Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the month for January 2008 - Just Another Day by Rose

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Yay since I see you online Rose, I'll bother you some more with questions lol

Of course once I actually think of these questions you'll probably be offline but hey, at least they'll be waiting for you :)

I know that currently you are working on the sequel to this story, what made you decide to write Glitz and Glamour and do you think there will be a part three?

How different do you think the story would have turned out if you had made the BSB the actual BSB? Or do you think it would have ended up going in the same direction?

If you decided not to write a sequel to this one, how would you have ended it?

:) lol

And here's another question from me!

Have you ever thought of deleting the whole thing? If so, why? And why did you decide against it?

Did you already have an outline for the sequel or did you go and think: "you know what, I'm gonna write a sequel and I'll see where it takes me!"

Oh, and I have a question about the sequel title.. Now I know it's official the JAD-thread, but still.. I gotta knowwwwwwwwwww www! How did you come up with the title? Especially the 'glitz' instead of 'glitter'. (Now, this might seem to be a dumb question if you live in the US, I dunno.. but to me, it really is a big question.. lol)

And about JAD. (Which by the way, is NOT a cheesy song lol. I have it on my iPod!) Have the characters ever 'decided' on doing something that you hadn't planned for them?


I know that currently you are working on the sequel to this story, what made you decide to write Glitz and Glamour and do you think there will be a part three?
Originally, I wasn't going to, it was supposed to be one fic, but then I realized it turns into a completely different story around the place where I ended it. And because to me it is, I decided to cut the first one off there and tell the second story, and yes there is a part three :)

How different do you think the story would have turned out if you had made the BSB the actual BSB? Or do you think it would have ended up going in the same direction? I don't think it would have worked as well. Because to keep Cally Cally, she would have recognized Brian immediately and it would have changed the entire story.

If you decided not to write a sequel to this one, how would you have ended it? It would have been a lot longer to tie up every single end I wanted to lol.


Have you ever thought of deleting the whole thing? If so, why? And why did you decide against it? Quitting? Sure, deleting? No cause still enjoyed what I wrote and wanted to share. I have old stuff from 03 up, so why delete this? lol.

Did you already have an outline for the sequel or did you go and think: "you know what, I'm gonna write a sequel and I'll see where it takes me!" I'm not big on outlines, but about halfway through I decided it needed a separate story and not a long continuation.

Oh, and I have a question about the sequel title.. Now I know it's official the JAD-thread, but still.. I gotta knowwwwwwwwwww www! How did you come up with the title? Especially the 'glitz' instead of 'glitter'. (Now, this might seem to be a dumb question if you live in the US, I dunno.. but to me, it really is a big question.. lol) People call hollywood a world of glitz and glamour, and thats really what this story is focusing on, which is why that became the title :)

And about JAD. (Which by the way, is NOT a cheesy song lol. I have it on my iPod!) Have the characters ever 'decided' on doing something that you hadn't planned for them?lol it's cheesy but I like cheesy. And yes they have, Nick was supposed to kiss Cally far sooner than he did, he just kept putting it off, the brat. :)

Wow! I can't believe we are already entering the last week of January.

Are there anymore questions for Rose? Or Rose is there anything else you can tell us about your stories? Something you would like your readers to know? A sneak peak of the third story perhaps?


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