I've never actually written a story based on any of my real life experiences as a whole, but like others on here have said, I've used bits and pieces of real experiences and incorporated them into stories, more specifically in "If Tomorrow Never Comes" and more specifically then that, the feelings that Brian is experiencing. I've channeled alot of his emotions from the emotions I experienced over the two years I watched my grandma die from cancer. I think it kinda acts as a coping tool, if that makes any sense. For me personally, I have a really hard time opening up about what I am feeling inside. My favorite thing to say when someone asks me what is wrong is, "Nothing." Yeah, I know, that's a common thing to say when asked that, but I say it even when I'm completely desperate to really express what's going on inside my mind. And still, I hate change and I've yet to fully accept the fact of what happened with my grandma and it's been almost two years. Guess I have acceptance issues

? So incorporating a crap load of my own emotions into ITNC has worked as a bit of a coping tool for me. Sometimes it can be easy to write all of that out, especially when you are writing your own real life experiences, yet at the same time it can be extremely difficult. Overall, it can be both a positive and a negative.