Maybe that's because being LDS is not just a religion, but really a lifestyle and following the mormon rules so to say is very difficult at times. If I didn't understand why I do the things I do, and believe that they're right, there's no way I would actually live by this religion.
That's pretty much how Islam works as well. It doesn't just govern what you believe but how you live your life according to those beliefs. 'Course, as with every religion, there are Muslims that pick and choose what they want to follow and whatnot, but, for the most part, Islam put down a set of guidelines of morals and legalities and Muslims follow them.
I always wanted to know about religions, not because i was insecure in my own, but because it's just so interesting how similar they all are. And, because, in the end it goes back to my anthropologica
l interests in how and where and why these religions are so similar. LOL My little academic self coming out. I was almost a religion and anthro double major...