Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the month for January 2008 - Just Another Day by Rose

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Congrats Rose! (Yeah, as always, I'm late lol)

Ah, that's really interesting that you didn't have the guys be BSB. That was smart thinking though. lol

At least I'm not late in reading this story!
I´ve started right after my previous post and am almost done..
What can I say, I read fast.. good, remember details and such, just fast!

I gotta say I love this story. I´m not really into love stories all that much, but this one is good! I´ll give you a better, longer, more detailed review later on!

Got a question first though. (I also asked in the review-part on the AC-site, but still..)

It's about chapter 17:
I'm kinda confused though.. About this:

“But you SO like him! That’s the guy who you talked about before Sebby came to town right?”

“Yeah it was him-”


Izzy met him right? In the living room when the whole fight with Devi was going on.. So why does she ask this question??

Is it sarcasm? Or is it because Cally never told her that the guy she talked to on the phone actually is Nick? Or.. am I just crazy and imagining things?!

Well she mentioned a guy she met earlier in the story when she was talking to Isabel, but never actually named him. That she liked him and all that. She never said it was actually Nick, Iz just was making sure it was the same guy :)

Okay! I figured it was probably that.. but ya never know :)

I was planning on leaving a huge (well, maybe not huge, just longer) review, but I just got a call that I have to go to work soon.. I will give you one later though!


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