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Author Topic: In need of help with story title...  (Read 2147 times)


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In need of help with story title...
« on: March 18, 2008, 11:00:01 PM »

So, I am currently working on an AU story about street racers, and I need some help picking the perfect title for it.

Here is a basic summary.

The Professional. Katja was born into a world where fast cars and racing were a way of life. Her father was the world famous NASCAR racer Michael Aarongold, so it was only natural that Katja follow in her father's footsteps. But despite her obvious skill, nobody takes her seriously. That's when she turns to street racing.

The Legacy. Natasha grew up in her brother's shadow. You might remember him as the infamous Memphis Raines from the movie Gone In 60 Seconds. She was forced into a stereotype from an early age, despite her attempts to make an honest living. But when you're surrounded by a world that insists on forcing you into a mold, you have only one option. To do the unexpected. That's why Natasha became a street racer.

The Spoiled Rich-Kid. Nick was born into a life of privilege and wealth, where the only way to bide your time was to find an eccentric hobby. Nick's hobby was fast cars. But when his parents die and his company begins to fall into the hands of bankruptcy, he is left with only one choice. Street racing.

The Nonconformist. AJ's life was a colossal mess. From day one, he was labeled a rebel, a troublemaker. But when he tried to break away from his label, no one would give him a chance. He had one chance left to prove his worth. That's when street racing became his life.

The Golden Boy. Brian was the last person you would ever expect to find at a street race - unless you knew his past. Growing up in Kentucky, life was all about horse racing. But when his parents died, he was forced to move to the desert - the last place you'll ever find a horse race. Instead, Brian had to settle for the next best thing. Racing cars.

When these five strangers meet at the world's most prestiges street race, they never expected their entire lives to be altered. With one race, they find fame, fortune, and respect when their worlds are turned upside down by a merciless drug lord. He takes them into a world of crime and corruption. Is it everything they dreamed of? Or, is it the worst mistake of their lives? This is ______________ _____.

The choices I have come up with (my top choices) are as follows:

1) Life in the Fast Lane
2) Freedom in the Fast Lane
3) Racing Blood
4) Back Street Racers
5) To the Streets
6) Road Racers

Which one do you think would be the best title for this story?
- Katie -

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Re: In need of help with story title...
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2008, 12:10:30 AM »

I don't really like any of them... :-\

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Re: In need of help with story title...
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2008, 12:20:43 AM »

I kind of like Freedom in the Fast Lane :D
~Saka ♥

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Re: In need of help with story title...
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2008, 06:03:04 AM »

I like "Freedom in the Fast Lane" too... it has a good ring, and it's not the cliched "Life in the Fast Lane."

Although "Back Street Racers" made me smile. :D

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Re: In need of help with story title...
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2008, 06:43:09 AM »

"Freedom in the Fast Lane" was the title I've been leaning toward. But someone told me they liked "Racing Blood" better, and several people said they liked the pun in "Back Street Racers." That's why I'm having such a hard time naming this.
- Katie -

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Re: In need of help with story title...
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2008, 11:51:55 AM »

Freedom in the Fast Lane is catchier and, as cute as Back Street Racers is, it's not as attention grabbing as Freedom in the Fast Lane...which sounds like it could be a movie title :)


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Re: In need of help with story title...
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2008, 11:25:24 PM »

I kind of liked Racing Blood....it jumped out at me the most, followed by Freedom in the Fast Lane.