Choose 3 of your stories (or less, if you don't have 3) and tell us how you came up with the idea for them.
Car Ride: Dreamed about it after reading The Importance Of Fly Fishing by Mare. It was such a fun lil' dream. I'd plans to continue it, but stupidly never wrote the idea down.
Concrete Angel: Heard the song on the radio & bawled. I knew it would be
perfect for an alternative Tesia/A.J. fic.

Elliot's Girl: Was daydreaming about ideas while watching Law & Order: SVU. I kept coming up with all these crazy ideas, & suddenly Bam! I knew what I was gonna write - lol.
26. If a reader were to compare your writing style to that of a famous/published author, who would they say you write most like, and why?
My grade 8 teacher said I'd be another Danielle Steele back during my grade 8 graduation. Though, I think he was basically saying I was gonna be famous like her & such - I'm still working on it.

27. If for some bizarre reason, you had to stop writing fanfic, who would you want to finish your stories? Or would you just leave them unfinished forever? Why?
I'd be devastated if I couldn't write my fics. Writing is a huge part of who I am. I don't know if I'd be able to let anyone else invade my territory.
28. When do you feel the most inspiration strikes you?
Daydreaming, reviews, watching T.V. shows that kinda relate to what I'm currently writing, dreams, etc.
29. Tell us one big change you have made to one of your stories that might surprise us? For instance was one a comedy that suddenly turned into a drama?
Um....other than changing the ratings, I don't know. Prolly The Child. It started off as a normal TMNT fic, but then it got a bit more disturbing as I went on writing it. I still cringe when reading it sometimes, but won't change it.
30. Name a fanfic author you wish was still writing now and why?
Well, eventually it seems, it'll be Mare. But everyone else I like is still writing thus far, so no worries there. Phew!
31. What would you say is your biggest quirk when it comes to writing?
Daydreaming about the story relentlessly, trying to think up new ideas for it. And how I want to blab details, but refuse too. I like to toy with people some - it's fun! Lol.
32. Do your characters ever take over your story? And do you take their opinion into account?
Yes, they tend to take over sometimes. I usually just let them, as their ideas seem better. But when they do things sooner than I'd planned, well, then that forces me to change everything! Grr. Lol.
33. If you were able to collab with any author on AC (whether they still write or not) who would you choose to write with and why?
I'd love to do a collab with Honey! I'm already doing one with ForeverRebel & others with Daydream - lol.
34. Which boy do you think often has the biggest misconceptions in stories? Why?
Nick is always the immature idiotic goofball. Because for some reason us fans perceive him that way-lol. Though, I can't complain, I write him like that too sometimes - okay, more than sometimes - haha.
35. Have you ever turned an original story of yours into a fanfic, or vice versa? Or written a fic for a certain fandom and then changed it to fit a different fandom?
I usually turn my original fics into fan fics, so they're easier to write about - then I struggle to change them back alter - haha.
36. If you were to publish a novel based on one of your Bsb fics, who would you thank first in your acknowledgment s, besides Bsb (if you would want to thank them)?
Mr. Buffam, my grade 8 teacher - I promised him I'd dedicate my first novel to him, & yes I still remember that. And after him, basically everyone else - lol.
37. Of all your stories which of your original characters included was your favorite to write and why? Tesia because she can be all sweet and innocent one moment, and a holy terror the next. Also, I love Ellie [No Matter What], when I do get to write her - for the same reasons really, & how no matter what, she always loves to snuggle with
her Kevy.
38. If you had to pick one established published author to collaborate with, who would it be and why?
Mare because she knows how to write Amazing fics!
39. Is there any unfinished story out there that you think would be fun to finish yourself? idea. I usually on read the finished ones. Heh.
40. Have you ever heard a song and your immediate thought is; "That would make a great fic!" ? Hello! Have you SEEN my list of song fics on here!?!?!?! Obviously, the answer is YES! Lol.
41. Do you have pet peeves about the people who review your stories???
42. Do you ever show anyone in your family your fan fics???