Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the month for January 2008 - Just Another Day by Rose

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Now for my fave chapter and why:

It's chapter... drumroll please..

Well, actually, it's the second part of chapter 6 (Damn) and then chapter 7 (Us? Babysitting?).

I mean, we must all agree that it is funny as hell that the two of them get stuck. I could see it happen and it really made me laugh out loud (very loud, I might add). It's just so Nickish AND Cally-ish to end up in that situation.

But what I liked about it, was the fact that it terrificly shows how people can misinterpret signals. When Nick sees her standing in front of the Littrell's door, he's thinking about how good she looks in her own way and how he lost his tongue because he's in awe. Cally on the other hand is absolutely convinced that Nick is annoyed by her standing there and that she's everything he considers ugly.

It's a perfect illustration of misinterpretat ing the situation. I love it! I mean, who doesn't think for the other in some situation? Everyone does, don't we? And this shows how wrong we might be. I love it!

Now I also have a fav line, I just can't seem to find it right now.. When I have, I'll post it! >
Got it! It's more than one line though.. It's the moment Nick realises Brian was right. I especially love the part I painted black. Chapter 18: Blind but now I see. >

Thinking back I guess this girl stood out to me from the get go. She was everything I know the world wasn’t supposed to be. I was dating the kind of girl who the world expected me to date. Legs that go on forever, sex when she walks, cocky, and knows exactly who’s she’s dating and what she knows she “should” get from me because of it.

“And Cally ran because fame scared her along with expensive gifts?”

I blinked, surprised. Fuck. He had a point. Damn that Brian. Gets me every damn time. “Yeah...guess so...”

“Nick, not telling you how to live your life, but here is a free piece of advice. Keep this friend, she’s rare. I’ll see you at the studio.”

Wow I have a lot to reply to lol.

I'm so glad you love Cally, cause honestly I tried to make her as real as possible. But I wanted her to still be likable with her issues intact. She's more apt to go for what she wants in say the sequel but it is obvious that issue is there, just not as much. But yes a lot of that has to do with the fact she is only eighteen years old.

Nick, I portrayed him the way I saw him in the year 2004/2005, cause that's the Nick I was going for. Hence why he does have a "recent" ex called London lol. I seriously think he was in a dark place and needed someone to help pull him out bit by bit, which Cally happened to be that person.

As for Brian and Cally, I myself have had moments where I met someone, realized I needed to keep contact even if there isn't a real reason as to why, and got a number. Knowing it seemed odd lol. For me, that moment plays off as a meant to be moment since that's how Nick gets the number, calls Cally and sets off the whole chain.

-Yes Tracy is evil, but every man has a gf who is someone you know is just so he can get the booty.
- The way Cally answers her phone is the way my friend answers his phone lol, thats where I got the idea from.
- Sebastian although misguided, had the best intentions. (LOL I hate defending him but even I know this). He's the good friend who would even have them hate him if it meant she was protected, he thought he was protecting her.
- I love the Grove incident, to me at that point of the story, it's "what could be" in the sweetness of it, and in the paparazzi attack cause both come with Nick.

How did you come up with the title for this story? I mean, did you already have the title and sorta built a story around it? Or did it at first have another title? Or maybe (a lot of 'or's lol) did you have the storyline and couldn't come up with a title then?

Actually at first I was going to name it "Happenstance" because of how the story does start off because of a chance of fate. But it didn't sit well with me. Then, I heard this kinda cheesy song by Jesse McCartney on some movie that was on, called "Best Day of My Life", and the chorus goes:
just another day, it started out like any other, just another day, she took my breath, then she turned around, she took me down...just another day I had the best day of my life. I guess it goes to show you never really know when everything's about to change...And it basically said the theme of the story I had in mind, how everything can change on Just Another Day. And the title was born lol

Why did you decide to keep the other guys (mostly Howie, Kevin and AJ) out of the story for the most part? Special reason or didn't they belong/fit in JAD?
They just didn't fit in the way I would have liked. AJ started popping in more, and will be in more the sequel. Howie and Kevin I'm also trying to fit in more, but yeah, it's mainly always going to be Nick and Brian. No special reason to it though.

Ugh.. and another question popped in my head yesterday while I was at work.. but I can't think of it right now..

Owh, and by the way.. I love the Nickname Cally gave Nick! And I love his thoughts about it lol..
LOL Oh you mean Squishy! lmfao honestly the way Nick can be when he's hyper (in the fic or real life lol), is adorable. And it's from Finding Nemo, and just, seems to fit Cally's own brand of randomness and Nick's. I think it's cute lol.


--- Quote from: Nijntje on January 13, 2008, 03:12:21 PM ---Now for my fave chapter and why:

It's chapter... drumroll please..

Well, actually, it's the second part of chapter 6 (Damn) and then chapter 7 (Us? Babysitting?).

I mean, we must all agree that it is funny as hell that the two of them get stuck. I could see it happen and it really made me laugh out loud (very loud, I might add). It's just so Nickish AND Cally-ish to end up in that situation.

But what I liked about it, was the fact that it terrificly shows how people can misinterpret signals. When Nick sees her standing in front of the Littrell's door, he's thinking about how good she looks in her own way and how he lost his tongue because he's in awe. Cally on the other hand is absolutely convinced that Nick is annoyed by her standing there and that she's everything he considers ugly.

It's a perfect illustration of misinterpretat ing the situation. I love it! I mean, who doesn't think for the other in some situation? Everyone does, don't we? And this shows how wrong we might be. I love it!

Now I also have a fav line, I just can't seem to find it right now.. When I have, I'll post it! >
Got it! It's more than one line though.. It's the moment Nick realises Brian was right. I especially love the part I painted black. Chapter 18: Blind but now I see. >

Thinking back I guess this girl stood out to me from the get go. She was everything I know the world wasn’t supposed to be. I was dating the kind of girl who the world expected me to date. Legs that go on forever, sex when she walks, cocky, and knows exactly who’s she’s dating and what she knows she “should” get from me because of it.

“And Cally ran because fame scared her along with expensive gifts?”

I blinked, surprised. Fuck. He had a point. Damn that Brian. Gets me every damn time. “Yeah...guess so...”

“Nick, not telling you how to live your life, but here is a free piece of advice. Keep this friend, she’s rare. I’ll see you at the studio.”

--- End quote ---

The babysitting chapters, those were fun to write honestly. I was cracking up the entire time. I was originally going to try to squeeze it all in one but figured it deserved two lol. I'm glad you saw I was going for the idea that people misread signals so badly all the time. It was my first chance to really face their POVs against each other since I was using both and it had them both there thinking about the other lol. And with as clumsy as they both can be, getting stuck isn't a huge stretch of the imagination lol.

And chapter 18, I had a hard time with that one, cause Nick finally opened his eyes to what's been there all along. I wasn't sure how to go about it without making it bad lol. So I'm glad you liked that scene as well.  ;D

Oh side note cause I forgot to put this in my earlier post, I'm glad you liked how I snuck in all this BSB stuff to make it FOI. I wanted the transition to be smooth and still have the group we're all fans of in essence be there somehow.

Thanks Rose for the replies!


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