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Author Topic: Lost Motivation?  (Read 5156 times)


  • General Pandemonium
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Lost Motivation?
« on: March 10, 2008, 10:48:22 AM »

Blah!  I just do not have any motivation to write lately.  I know what I want to happen in the next chapters of my stories... but I just can't seem to get it out on to paper (well, on to screen really..) I started at Microsoft Word for an hour and hardly got anything written.  When this happens to you, what do you do to get the motivation back?  I just can't seem to put my mind to it.
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
- Rainbow Rowell


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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2008, 11:58:15 AM »

I either just type until everything starts to flow, or sleep on it for a few days, working ideas around in my mind. I am seeming to have the same problem lately. I have ideas to finish chapters...but ...I just cant get it down on the screen. Its frustrating... but it eventually gets worked though. Another thing I find that helps is writing out an outline with the main points of each chapter. That way you have something to look at to guide you through and motivate you. Most of my stories have outlines started out on chapter 15 or something. lol


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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2008, 02:31:55 PM »

Sometimes what helps me Steph is to reread what I have so far. It puts me back into the mood of the story and reacquaints me with the characters and what's going on. Sometimes it also helps to work on something entirely different like another story or a short story.

Most of the time its just a matter of getting down to it. Once you start writing you usually get back into the groove.


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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2008, 02:51:19 PM »

That totally happened to me last July! I'm not the best person to ask, because I ended up taking a six month hiatus from updating.

But like Mel said, usually rereading what you have helps. :)

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2008, 02:56:02 PM »

Weird that you were to post this today because these past couple of days I've been getting on AC and going "Where the hell are Steph's stories!?!?!?! I need them!" and I'm sad everytime there's not an update. I was gonna message you to see what was up, but now I know!

And loss of motivation is totally normal. I'm a bit in a rut myself. I know exactly what I want to happen, but actually getting it down is a problem. Like Mel, I sometimes reread a couple chapters to get me back in the mood, and like Ash I wait a couple of days and try and rework scenes in my head to see if I can make them more interesting, and thus more fun to write. Don't worry, you'll get back into the swing of things, it just might take a week or so :)

But uh, I'm waiting... *cough*patiently*cough* for an update, so no pressure or anything lol!  :D
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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2008, 03:11:49 PM »

I know excautly how you feel. I have ideas for Mater's and TAOTFFH, but I just can't seem to get in the mood of writing anything. But I did actaully add a few new things to 'Attack of the Fifty Foot Howie' I guess there is hope for me.


  • General Pandemonium
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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2008, 03:48:44 PM »

Weird that you were to post this today because these past couple of days I've been getting on AC and going "Where the hell are Steph's stories!?!?!?! I need them!" and I'm sad everytime there's not an update. I was gonna message you to see what was up, but now I know!

Aw Dani I'm sorry!  I've been in such a crappy mood all weekend and spent most of it with Derek.. and then I figured I'd better update this morning since you, Kim and mary were probably wondering where I was lol... and it then I just couldn't write!  I'll try best as I can to get something up tonight or tomorrow.. hopefully the motivation will come back soon =)
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
- Rainbow Rowell


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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2008, 09:47:17 PM »

^Aww, Steph! Don't write unless you want to. I don't want you feeling obligated or anything, but if you do feel like updating, then that's all the better. I'm not going anywhere lol And I hope everything's going okay with Derek!
Becca: I *so* flirt with you in math.
Evan: Tell me about it. I - same-sies.


  • General Pandemonium
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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2008, 12:30:50 AM »

^Well I also would like to get my stories done instead of moping around hehe.
Thank God you're not going anywhere lol, I don't know what I would do if more people left!  Things with Derek are much much better, thanks dude :)
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
- Rainbow Rowell


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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2008, 01:13:32 AM »

Rereading helps, but so do writing exercises. Like on the Alias section of the board. It can get you back into your character's heads. It may remind you of their motivation, which can give you back your own muse and motivation. Usually helps for me. Plus they can be fun :)

Hope that helps.
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2008, 08:06:46 PM »

Sometimes what helps me Steph is to reread what I have so far. It puts me back into the mood of the story and reacquaints me with the characters and what's going on. Sometimes it also helps to work on something entirely different like another story or a short story.

Most of the time its just a matter of getting down to it. Once you start writing you usually get back into the groove.

this is totally off topic but everytime I see your avy I teeny a little lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2008, 02:46:18 AM »

lol it's ok Mare, I think you're entitled.
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2008, 08:34:43 AM »

I will start getting motivation to write in the summer... when I should be outside lol Years past have shown me that I just can't get writing done in the winter.
~Maple Jellybean~

What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? ... I don't know, and I don't care.


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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2008, 10:46:03 AM »

I'm a lot the same way. I pretty much don't do a lot of anything in the winter. Yay for seasonal depression lol. But when the sun comes out and it warms up I get sooooo much done. Although, my typos increase a ton because in the summer I take a notebook with me and write other places. Then when I'm just copying something on computer that's already been written, I mess up a lot and we all know I suck at proofreading things. Why is it that I can't read something like 4 times and never see all the typos in it? I should really just invest in a laptop and take that with me instead of a notebook.   Anyway, yeah, yay for summer!
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Lost Motivation?
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2008, 02:04:29 PM »

I'm a lot the same way. I pretty much don't do a lot of anything in the winter. Yay for seasonal depression lol. But when the sun comes out and it warms up I get sooooo much done.

You live in California!!... I had the car windows down yesterday and was swaying in the breeze and it was 35*F lol I was like aaaaah, one day there will be a sun, and I will witness it... meanwhile in happy sunshine land you're stealing my sun lol
~Maple Jellybean~

What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? ... I don't know, and I don't care.
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