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Fic Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: rebellious_one on April 20, 2008, 10:36:21 PM

Title: Just wondering...
Post by: rebellious_one on April 20, 2008, 10:36:21 PM
So, with all this talk about about the boys and how they are portrayed, accurately or inaccurately, in stories, I was wondering... has anyone ever found themselves to be just like the character they portray in stories?! Like, have you ever wrote Kevin or Howie to be a specific way, and find yourself to be just like them (like the way you wrote them)?

In other words... in fanfic, which boy are you most like?! With the accurate or inaccurate portrayals, who best represents you?! And if you can't answer that question, have you ever written a character (or one of the guys) based off of your characteristic s?! Do you find yourself "representing" a character?! Am I making sense with this question?! Lol.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: nicksgal on April 20, 2008, 10:44:15 PM
I'm going to guess that what you're trying to ask is "do you put yourself into your characters?" And I feel like every writer has to, since most writing is straight from the heart and writer's own experiences. I can't say that any character I've ever written is necessrily me and only me, but there are parts of me in every character.

The character I like best is one for an original story I wrote/am thinking about starting again; I based that character on my best friend.

It can be easier to create a character when you have a suitable model, and that may be the drawback of fanfic...
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: Sakabelle on April 20, 2008, 11:01:13 PM
In My Happy Ending I based Nick off of myself quite a bit, without even realizing it.  He's pretty rash and does a lot of things without thinking... and he worries way way waaay too much, which ultimately ending up getting him into some trouble with Ashleigh.  I reread this and I though "whoa... Nick is me." lol
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: rebellious_one on April 20, 2008, 11:16:59 PM
I'm going to guess that what you're trying to ask is "do you put yourself into your characters?"

Haha, yah... I'm kinda asking a slew of questions that relates to that overall question. There were moments where I'll be reading a story, and can just relate to the character based off characteristic s or experience, so I was just wondering if there was a guy or a character that people feel best represents them, whether they're writers or readers, and as well as that question... if people put themselves into their characters.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: rebellious_one on April 20, 2008, 11:18:43 PM
In My Happy Ending I based Nick off of myself quite a bit, without even realizing it.  He's pretty rash and does a lot of things without thinking... and he worries way way waaay too much, which ultimately ending up getting him into some trouble with Ashleigh.  I reread this and I though "whoa... Nick is me." lol

Haha, yah... I've had those moments as well, where I'll write specific details about a character, later realizing that that character represents me in so many ways, not like I was aiming for it to be that way of course, lol.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: Purpura Lipstick on April 20, 2008, 11:37:24 PM
I've always felt that writing is a form of acting because you have to get yourself into the characters frame of mind in order to write them.  My friend Amanda knew when I was writing certain characters because of what or how I would talk about things after I was writing. Not saying I would act like the characters but my frame of mind was still there. Don't know if that exactly makes sense.

I don't think every character I've written has a bit of me, but I do use other characters or people as reference for my characters, but quite a few of them have my some trait of mine.

Out of the boys in the stories I've written I don't think I've see myself in them too much because the characters opposite usually have some trait or another from me.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: Rose on April 21, 2008, 02:11:17 AM
Well lets see...I never put all of me in a character. But I think every author puts some of themselves in the story, and some of the character into them. It's like a blend almost on both sides. Cause you have to get into their head, and they end up in yours a little.

And I think I sound crazy now lol.

Different aspects of me go into different characters. Me, I have a few examples: Cally (from Just Another Day) admittedly got the most of any character I've written. But she's way too...much of a people pleaser lol. I am very outspoken haha, and never could be like that. And she has too many confidence issues. Kayden (from Rehab) got my outspoken side lmao, only exaggerated cause I don't punch someone when I'm pissed lmao. And Pearl from 00Carter got my sense of humor. So, no author should make the character completely them. But some should go in, cause the story in the end is part of you...and you write what you know.

Actually none of me goes into my BSB characters though. I base Nick off my best friend, who Nick actually reminds me of and vise versa. So my Nick is a blend of what I see of him in real life, and of my best friend Chris. Ironically enough a lot of people tell me I portray Nick really well and how they think he might really be lol. So, it works.

Many of my characters are based off people I know in real life hehe. I tell my friends if I ever get published they'll be famous. :)
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: honey on April 21, 2008, 02:14:59 AM
actually I think that is a really good question and I know I for one do it all the time. Brian in my latest story, Movie, is a LOT like me. I think we all do it a little. Like Dee said, you kind of have to put a little bit of yourself into your characters. I think that's why we can all write Nick, but he will always come out a little bit different. I think we all identify with them in different ways because we tend to see the similarities they have with us personally.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: Kagoma on April 21, 2008, 07:27:48 AM
In 'Attack of the fifty foot Howie' the dialogue is based on what I say on a regular daily bases. I say some really random morbid, messed up things.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: nicksgal on April 22, 2008, 04:37:00 PM
I am very outspoken haha, and never could be like that.

I think this hit t he nail on the head, Rose dear. lol
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: VeeLynn on April 23, 2008, 11:16:38 AM
Hmm with me, I think I do with AJ.  I think it's because we both have the perverted mind set and I know what it's like to be treated different because certain people think your not normal or don't look normal.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: rebellious_one on April 23, 2008, 04:44:08 PM
I can totally relate to ya Vickers. *gives hug* But hell, we're proud to not be normal!! ;D Is that why AJ is our fave?! Lol.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: VeeLynn on April 23, 2008, 07:33:00 PM
I can totally relate to ya Vickers. *gives hug* But hell, we're proud to not be normal!! ;D Is that why AJ is our fave?! Lol.

