Now I know all of us are busy. I know I am lol. But a random idea spawned into a fun one in another thread and I wanna try it out. Its gonna be a miniseries/show of 00Carter (unless we find a suitable number for Nick lol). Where its very James Bondish, only with Nick in the main role. Now if anyone has read Code Blue, it'll be like that. With a big team of writers and episodes, major characters. The epis will be his adventures hehehe. Agent Carter is saving the world. One woman at a time.

So far we have: (remember this is temporary)
Kevin and AJ as Nick's bosses. K and Jay instead of M and Q
Howie, is our villan...Dr Rough
One the Carter Girls is going to be called Red Jewel.
Brian is either a contact for Nick, or a CIA agent Nick sometimes partners up with...or maybe another 00 agent.
Justin Timberlake is a Howie minion.
I would love to do this with a bunch of talented writers and make this a fun project. How could this not be fun? hehe your poster here lol