Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the month for January 2008 - Just Another Day by Rose

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Aww yes I love your Brian fluff. Wuv it :D

Hey Rose,

Here are a few questions for you

Where did you come up with the name Calypso for your character and how much, if any, of yourself did you put into her?

What made you decide to make Nick her love interest?

I have a question too!  ;D How come after choosing to make the guys still be famous musicians, you decided to make them not the Backstreet Boys? I think you told me that once, but I can't remember.


--- Quote from: mare on January 05, 2008, 07:34:06 AM ---Hey Rose,

Here are a few questions for you

Where did you come up with the name Calypso for your character and how much, if any, of yourself did you put into her?

What made you decide to make Nick her love interest?

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I love unique names, and since I wanted her to be average to the point of unnoticed, I wanted something to contrast that. So I picked Calypso cause I could shorten it to a normal sounding nickname. She has some of me, like a few of the same interests, and naturally all writers put a little of themselves in the characters. But it's not a lot.

I had her be with Nick cause honestly Nick and AJ have the worst romance history, and its always the same kind of girl. Nick is my fave though so I picked him, I honestly feel Nick needs a normal girl in real life, I think he'd be happier.


--- Quote from: honey on January 05, 2008, 11:31:32 AM ---I have a question too!  ;D How come after choosing to make the guys still be famous musicians, you decided to make them not the Backstreet Boys? I think you told me that once, but I can't remember.

--- End quote ---

Well there's two reasons, because it originally started as original fiction, so they were a rock group. And the other reason is I wanted to make them something Cally wouldn't recognize instantly. I feel any girl of the 90's even if they hated boybands, would recognize say Nick Lachey or JC Chasez, etc. I love Linkin Park, but if I ran into say Chester Bennington, I'd never have realized it was him till later. So I made them a different group to keep the integrity and believability of the story intact.


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