I dunno, cause technically I'm a Kevin girl.  But he's being a GroundHog right now.  I think with AJ it has something to do with me being 2 years from 30 and hitting my sexual peek.  ;) maybe. Boy's so damn hot, hard to tell.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: rebellious_one on April 23, 2008, 07:47:29 PM
Haha, I remember reading one of Mare's stories (forget which one) and having this connection with Kevin, lol. I just remember reading it and seeing myself within the character.

But what is this sexual drive and AJ?! :P Lol.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: mare on April 23, 2008, 08:13:20 PM
I tend to put myself into the boys characters particularly Nick lol not always and not totally but there are definite similarities.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: VeeLynn on April 23, 2008, 08:22:56 PM
I think as fans we all see a piece of us in them, I think thats why there is such a strong connection with that group and their fans. I think that's why some fans have become overly protective, Kevin's gone someone's gotta do it. lol
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: rebellious_one on April 23, 2008, 08:25:17 PM
Haha, yah... funny you should mention about Kevin being gone, because now... who's the protective one?! Lol.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: mare on April 23, 2008, 08:28:04 PM
I think the absence of a protective one is what has had my writing die. lol
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: VeeLynn on April 23, 2008, 08:33:40 PM
I can kind of see AJ stepping up and being the protective one.  Or Howie. lol
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: rebellious_one on April 23, 2008, 08:38:21 PM
Mare: *le gasp* Oh no Mare... you could make someone else the protective one, like Nick. He can be the goofy and "not that anal" version of Kevin!!

Vicki: I was just thinking the same thing. And of course Howie pops into my head because he's the second oldest, lol.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: mare on April 23, 2008, 08:44:41 PM
But in my fanfic head nick is the one who needs the protecting lol

I really don't see AJ as a protector and I think Howie is too foofey to be one.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: VeeLynn on April 23, 2008, 08:45:14 PM
I think next to Kevin, Howie's the most organized anyways.  But I'm sure Kevin was smacking some heads when he saw the pictures of Nick in the Scream mask on stage. lol

I'm sure that was an "Oh baby no they didn't." moment.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: rebellious_one on April 23, 2008, 08:53:08 PM
Mare: Haha, Howie is foofey!! But I think it'd trip everyone out if Nick had an epiphany of some sort and became *da-dun-da!!* SUPER NICK!! Lmao.

Vicki: I love the "No baby, you won't." moments. :( I want Kevin back!!!! That totally reminds me of that dialogue I made up of Nick in the Scream mask and Kevin's reaction to it, lmfao.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: mare on April 23, 2008, 08:54:26 PM
I don't even know what you guys are talking about. Who wore a scream mask? lol is it on youtube?
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: VeeLynn on April 23, 2008, 08:55:52 PM
Mare: Haha, Howie is foofey!! But I think it'd trip everyone out if Nick had an epiphany of some sort and became *da-dun-da!!* SUPER NICK!! Lmao.

Vicki: I love the "No baby, you won't." moments. :( I want Kevin back!!!! That totally reminds me of that dialogue I made up of Nick in the Scream mask and Kevin's reaction to it, lmfao.

LMAO! I remember that. Good times.  Or the talking CD's.  If I wasn't getting ready to start up Pixcadia II (calling it that for now, no title yet) I would write a story about Unbreakable and what it went through fitting in.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: rebellious_one on April 23, 2008, 09:42:48 PM
Mare: Haha. There's a pic of Nick wearing the Scream mask that's floating around on the net somewhere... Vicki, would you happen to know where that pic is so we can show dear Mare what we are talking about?!

Vicki: Haha, the talking CD's were great!!
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: MonkeyAbu on April 23, 2008, 10:04:04 PM
I think Howie is too foofey to be one.

Absolutely most random thought... I read that as foofooie (sp?) and pictured Howie as a Cosmopolitan Martini... *smacks forehead* Ya know...foofooi e drinks? *smacks forehead again*
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: MonkeyAbu on April 23, 2008, 10:09:26 PM
A piece of me always gets written into each of my characters and frankly, I don't even realize that I do it until I read over what I have written. I think the most obvious example of this that I have noticed is when I was writing Nick in "Could Be Worse". His character was me personality, thoughts, attitude, dialogue, sense of humor...the whole nine yards. I never realized it until I was nearly done writing it and I was like, "Damnit, one of them hijacked my personality... AGAIN!"
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: honey on April 24, 2008, 11:23:48 AM
But in my fanfic head nick is the one who needs the protecting lol

I really don't see AJ as a protector and I think Howie is too foofey to be one.

haha foofey Howie. I like this.   I guess if it were me I totally see Brian taking charge of things whether the guys want him to or not.
Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: honey on April 24, 2008, 11:26:41 AM
he seems the most bossy to me

Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: mare on April 24, 2008, 03:28:01 PM
LOL see, I just see Brian complaining about the other guys but not actually taking charge.

Title: Re: Just wondering...
Post by: honey on April 24, 2008, 03:34:10 PM
LOL see, I just see Brian complaining about the other guys but not actually taking charge.

LMAO, I could see a little of that too.