frist one sounds good
Just one question who is half siblings of Nick is it one of the boys or a girl
does sound really good
Well he has two boy half siblings and a girl half sibling. The girl is the one writing.
They both sound intriguing but from a readers perspective I'd prolly be more likely to randomly click on Hilltop Girls. Girls doing everything and anything to please Nick? And then they disapear? LOl I'm sold! You definitely have got my attention.
Mel that's what makes me laugh when I think about writing it. Girls doing everything to please him and then they disappear... muahahahahahah
Is the narrator of "Aphrodite's Laughter" named Aphrodite?
No Aphrodite is not a character in the story.
Actually, I really just wanted Nick in prison for something because I thought it'd be funny to see him go from on top of the world to being treated like a criminal LOL
Am I sick? Does that make me weird?
Nick in prison IS intriguing but maybe that comes from my constant compulsion to want to torture him.
I think the first one caught my attention more. But the second idea sounded like it could be good too. I say write them both.
I plan on writing them both I just want to focus on one at a time.
It will deal with some VERY ignorant thinking about people and their beliefs.
If that changes your mind about which you'd rather read

I might end up writing both so that I can flip flop when my mind wanders on one. But I really don't want people guessing the ending to Hilltop Girls in oh let's say the third chapter so I think I need to focus. *shrugs* But I'll probably end up writing both at the same time, but I'll try to start the one voted most on first.