Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story of the month for January 2008 - Just Another Day by Rose

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I know! It's crazy. I wanna say thank you again, honestly I'm just all squeee about this. So thankies again to everyone who commented or read the stories. I love ya all :).

I can't give away the third story, cause yeah. But I can put up the banner I have for it cause it reveals nada lol, since I list my summaries below my banners anyway. It's more a tease hehe. Especially since when I finally do start on it, I may change it. It was when I first heard the song Downpour that I finally got the idea for the title (i've had the concept lol)

They're gonna break up, aren't they? lol

Is her real name gypsydoodle? LOL


--- Quote from: mare on January 27, 2008, 02:13:52 PM ---Is her real name gypsydoodle? LOL

--- End quote ---

LMAO. Now that would be a plot twist. lol

lmao no gypsiedoodle is her twin

And Dee well, they have issues, but hell what couple doesn't? You know me, can't stay fluffy forever!


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